
  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez talks to Geoff Livingston about the competitive edge of embracing AI in marketing to accelerate go-to-market efforts and enhance customer profiles. They delve into practical case studies, such as Vanguard's success with unified customer data, and discuss the challenges of using unstructured data with tools like chat GPT. Geoff shares strategies for AI-driven training, the potential of hyper-personalization in various fields, and the significant role of organizational alignment when implementing AI. Tune in for insights on crafting compelling AI strategies and how early adoption can transform your marketing effectiveness.


    05:49 Challenges and opportunities in marketing with AI.

    08:51 Revenue goal, lead gen, market problems, scale.

    12:26 AI tools can save time in writing.

    14:41 Creating staged photo of CEO fixing a bus.

    17:24 AI model, experimentation, use case framework, problem-solving.

    22:18 AIs as probability engines, crucial for future.

    24:29 Early adoption of AI gives competitive advantage.

    27:03 Train for AI to transform business operations.

    32:34 Hallucinations occur due to lack of information.

    33:56 Microsoft Copilot aims to revolutionize data access.

    37:22 AI needs specific and clear prompt guidance.

    40:47 Team dynamics influence idea generation and prioritization.

    45:17 Addicted to personal and educational YouTube content.

    47:02 Grown-ups rediscovering childhood hobbies, like Pokemon cards.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez interviews Harrison Painter, who shares his compelling journey from real estate and marketing to embracing AI as a transformative tool. They delve into the broader implications of AI across various industries, the entrepreneurial insights gleaned from overcoming personal and professional challenges, and practical strategies for non-technical individuals to excel in AI roles. Harrison and Dan highlight foundational tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, discuss the evolving roles of chief AI officers, and emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence and creativity in leveraging AI effectively. Tune in to discover how AI can revolutionize your approach to business and marketing.

    Resources Mentioned: 

    - ChatGPT: https://openai.com/chatgpt

    - Google Gemini: https://gemini.google.com/app

    - Midjourney: https://www.midjourney.com

    - DALL-E: https://openai.com/dall-e

    - Headliner: https://www.headliner.app

    - AI fusion workshop conference: https://www.indwes.edu/news/2024/05/ai-fusion-conference-2024-harnessing-ai-for-innovation-across-education-non-profit-and-business


    05:30 Startup demands time, AI tools provided balance.

    06:38 AI success relies less on technical skills.

    10:40 Tech exhaustion from rapid technology changes and adoption.

    15:22 Avoid mistakes, research thoroughly, and improve credibility.

    17:58 Developing multiple chatbots to enhance factual debate.

    20:37 Small businesses can create synthetic content using Oodio.

    25:37 Finding the best, cost-effective solutions is essential.

    27:01 Platform with multiple chat agents, time saver.

    30:43 Headliner program quickly creates vertical videos from podcasts.

    36:02 Value emotional intelligence over technical assessments, questioning.

    39:21 New tech can be instantly useful or gimmicky.

    42:42 Indiana Wesleyan developing world-class AI training platform.

    43:56 Testimonials about AI tech, impactful on non-technical.

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  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez dives into the newly launched ChatGPT Desktop App, sharing his firsthand experience of how this tool enhances his AI-driven workflow. From its ability to transcribe voice commands to generating creative solutions on the fly, Dan demonstrates its potential to streamline everyday tasks. He also provides a real-world example of how the app's audio features simplify complex prompts, making it an indispensable asset for quick and efficient communication. 


    00:00 Quick demo of simple AI chat function.

    05:43 Be specific for precise feedback from AI.

    06:25 Record, transcribe, and edit audio easily with OpenAI.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez talks to Mark Fidelman, host of the AI Marketing podcast, about his three-year journey into AI in marketing, and the transformative potential of AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude Opus for marketers. They delve into the groundbreaking advancements of AI technologies such as Synthesia by OpenAI, and explore how AI is rapidly changing content creation, customer service, and personalized marketing. Mark also shares practical insights on overcoming resistance to AI adoption within organizations and leveraging existing data for dynamic, personalized user experiences. 


    03:11 Doubtful about video editing with AI prompts.

    09:16 Podcast used to learn about blockchain and AI.

    09:46 Using AI to build wealth, differentiate platform.

    15:13 Leveraging AI for marketing and outreach strategies.

    16:54 Custom email outreach for influencers yields 80% response.

