
  • In January of 1869, Frederick Douglass came to Gettysburg. He faced death threats, but he delivered his own "Gettysburg Address" nonetheless. We don't know exactly what he said, but historians are able to glean what he most likely said based on speeches he gave elsewhere during his speaking tour of that time.

    LBG Kevin Bryant joins us once again to talk about Frederick Douglass at Gettysburg.

    There are hundreds more episodes like this available in our Officers' Club at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg . Becoming a patron helps us produce more educational and entertaining shows that help to keep history alive. We appreciate your support in this endeavor.

  • LBG Rick Schroeder is back with the companion episode to our "Famous Union Officers' Wounds" episode . In this one we talk about those famous Confederate wounds. For those of you interested in Civil War medicine, these episodes are MUST-LISTEN episodes.

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    You best be visiting our Studio Sponsor, The Gettysburg Museum of History- www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com

    Go to the Gettysburg Film Festival! https://gettysburgfilmfestival.org/2024-festival/

    Help Historian Eric Wittenberg Fight Cancer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-consider-helping-eric-and-susan-wittenberg

    Baer Sign- www.baersign.com

    The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides https://gettysburgtourguides.org/albgseminar/

    Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com

    Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/

    For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com

    The Badgemaker- https://www.civilwarcorpsbadges.com

    Civil War Trails- https://www.civilwartrails.com

    Bantam Roasters Use "HANCOCK" for 10% off your order https://www.raggededgerc.com/

    Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com

    Check out Jonathan Lucci's new novel: https://www.theheavensfalling.com/

    Join the NACWM- https://www.nacwm.org/

    TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com

    Music possibly by:

    "Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com

    Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org

    California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

    Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com

    The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net

  • Everybody knows Michael "Six Questions" Lentz. But do we REALLY know him? Well, by the end of this episode, you will. Mike sat down with me in 2023 to do a SPOTLIGHT ON while we were still in the shed studio with no electricity. Ah the good old days! Anyway, we discussed myriad topics from his birth in Oregon, childhood in Colorado, his discovery of the Civil War, his first trip to Gettysburg; his career in politics, the state of our political system and how our community at AG could be the antidote the nation needs right now (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating there a bit...or am I?) and the time Mike wore a mascot's costume and was beaten by children. All this and MORE in this SPOTLIGHT ON

  • ABNER DOUBLEDAY ON JULY 1, 1863 (MAY 25 – 10:00 A.M.)

    “General Reynolds was killed early this morning. In my opinion, there seems to be no directing person”.

    When Brigadier General John Buford sent this message to Major General Alfred Pleasonton on the afternoon of July 1, 1863, did it plant the seed in Major General George Meade’s mind that a new commander was needed for the Union First Corps? Join us as we explore the leadership of Major General Abner Doubleday on July 1, 1863.

  • You know them. You love them. They're Darin and Mare, or "Dare", the Civil War podcasting power couple. They were in town many months ago and sat down for a SPOTLIGHT ON. Enjoy!

    For this full episode and hundreds more like it and to support the show, join our Officers' Club at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg

  • Report of Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson, 2nd Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac.

    "Hdqrs. Second Division, First Army Corps,
    July 18, 1863.

    Sir : I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this division in the engagements of the 1st, 2d, and 3d instant:

    On the morning of Wednesday, the 1st, the division marched from Emmitsburg, bringing up the rear of the column, and when about 3 miles from Gettysburg, hearing firing in front, it was pushed rapidly forward, and, arriving on the field, was placed, by order of the major-general commanding First Corps, in reserve, near the seminary. Almost immediately after taking this position, I received notice that the enemy was advancing a heavy column of infantry on the right of our line of battle, when I sent the Second Brigade, under Brigadier-General Baxter, to meet it. Orders being received at this time to hold the seminary, the First Brigade, under Brigadier-General Paul, was set at work to intrench the ridge on which it is situated. I then rode to the right of the line, to superintend the operations there. On my arrival, I found my Second Brigade so placed as to cover our right flank, but with too great an interval between it and the line of the First Division. I at once directed General Baxter to change front forward on his left battalion, and to close this interval, toward which the enemy was making his way. By the time this change was effected, the whole front of the brigade became hotly engaged, but succeeded in repulsing the attack. The enemy, however, soon after brought up fresh forces in increased masses, when, finding the position so seriously threatened, I sent for and brought up the First Brigade, and placed part of it in the position first occupied by Baxter's brigade, and the remaining battalions as a support to his second position. The enemy now made repeated attacks on the division, in all of which he was handsomely repulsed, with the loss of three flags and about 1,000 prisoners.

