
  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take on what are good reasons (and not so good reasons) to believe in God. He demonstrates how reason alone can demonstrate that God exists and even some of His attributes and how the picture painted bears a striking resemblance to the God of the Bible.

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #godofthebible #god #beliefingod

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Intro

    02:39 What are some misconceptions on what believing means

    04:06 Is Faith about religious experiences or sentiments?

    05:19 Misconception #2 - Faith is contrary to reason

    06:50 Faith makes our lives easier and better

    08:32 What is Faith?

    13:47 Proofs for God's Existence

    14:01 Argument from motion

    15:57 God is pure actuality

    16:44 God is infinitely perfect

    19:10 God is immaterial

    21:00 Belief in the God of the Bible

    21:40 End

  • Mario Costabile sits down with Krystn Shrieve to discuss her inspiring journey through colorectal cancer. They explore how her faith guided her through the challenges, her perspective on seeing cancer as a blessing in hindsight, and the profound lessons she shares in her memoir, Love and Light: How My Cancer Banished Darkness for All Time.

    - Support Our Sponsors -

    Magnificat - A simple way to transform the way you pray. 

    Scapulars.com - Divine protection in life and in death with the most durable, comfortable scapulars ever made.

    ✨See How We Can Help Your Parish/Faith Community https://arrayofhope.org/

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    -Follow Krystn Shrieve-

    Krystn Shrieve : 

    Linked In - https://www.linkedin.com/in/krystn-shrieve-monroe-9512a48/

    Buy Her Book : https://www.amazon.com/Love-Light-Cancer-Banished-Darkness/dp/1662954255/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title

    #colorectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancerawareness

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    02:35 Start of Interview

    03:27 Krystn's Cancer Diagnosis

    04:57 Krystn's Symptoms Throughout Treatment

    06:27 How do they determine the Stage of Your Cancer?

    07:11 Writing as a Coping Mechanism

    09:01 The Meaning Behind 'Love and Light'

    10:47 Faith and Perspective During Illness

    12:06 Life At The Moment of Diagnosis

    14:10 Finding Blessings in Adversity

    17:50 How Cancer Banished the Darkness In Krystn's Life

    22:29 Why is Phillipians 4:13 your favorite scripture?

    24:14 Maintaining Humor in Hardship

    25:58 Kintsug - The Art of Healing and Resilience

    27:46 The Power of Prayer During Trials

    29:14 Finding Purpose in Suffering

    34:19 Hope in the midst of Darkness

    36:46 Final Remarks

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  • Join Mario Costabile as he chats with Dr. Jonathan Sanford about his life, his faith, how it led to his passion for Catholic education, and its vital role in shaping students from elementary school to college.

    -Support our Sponsors-

    Mother of Divine Grace School - Founded by Laura Berquist in 1995, it offers a Catholic, classical approach to distance learning.

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    Website : http://UDallas.edu

    #college #catholiccollege #catholiceducation

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    01:36 Start of Interview

    03:28 Dr. Sanford's Upbringing

    07:43 Have you always been involved in catholic education?

    13:26 Why is Catholic Education so Important?

    19:42 Leo House

    20:50 Mother of Divine Grace School

    22:04 How does Catholic School affect family life?

    25:53 Advice for Young Families Seeking Catholic Elementary or High Schools

    30:33 How does Catholic Ed instill a sense of social responsibility?

    36:28 What are the challenges Catholic Universities Face?/

    41:16 What are you proud of in your presidency at the University of Dallas?

    43:02 What's the enrollment at the university?

    44:51 Beloved - Event Array of Hope is Producing

    49:51 Final Remarks

  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take on whether you can call yourself "Catholic" and be "pro-choice." He makes clear what being "pro-choice" means and what being "Catholic" means, as well as what sort of choices, beliefs, and activities might make a person no longer in communion with the Catholic Church.

    - Support our Sponsor -

    Ave Maria Mutual Funds - the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S. Launched in 2001, their six no-load funds adhere to strong pro-life and pro-family values.

