Today’s episode is all about the concept of intention based manifestation. Join us as we talk about everything from Bob Proctor, The Silva Method, New Thought, Mitch Horowitz and his 30 day mental challenge and so much more. We are super into this topic because not only does it work, and we give you the examples to prove it, but give you some solid tactics and strategies that you can try out for yourself. Don’t worry, despite us getting weirdly sincere in this episode we also made sure to keep some humor in the mix. Also, since we don’t mention it in the episode if you try any of this stuff out and it works please let us know by writing us at wizard@dorfyou.com. Now get your mind ready and manifest me to shut up and start the episode.
Bob Proctor Meditation
Mitch Horowitz: 30 Day Mental Challenge
So for this month’s episode we talk about the end of the world through the lens of cinema and to sweeten the deal even further we offer legitimate tips regarding our actual bug-out bags (go ahead and skip to 1hr, 13 minutes into the podcast if you’re here for the brass tacks) and of course it wouldn’t prudent to skip talking about the philosophy of loss including the concept of virtue vs. value because after all this is not a drill, this is Against all oddities.
Saknas det avsnitt?
This month we are talking about Near Death Experiences or NDEs if you want to save some time, and we’re doing it the only way we know how, by cramming together a bunch of jokes, personal anecdotes, and a several hilarious stories out of left field, including, Time Perception, Squirrel attacks, Michael Stipe and train hopping. Of course we also dig into the topic at hand and discuss the Monroe institute field test for NDEs, first hand NDE accounts, book and TV recommendations, and NDE fails!
Also for all of our super fans out there you might notice that this episode was recorded back in November when we punted it to the Spring. So if it seems like we’re giving you some quick updates about our lives that seemingly happened months ago it’s because we are. You most likely…won’t notice…but we wanted to warn you anyways because we are AGAINST ALL ODDITIES!!!
I shit you not we bend spoons this episode and so will you after you listen.
So Unlike Uri Geller who may or may not have bent spoons with his mind, today’s physconaught actually bends spoons using both hands. It may not impress your friends as much at a party but something is still happening. Try it. Right now, go grab some spoons and forks…..
Ok are you ready, first trying bending them into a knot with your strength alone…see you can do it but it’s hard and it hurts. Now start sending that spoon some energy, refine your focus and listen to this episode of Against All Oddities. If you get it right the cutlery will bend with no effort at all. -
This episode is all about Time-slippin’…slippin’…slippin’…slippin’. What’s a time slip you ask? Well that’s what we’re here for. In today’s episode we try to define time-slips and we report on several supposedly true stories. This is Against all Oddities.
Welcome to another edition of A.A.O. New Year resolutions!
Why would you wanna hear 3 brothers talking about getting into shape for an hour you ask? Well stay tuned and find out! In addition to publicly announcing our new years resolution we talk about all sorts of things that will inspire you to keep on - keeping on with your own New Year’s resolutions, including concepts of New Thought, Positive Thinking, and pooping at Home Depot. -
Welcome to Against All Oddities Annual Curse-mas Special. So join us as we get festive and talk about the ghosts of Yule. This year we take on Charles Dickens by talking about the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. So pour yourself some wizard nog, grab some sugar plums and a barrel of oysters because this is against all oddities.
Today’s episode is call “punt” why? What’s that mean? Well without going to much into detail we, the three brothers, tragically lost a close member of our family and the episode that we had recorded and planned to release for our November episode had some subject matter that seems inappropriate to talk about in light of this terrible loss, let alone for us to joke about while we grieve as a family.
So we’re punting, we’re punting that episode that we had recorded into the future and are instead bringing you a little shorty episode to fill the silence. Basically in this episode we each talk briefly about something paranormal that we’ve been thinking about recently. Tim talks about scary ants, Chris talks about an old book, and Nate recounts a hilarious story with copious amounts of bathroom humor, to end with a little bit of levity during a very sad time for us.
On today’s episode, my three adorable boys give you their official spooky season movie recommendations in 22 different spooky categories. I’m their mother and I’m here to tell you that I literally haven’t seen any of the movies they talk about on todays episode, nor will I watch any of them in the future.
But I guess that shouldn’t stop you from taking their advice. Although they may not know what they are talking about they sure do get enthusiastic about spooky movies. I did notice that they already posted all of their movie selections on their website Dorfyou.com so I don’t see why you really even need to listen to this episode at all. You could just spend one minute reading the selections.
This is… Against all Oddities.
On today’s episode we focus on the notorious Skinwalker ranch in the deserts of Utah. Been there done that you say….well…hold your mysteriously mutilated horses for just one second! Not only do we talk about mysterious phenomenon that is Skinwalker ranch, we went the extra couple of thousand miles and camped out there, on location, and lived to tell the tale. In this episode we talk about the lore surrounding this nefarious location but we also spend an equal amount of time roasting the place with our unique brand of humor. We also talk about aliens, coverups, and ranch dressing of all things so saddle up and keep your eyes pointed at the skies because this is Against all Oddities!
What is Conspiracy Roulette? Well it’s an episode where each brother picks a random conspiracy to bring to the group for discussion. It’s fun and no one loses any money. We talk aliens and the Bible, Shakespeare, gnosticism, Bard-core, and so much more. So step on up and watch us spin the Against All Oddities mysterious wheel of Conspiracy Roulette.
Welcome loyal listeners to the 2023 updates episode, we psychically knew that you psychically knew that it was important for you to click on this episode in order to change your life.
Since we are about half way through the year 2023 we thought we would dedicate and episode catching up with each other and with our paranormal interests.