    21:03 Privacy concerns overlooked, data obtained non-consensually.

    25:05 CTOs need to be marketer friendly, AI.

    27:03 Marketing departments must lead in implementing AI.

    30:23 Carefully consider use case before proceeding.

    35:10 Future trends: Solopreneur unicorns vs. automated tasks.

    38:07 Using AI for CMO activities with Sora.

    39:02 Architecting processes for AI is key.

    42:25 Primary focus shifted from Twitter to LinkedIn.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez dives into the fascinating world of AI-driven marketing, exploring the five distinct types that are revolutionizing the field. He breaks down the central role of the internal copilot, the power of content production and distribution, the untapped potential of hyper personalization, the efficiencies of multichannel chatbots, and the forthcoming impact of automated analysis. With practical examples and future predictions, this episode is a must-listen for marketers eager to harness the full potential of AI. Tune in to discover actionable insights that can transform how you approach marketing in the AI era.


    00:00 AI in marketing: 5 types, internal Copilot.

    05:16 Hyper personalization in marketing creates better connection.

    06:55 AI agents manage chatbots, handle SMS conversations.

    10:35 Hyper personalization, chatbots, automated analysis, feedback, AI. Seek input on AI in marketing.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez interviews Gen Furukawa, Founder of SuperMarketers, about leveraging AI to become a super marketer. They dive into building an AI-enhanced marketing stack, covering essential AI tools, content repurposing, data analysis, and more. Gen shares his journey, insights, and practical tips to help marketers do more with less. Whether you’re looking to streamline your marketing efforts or learn how to implement AI effectively, this episode has valuable takeaways for you.


    • 03:38 Gen discusses his background in SaaS marketing and the inception of SuperMarketers.

    • 06:53 Leveraging AI tools for small marketing teams to compete with larger organizations.

    • 10:46 The impact of AI on content production and repurposing.

    • 18:14 Predictions on AI’s future in marketing and potential job automation.

    • 24:29 Practical applications of AI in data analysis and insights for marketers.

    • 34:12 Essential AI tools Gen uses regularly and their benefits for marketing efficiency.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez demonstrates how to build an AI-powered course that customizes lesson plans based on students' job titles, companies, and target audiences. He walks through the entire process, showcasing the use of AI to personalize educational content at scale, making the learning experience more relevant and engaging for each student.

    Find the course at: https://aidrivenmarketer.com/course

    My CRM/marketing platform: https://aidrivenmarketer.com/toolkit-marketing

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez is joined by Jim Laurain, an expert in advanced marketing platforms and personalization through AI, to delve into the intricacies of using AI-enhanced Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) for crafting personalized marketing strategies. They discuss the advantages of AI in understanding consumer behavior on a granular level, the transformation in message personalization with tools like AMP, and the real-world implications of integrating AI across various platforms like ecommerce and fintech. Jim also shares insights into overcoming the challenges in data aggregation and the future potential of AI-driven targeting in creating more effective and efficient marketing campaigns.


    00:00 Personalized music and video creation using AI.

    03:42 Basic steps in learning AI, personalization through AI.

    06:53 AI personalization tailors product offers to users.

    11:56 Identify reasons for app use, personalize interaction.

    14:35 Quality of sample matters more than statistical significance.

    18:37 Ecommerce: popularity doesn't always equal conversions. Personalize.

    20:00 Customization needs parameters to avoid chaos. Similarity is crucial for user experience.

    22:52 Customize messages, build content library, timing.

    29:07 Creating products through data science, initially unnoticed.

    29:53 Advancing technology creates need for education.

    33:59 Understanding customer behavior drives effective marketing tactics.

    36:23 Seeking specific items at Lowe's can be frustrating.

    40:34 Email automation saves time and simplifies decisions.

    42:50 Zencastr's clipping tool simplifies clip sharing.

    46:53 Use AI to engage users with injuries.

    51:05 Identify churning early; data science will prevail.

    52:38 Twitter data potential, AI Grok's real-time insights.

    55:54 Discussing growth, personalization, and tech at MAU conference.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez dives into the complexities of building and utilizing custom GPTs for marketing tasks. Covering a range of advanced techniques such as loading knowledge documents, managing multi-step prompts, and automating systematic projects, Dan skillfully reveals how these can transform the way we interact with AI in marketing. He highlights how custom GPTs, described as the "Excel for AI," can serve as a foundation for prototyping and operational efficiency. Tune in for an insightful session filled with practical examples like the development of "My Showrunner" to assist with podcast production processes. 


