
  • In this conversation, Professor George Paxinos discusses the importance of brain health and the factors that can postpone dementia. He stresses the role of exercise, good eating habits, and the emphasis on heart health in delaying the onset of dementia. Professor Paxinos also talks about his work in mapping the human brain and spinal cord, and the significance of understanding the brain's structure for research and medical interventions. In this dynamic conversation, we discuss the concept of the soul and its relationship to the brain, and the potential for reversing or curing dementia.

    Key Takeaways

    Neuroscientists have identified factors that can postpone dementia, with exercise being the most significant.Mapping the brain is like creating a Google map in 3D, providing coordinates for studying and understanding brain function.The brain is where our pleasures, gestures, pain, grief, and tears originate.Exercise, good eating habits, and heart health are key factors in postponing dementia.Mapping the human brain and spinal cord provides valuable information for research and medical interventions.Reversing or curing dementia is currently far in the future, but slowing down its progression is possible.There is a connection between gut health and brain health, although further research is needed.

    00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Brain Health
    02:19 Postponing Dementia: Exercise and Heart Health
    07:36 Mapping the Human Brain and Spinal Cord
    10:26 The Brain and the Soul: Consciousness and Identity
    45:22 The Gut-Brain Connection: Gut Health and Brain Health

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  • Dr. Frank Lin discusses how race and cultural heritage impact surgery trends and procedures. He emphasises the importance of cultural sensitivity and racial sensitivity in delivering safe and satisfactory patient outcomes.

    The concept of regenerative medicine is becoming more prominent in the industry. Perception drift and cultural influences, such as social media and celebrity culture, play a role in shaping aesthetic ideals. Dr. Frank Lin also highlights the importance of good skin quality and the holistic approach to plastic surgery. In this conversation, Dr. Frank Lin discusses the importance of holistic care in aesthetic surgery, particularly in Asian patients. He emphasises the value of addressing the preparation for and post operative care aspects of surgery. Dr. Lin also highlights the need for thorough research and questioning when choosing a surgeon, as well as the growing trend of regenerative medicine in aesthetics.

    Key Takeaways

    Cultural sensitivity and racial sensitivity are important in the plastic surgery industry.Asian patients have a strong preference for non-surgical procedures and are knowledgeable about different modalities.Starting aesthetic treatments at a younger age in Asia can lead to potential risks and the need for revision procedures later in life.Regenerative medicine is becoming more prominent in the industry.Perception drift and cultural influences, such as social media and celebrity culture, shape aesthetic ideals.Good skin quality and a holistic approach are emphasised in plastic surgery. Holistic care, including skincare and energy-based treatments, is important in achieving optimal results in aesthetic surgery.Double eyelid surgery and Asian rhinoplasty are the most common surgical treatments in Asia, sought after to enhance specific features rather than to look more Caucasian.Thorough research and questioning are essential when choosing a surgeon, and it is important to ask about qualifications, experience, and what happens in case of complications.The field of aesthetics is moving towards regenerative medicine, with a focus on using autologous products like fat and stem cells to improve the ageing process.China is emerging as a leader in aesthetics, with rapid advancements in research and innovation.


    08:29 The Influence of Asian Culture on Aesthetic Trends
    28:09 The Importance of Good Skin Quality and a Holistic Approach
    37:28 Choosing a Surgeon
    49:02 The Future of Aesthetics

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:

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  • Neuroplasticity: Changing Neural Pathways for an Ageless Mind

    Claire Aristides, a clinical hypnotherapist, discusses the power of the mind in positive aging. Claire shares her personal journey into hypnotherapy and the profound impact it had on her father's health. The episode shares science behind the mind-body connection and the physical changes that can be achieved through neuroscience. Claire explains the concept of hypnotherapy and how it can support various goals, including vitality and agelessness. They also touch on the importance of language and self-talk, as well as the role of neuroplasticity in changing our habits and outcomes. Claire shares some techniques and tools, including self-hypnosis and affirmations, that can be used to support an ageless mindset.