    In one of these attacks I was deprived of the services of the veteran commander of the First Brigade, Brigadier-General Paul, who fell, severely wounded, while gallantly directing and encouraging his command.

    The division held this position on the right--receiving and repelling the fierce attacks of a greatly superior force, not only in front, but on the flank, and, when the enemy's ranks were broken, charging upon him and capturing his colors and men--from about noon until nearly 5 p. m., when I received orders to withdraw. These orders not being received until all other troops (except Stewart's battery) had commenced moving to the rear, the division held its ground until outflanked right and left, and retired fighting.

    From the nature of the enemy's attacks, frequent changes were rendered necessary, and they were made promptly under a galling fire. No soldiers ever fought better, or inflicted severer blows upon the enemy. When out of ammunition, their boxes were replenished from those of their killed and wounded comrades. The instances of distinguished gallantry are too numerous to be embodied in this report, and I leave it to the brigade and regimental commanders to do justice to those under their immediate command. Where all did so well, it is difficult to discriminate. As, however, they came under my personal observation, I cheerfully indorse the remarks of General Baxter in commendation of Colonel Coulter, Eleventh Pennsylvania; Colonel Wheelock, Ninety-seventh New York; Colonel Lyle, Ninetieth Pennsylvania; Colonel Bates and Lieutenant-Colonel Allen, Twelfth Massachusetts; Lieutenant-Colonel Moesch, Eighty-third New York, and Major Foust, Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania.

    After the fall of General Paul, the command of the First Brigade devolved successively upon Colonel Leonard, Thirteenth Massachusetts, Colonel Root, Ninety-fourth New York, and Colonel Coulter, Eleventh Pennsylvania, all of whom were wounded while exercising the command.

    After withdrawing from this contest, I took up a position on a ridge to the left of the cemetery, facing the Emmitsburg road, and remained there until afternoon of the next day, when I was relieved by a division of the Second Corps, and ordered to the support of the Eleventh Corps. In the evening, I was ordered to the left of our line, but was soon after directed to return.

    On Friday morning, 3d instant, the division was massed, and held ready to push forward to the support of the Twelfth Corps, then engaged with the enemy on our right.

    About noon, I was informed by the major-general commanding the army that he anticipated an attack on the cemetery by the enemy's forces massed in the town, and was directed to so place my command that if our line gave way I could attack the enemy on his flank. I proceeded to make this change of position at the moment the enemy commenced the terrific artillery fire of that day. Never before were troops so exposed to such a fire of shot and shell, and yet the movement was made in perfect order and with little loss.

    Later in the day, the enemy having made his attack on our left instead of the center, I was ordered to the right of the Second Corps, which position I held until Sunday, when the line was withdrawn.

    My thanks are due to Brigadier-Generals Baxter and Paul for the able and zealous manner in which they handled their brigades, The officers of my staff were actively engaged during the whole of the three days' engagements. Lieutenant [Samuel M.] Morgan, acting assistant adjutant-general; Lieutenant [Frederick M.] Hallock, aide-de-camp, and Lieutenants Bratton and Mead, acting aides, were at all times distinguished for their gallantry and good conduct. Captain [John G.] Hovey, acting assistant inspector-general, was wounded and taken from the field early in the fight. Lieutenant Smith, ordnance officer, was diligent in the performance of his duty, and collected and turned in 2,251 muskets and a large number of equipments.

    It affords me pleasure to call special attention to the gallant conduct of one of my orderlies, Sergt. Ebenezer S. Johnson, First Maine Cavalry, whose chevrons should be exchanged for the epaulette. When we make officers of such men, the soldier receives his true reward and the service great benefit.

    This division went into battle with less than 2,500 officers and men, and sustained a loss of 1,667, of which 124 were commissioned officers.