    ✨See How We Can Help Your Parish/Faith Community https://arrayofhope.org/

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #catholic #prolife #prochoice

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Intro

    01:28 Can a person be both Catholic and Pro-choice

    02:30 What is Abortion?

    03:45 The Catholic Churches opinions & teachings about abortion

    05:28 Excommunicated from the Catholic Church

    06:33 How can excommunication be lifted?

    06:57 Abortion in Politics

    10:38 Ave Maria Mutual Fund Ad

    12:13 More on the Teachings of the Church about Abortion

    13:36 St. Pope John Paul II - Evangelium Vitae

    15:35 Rejecting the Churches Teachings about Abortion

    16:33 Possibility of schism on those who oppose the Churches teachings on abortion

    16:56 St. Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letters

    17:47 Pope Benedict XVI comments on the teachings

    19:26 Are the excommunicated still Catholics?

    20:51 Final Thoughts

  • In this episode, Matt Pana and Alanis Vega discuss finding balance in Catholic dating by emphasizing intentionality, active discernment, and recognizing the dignity of the other person, while addressing the pressures from both secular and Catholic cultures.

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    Verbum - Catholic Bible study tools that draw you deeper into scripture.

    Scapulars.com - Divine protection in life and in death with the most durable, comfortable scapulars ever made.

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    #Firstdate #catholicdating #catholicfirstdate

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰













    13:49 Scapulars.com

    14:35 Verbum










    27:24 GENDER ROLES



    30:06 CONCLUSION

  • Alanis and Luke talk about the pros and the cons of online dating, share some personal experiences, and agree on the importance of intentionality in whatever way you find your partner. 

    -Supports our Sponsors-

    Magnificat - A simple way to transform the way you pray.

    Verbum - Take Your Catholic Bible Study from Stumped to Stellar with Verbum

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    Follow Luke :

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com

    #onlinedating #catholic #dating

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    04:49 Intentionally Dating in A Digital Age 

    05:51 Luke's Experience With Online Dating 

    10:08 Alanis' Experience with Online Dating 

    14:01 Importance of Intentionally Pursuing Someone 

    19:22 The difference between pursuit on Instagram vs. dating apps

    21:29 Men's Perspective on Online Dating 

    23:08 Magnificat

    23:49 Verbum 

    24:41 Difference Between Pursuing online and in person

    27:58 Is Luke Not a Fan of Online Dating?

    34:20 Why is everyone not happy with the endless options? 

    38:39 Why are Men So Passive In Dating?

    43:19 Importance of Authenticity in Online Dating 

    48:11 What advice would you give women about being serious about online dating?

    53:44 3 Types of Temptation in Online Dating

    55:08 Limit Dating App Usage 

    57:08 Final Remarks

  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take on a popular argument of skeptics that the Gospels, as well as the central claims of Christianity like Jesus' resurrection, are just myths. He exposes how their ideas are built on shaky foundations, and makes clear that Christianity is the "real deal."

    - Support our Sponsor -

    Ave Maria Mutual Funds - the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S. Launched in 2001, their six no-load funds adhere to strong pro-life and pro-family values.

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #truth #Christianity #TheTruthAbout

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Intro

    01:29 The basis that Christianity & Jesus's Resurrection is a Myth

    03:27 Myth #1 Is Mark's Gospel is the oldest

    04:21 Myth # 2 Is Mark's "added" or "newer" ending

    06:19 Ave Maria Mutual Funds

    07:29 Become a partner of Array of Hope

    08:12 Myth #3 Is Paul and the other Evangelists were fakes

    09:14 Myth #4 Is The Idea Luke has more resurrection narratives

    10:07 Myth #5 That The Evangelists constructed a "story" to prove the Resurrection

    11:31 The Gospels vs The New Modern Scholars

    12:23 End

  • Mario Costabile and TJ Bogan talk about the Camino Pilgrim Foundation which TJ co-founded to raise funds to allow Seminarians to experience the famous catholic pilgrimage at no cost to them.

