Wow! It's hard to believe that I started the podcast almost six years ago and have published 170 episodes. I love researching, planning, and recording podcast episodes. It has been a blast! During this episode, I'll catch you up on what is happening with the podcast and my life and business in general.
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Have you thought about what your days will look like when you finish homeschooling? As my daughter was progressing through high school, I started thinking about what the empty nest years might look like. I'll be honest and say that I'm looking forward to them! It's no secret around here. I will miss my daughters' daily presence, but there is also a lot I'm looking forward to about them both graduating and moving out. It will mean more independence and freedom for all of us.
We have graduated one daughter; the other is in high school. We are not fully empty nesting yet, but we have changed our family dynamics from a family of four to having an only child for most of the week, and she is a busy little bee with activities and friends. As we moved into this stage, I had thoughts about what the days would look like and how things would be. I was wrong about several of them. In this episode, I'm sharing three of the myths I believed about launching our children after homeschooling so you can have realistic expectations of what is ahead.
Empty Nest Awakening: Weaving the Threads of Your Passions into Purpose by Ruthie Gray 169: Three Truths I Learned As I Rediscovered My DreamsSchedule a free Discovery Call to learn more about coaching
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Do you remember when your children were young and how what they wanted to be when they grew up changed every few months? They were exploring their world and discovering new interests. Somewhere along the way, we started to believe that we had to choose one career path and stick to it. But let's be real for a minute. If you went to college, how many of you graduated from college with the major you started with? More recently, how often have you changed your homeschool curriculum because something just wasn't working? Rarely do we know exactly what we want and take a straight path to get there! Changing what we use for the sake of our children seems okay, but it's not okay for us to change our minds.
I commented recently to a friend that it feels like I am a toddler exploring the world again or a college student trying to decide what her major should be. It's scary, confusing, and makes me a little dizzy! But it's okay. It's a part of the process of discerning where God is calling me to serve next. In this episode, I am sharing my journey of re-discovery of who I am and what I want to be when I grow up, umm, I mean when I finish my current calling of being a homeschool mom. Along the way, I'll share three important truths I learned.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, email me at crystal@crystalwagner.net or message me on Instagram at crystaljwagner.Schedule a free Discovery Call to learn more about coaching
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When I took my first life coaching class in the summer of 2021, I thought it sounded interesting and like something I might want to pursue, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it professionally. I figured even if I didn't continue this as a profession, my family would benefit as I learned to be a better listener.
As you can probably guess by now, I fell in love with coaching! I love creating a safe space for clients to process their situation, helping them rediscover their dreams and passions, watching the light bulb go off when they realize what is keeping them stuck, and partnering with clients to help them achieve their dreams!
What is prompting me to think about this? What is prompting them to tell me this?What does that mean to you?What do you think about that?What is important about that? What might you need to address?What can I do to support you?
And my family has definitely benefited! As I have continued to improve my coaching skills, I've learned six questions that can have a profound impact on your thinking. I ask myself these questions when I am struggling with something. And I ask them of my daughters and husband, too.
The questions we discussed today were:🤿 Want to dive deeper?
105: How I coach myselfSchedule a free Discovery Call to learn more about coaching© Triumphant Learning, LLC
I was listening to a podcast episode where they were talking about controlling your emotions by talking to the elephant. I was intrigued and pondered this more over the next several days. It tied in perfectly with the Bible study my women's group was doing, so I prepared some talking points as a session opener for the group.
Being a thermostat instead of a thermometer is important to me and is something I have been trying to do since my daughters were in elementary school. I learned how to manage my emotions during that season and thought it was now second nature. But I've come to realize lately that I need reminders often because I am facing different emotions (and more hormones). The reminders in this episode are as much for me as for you. I hope they help you during your season of transition, too!
117: How I Retrained My Thoughts To Be A Thermostat Instead Of A ThermometerDownload the free Thermostat Approach ToolkitSchedule a Strategy Session Coaching Call
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When my daughters were in elementary school, I dreaded the teenage years. I had heard stories of challenging days, hormonal swings, and tension. With two girls, I dreaded what the hormonal days would look like, but then I read a book that changed my perspective.