    I transmit herewith a nominal and tabular statement of casualties, showing the loss of each regiment.

    Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
    Brigadier-General, Commanding Division."

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    Go to the Gettysburg Film Festival! https://gettysburgfilmfestival.org/2024-festival/

    Help Historian Eric Wittenberg Fight Cancer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-consider-helping-eric-and-susan-wittenberg

    Baer Sign- www.baersign.com

    The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides https://gettysburgtourguides.org/albgseminar/

    Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com

    Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/

    For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com

    The Badgemaker- https://www.civilwarcorpsbadges.com

    Civil War Trails- https://www.civilwartrails.com

    Bantam Roasters Use "HANCOCK" for 10% off your order https://www.raggededgerc.com/

    Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com

    Check out Jonathan Lucci's new novel: https://www.theheavensfalling.com/

    Join the NACWM- https://www.nacwm.org/

    TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com

    Music possibly by:

    "Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com

    Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org

    California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

    Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com

    The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net

    Meatball Parade Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

  • Dr. James Beeghley is back. This time he's joining us to talk about the popular trend of colorizing old photographs. Have you ever wondered how that's done? Though AI apps can kinda do a good job at it, a true digital artist will spend hundreds of hours researching and colorizing an old photograph with layers in a photo editor like Photoshop or Gimp. No self-respecting graphic artist would use AI and be done with it. Dr. James came into the studio and demonstrated how it's done. 1st Lieutenants saw it as it was record and, even though there is no visual with this, there is still interesting information shared for those of you interested in doing it yourself.

    Become a patron. You know you want to. Join at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg

  • Ralph Seigel is back to share another top ten list from the book TOP 10 At Gettysburg. This time, we're talking about the top ten most interesting cannon worth finding within Gettysburg National Military Park.

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    Becoming a Patron- https://www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg . Now with a FREE TRIAL for 2nd Lieutenants

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    You best be visiting our Studio Sponsor, The Gettysburg Museum of History- www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com

    Go to the Gettysburg Film Festival! https://gettysburgfilmfestival.org/2024-festival/

    Help Historian Eric Wittenberg Fight Cancer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-consider-helping-eric-and-susan-wittenberg

    Baer Sign- www.baersign.com

    The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides https://gettysburgtourguides.org/albgseminar/

    Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com

    Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/

    For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com

    The Badgemaker- https://www.civilwarcorpsbadges.com

    Civil War Trails- https://www.civilwartrails.com

    Bantam Roasters Use "HANCOCK" for 10% off your order https://www.raggededgerc.com/

    Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com

    Check out Jonathan Lucci's new novel: https://www.theheavensfalling.com/

    TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com

    Music possibly by:

    "Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com

    Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org

    California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

    Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com

    The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net

  • Harry Smeltzer, of "Bull Runnings" fame, sat down with me back in August to talk about veterans of Bull Run who paid the ultimate price here on the fields of Gettysburg.

    Check out his blog post about being on the show by clicking here https://bullrunnings.wordpress.com/2023/08/15/my-last-for-now/#comments

    You can book Harry (and check out the rest of his blog) by clicking here: https://bullrunnings.wordpress.com/speaking/

    Catch the rest of this interview and hundreds more like it it by clicking here: www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg C'mon. You know you've been curious.


    The late Andrew Prine's wife, actress/producer/director Heather Lowe, was kind enough to sit down with me for an open interview about her late husband, who played "General Garnett" in the movie "Gettysburg." Andrew had a long and respectable career in theater, film and television spanning five decades.

    This episode is produced by Bo Brinkman, Engineered by Cindy Compton and recorded at the Gettysburg Museum of History Studios ( www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com ). This episode is brought to you by our Patrons in the Officers' Club. Commission yourself at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg

  • Pastor Andy Hart is back. This time, he and I are exploring the Lost Cause. This isn't some definitive work on the matter. It's the first of many conversations I intend to have with historians about it. This discussion is more of an exploration of it as we begin to unpack the mess created over a century ago.

    Join Grant and hundreds of other highly intelligent people in our Officers' Club at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg . They sign up highly intelligent, then quickly become highly learned


    “As soon as the change of the point of attack became evident, I ordered a flank attack upon the enemy’s column….. I saw another rebel column charging immediately upon our left….Colonel Veazey, of the Sixteenth, was at once ordered to attack it in its turn upon the flank.”