    Key Takeaways

    Hypnotherapy can have a profound impact on health and well-being, especially when used in conjunction with modern medicine.Chronic stress is detrimental to the mind and body, and managing stress is crucial for positive aging.Language and self-talk play a powerful role in shaping our reality and can impact our physical health.Neuroplasticity allows us to change our neural pathways and habits, leading to better outcomes.Self-care, including sleep, exercise, and diet, is essential for maintaining brain health and vitality.Hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis, and affirmations can be effective tools for achieving an ageless mindset.Gratitude and mindfulness practices can help rewire the brain and promote well-being.Supplements and rituals can support cognitive function and overall vitality.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    01:42 The Power of Hypnotherapy
    04:35 The Mind-Body Connection
    08:16 Language and Self-Talk
    10:31 Neuroplasticity and Changing Neural Pathways
    12:24 Self-Care for Brain Health
    13:48 Achieving an Ageless Mindset
    24:06 Supplements and Rituals

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:


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  • I am honoured to have Professor Greg Goodman joining me on the show. Professor Goodman brings over 40 years of pioneering experience in dermatology, specialising in skin cancers, Mohs micrographic surgery, and the intricate world of cosmetic dermatology. He is the undisputed rock star of Australian Dermatology and the ultimate skin expert.

    In today’s episode, Professor Goodman shares his insights into genetics and skin ageing plus fascinating insights on the new wave of regenerative medicine and custom skincare. We'll also dive into the role of hormonal therapies, technology and the future of skin rejuvenation.

    Whether you’re a skincare enthusiast, a professional in the field, or someone curious about the latest in dermatological science, this episode will equip you with knowledge straight from a global expert in the field.

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:


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  • In this conversation, Dr. Agnes discusses the link between inflammation and weight gain during menopause. She explains that weight gain in menopause is not solely hormonally modulated, but also influenced by factors such as chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, dysbiosis, and changes in the gut microbiome. Weight gain during menopause reveals underlying issues and inflammation so Dr. Agnes emphasizes the importance of addressing all these factors simultaneously to achieve weight loss. She also highlights the role of cortisol and histamine in weight gain and the impact of ageing on fat cells and mitochondrial function.

    Key Takeaways

    Weight gain during menopause is influenced by factors such as chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, dysbiosis, and changes in the gut microbiome.Addressing all these factors simultaneously is crucial for achieving weight loss during menopause.Cortisol and histamine play a role in weight gain, and their levels are affected by hormonal changes and inflammation.Aging affects fat cells and mitochondrial function, making weight loss more challenging.Self-advocacy for health is important, and functional testing can provide valuable insights.Addressing the foundations of health, such as diet, exercise, stress management, and hydration, is crucial for overall well-being.Supplements should be used with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.Probiotics and prebiotics can support gut health, but individual tolerance and needs may vary.Prescribed medications, such as metformin, should be used with close monitoring and guidance from a healthcare professional.

    00:00 Introduction and Recap
    00:57 Focus on Weight Gain and Resistance to Weight Loss in Menopause
    07:53 Underlying Issues and Inflammation in Weight Gain
    09:39 The Role of Cortisol and Leptin Resistance in Weight Gain
    21:41 Insulin Resistance and Dysbiosis in Weight Gain
    25:48 Aging, Fat Cells, and Mitochondrial Function
    31:26 Personalized Nutrition Plan for Optimal Health
    33:22 Optimizing Health with Personalized Nutrition Plans
    36:40 The Importance of Self-Advocacy for Health
    38:36 Addressing the Foundations of Health
    43:53 Navigating the World of Supplements
    49:04 Supporting Gut Health with Probiotics and Prebiotics
    57:31 Using Prescribed Medications with Caution

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:


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  • Sally Obermeder is the much loved media personality, cancer survivor and co-founder of SWIISH Wellness with her sister Maha Corbett. SWIISH is considered one of Australia’s leading wellness and beauty brands, and truly embodies the radiant, empowered and confident archetype we aspire to.

    Having spent much of the past decade in the spotlight and juggling the demands of a huge career, cancer recovery, marriage, business and motherhood, the pandemic gave Sally the opportunity to pause and reset. What followed was a visible transformation of her health, vitality and also the evolution of her wellness company.

    In this episode with a truly remarkable woman and friend, Sally shares the insights from her most recent personal transformation, insights on health and longevity from running a wellness company and of course the secrets behind her megawatt glow.

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:


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  • Dr. Doris Day discusses the importance of ageing gracefully and the difference between getting older and ageing biologically. She emphasises the benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during perimenopause and menopause, debunking the fear of breast cancer associated with it. Dr. Day also highlights the importance of a holistic approach to skincare, including the use of skincare products, devices, and treatments like collagen induction therapy. Her key message is this: "There's a difference between ageing gracefully and ageing helplessly." She discusses the need for personalised treatment plans and the importance of self-education and self-advocacy in the cosmetic industry. Dr. Doris Day and Bahar Etminan discuss various intersections between skin health and longevity. They cover the use of different treatments and devices, such as neuromodulators, fillers, lasers, and exosomes. They also touch on the importance of sun protection, the role of the skin microbiome, and the benefits of supplements like vitamin D, magnesium, and quercetin. The conversation concludes with a discussion on ingestible collagen and the potential benefits of metformin and acarbose for longevity.

