
  • In today's solo episode, Jazzlyn clarifies how she discovered she was a survivor of human trafficking.

    In this episode, you will hear about:

    🎙️Jazzlyn's research in the process of writing her memoirs and the horrific findings that led her to the Danish Centre Against Human Trafficking.

    🎙️The verdict that vindicated Jazzlyn of more than 30 years of victim shaming, blaming and character assassinations.


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • I dagens episode fortæller Jazzlyn, hvorfor hun kom til Danmark i 1992.

    I episoden kan du høre om:

    🎙️Hvordan Jazzlyn opdagede, at hun var blandt de top 15 influencers mod Børnevold

    🎙️Hvorfor Jazzlyn kom til Danmark

    Føler du dig inspireret?

    Hvis denne episode tilbød ny indsigt eller inspiration, venligst bedøm Alchemical VOICES, del episoden med en, den måske kan hjælpe og følg fællesskabet på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misstraumaalchemist/


    Har du brug for et råd?

    Send værten en besked og dit spørgsmål besvares måske i podcasten: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Vil du dele din historie?

    Hvis du vil være gæst i podcasten eller dele din historie anonymt, så send en ansøgning: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Tak fordi du lyttede med🫶🏾

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • I dagens afsnit har Jazzlyn og Amanda en ærlig og sårbar samtale om racisme.

    I anden del vil du høre om:

    🎙️Instagram reelen som inspirerede Amanda og Jazzlyn til denne samtale

    🎙️Amanda og Jazzlyns personlige oplevelser med racisme






    Har du været udsat for racisme, og ønsker du at tale om dine oplevelser med andre BIPOC i et trygt rum?

    Så er Rooted måske noget for dig:

    Instagram: @rooted_dk

    Webpage: https://nyerodder.dk/rooted/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089116034595

    Føler du dig inspireret?

    Hvis denne episode tilbød ny indsigt eller inspiration, venligst bedøm Alchemical VOICES, del episoden med en, den måske kan hjælpe og følg fællesskabet på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misstraumaalchemist/


    Har du brug for et råd?

    Send værten en besked og dit spørgsmål besvares måske i podcasten: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Vil du dele din historie?

    Hvis du vil være gæst i podcasten eller dele din historie anonymt, så send en ansøgning: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Tak fordi du lyttede med🫶🏾

  • I dagens afsnit har Jazzlyn og Amanda en ærlig og sårbar samtale om racisme.


    I første del vil du høre om:

    🎙️En anonym deling fra en BIPOC kvinde

    🎙️Udfordringer med grænsesætning i nære relationer

    🎙️Jazzlyn og Amandas oplevelser med racisme

    🎙️Mediernes medvirken til at opretholde racismen

    🎙️Testen der afslører racial bias

    🎙️Jazzlyns opvågning


    Har du været udsat for racisme, og ønsker du at tale om dine oplevelser med andre BIPOC i et trygt rum? Så er Rooted måske noget for dig:

    Instagram: @rooted_dk

    Hjemmeside: https://nyerodder.dk/rooted/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089116034595


    Føler du dig inspireret?

    Hvis denne episode tilbød ny indsigt eller inspiration, venligst bedøm Alchemical VOICES, del episoden med en, den måske kan hjælpe og følg fællesskabet på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misstraumaalchemist/


    Har du brug for et råd?

    Send værten en besked og dit spørgsmål besvares måske i podcasten: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Vil du dele din historie?

    Hvis du vil være gæst i podcasten eller dele din historie anonymt, så send en ansøgning: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Tak fordi du lyttede med🫶🏾

  • In today's solo episode, Jazzlyn gives you a short update about her thoughts on leaving Instagram and also what she aspires for the future.


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾


    I denne episode taler vi om fysisk og psykisk vold herunder trusler og stalking. Indholdet kan være triggende, især hvis du har lignende ubearbejdede traumer.

    Det anbefales derfor, at du venter med at lytte til afsnittet, til du har talt med en professionel.

    I dagens afsnit har jeg æren af at tale med den første dansktalende gæst.

    Hun er 23 år, adopteret fra Indien og er en overlever af fysisk og psykisk vold.

    I anden del kommer vi ind på:

    🎙️Adoptionens konsekvenser

    🎙️Stalking og andet psykisk & fysisk vold

    🎙️Livet med diagnoser

    🎙️Sunde relationers betydning⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Anmeld vold

    Ring 112, hvis du har akut brug for hjælp fra politiet eller hvis du er i livsfare.