    Help Support Camino Pilgrim Foundation's Mission - Donate Here

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    #Camino #Pilgrimage #Vocation

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    01:47 Interview Starts

    02:35 What Is Follow My Camino?

    03:27 What length is the Camino?

    05:01 How Big Are The Groups You Bring?

    05:38 Is There A Priest On Every Trip?

    08:21 What Are Past Pligrims Saying About Their Trip?

    09:29 Camino Pilgrim Foundation

    11:46 How did you come up with this idea?

    13:38 How are you marketing this?

    14:23 INSERT $20 a month Club Card

    16:22 How Can People Help Support Your Mission?

    19:41 Final Remarks

  • Alanis Vega and Josh Rosa talk about the power of setting boundaries, overcoming people-pleasing, and embracing your true identity in Christ. Discover practical insights on finding freedom through faith and living confidently in your calling.

    - Support Our Sponsors -

    Verbum - Catholic Bible study tools that draw you deeper into scripture.

    Scapulars.com - Divine protection in life and in death with the most durable, comfortable scapulars ever made.

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    Follow Josh Rosa :

    Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@_joshuarosa

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/_joshuarosa/

    YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@Mademoremotivated

    Website : https://www.mademoremotivated.com/

    #healthyboundaries #catholic #peoplepleasing

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    02:03 Start of Interview

    04:11 Boundaries and People Pleasing

    05:31 Josh's Journey with Creating Boundaries

    12:01 Finding Boundaries while being still charitable

    15:00 What Scripture says about this

    19:32 Josh's Story of God's Provision

    22:31 Verbum

    23:26 Scapulars.com

    24:11 Tips for creating healthy boundaries

    35:49 Where you can follow Josh's Work

  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take on whether a Catholic married couple can be “childless by choice” and entertain a “child free” lifestyle, exploring the Church’s teaching on the intrinsic connection between marriage, sex, and babies.

    Support our Sponsor :

    Verbum - Takes Your Catholic Bible Study from Stumped to Stellar with Verbum

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #catholic #childfree #dink

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Intro

    01:56 Can a Catholic live a 'child-free' lifestyle?

    03:14 Why is a Child-Free Lifestyle Contradictory To the Church's teaching

    03:37 How it's Contradictory - Point #1

    06:53 Verbum

    07:19 Why The Catholic Teachings about Marriage & Children are valid

    09:16 Pope Paul VI Quote

    10:28 The Miracle and Benefits of Having Children

    12:21 Final Thoughts - Why a Child-free Lifestyle is contradictory

  • In this episode of A Reason for Hope, Matt Pana and Alanis Vega discuss uniting different liturgical expressions in the Catholic Church, exploring the beauty and balance between the charismatic and traditional forms of worship while emphasizing the importance of focusing on Christ and fostering unity over division.

    - Support Our Sponsors -

    Magnificat - A simple way to transform the way you pray. 

    Scapulars.com - Divine protection in life and in death with the most durable, comfortable scapulars ever made.

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #division #catholic #liturgy

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Hook

    01:53 Introducing the topic of Traditional and Charismatic

    02:28 Finding Beauty in Both

    04:34 Varying Degrees of Fulfillment

    05:47 Finding What Unites vs. What Divides

    06:26 Unity in the Christian Context

    07:34 Am I Gathering or Scattering?

    08:13 The "Our Father" Prayer

    09:54 The Truth Is The Catholic Faith

    10:24 The Church Is Unitive Not Punitive

    12:23 Scriptural Division on The Holy Mass

    13:55 Scapulars.com

    14:39 Magnificat

    15:20 How To Resolve Faith Expression Division

    16:15 The Power of Presence and Reverence

    17:46 Receptivity in Prayer

    19:23 The Root of Worship is Sacrifice

    19:44 The Pitfalls of Emotionalism

    20:50 Pitfalls of Judging Faith Expressions

    22:13 The Importance of Respect and Dialogue

    23:34 Protestants vs. Catholics

    25:15 Focus on the Kingdom, not the camps

    26:02 Liturgical Preference As An Idol

    26:49 What is the Middle Ground?