    Key Takeaways

    Ageing gracefully involves taking a holistic approach to skincare and overall well-being.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be started at perimenopause and can have numerous benefits, including preventing osteoporosis, dementia, heart disease, and certain cancers.SoftWave, an ultrasound-based device, is an effective and safe treatment for lifting and collagen building. A combination of treatments and devices, such as neuromodulators, fillers, lasers, and exosomes, can help improve skin health and appearance.Sun protection is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and preventing skin cancer. It is recommended to wear sunscreen, protective clothing, and sunglasses, and consume high antioxidant foods.Supplements like vitamin D, magnesium, and quercetin can support overall health and skin health.Ingestible collagen, particularly marine collagen, may have benefits for skin health and joint health.Metformin and acarbose are medications that have been studied for their potential effects on longevity and overall health, but more research is needed.

    00:00 Introduction and the Concept of Aging Gracefully
    02:14 The Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy
    07:12 The Power of Personalized Treatment Plans
    13:11 The Impact of External Health on Internal Organs
    30:21 SoftWave: An Effective Device for Lifting and Collagen Building
    33:02 Optimising Skin Health with Treatments and Devices
    40:26 The Importance of Sun Protection and the Skin Microbiome
    48:27 Supplements for Overall Health and Skin Health
    54:17 The Potential Benefits of Ingestible Collagen
    56:08 Exploring Metformin and Acarbose for Longevity
    59:26 The Role of Lifestyle Factors in Longevity and Skin Health

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:


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  • Dr Lois Nahirney from DNA Power discusses the power of DNA testing in understanding one's health matrix and making informed decisions. DNA testing provides insight into genetic blueprints and helps answer questions about diet, fitness, and health factors. The focus is on areas that individuals can control and improve through lifestyle changes. DNA testing looks at genetic variations and provides recommendations for personalised nutrition, fitness, and supplementation. Epigenetics, which influences gene expression, is also discussed.


    DNA testing provides insight into an individual's genetic blueprint and helps answer questions about diet, fitness, and health factors.The focus of DNA testing is on areas that individuals can control and improve through lifestyle changes.Genetic variations are analysed to provide personalised recommendations for nutrition, fitness, and supplementation.Epigenetics, which influences gene expression, plays a role in how DNA is expressed and can be influenced by lifestyle factors.DNA testing is a practical and accessible tool that can guide health decisions and help individuals take control of their wellness. DNA testing provides valuable information about an individual's genetic blueprint and can guide lifestyle choices for better health.Epigenetics is an exciting field of research that explores how genes are expressed and how lifestyle choices can influence gene expression.DNA testing can guide medication choices by identifying genetic variations that affect how the body responds to different pharmaceuticals.Living a long and healthy life is possible by focusing on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and maintaining a positive mindset.

    00:00 Introduction and Overview of DNA Testing
    02:17 DNA Testing and Personal Responsibility for Health
    09:16 Understanding Genetics and Epigenetics
    14:04 Practical Application of DNA Testing for Health Improvement
    30:17 Lifestyle Changes and Saving Lives
    32:06 Living Longer and Healthier
    33:56 Protecting Data and Helping People Live Healthier Lives
    34:52 Understanding Your Genetic Blueprint
    39:09 The Unchanging Nature of DNA
    41:02 Critical Information for Adopted Children's Health
    48:02 Using DNA Testing to Guide Medication Choices
    49:25 The Importance of Pharmacogenetics
    52:47 The Power of Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices
    54:38 Living a Long and Healthy Life with Intentions
    55:32 Investing in Your Health for a Long and Healthy Life

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:

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  • Dr. Thomas Hitchcock discusses the importance of skin biome care and its role in skin health and recovery. He explains that the skin has its own ecosystem, similar to other natural ecosystems, and that imbalances in the skin biome can lead to inflammatory skin conditions. Dr. Hitchcock's research focuses on understanding the skin biome and developing skincare products that promote a healthy balance of microbes on the skin. He shares science led insights on the importance of letting the skin heal itself and using fewer, more intentional skincare products.

