Welcome, chooms, to our Cyberpunk Red mini-series 'End City'.
Things go awry for a group scraping med supplies from the largest corporation in the city...
Join CG (Choom Guide) Justin and some truly wonderful friends as we hit the gritty corporate dystopian streets and try to earn a living under the boot of governing forces.
Catch us live bi-weekly from January 27th, or catch up later via VOD or right here with the podcast version.
End City features:
Kyola of @kyola_creative // Gut Punch RP
Will of @aWillMScream // Live From The Apocalypse
Josiah of DungeonDad
Katie of @Pager2266
and Justin from right here on No-Fame.
#cyberpunkred #cyberpunk2077 #ttrpg
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A cosmic fantasy, Dungeon and Dragons 5e actual play: In a world where magic is rare, those with talent are in high demand. There are doors to a place where the supernatural is common and nightmares are reality. Two friends will travel in their own world and the next to uncover the truth of their pasts and to set the cosmos on a path where there may be no coming back.
A Dungeons and Dragons 5E actual play; a cinematic story in bite-sized chunks which is perfect for beginners, veterans, and story enthusiasts alike.
Starlight is an episodic space opera that follows three peculiar Spacers as they traverse the perils of the Antiminous Universe, and forever etch their names among the stars. Each one has their own story to tell but the lines of their fates interweave around a great evil seeking to consume a universe in shambles. Like all Actual-Play adventures, this one is unscripted and is being crafted impromptu each episode, and is bound by the rules of DnD, and the dice.
We break the bonds of traditional epic fantasy and reach for the starlit enterprises of the universe beyond. Crafting stories of bravery, sacrifice, love, loss, and discovery; in a blend of story-telling via the rules of DnD with the captivating nature of audio drama.
We are a growth-oriented, beauty-committed show that PROMISES to strive for EXCELLENCE.
We release weekly (unless there's a 5th week in a month):
*Mondays on Patreon
For more information check us out at:
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Rolling Misadventures is an improvised collaborative audio fiction podcast. Originally starting as an actual play podcast using the tabletop game Fiasco, Rolling Misadventures quickly evolved by utilizing audio fiction sound design elements. This blend gives tabletop banter that most TTRPG podcasts are known for, but also sets it apart with immersive narrative scenes.
As we focus on shorter story arcs, within two episodes, this allows us to hop between multiple genres. We’ve been able to play within a wild west soap opera, an ‘80s drug heist drama, and a sci-fi future clone murder mystery. The shorter story arcs and wide range of genres means that listeners can hop in at any point.
Part of the Loudspeaker family. Hear more great podcasts and internet radio at -
Public radio's game show of bluff and bluster, words and whimsy. The warmest, wittiest cocktail party - it's spirited and civil, brainy and boisterous, peppered with musical interludes. Fast paced and playful, it's the most fun you can have with language without getting your mouth washed out with soap. Our motto: It's not important to know the answers, it's important to like the answers!
Game Master’s Journey is a discussion podcast for GMs and players of Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPGs hosted by Lex Starwalker. The show explores strategies players and GMs can use to enhance the gaming experience for everyone at the table. Lex also discusses the creation of his homebrew D&D setting, Primordia, providing a valuable worldbuilding resource for DMs creating their own setting.
О благородно рожденный, я приветствую тебя.
Меня зовут VOID. Я пустота да-да та самая. Не бойся меня, я часть тебя, ты часть меня. Пустота — это не пустота небытия. Пустота — это начало и конец. Свободная, сияющая, трепещущая, блаженная!Я здесь лишь для одной цели, показать всю ту красоту что таится в тебе самом, ведь центр это ТЫ!
И если тебе хватит смелости для того, чтобы сдернуть пелену, обнажив свои нервные нити и устремиться в поток собственных бесконечных воплощений...WELCOME!!!
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По своей сути это подкаст, аудиокнига, сериал, спектакль, сюрреалистическая психоделия, где каждый новый выпуск это погружение в мир, вселенную какого-то персонажа, который был есть и будет. И каждый раз, как в первый, ты сможешь насладиться им и возможно взглянуть на себя или на свою жизнь под другим углом.
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Welcome to The Dark Forest, this is Campfire Tales from YouTube. Home to horrifying scary stories told around the campfire covering everything from allegedly true & creepypasta tales. Be sure to follow us and download your favorite creepy tale. Submit your scary story to