    Ring 114, hvis du har været udsat for vold, men ikke har akut brug for politiets hjælp. Du kan også anmelde vold personligt på en politistation eller ved at skrive til politiet https://politi.dk/anmeld-kriminalitet/vold-og-roeveri/anmeld-vold.

    Mangler du støtte efter vold?

    Tal Om Vold | Center for Magtanalyse

    4-ugers støttegruppeforløb i CMA.

    Tilmeld dig ved at skrive til mail [email protected]

    Få mere viden eller ring til CMA tirsdage og onsdage mellem 10:00-14:00 på 60 56 46 33

    Tal Om Vold instagram: https://instagram.com/talomvold_cma?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


    Ring på 116 006 - du er anonym⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Appen som nævnes i episoden

    Skytsenglen: https://apps.apple.com/dk/app/skytsengel/id986841375⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Føler du dig inspireret?

    Hvis denne episode tilbød ny indsigt eller inspiration, venligst bedøm Alchemical VOICES, del episoden med en, den måske kan hjælpe og følg fællesskabet på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misstraumaalchemist/


    Har du brug for et råd?

    Send værten en besked og dit spørgsmål besvares måske i podcasten: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Vil du dele din historie?

    Hvis du vil være gæst i podcasten eller dele din historie anonymt, så send en ansøgning: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Tak fordi du lyttede med🫶🏾


    I denne episode taler vi om fysisk og psykisk vold herunder trusler, voldtægt, stalking og børnemishandling. Indholdet kan være triggende, især hvis du har lignende ubearbejdede traumer. Det anbefales, at du venter med at lytte til afsnittet, til du har talt med en professionel.

    I dagens afsnit har jeg æren af at tale med den første dansktalende gæst.

    Hun er 23 år, adopteret fra Indien og er en overlever af fysisk og psykisk vold.

    I første del kommer vi ind på:

    🎙️Gæstens adoptionshistorie

    🎙️Barndommen i DK


    🎙️En farlig relation, der resulterede i en indlæggelse

    🎙️Fysisk og psykisk vold


    🎙️Sunde relationers betydning


    Føler du dig inspireret?

    Hvis denne episode tilbød ny indsigt eller inspiration, venligst bedøm Alchemical VOICES, del episoden med en, den måske kan hjælpe og følg fællesskabet på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misstraumaalchemist/


    Har du brug for et råd?

    Send værten en besked og dit spørgsmål besvares måske i podcasten: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Vil du dele din historie?

    Hvis du vil være gæst i podcasten eller dele din historie anonymt, så send en ansøgning: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Tak fordi du lyttede med🫶🏾


    In this episode, there are graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse and physical & psychological abuse

    ⚠️If you have sexual trauma that you have yet to process with a professional, I recommend you wait to listen to this episode.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    In this episode, we are joined by the courageous and powerful Sula.

    She is a survivor of child sexual abuse and is reclaiming her power by sharing her side of the story.

    In this episode, Sula tells us about the horrific experiences she had during her childhood. We touch on:

    🎙️Sula’s experiences of being at the hands of several predators

    🎙️The impacts of psychological abuse

    🎙️Her hospitalisation

    🎙️Family secrecy

    🎙️Suicide ideation


    🎙️Being scapegoated by the community

    🎙️The trial⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾


    In this episode, there are graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse and physical & psychological abuse⚠️

    If you have sexual trauma that you have yet to process with a professional, I recommend you wait to listen to this episode.



    In this episode, we are joined by the courageous and powerful Sula.

    She is a survivor of child sexual abuse and is reclaiming her power by sharing her side of the story.

    In this episode, Sula tells us about the horrific experiences she had during her childhood. We touch on:

    🎙️Sula’s experiences of being at the hands of several predators

    🎙️The impacts of psychological abuse

    🎙️Her hospitalisation

    🎙️Family secrecy

    🎙️Suicide ideation


    🎙️Being scapegoated by the community

    🎙️The trial


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • In today’s episode, we are joined by A for a conversation about the intersection of being a queer adoptee of colour in a majority-white environment.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    In this episode, we discuss:

    🎙️A’s experience of being queer.

    🎙️The challenges and best parts of being queer.

    🎙️A’s adoptee & transgender experience.

    🎙️Challenges within the family & system.

    🎙️Creating safety.


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • In today's episode, your host goes solo.

    April is Child Abuse & Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

    Since Jazzlyn is a survivor of both, she felt called to honour her younger self and all other survivors.

    Jazzlyn is all about speaking the truth, empowerment and community healing. She is fiercely passionate about her healing and helping other survivors rise from the ashes.

    Through her storytelling, she aspires to be a catalyst and awaken the fire within others.