    Key Takeaways:

    While biome skincare can be used alone, actives can be added when there is a specific need or condition that requires them. In this conversation, Dr. Thomas Hitchcock discusses the importance of understanding the ingredients in skincare products and the connection between diet and skin health. Understanding the gut-skin-brain connection is key and the impact of microbes on healing and skin health. There is good evidence that incorporating biome skincare may help address the changes in aging skin, particularly in postmenopausal women.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    01:26 SkinBiome 101
    07:17 Dr. Hitchcock's Research
    11:12 Biome-Based Skincare and Personalized Medicine
    23:18 Using Actives with Biome Skincare
    25:33 Understanding the Importance of Knowing What's in Your Skincare
    26:05 The Connection Between Diet and Skin Health
    27:02 The Gut-Skin-Brain Connection
    29:21 The Impact of Microbes on Healing and Skin Health
    32:43 Myth Busting in Skincare
    36:44 The Importance of Gentle Cleansing
    38:28 Reconceptualising Skincare and the Skin Ecosystem
    45:42 Biome Skincare and Aging Skin

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:

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  • Shaynna Blaze is no stranger to a 360 degree life makeover. She is the queen of reinvention and breathing new life into aspects of her career, focus and life. In this episode Shayna Blaze shares her journey of reinvention and rediscovery of herself. We discuss the importance of embracing change and taking leaps of faith in order to reinvent oneself. Shayna shares how she went through a period of exhaustion and adrenal fatigue, which led her to prioritise radical self-care and make changes in her lifestyle. She talks about the role of singing (and just last week she launched her first single WARRIOR available for download on all music apps) and yoga in rediscovering her happiness and reclaiming her identity. We also cover the topics of beauty, body image, and the perception of women in the media. In this conversation, Bahar and Shaynna discuss the factors that contribute to personal growth and self-discovery at different stages of life.

    Key Takeaways

    Reinvention can happen on different areas of life and is often triggered by significant events, loss or personal crisis.Taking care of oneself and prioritising activities that bring joy and happiness can contribute to a sense of reinvention and rediscovery.Beauty and sensuality are ageless qualities that can be embraced and celebrated at any stage of life.Self-perception and mindset play a crucial role in feeling confident and embracing one's best years.Physical treatments and skincare routines can be helpful in maintaining a youthful appearance, but it's important to choose what makes you feel comfortable and confident.Personal growth and self-discovery can happen at any age or stage of life.Finding one's purpose and accepting oneself are key to personal growth.Transparency in media and social media can help break the stigma around personal struggles.Arts can be a powerful tool for preventing violence and abuse.Incorporating green tea, collagen powder, and music into daily routines can have positive effects on well-being.Taking care of dental health is important for overall appearance and confidence.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    08:12 Challenges and Traumatic Experiences
    16:19 Reclaiming Sexiness and Femininity
    33:18 Confidence and Owning Personal Strength
    44:59 The Power of Transparency in Media and Social Media
    53:38 Skincare Rituals for Ageless Beauty

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  • The Powers of Self Advocacy in Aesthetic Medicine

    Anita East, Cosmetic Nurse, Clinic owner, author and podcaster shares her expertise on patient safety in aesthetic treatments, focusing on the importance of self-advocacy and the risks associated with different procedures. We discuss the need for clinicians to convey their ability to handle emergencies and the importance of trusting one's gut instincts. She emphasises the need for consumers to ask questions, consider their options, knowingly assess risks before signing consent forms, and to alway seek proper medical advice in case of any concerns or adverse reactions.

    In this conversation, Bahar Etminan and Anita East discuss how to have difficult conversations about embarrassing or intimate concerns with healthcare practitioners and the importance of patient confidentiality.

    Key Takeaways

    Self-advocacy is crucial in the realm of wellness and beauty, as it allows individuals to trust their gut instincts and address concerns when something doesn't feel right.Clinicians should convey their ability to handle emergencies and prioritize patient safety in aesthetic treatments.Consumers should be aware of the risks associated with different procedures, such as vascular occlusion in dermal fillers or adverse reactions in chemical peels.It is important to sign consent forms for every treatment and ask questions about ingredients, downtime, and potential side effects.Proper training and the use of registered laser devices are essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of laser treatments.In case of any concerns or adverse reactions, consumers should seek medical advice from their clinician, pharmacist, or through telehealth consultations. Word-of-mouth and reputation are paramount when choosing a clinic for aesthetic treatments.Stepping away from social media and speaking to people who have had positive experiences at a clinic is important.Doing research on the laser machines used in a clinic and preparing the skin prior to treatment is crucial.The clinician's appearance and empathy are indicators of their expertise and the quality of the treatment.Open communication and self-advocacy are essential during the treatment process.There are potential risks and side effects associated with energy-based devices, and responsible device companies and self-regulation are important in the industry.Having difficult conversations about embarrassing or intimate concerns with healthcare practitioners is necessary for personalised and effective treatment.Patient confidentiality is a strict code in the healthcare profession.