  • In this episode, Mario Costabile talks with Fr. Carlos Martins about The Reality of Evil, why God Allows it to exist, why God allows people to get possessed, the power of our baptism, and how to defend ourselves from this Evil.

    -Support our Sponsors-

    Exodus 90 - The #1 Catholic Men's App

    Scapulars.com - "Divine protection in life and in death with the most durable, comfortable scapulars ever made."

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    Connect with Fr. Carlos Martins

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cmartinscc/

    YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/@Fr.CarlosMartins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fr.carlosmartins

    Podcast - https://www.exorcistfiles.tv/

    Relic Tour - https://treasuresofthechurch.com/

    Book/Website - https://www.fathercarlosmartins.com/

    #evil #catholic #exorcist

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    01:46 Start of Interview

    02:56 How long has Fr Carlos been a priest?

    04:48 How is a priest taught to be an exorcist?

    09:16 What wounds do you look for in a possessed person?

    10:43 Are you scared while conducting exorcisms?

    14:21 Is the Devil the only one who possess people?

    18:32 Why Does God allow people to be possessed?

    22:47 Exodus 90

    23:51 Scapulars.com

    24:37 Is it our actions that cause possession?

    26:26 Effects Our Baptism Has On Our Soul

    28:48 The Role of Sin and Redemption

    33:14 Father's Conversion Story From Atheism

    34:01 The Impact of Invitation and Conversion

    36:22 Father's New Book: The Exorcist Files

    46:15 Does the Devil Hate Holy Water?

    47:44 Understanding Evil: Individual and Collective Perspectives

    50:05 The Purpose and Hope Behind the Book

    55:12 The Dangers of the Occult and Spiritual Vulnerability

    57:58 Is Yoga Permissable in the Catholic Church?

    01:48 What makes your book different from others on this topic

    03:44 Two Protestant Editors Were Paid To Give Notes On The Book

    07:07 Would an Atheist be interested in your book?

    09:12 Final Remarks

  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take about what, notwithstanding the sincere and noble efforts of the US Bishops' Eucharistic Revival, would inspire an authentic and swift renaissance in Eucharistic devotion, reflecting on Fr. Peter Stravinskas' his article, "What’s Really Needed for a 'Eucharistic Revival'?"

    - Support our Sponsor -

    Ave Maria Mutual Funds - the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S. Launched in 2001, their six no-load funds adhere to strong pro-life and pro-family values.

    ✨Register for Our App and Download it to Your Favorite Device : https://watch.arrayofhope.net/

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #eucharist #eucharisticrevival #revival

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    03:36 Opening Segment

    05:01 What's Needed for a Eucharistic Revival?

    09:08 What is the Problem?

    10:55 Ave Maria Mutual Funds

    12:38 Receiving Communion The Correct Way

    19:04 Churches Have Become Meeting Halls

    21:26 Final Thoughts

    23:01 End

    Additional Resources:

    What's Really Needed for a "Eucharistic Revival"? - Fr. Pete Stravinskas

  • Mario Costabile sits down with Bishop Athanasius Schneider to talk about his life, the dangers of relativism in our culture, the importance of reverence in the Church, and the hope for its future.

    - Support our Sponsors -

    Sophia Institute Press - "...that we shall succeed beyond our fondest hopes and desires, if only we are devoted to Your Sacred Heart.”

    Verbum - Catholic Bible study tools that draw you deeper into scripture.

    Kondracki Advisory Investment Management - We help individual investors and families grow their wealth by managing investment portfolios for them that are exclusively comprised of industry-leading, time-tested companies that help make the world a better place. Chris Kondracki and Tom Terraccino, CFA, are an experienced and proven team of Portfolio Managers and financial analysts who have a deep understanding of stock and investment selection and risk. We also provide free financial planning services and can help clients with their life insurance needs.