Why I Didn't Rebel: A Twenty-Two-Year-Old Explains Why She Stayed on the Straight and Narrow---and How Your Kids Can Too by Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach Narration: What You Need To KnowDownload the Responsibilities and Privileges ListDownload the wah-di (What would you do if...?) talking pointsRegister for the Influence Factor workshop
Why I Didn't Rebel by Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach helped me see how the teenage years would have their own unique set of challenges but could also be a delightful time that I could look forward to with excitement. My daughter's teenage years have been some of my favorites.
In this episode, I'm sharing what I love about the teenage years and why you can look forward to them!
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The teenage years are often a little rocky. It's inevitable that there will be friction as your teen learns to become an adult and you learn to let go of control.
It's a little like shooting a bow and arrow. To shoot the arrow far and straight, you need to pull back on the bowstring and create tension. The tension can be uncomfortable and strained, but it is necessary to hit the target.Continuing with our theme of adjusting our parenting style as move along the Influence Factor Parenting Continuum™, in this episode we will explore 3 traits you need to embrace as your children mature and you learn to move to a mentoring and coaching approach.
Download the Responsibilities and Privileges ListDownload the wah-di (What would you do if...?) talking pointsRegister for the Influence Factor workshop
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We've been talking about moving along the Influence Factor Parenting Continuum™ from instructing and control to a position of influence with mentoring and coaching. If you missed those episodes, you might want to take a listen.
162: 3 Reasons Why Your Parenting Style Must Change As Your Children Mature163: 3 Principles I Try To Follow To Not Nag My ChildrenDownload the wah-di (What would you do if...?) talking pointsRegister for the Influence Factor workshop
Today, we are talking about one aspect of moving from control to influence with our teens and pre-teens. As they begin getting involved in more activities without us, they need to be able to choose how they want to respond and follow through with that action.
In this episode, I'll share the activity we used to help our teens become more confident in their actions and responses. And the best part is that it only takes a few minutes!
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No one likes to be told what to do, especially teenagers. My daughter's junior year of high school was rocky. As hard as I tried to allow her to assume responsibility for her decisions and actions, I kept stepping in and trying to control the situation. It was stressful and frustrating for both of us and damaged our relationship.
162: 3 Reasons Why Your Parenting Style Must Change As Your Children MatureLosing Control and Liking It: How to Set Your Teen (and Yourself) Free by Tim SanfordRegister for the Influence Factor workshopSchedule a free Discovery Call to learn more about coachingSchedule a Strategy Session Coaching Call
Thankfully, I learned how to handle such situations better, and our relationship has recovered. In this episode, I am sharing 3 principles I try to follow to help my children own their actions without nagging.
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Have you thought, "If only parenting came with an instruction manual?!" Me, too! It seems that when we finally figure out how to handle a situation, our children change. What was working no longer works! It can be infuriatingly frustrating at times. We scramble to talk to friends, read books, and search the Internet to figure out what to do. I've been frustrated by this at times until I realized that it is a natural part of life as we progress through the stages of the Influence Factor Parenting Continuum™.
135: The Four C’s Of Obedience: How To Make Learning To Obey Fun136: Passing the Baton: Learning To Turn Over Responsibility To Your Children Gracefully153: Feel like you are hitting your head against the wall teaching your children life skills? Hang in there!No Perfect Parents: Ditch Expectations, Embrace Reality, and Discover the One Secret That Will Change Your Parenting by Dave and Ann WilsonDownload the free Responsibilities and Privileges ListRegister for a workshopSchedule a free Discovery Call to learn more about coachingSchedule a Strategy Session Coaching Call
As I learned to embrace the shift from control to influence, I have deepened my relationship with my children and become more secure in allowing them to explore and spread their wings. But it hasn't been easy! My first step was to recognize and acknowledge why it was necessary to change my perspective and parenting style. Shifting my mindset gave me encouragement when the transition was difficult. In this episode, I'm sharing the three motivations I keep in mind as I move along the Influence Factor Parenting Continuum™.