    00:00 Introduction and the Power of Self-Advocacy
    03:46 Prioritising Patient Safety in Aesthetic Procedures
    06:14 Understanding the Risks in Different Aesthetic Treatments
    10:35 The Importance of Proper Training and Registered Devices in Laser Treatments
    37:25 Word-of-Mouth and Reputation
    41:06 The Clinician's Appearance and Gut Instinct
    41:56 Pain Threshold and Consultation
    45:23 Risks and Side Effects of Energy-Based Devices
    46:48 Regulation in the Therapy Industry
    49:41 Self-Advocacy and Asking Questions
    52:59 Advocating for Yourself and Setting Limits
    55:55 Difficult Conversations and Patient Confidentiality

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:

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  • Marisa Peer is a global leader on the mind-body connection and how the power of our thoughts in shaping our reality. An author, speaker and developer of the Rapid Transformational Therapy method, she shares the importance of changing our language and beliefs to support our physical and mental well-being, as well as physiological change. Marisa Peer introduces the concept of rapid transformational therapy and how it can create lasting change in a short amount of time compared to years of therapy. She shares tips on how to look and feel younger, including the power of positive language, engaging in new activities, and maintaining a flexible mindset. In this conversation, Marisa Peer shares insights from her Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) method and discusses the power of language and choice in transforming our lives. She presents the importance of framing our thoughts and actions as choices, rather than restrictions, to create positive change.

    Key Takeaways

    Our thoughts have a physical and emotional impact on our bodies.Changing our language and beliefs can change our reality and physiology.Rapid transformational therapy can create significant shifts in a short amount of time.To look and feel younger, use positive language, engage in new activities, and maintain a flexible mindset.Using affirmations and positive language can enhance the efficacy of skincare rituals and cosmetic procedures.Waking up each day with the mindset of choosing how our day will be allows us to take control of our lives.Simple practices, such as focusing on joy and positivity, can have profound effects on our well-being and extrinsic ageing process.


    00:00 Introduction to Marisa Peer

    08:18 Looking and Feeling Younger

    16:37 Tips for Healthy Ageing

    44:49 Enhancing Skincare Rituals and Cosmetic Procedures

    57:26 Choosing How Each Day Will Be

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  • Dr. Steph Mulcahy is a dentist and aesthetic practitioner and podcast host of Growing With Grit. In this episode Dr Steph shares how her journey of growing up on a farm and being raised in a family of strong women shaped her mindset and approach to her work. She emphasises the importance of comprehensive treatment and proactive care in dentistry and aesthetics- we learn why good oral hygiene impacts all areas of health and wellbeing.

    Dr. Steph also discusses the challenges of being a young woman in a male-dominated industry and the need for an ageless mindset. She shares her experiences working in remote areas and volunteering in Nepal, highlighting the importance of accessible healthcare for lifespan and healthspan. She highlights the benefits of introducing innovative technologies in her practice, so that she can provide science led and comprehensive treatments that improve patient comfort and outcomes. We also discuss the value of proactive care and the role of dental hygiene in preventing oral and life long systemic health issues.

    Key Takeaways

    Comprehensive treatment and proactive care are essential in dentistry and aesthetics.Combining dental and dermal services in a holistic approach can provide unique benefits to patients.Values such as confidence, innovation, proactivity, and gratitude can guide business decisions and team dynamics. This benefits patient outcomes.Proactive dental care, including regular hygiene appointments, is essential for preventing oral and systemic health issues.Confidence in one's appearance can have a significant impact on overall well-being and success in various aspects of life.Inclusivity and gratitude are important values in creating a supportive and uplifting environment for both patients and team members.Personal and professional growth are interconnected and essential for providing the best healthcare and service to patients.


    00:00 Growing up on a farm and embracing an ageless mindset
    08:00 Experiences in remote areas and volunteering in Nepal
    15:46 Buying a dental practice and focusing on comprehensive treatment
    31:30 Proactive Dental Care for Oral and Systemic Health
    45:27 Creating an Inclusive and Grateful Practice Environment

    Watch the full episode on Ageless By Rescu YouTube Channel here:

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  • Professor Davis discusses the role of sex hormone testosterone in women and the misconceptions surrounding hormone replacement therapy (HRT). She emphasises the importance of finding the right balance of hormones and dispels myths about testosterone levels changing at menopause. She also highlights the limitations of measuring testosterone accurately and the risks associated with compounded hormone therapy. We also discuss the need for evidence-based research and the importance of informed decision-making when it comes to menopausal health.