    As Pickett’s Division marched into history on July 3, 1863, securing their right flank would be crucial to success. The men from Vermont would play a crucial role in helping to ensure they failed. Join us as we highlight the role of these 9-month men during their most important action.

  • Liberty where? Liberty Place. Not familiar with a Civil War battle by that name? Well, join the club. I wasn't either until LBG Kevin Bryant suggest a show about this battle which took place during reconstruction and involved Longstreet leading Louisiana troops and police on behalf of the United States against former Confederates. Say what? Press play and hear all about it.

    Hear this entire episode (and hundreds like it) all while supporting Addressing Gettysburg, ensuring it can continue to share the history of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War by becoming a Patron. You know you want. Go to www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg.com

  • LBG Chris Army is back to talk about Brigadier General John Gibbon of the II Corps, Army of the Potomac.

    From Gettysburg Daily:

    "John Gibbon was born in the Holmesburg section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the fourth of ten children born to Dr. John Heysham Gibbon and Catharine Lardner Gibbon. When Gibbon was 11 years old the family moved near Charlotte, North Carolina, because Dr. Gibbon took a position as chief assayer at the U.S. Mint. John Gibbon graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1847 and was commissioned a brevet second lieutenant in the 3rd U.S. Artillery. He served in the Mexican-American War without seeing combat, attempted to keep the peace between Seminoles and settlers in south Florida. In 1855, Gibbon married Francis “Fannie” North Moale. They had four children: Frances Moale Gibbon, Catharine “Katy” Lardner Gibbon, John Gibbon, Jr. (who died as a toddler) and John S. Gibbon. Lieutenant John Gibbon taught artillery tactics at West Point where he wrote The Artillerist’s Manual in 1859. The manual was used by both sides in the Civil War."

    Click the link above for more on John Gibbon from Gettysburg Daily

    Support the Show by:

    Join us at the ACHS For a Live Show with Tim Smith and Garry Adelman: https://www.addressinggettysburg.com/achsevent-3/

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    You best be visiting our Studio Sponsor, The Gettysburg Museum of History- www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com

    Go to the Gettysburg Film Festival! https://gettysburgfilmfestival.org/2024-festival/

    Help Historian Eric Wittenberg Fight Cancer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-consider-helping-eric-and-susan-wittenberg

    Baer Sign- www.baersign.com

    The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides https://gettysburgtourguides.org/albgseminar/

    Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com

    Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/

    For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) or free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com

    The Badgemaker- https://www.civilwarcorpsbadges.com

    Civil War Trails- https://www.civilwartrails.com

    Bantam Roasters Use "HANCOCK" for 10% off your order https://www.raggededgerc.com/

    Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com

    Check out Jonathan Lucci's new novel: https://www.theheavensfalling.com/

    Join the NACWM- https://www.nacwm.org/

    TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com

    Music possibly by:

    "Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com

    Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org

    California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

    Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com

    The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net

  • You've heard of Imboden's Brigade. But what do you know about it and its role in the Gettysburg Campaign. Steve French fills us in.

    Steve is a former middle school history teacher and graduate of Shepherd College. His works include Imboden's Brigade in the Gettysburg Campaign; Rebel Chronicles: Raiders, Scouts, and Train Robbers of the Upper-Potomac; and Four Years Along the Tilhance: The Private Diary of Elisha Manor.

  • Carolyn Ivanoff joins new-to-the-show LBG Jim Connery to talk about the 20th Connecticut.

    From the regiment's monument:

    "The Brig. formed on this line on the morning of July 2nd. At eve it moved to the support left of army. Returning, it found the position and woods on rear occupied by Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps. During the night it lay in line of battle. At dawn, July 3rd, the 20th Conn. advanced under cover of artillery and fought 5 hrs. driving the enemy and reoccupying the works. Was relieved by the 123rd N.Y. In the afternoon moved to support the 2nd Corps against Longstreet’s assault.

    This regiment went from Va. with the 12th A.C. to Army of Cumberland, marched with Gen. Sherman to the sea."