    05:27 Assess your job, automate tasks, teach AI.

    09:25 Custom GPT co-developed, free instructions, 2.0 preview.

    10:13 Using AI for podcast production and management.

    13:46 Color coded knowledge document tracking, template conformity.

    18:29 Create, automate, and accelerate content creation processes.

    20:09 Customize GPT prompts, leverage AI for marketing.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, host Dan Sanchez dives into the nuts and bolts of building custom GPTs tailored for marketing productivity. He navigates through the fundamentals of constructing simple yet powerful GPTs that streamline the process of converting podcast transcripts into engaging LinkedIn posts, saving marketers countless hours. By taking listeners through a step-by-step guide, complete with visual aids, Dan not only simplifies a complex subject but also arms marketers with the tools to enhance their content creation strategies using AI. Whether you're a novice eager to experiment or a seasoned professional looking to optimize your workflow, this episode will provide invaluable insights into the practical applications of AI in marketing.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Pod To Post Instructions Notion Doc: https://danchez.notion.site/Pod-To-Post-Builder-e3af3a0517b746db91644d0d7cb1aad8?pvs=25


    00:00 Save time and improve quality using AI.

    04:01 Concise automation of GPT prompts, payment required.

    09:11 Free GPT called Pod 2 Post Builder.

    12:20 Find 5 podcast ideas, select best, organize.

    15:23 Do not share proprietary instructions to anyone.

    16:18 Explore, edit, and improve custom GPT area.

    20:41 Test and adjust custom GPT for conciseness.

    23:20 Leverage custom GPT for quick, efficient tasks.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez dives into the world of chain prompting with AI, delving deeper into advanced strategies to enhance AI interactions for marketing purposes. He builds on previous discussions about super prompts and the step method, focusing particularly on how to use chain prompting to achieve better, more targeted results with tools like ChatGPT 4. Whether you're looking to streamline your content creation process or optimize AI for more complex tasks, this session offers detailed insights and step-by-step guides. Tune in to dramatically upgrade your AI skills and learn to manipulate AI prompts for peak performance.


    00:00 Condense episode content into concrete LinkedIn posts.

    03:35 Implement chain prompts for efficient podcast preproduction.

    06:52 Avoid adding new points; refer to transcript.

    10:55 Breaking up tasks delivers better results: chain prompting.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez sits down with Ashley Faus, the Head of Lifecycle Marketing at Atlassian, to dissect the current hype around AI and its future in the marketing world. They discuss whether AI will meet its lofty expectations, how it's being adopted in enterprise environments, and the balance between investing in AI and human resources. From using AI for daily tasks to addressing legal and ethical concerns in large organizations, Dan and Ashley cover a wide array of insightful topics. Expect a nuanced conversation about AI's role in job displacement, the necessity of human creativity, and the integration of AI into marketing strategies. Tune in to refine your understanding of AI’s potential impact in the marketing sector and beyond.


    00:00 Discussion on timing of enterprise AI adoption.

    06:14 Early adoption crucial for competitive advantage, risky.

    07:08 AI, digital natives and evolving computer interfaces.

    12:58 Seeking Chat GPT solution for homeschool challenges.

    15:03 Education system reinforces gender stereotypes, impacts mindset.

    19:25 AI automates ticket summaries, aids in decision-making.

    21:23 Writer struggles with AI-generated content limitations.

    25:22 Early journey in conversation, content strategy essentials.

    29:38 Embracing AI technology but still values humanity.

    30:17 15 years of experience surpasses robot efficiency.

    36:19 New grads meeting, AI-based onboarding, content suggestions.

    38:30 Evaluating time investment for process efficiency.

    43:23 Humans may no longer be needed for work.

    44:15 Mind wandering, creativity, rethinking value of work.

    47:18 Humans struggle to work themselves out of job.

  • In this episode of AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez dives deeper into the STEP method, a unique strategy he developed to enhance AI utilization in content creation. Focusing specifically on transforming podcast transcripts into compelling LinkedIn posts, Dan walks us through the practical application of each element—Starter content, Template, Example, and Prompt—and shows a real-time example of how these components blend to improve AI outputs. If you're looking to get more from AI in your content strategies, this episode offers a clear, innovative approach. Tune in for invaluable techniques that could revolutionize your content repurposing efforts.