    Key Takeaways

    Testosterone is important for women, but it should be in the right balance. Compounded hormone therapy is unregulated and may not be the safe or effective option. The risk of breast cancer with hormone replacement therapy is small and comparable to everyday risks.Hormone therapy can be beneficial for menopausal symptoms, bone protection, and low libido. Vaginal oestrogen can help with vaginal dryness and urinary symptoms.


    00:00 Understanding the Role of Testosterone in Women
    08:12 Dispelling Myths about Hormone Replacement Therapy
    14:11 The Risks and Limitations of Compounded Hormone Therapy
    28:34 Managing Vaginal Dryness and Urinary Symptoms with Vaginal Oestrogen

    Watch full episode here:

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  • In this conversation, Bahar Etminan speaks with Fiona Tuck, a Nutritionist and skincare expert, about the role of nutrition in vitality and aging. They discuss the importance of healthy diet and good nutrition in maintaining youthful and vibrant skin, as well as overall health and wellness. They explore the concept of Nutri Genomics, which looks at how food can affect gene expression and longevity. Fiona shares her expert advice on topics such as organic food, sugar, alcohol, coffee, intermittent fasting, and supplementation.

    Key Takeaways

    Healthy eating and good nutrition are essential for maintaining youthful and vibrant skin, as well as overall health and wellness.The foundations of a balanced diet are simple: increase plant intake, incorporate diverse plant-based foods, and focus on the quality and source of supplements.Nutri Genomics explores how food can affect gene expression and longevity, emphasising the importance of lifestyle factors in addition to nutrition.Patience and consistency are key when expecting results from dietary changes and supplementation.It's important to be mindful of the quality and source of supplements, and to choose whole foods over synthetic vitamins whenever possible.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    09:14 Nutri Genomics: How Food Affects Gene Expression
    39:46 Supplementation: Quality and Source Matter
    48:14 Must-Have Beauty Items for Ageless Beauty

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  • Dr. Libby Weaver discusses the importance of thyroid health and the factors that can contribute to its dysfunction. She explains the thyroid cascade and the role of nutrients like iodine, selenium, iron, and zinc in thyroid function. Dr. Libby also highlights the impact of sex hormone imbalance, infections, and insulin resistance on thyroid health. She emphasises the need to address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction and specific lifestyle changes,to manage insulin levels and support thyroid function. In this part of the conversation, we discuss the challenges of getting comprehensive medical tests and the importance of advocating for one's own health. We also delve into the impact of sugar on inflammation and ageing, as well as the significance of various tests for hormonal health, including iron studies, thyroid panel, cortisol, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc, and sex hormones. Dr Libby explains the interconnectedness of bone health with overall health and the role of collagen supplementation.

    Key Takeaways

    Thyroid health is influenced by various factors, including nutrient deficiencies, sex hormone imbalance, infections, and insulin resistance.Nutrients like iodine, selenium, iron, and zinc are essential for proper thyroid function.Addressing the root causes of thyroid dysfunction is crucial for improving thyroid health.Reducing sugar consumption can help manage insulin levels and support thyroid function naturally. Advocating for comprehensive medical tests is important, especially for women who often face challenges in getting the necessary tests.Sugar consumption can lead to inflammation and accelerate ageing in various organs, including the brain, skin, and organs.Tests for hormonal health, such as iron studies, thyroid panel, cortisol, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc, and sex hormones, are crucial for understanding and addressing imbalances.Bone health is interconnected with overall health, and addressing general health issues, building muscle, addressing insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, and getting adequate vitamin D and vitamin K2 are important for maintaining strong bones.Collagen supplementation can support the structural health of the body, including joints, bones, and skin.


    07:30 Addressing Sex Hormone Imbalance and Infections
    15:00 The Impact of Insulin Resistance on Thyroid Function
    29:24 What You Need To Know about Comprehensive Medical Tests
    40:22 Tests for Hormonal Health
    51:40 The Role of Collagen Supplementation

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  • Dr. Roberta Del Campo discusses the versatility and effectiveness of the Aerolase Neo Elite laser in treating various skin conditions. The laser targets three different chromophores (melanin, blood vessels, and water) to address pigmentation, redness, and texture issues. It is safe for all skin tones and can be used year-round. The device is particularly effective in treating melasma, rosacea, acne, and skin tightening. It can also be combined with other modalities for enhanced results. The recommended number of sessions for anti-aging and rejuvenation is three to five.

    The conversation explores the benefits and versatility of the Aerolase Neo laser device in dermatology. The device is praised for its safety, ease of use, and ability to treat a wide range of skin conditions. The conversation covers various applications of the device, including hair removal, nail fungus treatment, ingrown hair treatment, psoriasis treatment, scar and stretch mark reduction, and acne treatment.