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Recently, I helped a client create several routines for aspects of her day that felt too chaotic. Having a plan of attack allowed her to reduce decision fatigue and know what to expect next. After our call, I realized that we had worked through a framework for creating routines. In this episode, I'm excited to share that framework with you.
Listen to 160: The GAP Process: Three Steps To Overcome Obstacles episodeSchedule a Strategy Session Coaching CallRegister for the Routines to the Rescue workshop
This episode will be a little longer than usual. It's more like a mini-training. If you are not able to pause the episode as you listen so you can work through the steps, you can still listen and ponder your answers throughout the day. You can also come back and listen when you are ready to work through the steps in more detail.
We'll be working through these steps together in a group coaching workshop on January 15 and 18. (Choose the session that works best for you. The content will be the same.) Click here to learn more about the Routines to the Rescue group coaching workshop.
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Multiple people have asked what coaching is. The easiest way to explain it is that as a coach, I partner with you to help you achieve your goals and dreams. The coaching relationship looks different for every client because our personalities and situations are all different. What doesn’t change, though, is the process we use during a coaching conversation. In this episode, I'm sharing the three steps we use during a coaching conversation. You can use these steps to coach yourself or in any conversation.
Schedule a free Discovery Call to learn more about coachingSchedule a Strategy Session Coaching CallRegister for the Routines to the Rescue workshop
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I've taken many personality assessments over the years. I'm sure it has something to do with my top talent themes of learner, input, and maximizer. I enjoy learning about different assessments, about myself, and how I can improve based on what I learn.
Too often though, I've taken an assessment and thought how accurate the results are and then put the report on the shelf. It didn't change any of my behavior or future plans. I've not found this to be true of the CliftonStrengths or Enneagram assessments. I continue to use them on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.
I was talking about the CliftonStrengths report with some coach friends. One asked what she could do with these results. This episode is basically the answer that I gave her. I hope it helps you see how you can use your top talent themes (or what you naturally do well).
Schedule a Strengths-Based Coaching Session. For a limited time, use the coupon code "NEWYOU" for 50% off.
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When I opened my CliftonStrengths report, I was not surprised. What surprised me, though, was that I felt relief. I finally had words to explain why certain things were important to me and why I did what I did. I could give myself permission to approach life the way I do because I better understood how God uniquely wired me. In this episode, I'll share with you how strengths-based thinking has helped me embrace who I am and my God-given calling.
Schedule a Strengths-Based Coaching Session. For a limited time, use the coupon code "NEWYOU" for 50% off.
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As I was preparing a lesson for our Sunday School class this week about when Zechariah was silent during Elizabeth's pregnancy, I was reminded of my own period of semi-silence. I shared some thoughts and lessons I learned during that time with my class and wanted to share them with you, too. In this episode, I'll share four lessons I learned during my time of semi-silence.
132: How To Improve Your Relationships With Listening Skills With Christine Miles106: 3 Tips To Help You Listen As If Your Life Depended On It
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It's frustrating when you realize you are dropping balls and can't juggle all of them. It happens to everyone now and then. In this episode, I'll share the three tips I have to remind myself of when I start dropping balls. Plus, I'm sharing about a brand new coaching opportunity that can help you show up more authentically in all of your relationships.
Schedule a Strengths-Based Coaching Session. For a limited time, use the coupon code "NEWYOU" for 50% off.Feel like your days are out of control? Take the Take Back Your Days Free 5-day Email Challenge.Learn more about the juggling analogy.
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Do you suffer from decision fatigue? Decision fatigue is when you become physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted when you have to make too many decisions. Some sources have suggested we make an average of 35,000 decisions a day. No wonder moms suffer from this condition! Add, on top of the normal decisions we make, our children's unending requests that we have to decide how to respond!