    ✨Visit our website to see how we can help you and your faith community https://arrayofhope.org/

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #reverence #catholic #relativism

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    03:28 Devotion to the Eucharist

    05:39 Growing Up Catholic in Soviet Russia

    11:50 Root Causes of the Church Crisis

    20:40 Addressing Doctrinal Confusion

    25:55 Kondracki Advisory Investment Management

    26:47 Verbum

    27:42 Importance of the Cathecism

    34:17 The War Against the Traditional Latin Mass

    41:47 Restoring Reverence in the Mass

    47:02 Bishop's Book "Flee From Heresy"

    52:19 The Importance of Respectful Opposition

    58:13 Final Remarks

  • Jack Garno and Dr. David Hajduk sit down and discuss how you can make your spiritual life better in 2025 with some practical advice on how to simplify and be more consistent in the 3 practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

    - Support our Sponsors -

    Magnificat - A simple way to transform the way you pray.

    Verbum - Catholic Bible study tools that draw you deeper into scripture.

    ✨Join Us On Our Mission by Donating Here : https://arrayofhope.org/donate/

    - Connect with us! -

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    YouTube: @ArrayofHopeMinistries

    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #newyearsresolution #catholic #2025

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    03:14 Is the New Year a good time to reset your spiritual life?

    05:02 What is Dr. Dave doing differently for 2025?

    07:32 Importance of Written Prayer

    11:40 Start Your Day With A Morning Offering

    14:51 Magnificat

    15:30 Verbum

    16:26 Prayer Book Recommendations

    20:50 Importance of Mass and Adoration

    25:28 Importance of Fasting

    31:18 Importance of Almsgiving

    39:51 Closing Remarks

  • Jack Garno and Dr. David Hajduk sit down and go into great detail about what happened the day that Jesus was born, what we believe as Catholics about Jesus’ birth, and how they celebrate Christmas now. 

    - Support our Sponsors -

    Magnificat - Prepare your heart to welcome the Prince of Peace this Advent season with the Magnificat Advent Companion.

    Scapulars.com - Divine protection in life and in death with the most durable, comfortable scapulars ever made.

    ✨✨Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe to Our Podcast! @r4hpodcast

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #Christmas #catholic #FirstChristmas

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    03:28 What is wrong with the "Soap Opera" version of Mary?

    07:27 Joseph knew Mary was a consecrated virgin

    10:23 Why did Joseph want to "Put Her Away Quietly"?

    11:26 The Angel Gabriel implies Joseph wasn't jealous

    12:53 What did Betrothal mean?

    14:57 Why Joseph's role was necessary

    17:02 Magnificat

    17:41 Scapulars.com

    18:32 Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

    21:41 Historical Timeline leading up to Jesus' Birth

    26:58 How did the early Christians celebrate Christmas?

    31:29 Is Santa Claus really real?

    32:08 What did "No Room At The Inn" really mean?

    38:09 Animals at the Nativity Scene

    41:28 Shepards and Wise Men

    45:10 Angels

    49:20 The Miraculous Birth

    56:06 Why people have a hard time believing it

    64:04 How does Dr. Dave's family celebrate Christmas?

    68.23 Closing Remarks

  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take on whether thoughts that don't appear to "hurt anyone" (like lustful thoughts) are evil, in light of Jesus' teaching in the Gospels and the Church's doctrine on the human body and the dignity of the human person.

    - Support our Sponsor -

    Exodus 90 - The #1 Catholic Men's App

    ✨Join us on our mission by donating at https://arrayofhope.org/donate/

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    YouTube: @ArrayofHopeMinistries

    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #lustfulthoughts #catholic #cheating

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction

    02:06 Is It Okay to Look But Not To Touch

    03:54 The Meaning of the Human Body

    05:02 The Human Body to Lust - What Changed?

    07:08 Exodus 90

    08:57 The Human Heart is the Battlefield between Love & Lust

    11:35 Summary & Final Thoughts

    13:00 Ending

  • Mario Costabile sits down with Fr Timothy Gallagher, OMV to go through all 14 of St. Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment and talk about how they can truly change anyone’s spiritual life who learns to implement them. 