    Key Takeaways

    The Aerolase Neo Elite laser targets three chromophores (melanin, blood vessels, and water) to address pigmentation, redness, and texture issues.It is safe for all skin tones and can be used year-round.The laser is particularly effective in treating melasma, rosacea, acne, and skin tightening.It can be combined with other modalities for enhanced results.The recommended number of sessions for anti-aging and rejuvenation is three to five.The Aeroloase Neo laser device is a safe and versatile tool in dermatology, offering a wide range of treatment options.It is compact and portable, making it convenient for providers.The device can be used for hair removal, nail fungus treatment, ingrown hair treatment, psoriasis treatment, scar and stretch mark reduction, acne treatment, and anti-aging purposes.It is suitable for younger patients and can be used in combination with other modalities.


    00:00 Introduction to the Aerolase Neo Laser
    09:05 Treating Melasma with the Aerolase Neo Elite
    16:19 Addressing Rosacea with the Aerolase Neo Elite
    33:20 Psoriasis Treatment: Boosting Confidence and Comfort
    39:45 Combining Technologies for Optimal Results
    48:35 Hope for a Variety of Skin Conditions

    This episode is produced in a sponsored partnership with Aerolase and Beauty Technology.


    Watch the full episode here:


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  • In this episode, Trinny Woodall shares her journey to agelessness and the importance of feeling confident and present. She emphasises the power of makeup in transforming one's appearance, sparking creativity and boosting confidence. Trinny also discusses the significance of colour therapy from clothing and makeup choices, as well as the importance of active and functional ingredients in beauty products to achieve transformative results. She shares her personal experiences with stress and offers tips for managing stress. She also discusses her approach to aesthetic procedures and shares her go-to hacks and supplements for feeling beautiful and confident inside and out.

    Key Takeaways

    Makeup has the power to transform one's appearance and boost confidence.Choosing the right colors for clothing and makeup can enhance one's natural beauty.Active ingredients in beauty products are essential for achieving desired results.Managing stress is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and overall well-being.Embracing beauty and self-acceptance are key to feeling confident and ageless.

    00:00 Introduction
    00:24 Trini Woodall's Journey to Agelessness
    01:20 The Meaning of Beauty
    03:17 The Impact of Makeup on Confidence
    04:16 Adapting Makeup to Changing Features
    05:14 The Importance of Eyebrows
    06:09 The Magic of Color
    07:38 Determining the Right Colors for Your Skin Tone
    09:02 Playing with Colors in Clothing
    10:27 Creating a Product that is Accessible to Everyone
    12:13 The Importance of Functional Ingredients in Beauty Products
    13:11 The Benefits of Wearing SPF
    15:00 Managing Stress and its Impact on the Skin
    19:12 Managing Stress Outside of Beauty
    20:37 Taking Supplements and Biohacking
    22:34 Boosting Confidence and Feeling Beautiful
    25:29 Trini Woodall's Approach to Cosmetic Procedures
    27:22 Boosting Confidence with Physical Techniques
    29:43 Embracing Beauty and Self-Acceptance
    31:07 Instant Lifts for Low Moments
    33:16 Conclusion

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  • Celebrity Makeup Artist Michael Brown shares the latest trends and technology in complexion products, emphasising the transformation of foundation formulas over the years. He highlights and shares his insights on the importance of priming the skin (simple but worthwhile) and recommends his top products for skin prep. Michael Brown discusses the power and renaissance of the perfect power red lip and the return to more polished looks, as well as introducing us to new and flattering trends. This conversation provides valuable insights and tips for achieving a modern and elevated makeup look on any budget and at every age.

    Key Takeaways

    Complexion products, particularly foundation formulas, have transformed over the years, becoming more lightweight, natural-looking, and inclusive of different skin tones and textures.Priming the skin is essential for achieving a flawless makeup look, and using oil as a prep step can provide a beautiful glow and help the foundation blend seamlessly.There are a variety of affordable options for complexion products, allowing everyone to achieve the beautiful skin they deserve.A red lip is a timeless and powerful makeup look that instantly adds confidence and sophistication to any outfit.The trend of smudged eyeliner creates a grungy yet glamorous look, and using soft pencils that can be smudged and set is key to achieving this style.When choosing a red lip colour, it's important to consider the undertones and find a shade that complements your skin tone. Finding the right red lipstick involves considering the undertones of your skin and choosing a blue or orange base accordingly.Experimenting with makeup and modifying looks to suit your own features is a better approach than copying someone else's look.Using the vein technique on the back of your hand can help determine your undertone and guide your choice of makeup colours.Using a peachy or warm-toned concealer to correct dark circles, followed by a brightening concealer, can create a spotlight effect under the eyes.Highlighting can be a more flattering and modern alternative to heavy contouring, and can be achieved with brightening concealers or primers.Choosing the right concealer and primer involves considering the undertones of your skin and the desired effect, such as colour correction or brightening.Using a tonal approach to makeup, with a hero feature and slightly different intensities or finishes, can create a modern and cohesive look.Practising and experimenting with new makeup techniques can help keep your skills up to date and allow for personal growth and creativity.