Even if you weren't familiar with the term "decision fatigue," I bet you have experienced it. Common symptoms include:
Procrastinating because you don't know what to do next.Not knowing how to respond to someone when they ask what you want.Not knowing how to respond when your child asks for something or to do something.Feeling brain dead or having brain fog.You could even have physical symptoms such as headaches, eye twitches, and nausea.What can we do to overcome decision fatigue? In this episode, we'll discuss how to use an SOP to reduce your decision fatigue.
Schedule a 45-minute strategy session to create an SOP with me149: A Time Management Strategy That Actually Works For Moms148: Create More Time In Your Day By Using A Responsibilities & Privileges List135: The Four C’s Of Obedience: How To Make Learning To Obey Fun98: 7 Barriers To Effective Time Management And How To Overcome Them8 Signs of Decision Fatigue and How To CopeNightly Five Parenting ToolkitSend me a messageSchedule a free Discovery CallConnect with me through Voxer (profile: crystalwagner)Sign up for the workshop waiting list
Related episodes and resources mentioned:© Triumphant Learning, LLC
I don't know about you, but if my physical space is cluttered, I can't think clearly. And if you have children, chances are you have clutter. Their stuff seems to multiply like rabbits! I've heard from many of you that you have difficulty staying on top of keeping your house tidy. In this episode, I want to share my strategy for dealing with the never-ending influx of papers, toys, laundry, dishes, and more.
37: Household Management Tips35: Help! I can't get it all done!How To Organize A Home Library In 5 Simple StepsSend me a messageSchedule a free Discovery Call
Related episodes and resources mentioned:© Triumphant Learning, LLC
Sometimes, parenting feels like we're trapped in the movie Groundhog Day. 🤪 We say the same thing over and over, and we wonder if anything is sinking in.
Repeatedly in our 19 years of parenting, God has reminded me that my role is to plant seeds. Sometimes, I have the privilege of watering them and watching them bloom. Other times, my role was simply to prepare the ground and plant the seed. Regardless of how much of the growth process I am involved in, the first step of preparing the ground and planting the seed is an important one!Even though I know how important it is, it can still be frustrating when I don't see progress or someone else gets credit for the progress. This is normal, and it's okay to experience this emotion. I choose not to stay there, though. I remind myself that I planted the seed and watered it, and God allowed someone else or some other event to be the prompting for understanding to take hold. God has been gracious to provide encouragement for me to keep going.
148: Create More Time In Your Day By Using A Responsibilities & Privileges List136: Passing the Baton: Learning To Turn Over Responsibility To Your Children Gracefully114: Create An Atmosphere Where Children Thrive Workshop101: How to effectively delegate to your children61: How To Teach Life Skills In Your HomeschoolSend me a messageSchedule a free Discovery Call
In this episode, I want to share some encouragement to help you hang in there when it feels like you are not making any progress.
Related episodes and resources mentioned:© Triumphant Learning, LLC
Do you have a vision of what you want the tone or atmosphere of your home to be, but you're having trouble implementing it because you are too tired and lack the energy to carry it out? I get it! As a mom, there will be days you are too tired to deal with sibling bickering, pre-teen and teen hormonal swings, and all of the other challenges that threaten to send you over the edge. Some days, it's all you can do to keep everyone fed and alive. It's normal. I have had many of these days. It's frustrating, but there is a technique you can use to help you set the tone even when you are exhausted, burned out, and ready to throw in the towel. In this episode, we'll discuss how to implement this technique without adding more stress to your day.
Download the Thermostat Approach Toolkit graphics117: How I Retrained My Thoughts To Be A Thermostat Instead Of A Thermometer116: 4 Common Mistakes Preventing You From Cultivating A Thriving Home Atmosphere114: Create An Atmosphere Where Children Thrive WorkshopSend me a message Schedule a free Discovery Call
Related episodes and resources mentioned:© Triumphant Learning, LLC
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