    In this episode, she calls bullshit on the culture for perpetuating the violence on survivors through toxic shame, blame and gaslighting.

    This episode is raw, unfiltered and may be triggering and even provocative.


    In this episode, you will find:

    🎙️A letter to the toxic culture that shames and blames survivors.

    🎙️Parts of Jazzlyn's personal story.


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • Today's episode is part two of my conversation with Roberto/Nelson.

    He is one of El Salvador's disappeared children and is working on a documentary and autobiographical novel about reuniting with his family.


    In this episode, we touch on the following:

    🎙Meeting Roberto/Nelson's family in Central America

    🎙️Identity confusion

    🎙️Exploring his culture

    🎙The relationship with his biological family

    🎙️The change that occurred in both families

    🎙️The mental health aspect

    🎙️Storytelling as therapy and craft

    🎙️ Nelson's insights on and hopes for his work


    Links to follow and support Roberto/Nelson's work:

    Website: https://nelsonroberto.com

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/dewittn19?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=



    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • In today's episode, Roberto/Nelson joins your host. He is one of El Salvador's disappeared children and is working on a documentary and autobiographical novel about reuniting with his family.

    Tune in to listen to the story of a fantastic human being with an incredibly inspiring story and mission.


    In this episode, we touch on the following:

    🎙️The story of Roberto/Nelson's birth parents

    🎙️The traumatic beginning of his life

    🎙️His upbringing in the USA

    🎙️The life-changing conversation

    🎙️The big decision to be made at just 16 years old

    🎙️The healing power of storytelling


    Links to follow and support Roberto/Nelson's work:

    Website: https://nelsonroberto.com

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/dewittn19?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • In today’s episode, your host goes solo.

    Jazzlyn touches on belonging and explores what it means to us.

    She shares her personal experiences, life lessons and how she has worked with her beliefs about belonging.


    In this episode, you will find:

    🎙️What the Instagram community said about belonging

    🎙️Jazzlyn’s experiences of not belonging

    🎙️The Maya Angelou quote that continues to inspire people

    🎙️Jazzlyn’s life lessons on belonging

    🎙️Questions to the audience


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • In today's episode, we are joined by Shelley Rottenberg, a transracial and international adoptee.

    We talk about Shelley's adoptee journey and the challenges within the adoptee experience.


    In today's episode, we touch on the following:

    🎙️Shelley's background and adoption

    🎙️The identity confusion she experienced as a child, teen and adult

    🎙️The journey of trying to fit in

    🎙️The power of community

    🎙️Creativity as a therapeutic pathway to healing

    🎙️Shelley's role in the adoptee community



    To follow Shelley's journey and her work:

    Instagram: @shelleyrottenberg

    Webpage: Adoptee I Shelley Rottenberg

    Linkedin: Shelley Rottenberg

    Facebook: Shelley Rottenberg


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • In today's episode, my friend Amanda Hahonou joins us.

    We talk about her life, how she copes with anger and the challenges she faces as a mixed woman experiencing two different worlds; one where she is not Black enough and another where she is considered White and gets to experience the privileges of that.


    In this episode, we touch on the following:

    🎙️How Amanda and Jazzlyn met.

    🎙️Amandas upbringing and how she, as a mixed child, experienced two different worlds.

    🎙️The impacts on her mental health.

    🎙️The relationship with her White mother.

    🎙️How she deals with anger related to racism.

    🎙️Why the Meghan & Harry documentary fires her up.



    ROOTED, where Amanda and Jazzlyn met, is the group in Denmark that offers therapy for minorities:

    Instagram: @rooted_dk

    Webpage: https://nyerodder.dk/rooted/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089116034595


    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾

  • Embark on a journey of incredible and life-changing storytelling, as you discover the inspiring Alchemical VOICES podcast. Hosted by Jazzlyn Greenzee, this platform celebrates the voices of BIPOC, transracial adoptees and complex trauma survivors. By listening to in-depth storytelling from courageous individuals, and uplifting texts and life lessons shared by Jazzlyn, you'll find inspiration, healing and encouragement. Together, let's celebrate the power of human resilience and find inspiration to overcome life's challenges.

    Feel inspired?

    If this episode offered new insights or inspiration, please rate Alchemical VOICES, share the episode with someone it may help and follow the community on Instagram: @misstraumaalchemist


    Need advice?

    Ask Jazzlyn and your question may be answered on the show: https://form.jotform.com/241106933139352


    Want to share your story?

    If you want to be a guest on the podcast or share your story anonymously, send your application: bio.site/jazzlyngreenzee



    Thank you for listening🫶🏾