    00:00 The Evolution of Foundation Formulas
    06:22 The Power of Priming
    09:16 Affordable Options for Beautiful Skin
    15:55 The Timeless Elegance of a Red Lip
    24:22 Choosing the Right Red Lip
    29:07 Finding the Perfect Red Lipstick
    33:22 Self-Management and Updating Makeup
    36:41 Contouring and Highlighting Techniques
    39:03 Choosing the Right Concealer and Primer
    48:43 Experimenting with Color in Makeup
    52:03 The Spotlight Effect: Highlighting Techniques
    53:26 Starting Small: Using Colour in the Waterline
    54:25 Creating a Tonal Makeup Look
    56:19 Practising and Experimenting with New Techniques

    Watch the full episode:

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  • In this episode, we discuss the search for a magic bullet for weight loss and the popularity of Ozempic and other weight loss drugs as a short-term solution. We explore the side effects and long-term consequences of using weight loss drugs, highlighting the importance of understanding there are many alternatives that are free and accessible. Sarah Di Lorenzo shares her personal and clinical experience with intermittent fasting and emphasises the need for professionals to have a louder voice in promoting long-term solutions. We also discuss the value of blood tests and DNA testing in understanding individual health needs particularly as a way of supporting women in perimenopause and menopause through personalised clinical nutrition.Sarah also introduces the philosophy of the 10-10 diet, which focuses on healthy ketosis and fat burning. She highlights the importance of portion control and shares tips on non-scale victories and accessible nutrition education.

    Key Takeaways

    Ozempic is a short-term solution for weight loss, but it comes with potential side effects and long-term risks.Understanding sustainable alternatives to quick fixes like Ozempic is crucial for long-term, sustainable weight loss.Blood tests and DNA testing can provide valuable insights into individual health needs and guide personalised treatment plans.Clinical nutritionists can play a role in supporting women during perimenopause and menopause, addressing symptoms and promoting overall health and well-being.Preventative measures can be taken to address symptoms of perimenopause such as brain fog, inflammation and weight gain.Parents play a vital role in teaching children about nutrition and fostering a healthy relationship with food.The 10-10 diet promotes healthy ketosis and fat burning, with an emphasis on portion control.


    00:00 Introduction
    00:55 The Search for a Magic Bullet
    03:11 Understanding Ozempic
    04:26 The Popularity of Ozempic
    05:19 The Short-Term Solution
    06:17 Side Effects and Risks
    07:13 Long-Term Consequences
    08:41 The Temptation of Quick Fixes
    09:35 The Importance of Educating on Alternatives
    10:04 Personal Experience with Intermittent Fasting
    11:02 The Need for a Louder Voice from Professionals
    12:49 The Role of Blood Tests and DNA Testing
    14:08 The Benefits of Metformin
    15:05 The Importance of Long-Term Solutions
    16:02 Functional Testing and Individualised Treatment
    18:26 The Value of Internal Health Dashboards
    19:53 Reliance on Understanding the Internal Dashboard
    20:23 Frequency of Reviewing Test Results
    22:09 Tailoring Treatment Programs to Individual Needs
    23:35 The Goal of Ageless Living
    24:30 Addressing Perimenopause and Menopause
    25:57 Supporting Menopause Symptoms
    27:21 The Role of Clinical Nutritionists
    28:43 The Importance of Nourishing the Body
    29:41 Preventative Measures for Perimenopause
    31:23 Importance of Healthy Weight and Body Fat
    32:45 Raising Health-Conscious Children
    36:19 Teaching Children about Nutrition
    39:04 Lack of Education in the Curriculum
    41:24 Personal Journey and Education on Nutrition
    44:48 The Philosophy of the 10-10 Diet
    45:18 Similar Results to Medications without Side Effects
    49:01 Understanding Ketosis and Fat Burning
    52:44 The 10-10 Diet and Portion Control
    54:27 The 10-10 Book Series and Non-Scale Victories
    57:24 Accessible Nutrition Education through Books

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