A rock music podcast presented by an anonymous working musician and rock nerd somewhere in the rock dungeons of Australia.
The podcast chooses songs that fall under a weird and random set theme every episode.
Threading the story using great lost youtube interviews with the artists, geeky song facts, dirty rock n roll tales, very low-level humour, mid-level swearing, golden magic, fun and GREAT music.
From The Stones to The Ramones...
From Marcus King to Kings of Leon...
From Queen to Prince...
From Justin Currie to Justin Hawkins...
From The Beatles to Bee Gees...
From Stevie Nicks to Stevie Ray Vaughan...
From Motley Crue to Rod Stew-art.
From AC/DC to Bob Marley...
From Zappa to Zeppelin...
You get the picture. Listen to that picture in your earholes - A ROCK N ROLL RABBIT HOLE.