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    Magnificat - Prepare your heart to welcome the Prince of Peace this Advent season with the Magnificat Advent Companion.

    Verbum - Catholic Bible study tools that draw you deeper into scripture.

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    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #changeyourlife #catholic #betterlife

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Introduction and Background

    04:56 Understanding The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

    07:51 Understanding Discernment of Spirits

    13:23 Consolation, Desolation, and Tranquility

    14:04 Magnificat

    15:14 Verbum

    19:07 First Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    23:09 Second Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    30:18 Third and Fourth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    32:31 The closer you get to God, the more the Devil tries to pull you back in

    35:51 Fifth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    38:28 Sixth Rule of Discernment

    40:24 Seventh Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    41:51 Eighth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    43:36 Ninth Rule of Discernment

    44:54 Tenth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    45:38 Eleventh Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    48:48 Twelfth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    52:19 Thirteenth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    53:09 Fourteenth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

    58:20 Discernment of Spirits within Marriage

    05:45 Final Remarks

  • In this podcast episode, hosts Alanis Vega and Matt Pana discuss the concept of humility, exploring the balance between self-deprecation and pride, and emphasizing the importance of acknowledging personal weaknesses while giving glory to God for His strength and gifts.

    - Support our Sponsors -

    Ave Maria Mutual Funds - Ave Maria Mutual Funds is the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S. Launched in 2001, their six no-load funds adhere to strong pro-life and pro-family values.

    Magnificat - Prepare your heart to welcome the Prince of Peace this Advent season with the Magnificat Advent Companion.

    ✨Help Support Our Ministry at https://arrayofhope.org/donate/

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    Facebook: @arrayofhopeministries

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    X: @aohministries

    TikTok: @arrayofhopeministries

    LinkedIn: @arrayofhopeministries

    YouTube: @ArrayofHopeMinistries

    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #humility #catholic #pride

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Intro

    01:47 Defining Humility, Pride, and Self Deprication

    04:02 How to Receive a Compliment

    06:24 How Mary Received a Compliment

    07:42 Healthy Humility

    09:04 The Litany of Humility

    12:56 Cultivate the Gifts God Gives You

    14:23 Affirmations vs. Catholic Declarations

    15:46 Being Vulnerable with God

    16:07 Healthy Skepticism

    17:18 Ave Maria Mutual Funds

    18:28 Magnificat

    19:07 Acknowledge Your Shortcomings

    22:33 Embrace Your Feelings but Don't Dwell on Them

    24:05 To Whom Much Is Given, Much is Expected

    25:55 The Importance of Community

    29:51 The Remedy to False Sense of Pride

    30:19 Outro

  • In this episode, Dr. David Hajduk gives his take on how the Catholic Church can combat what appears to be a decline of faith and practice, suggesting a return to traditional practices. This time he considers the Church's approach to fasting and abstinence.

    - Support our Sponsor -

    Goretti Fine Art - a studio dedicated to creating original sacred artwork for churches and private worship spaces.

    Ave Maria Mutual Funds - the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S. Launched in 2001, their six no-load funds adhere to strong pro-life and pro-family values. 

    ✨Visit our website to see how we can help you and your faith community https://arrayofhope.org/

    - Connect with us! -

    Facebook: @arrayofhopeministries

    Instagram: @arrayofhopeministries

    X: @aohministries

    TikTok: @arrayofhopeministries

    LinkedIn: @arrayofhopeministries

    YouTube: @ArrayofHopeMinistries

    Website : https://arrayofhope.org/podcast

    #catholicchurch #catholic #catholictradition

    ⏰ Timecodes ⏰

    00:00 Intro

    02:30 Opening Segment - Ascetical practices

    04:48 Many Things Changed and the Numbers Tanked

    05:38 Lowering the Bar Never Works

    07:07 Goretti Fine Arts

    08:19 Ave Maria Mutual Funds

    09:28 Softened Discipline in Fasting and Abstinence

    14:43 The Traditional Fasting

    16:32 What Fasting Does For Us

    17:15 Closing Thoughts - Church's Realization