The big news is that Tim turned 40 which is big enough to warrant a discussion not to mention all of the exciting new developments in this truthfully odd world of ours. In this episode we talk about the ecology of souls, lucid dreaming, raw-dogging marathons, getting old, remote viewing, ufo of God, UAP updates, the alien egregore theory, David Grushch's recent revelations, Ufo recovery, the men who stare at goats, circling Waldo, the linearity of consciousness and we even dip our toes into the consequences of chasing pigs. To name but a few of the topics we cover on this special updates episode of against all oddities.
Yes, this episode is about cars but don’t you dare turn that radio knob, just slow down pull over and hear us out on this one. First off this is actually a very hilarious and great episode all about the many terrible and amazing cars that we have owned over the years. It’s actually funny and not in a gear head sort of way. Unless that’s what you’re looking for, in which case, yes, it’s funny like that too.
In addition to telling extremely amusing and humbling stories about the countless vehicles that we have owned over the past quarter of a century, and that have ultimately been towed down the river styx and over the rainbow bridge, we also talk about the absurdity of cars and how ingrained they are in our lives and culture, we also talk about odd deaths in automotive history, and well….actually that’s more or less about it but trust us it’s a great episode. Like maybe don’t be so close minded about it, you’ll learn a lot about us and more importantly you’ll learn about yourself….this episode may even make all your dreams come true. -
Today we are talking about dreams and dreaming and no it is not a boring episode. It is actually a very good and you’ll thank us after you listen to it. We talk about tips and tricks to lucid dreaming, improving memory, initiatory dreams, dream contact, including notable scholars on the subjects like Charley Moorely, Luigi Sciambarella, Bob Monroe, Joe McMoneagle. Dream Manifestation. Dream meditation, the subconscious, reality checking, dream telepathy, and we do all of this while maintaining our reputation for being hilarious! to top it off we also have listener dream contributions that you don’t want to miss. So hop into you bed and turn down the lights because this is against all oddities!
You know we have a banger of an episode when we start it off with a clip from The 1970 film, Patton which won an award for best picture, was directed by Frank Schaffner and written by Francis Ford Coppola. We thought this was an interesting clip to start with because the poem that was just recited by the actor playing General Patton, was actually written by General Patton who not only believed in reincarnation but really did believe he had died and fought a countless number wars throughout his millennia of past lives.
Which is what we are talking about today. We not only get into the idea of past lives but dig into NDE, OBE, Ensoulment, Clairvoyance, Thomas Campbell, universal consciousness, secret machines, past life regression, and rose readings. And the cherry on top of this sundae of an episode is that all three of the brothers met with a clairvoyant who explained to us some of our past lives.
This is a once in a life-time episode so if you can't listen now, well catch ya in the next one because this is Against All Oddities! -
We managed to collectively use enough barbarous words that we were able summon the one and only Douglas Batchelor from the “What Magic Is This” podcast to appear in the triangle that is Against All Oddities. We talk to Douglas about magic, the esoteric, ASMR, magical aptitude, coyote initiation, Justin Bieber, Fear, death hygiene, and optimism within the occult!
Today we will be talking about the oddity that is the Amusement Park. Clearly there is a lot to talk about, but like the infamous rollercoasters of our childhood, we will be covering a variety of twists and turns as we discuss a dizzying amount of topics including: Out of Body experiences, the dead at Disney, as well as, tips and tricks for today’s savvy parents, the theme park as liminal space and the uncanny valley. So stick around because this episode is a total trip!
This episode is about New Year’s resolutions. You may be asking yourself “haven’t you guys already done an episode on that?” Why yes we have! And we will again. Also you may also be thinking to yourself “Sorry, I don’t want to hear about OPRs or Other People’s Resolutions” To which I say: Stop being so critical, and also obviously we talk about all sorts of other stuff including Lucid Dreams, Blind Dogs, Fasting, Sacred Plants, Brain Health, Babies, Cross-fit and all sorts of things that you love about us….Or at least you used to love about us. Come on. Give it a listen will ya! After all, your new year’s resolution was to listen to more Against All Oddities!
This is a very special episode! It's the A.A.O. second annual Curse-mas special. This year's special centers on the true haunting of Nate's historic house in rural Virginia and features a spirit box communication, EVP sessions, and an in-depth historical look at the life of Mary Ford who lived and died in the house under suspicious circumstances in the 1940s. We brought this one home for the holidays and it's a keeper!
Every Against all Oddities episode is special and this one is no exception. Today’s episode is an updates episode on our pursuit of expanding our consciousness and the ever elusive O.B.E., also known as out of body experiences. We recorded this episode during one of our Against All Oddities content meetings. Yes, believe it or not, we occasionally meet to plan out our future episodes and to address other matters of AAO state. While we were meeting to plan out the next season of Against All Oddities we spontaneously began discussing our experiments in meditation, remote viewing and O.B.E.s. It was too good to pass up and so we hit the record button. So this episode is a little more impromptu than some of our others. We talk about O.B.E., meditation, shadow people, anesthesia, N.D.E., Death Consciousness, the great Simulation, two-soul theory, The Kaybalion and Hermes Trismegistus, and more. I’m also told that the goetic demon that we have compelled to do our podcast editing makes an appearance too, so stick around this is Against all oddities.
• Focus Levels Explained: https://www.monroeinstituteuk.org/focus-levels/
• Monroe's Books: https://www.amazon.ca/Robert-A-Monroe/e/B000AQ8V5A/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1
• Monroe's Audiobooks: https://www.audible.ca/search?searchAuthor=Robert+Monroe&ref=a_pd_Journe_c4_adblp13npsbx_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=b19c70c6-40df-495c-a63e-41207f208010&pf_rd_r=GQ7AAYNR6G6AKMSNMBND
• TMI Website: https://www.monroeinstitute.org/
• The Monroe App: https://info.monroeinstitute.org/get-expand-app
• Focus Level 10 Track: https://youtu.be/IeWH9u1-lD8 - Visa fler