    00:00 Sanchez shares AI journey and fundamentals mastery.

    03:41 AI repurposes content effectively through templates and examples.

    07:11 Simplified instructions for expert sales coaching.

    10:19 Improving LinkedIn post chain, stay tuned.

  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez dives into the vital fundamentals of AI in marketing, focusing squarely on the art of prompt engineering to elevate your AI interactions. He breaks down 'super prompts'—a method to elicit more precise and useful outputs from AI tools, essential for any marketer looking to leverage AI effectively. Whether it's enhancing personalizations in email campaigns or setting up robust automations, mastering these basics is crucial. Tune in to discover how to formulate super prompts that will transform your AI from a basic assistant into a powerhouse tool. This is your starting line for better AI execution, so don't miss out!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Element451 AI Cheat Sheet: https://element451.com/blog/chatgpt-cheatsheet


    00:00 Repetition of fundamentals leads to higher skills.

    05:40 Large language models use complex word relationships.

    08:31 Utilize AI to enhance social media content.

    11:02 Key strategies for achieving outstanding results outlined.

    13:42 Providing specific content for LinkedIn blog post.

    19:29 Instructions: Write in short, attention-grabbing style.

    21:32 Experiment with prompts, learn from failures, improve.

  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Danchez is joined by Saar Ben-Attar, founder of Ascent Growth Partners, to explore the transformative impact of AI in strategic planning and future scenario building. They dive into the origins of Saar's unique approach to leveraging AI for predicting business opportunities and threats, and discuss how these advanced tools are reshaping the way companies foresee and navigate the future. Tune in to discover how AI can enhance your strategic foresight and help your business adapt to rapidly changing market conditions.

    Episode Timestamps:

    00:14 - Introduction to Saar Ben-Attar and the collaboration on a custom GPT for scenario planning. 00:23 - Saar discusses the inception of his approach to future scenario planning. 02:31 - Exploring the universal need for strategic foresight across different cultures and eras. 04:01 - The shift from traditional scenario planning to real-time, AI-enhanced methodologies. 06:31 - The importance of strategic planning in marketing and its impact on business operations. 08:39 - How AI tools facilitate a continuous and adaptive strategic planning process. 13:12 - Discussing the creative aspect of using AI in generating future scenarios. 17:18 - When Saar realized AI could significantly expedite the scenario planning process. 22:18 - The practical implementation of AI in enhancing existing business methodologies. 28:33 - The role of marketing and innovation in business as discussed by Peter Drucker. 32:47 - The evolving relationship between AI applications and business strategy. 38:33 - How pioneering in AI and thought leadership can influence industry standards. 41:57 - Future potential of AI in evaluating and sizing market opportunities. 46:50 - Closing thoughts and the future of AI in strategic applications.
  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez talks about the transformative power of AI in graphic design, sharing his journey from being a "B-minus" designer to utilizing AI tools to upscale his skills. With first-hand experience, Dan demonstrates how AI, particularly with tools like mid-journey, can drastically enhance a marketer's ability to quickly conceive high-quality design concepts, as he walks us through the creation of a logo project for Keys Chiropractic. Discover Dan's insights on the synergy of AI with existing design savvy and how this combination can elevate the creative process for marketers everywhere. Tune in to unlock the potential of AI in your branding and design efforts.


    00:00 AI helps improve design skills, aiding speed.

    03:35 Logo influenced by pine tree and badges.

    06:44 Turning raster images into vector graphics in Illustrator.

    10:16 Master design skills for faster, better results.

  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez sits down with Andre Yee, the founder of Tiga AI and former CEO of Triblio, to talk about the transformative power of AI in sales and marketing. Andre offers his seasoned perspective on the potential of AI to redefine prospecting through signal discovery, its influence on job automation, and the future of work culture in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. They also tackle the specifics of how Yee's company utilizes AI to parse data from various channels and set the stage for generative AI's significant impact on entrepreneurial success. For insights on upscaling your sales and marketing skills in an AI-centric world and predictions on how AI could usher in the era of the solopreneur unicorn, make sure to tune into this thought-provoking conversation.


    05:41 Marketers must differentiate demand creation, demand capture.

    08:16 Spot on: demand capture is key for companies.

