悩みすぎたら抜け毛が増える。 抜け毛が増えたらもっと悩む。 生きてて一回は気になったことあるでしょ?自分の頭皮。 髪の毛がぺちゃんこだったり、髪型が決まらないと一日中ブルー 髪と頭皮は女の命。 チョコを食べながら病むって言葉やたら使ったりしてない? 人と比べてない? この番組では、東京恵比寿・名古屋(月に一度大阪、年に一度札幌)にて女性のための頭皮ケアサロンkikkaの代表である、りょこ先生が、“頭皮、体、心はつながっている。”というコンセプトのもと、実際のお客様から寄せられたお悩みやサロンでの体験談をもとに、あなたの意識を変え、自分を好きになれるのうに、頭皮、体、心のメンテナンス方法お伝えします。 実は何年も前から、若い女性の薄毛や抜け毛など頭皮トラブルのデリケートな問題は存在していましたが、髪のお悩みは男性や年配の女性が中心というイメージが強く、誰にも相談できずにいる方が多いのが現状です。 頭皮環境を良くして頭皮の土壌を整えて。 ホルモンバランスに向き合って 体の土壌を整えて。 でもね、何よりも心の土壌が大切だよ。 深〜い頭皮と心と体のお話を、悩める女性たちにお届けします! 【kikkaオンラインショップ】 【Twitter】 店舗情報: 総合受付.お問い合わせLINE公式:
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エステティシャンマインドRで、家族や同僚の表情や態度、お肌の状態な -
Welcome to Self-Love.
We cover topics surrounding self-love including body-image, confidence, self-worth, body positivity, mindset, mental health, feminism, relationships, and so much more. Along the way, your host Mary lets you in on her personal life, never shying away from the messy, raw, and real conversations that we all crave. So grab a cup of tea, slide in your headphones, and get ready for some self-lovin! -
If you’re hungry for the latest science and the freshest advice on how to age backwards gracefully and feel your best from the inside out, then you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to EAT, DRINK, LIVE LONGER, where every episode unlocks the secrets to the Fountain of Youth, one delicious bite and sip at a time. Join registered dietitian, cookbook author, and veteran podcaster, Liz Weiss, on your journey to living a longer, more vibrant life.
The Sexy Librarian's Erotica Blog-Cast, sister podcast to Rose Caraway's "The Kiss Me Quick's Erotica podcast", is a multi-topic, fun, casual discussion primarily centering around writing and producing erotica. Rose will introduce you to some of the hottest authors in erotica today. (Disclaimer- Although this podcast can touch on subjects of sexuality, this is not a sex-education podcast)
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Award-Winning Spiritual Personal Development Podcast by Amrit Sandhu 🙏🏻
Inspired Evolution is where personal and spiritual growth come alive as one. Join Amrit Sandhu in profound, heart-centered conversations with the world’s most renowned sages and thought leaders from a rich tapestry of diverse backgrounds and spiritual traditions. Experience timeless wisdom, actionable insights, and transformative practices that empower your mind, body, and spirit. For those ready to unlock their potential, evolve spiritually, and live their highest purpose—our time is now. This is your Inspired Evolution.
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aka Shit And Shame With Shawn. Join Shawn Shafner 'The Puru', performer, activist, and educator for serious but entertaining talk about poop, fecal matters, LGBT shame and other unnameable taboos that clog our bodies, minds, and communities. Shawn and his esteemed guests talk (and might even sing) about taking responsibility for our literal shit and our metaphorical shit, to transform them from waste to resource. It’s time to get our shit together, before it hits the fan.
Simply Happy is your go-to for self empowered living. Learn about mental health, mindset, self love, emotional wellness, personal development, and taking control of your life. Even learn tips to overcome bipolar, anxiety, & depression! It's everything you need to know to embody freedom, confidence, ambition, and happiness.
I CHOOSE MY BEST LIFE PODCAST is all about helping you live fully, love boldly, and rest intentionally. Author and physician, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith along with her weekly guests share inspirational guidance and actionable answers to help you experience physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.