    Support the Show by:

    Join us at the ACHS For a Live Show with Tim Smith and Garry Adelman: https://www.addressinggettysburg.com/achsevent-3/

    Becoming a Patron- https://www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg . Now with a FREE TRIAL for 2nd Lieutenants

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    You best be visiting our Studio Sponsor, The Gettysburg Museum of History- www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com

    Go to the Gettysburg Film Festival! https://gettysburgfilmfestival.org/2024-festival/

    Help Historian Eric Wittenberg Fight Cancer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-consider-helping-eric-and-susan-wittenberg

    Baer Sign- www.baersign.com

    The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides https://gettysburgtourguides.org/albgseminar/

    Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com

    Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/

    For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com

    The Badgemaker- https://www.civilwarcorpsbadges.com

    Civil War Trails- https://www.civilwartrails.com

    Bantam Roasters Use "HANCOCK" for 10% off your order https://www.raggededgerc.com/

    Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com

    Check out Jonathan Lucci's new novel: https://www.theheavensfalling.com/

    Join the NACWM- https://www.nacwm.org/

    TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com

    Music possibly by:

    "Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com

    Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org

    California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

    Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com

    The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net

  • You all know and love Peter Miele and Codie Eash. They're great historians and they've shared a lot of what they've learned with us all, here on AG, at the museum and elsewhere. But who are they? How did they get to positions that make their names known to us all? Well, we get into that in the SPOTLIGHT ON, recorded last November in the refectory at the Seminary, in front of a live audience. Enjoy!

    This episode is available for 1st and 2nd Lieutenants at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg

  • Allen R. Thompson, author of In The Shadow of the Round Tops, stopped in to talk about his book. In this interview we really parse every detail we possibly can of Longstreet's Countermarch. Allen is a lawyer and, therefore, this book is written with a lawyer's approach, which I found refreshing. Who knew what and when did he know it? Was [insert information here] something that this person or that person would have known at the moment, or is it something he learned from someone else down the road? Allen put together a wonderful book about this mysterious part of the Battle of Gettysburg and Six Questions Lentz and I had fun breaking it down with him.

    Join Autumn and hundreds of others in our "Officers' Club" on Patreon to hear the rest of this interview and, most importantly, to help Addressing Gettysburg continue to bring Gettysburg to you. Go to www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg and join! 2nd Lieutenants and up get ALL four episodes that are released every month.

  • LBG Mike Rupert joins us to talk about Major General Winfield Scott Hancock and his actions on July 2, 1863.

    Support the Show by:

    Join us at the ACHS For a Live Show with Tim Smith and Garry Adelman: https://www.addressinggettysburg.com/achsevent-3/

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    Supporting Our Sponsors:

    You best be visiting our Studio Sponsor, The Gettysburg Museum of History- www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com

    Go to the Gettysburg Film Festival! https://gettysburgfilmfestival.org/2024-festival/

    Help Historian Eric Wittenberg Fight Cancer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-consider-helping-eric-and-susan-wittenberg

    Baer Sign- www.baersign.com

    The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides https://gettysburgtourguides.org/albgseminar/

    Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com

    Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/

    For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com

    The Badgemaker- https://www.civilwarcorpsbadges.com

    Civil War Trails- https://www.civilwartrails.com

    Bantam Roasters Use "HANCOCK" for 10% off your order https://www.raggededgerc.com/

    Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com

    Check out Jonathan Lucci's new novel: https://www.theheavensfalling.com/

    Join the NACWM- https://www.nacwm.org/

    TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com

    Music possibly by:

    "Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com

    Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org

    California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand

    Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com

    The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net

  • Tom McMillan is back for the final installment about Gettysburg Rebels. This time, it's CW Hoffman and his sons. Hoffman owned a carriage-making business here in Gettysburg before the war. He decided, in the 1850s, to move his business closer to the bulk of his clients in Virginia. So he packed up and moved to Shepherdstown (now in West Virginia). A few of his employees decided to follow him. Do you know who? Press play and find out. If you haven't gotten your hands on a copy of Tom's book, "Gettysburg Rebels", yet, head over to For the Historian and get your copy today! Don't forget to mention Addressing Gettysburg for a 20% discount. Hear the rest of this episode and hundreds like it at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg.com . 2nd Lieutenants and up receive ALL episodes released each month.