    11:56 Generative AI extracts signals from unstructured data.

    15:18 AI sales assistant autonomously performs signal-based prospecting.

    18:04 Commercial beta testing for generative AI in sales.

    20:35 LinkedIn post distinguishes prompting and prompt engineering.

    24:52 New jobs will require engineering and AI.

    29:02 Anticipating disruption from SAS in podcast industry.

    33:47 Cheap capital can lead to market inefficiency.

    35:07 Marketing evolving to focus on demand creation.

    40:15 Evangelize the problem: addressing overpromised intent data.

    43:06 Authenticity and self-awareness key in marketing.

    47:22 Direct advice for marketers in changing climate.

    50:02 Efficiency in engineering process for marketing operations.

    52:20 AI and marketing focus on content creation.

    54:33 Moving work up the value stack with AI.

    57:37 Thanks for joining the podcast conversation, Andre.

  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez reflects on the first quarter of his mission to master AI for marketing in 2024. Sharing his diverse marketing background and exploring the impact AI will have on the industry, Dan tackles the challenging reality of AI replacing jobs and the shimmer of hope in upskilling. With insights into his own learning process and experiments, Dan also teases an upcoming roadmap for mastering AI. He unveils his venture into creating AI-powered tools for podcast marketing and hints at writing a guiding book in public to aid fellow marketers. Tune in to this episode for an authentic glimpse into embracing the AI transformation and joining Dan on this cutting-edge journey.


    00:00 Frustration led to creating AI marketer guide.

    04:00 Hidden Figures movie sets the tone.

    08:47 Helping craft custom GPTs, AI, podcast marketing.

    10:29 Excited to hone skills and publish book.

  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez is joined by Marc Angelos, a seasoned entrepreneur and content marketer, to delve into the aerial view of artificial intelligence in the marketing realm. They tackle the inherent complexity of AI, misconceptions held by company founders, and the evolution of marketers' roles in the age of automation. From the impact of DALL E on image editing to the nuances of voice-modelling AI, Dan and Marc provide a roadmap for integrating AI into business processes seamlessly. With insights on the "Eliminate, Automate, Delegate" principles, and discussion of custom GPTs for content creation, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge for entrepreneurs and marketers ready to harness AI's potential. Tune in to demystify AI's transformative power and discover how to stay ahead in the ever-changing skies of digital marketing.


    00:00 AI news show may change its name.

    05:50 Content marketing agency owner discusses writing vs. video.

    07:35 Learning about AI through fast trial and error.

    10:11 Use AI to automate repetitive tasks for efficiency.

    12:42 Using LinkedIn data for my own content.

    17:13 AI can streamline creating a lot of content.

    22:04 Blog posts for SEO are essential tasks.

    25:42 Founders often act intuitively without realizing it.

    28:59 Creative scenarios for future, automated by AI.

    31:34 "Seeked marketing automation process, found guru executive."

    33:36 Analyze, optimize, standardize, mechanize for work improvement.

    38:08 Automatically enhance voices and match lip movements.

    39:31 AI voice lacks human-like pauses and inflections.

    45:19 Marketing work often involves discussing AI applications.

    48:04 Workers need to adapt to AI technology.

    49:49 Book identifies 3 distinct personas within individuals.

  • In this episode of the AI-Driven Marketer, Dan Sanchez has Courtney Baker back to navigate the evolving landscape of AI. This time they talk about who should own AI in a company, the necessity for both bottom-up adoption and top-down strategic deployment, and the critical importance of data-driven decision-making. They entertain game-changing AI versus everyday AI, the budding idea of a dedicated Chief AI Officer, and the challenges big companies face in AI project failure rates. 


    00:00 AI perceptions as technology project with concerns. Analogies: Internet, remote work, technology dependence.

    05:26 Leaders consider ownership and impact across departments.

    08:44 Organizations exploring AI for managing knowledge.

    11:52 Executives use KPIs to leverage AI experimentation.

    15:59 Marketing leader's need to collaborate for success.

    17:13 Discussion on hiring AI technologist and implications.

    21:10 AI replacing roles without hands-on experience.

    26:44 Differentiating intelligent automation from human-like AI.

    29:04 Maximizing potential and responsibility in leadership moments.

    30:55 Leveraging data is key for strategic choices.

    34:05 Lead marketing efforts, involve others for success.