
  • This episode is inspired by a challenge I faced with my daughter, Ella, and her sudden strike from breastfeeding.

    Feeling overwhelmed by uncontrollable events is something that comes up in motherhood fairly regularly with little ones!  I want you to have some tools in your back pocket for those moments to help you feel more empowered and in control of situations in your life.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    How to identify the control you have in a situation where you may feel powerless.Learn ways to regain control and reduce stress when situations feel overwhelming.How to shift your perspective so that you can handle challenges more effectively. .


    Enrolment for A Mother’s Mind Membership is now open. We start on July 22!

    This is a 10-week program that we will spend together to really lighten your mental load, learn the offload practice, and get you to a place where you are able to soak in your everyday life (the small and big moments) without mental exhaustion. I cannot wait to welcome you in. Check out all the details here

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks

    3 free pep talks! These are a powerful way to shift your mindset in just 10 minutes. A crowd favourite within my A Mother's Mind Membership! Access them here



  • This episode is a reminder not to let your mind be occupied by worries and stresses that don't serve you. 

    This episode is inspired by the one and only, Taylor Swift. I talk about the mental clutter that has been living rent-free in your mind. Just as Tay-Tay shakes it off, I give you the tools you need to get rid of those unwanted thoughts and lighten your mental load.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to recognise what thoughts are taking up space without contributing positively to your well-being.How you can clear out these thoughts, giving you a clearer, more focused mental state.How to regularly check in on what's taking up space in your mind and decide whether it deserves your energy.

    My girl, Taylor Swift, might not know it, but she's helped frame an important reminder and mindset shift for all of you struggling with a heavy mental load.

    3 free pep talks! These are a powerful way to shift your mindset in just 10 minutes. A crowd favourite within my A Mother's Mind Membership! Access them here

    A Mother’s Mind Membership is back. Doors open in July! I’ll be emailing out the information about it very soon. Join the list HERE so that you don’t miss out on the details!

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


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  • In this episode, I talk about the often overwhelming feeling of beginning something new, particularly when the stakes feel high or the task daunting.

    Whether it’s starting to exercise postpartum or tackling any big life change, the key is knowing how to take that first step.

    I share my experience with starting to run postpartum, the strategies that helped me, and how you can apply them to your challenges.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to acknowledge and overcome the mental barriers that prevent you from taking the first stepWhat strategies you can use to break down a daunting task into manageable pieces.Why it is important to find the right support and guidance to help you start.

    So, if you’re looking to start something new, or take on a new challenge but don’t know where to start - start by listening to this episode.

    3 free pep talks! These are a powerful way to shift your mindset in just 10 minutes. A crowd favourite within my A Mother's Mind Membership! Access them here

    A Mother’s Mind Membership is starting again soon! I’ll be emailing out the information about it shortly. Join the list HERE so that you don’t miss out on the details!

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I talk about resentment in motherhood. Whether it's directed towards partners, circumstances, or the unspoken expectations of motherhood itself, resentment can feel heavy.

    It is all how to navigate through that feeling and emotion as a mother.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    How to recognise and accept resentment as a normal emotional response, without guilt.How to move through resentment with kindness and self awareness.Strategies to manage and stay on top of resentment to avoid overwhelm and emotional build up.

    If you are in the thick of resentment, just know you are not alone. Know that nothing has gone wrong. Resentment is just another emotion that you are experiencing and that the steps in this episode are going to help you move through that feeling!

    3 free pep talks! These are a powerful way to shift your mindset in just 10 minutes. A crowd favourite within my A Mother's Mind Membership! Access them here

    A Mother’s Mind Membership is reopening soon! I’ll be emailing out the information about it soon. Join the list HERE so that you don’t miss out on the details!

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    This pep talk focuses on giving you the space to feel safe to give yourself the recognition you deserve, leading to less need for external validation.

    I wanted to give you access to it today because I think it is super important for us as mothers to regularly take time out to acknowledge ourselves, to speak about how proud we are of ourselves, to give ourselves the credit that we deserve, and to do that in a way that fills our cup.

    This is one of the pep talks that I have recorded and that are available to all of the A Mother's Mind Membership mothers. If you would like to know more, join the waitlist for my membership. Doors will be opening soon.

    Liked it? I have a few more pep talks for you here! Click Here

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • This episode is all about the basics - because sometimes we need a gentle nudge to remember what truly matters. I talk about how to check in on the basics that keep your functioning.

    In this episode, you’ll learn

    Why maintaining basic self-care routines to support both physical and mental health is so important.How neglecting these basics can have immediate, tangible impacts on your daily functions.What strategies you can use to reintegrate essential habits into your busy life to ensure you're at your best.

    Need a quick mindset boost? Check out the free pep talks available through my A Mother’s Mind Membership.

    A Mother’s Mind Membership is back! Doors are opening soon. Make sure you don’t miss out on being the first to hear about it! Click HERE

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I talk about what it looks like to share your mental load successfully, why it can be challenging, and what you can do about it. I step you through an example of this that happened in my life this week.

    Something I hear so regularly in my coaching is that it is easier to just handle everything yourself, rather than spending the time explaining, having to oversee or micromanage any of those things. I also know that sometimes you may feel like your partner isn’t interested in helping.

    Sharing your mental load is about being on the same page as your partner or whoever you want to share it with.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    Why sharing your mental load is a long term investment for your family dynamic and in your day to day life.How to create a life where you aren’t the person in your family being inundated with all the tasks and organisation.How to develop the skill of sharing your mental load successfully.How to communicate how you want the mental load to be shared in your family in a way that feels like conversation, rather than nagging, or delegating.

    Want some of the pep talks that are so popular in my A Mother’s Mind Membership for free? Click Here

    Interested in learning more about the offload practice? Join the waitlist for A Mother’s Mind Membership.

    Reach out to me here for 1:1 coaching options. I help you learn and implement the offload practice.. I support you with those deeper levels of that skill set that you need to be able to share your mental load successfully over time.


  • In this episode, I talk about how to save emotional energy. Since becoming a mother, this has really impacted how I show up in my every day life.

    The energy that we expend in our days as mothers comes in so many different forms - physical, emotional, mental. Putting it all together means that we can feel so exhausted by the end of the day.

    In this episode, you’ll learn about

    How to identify and reduce unnecessary emotional energy expenditure in your daysThe importance of emotional literacy in understanding and naming your feelingsHow processing your emotions more effectively can improve your relationships and wellbeing and how you show up in your days.

    If you are often feeling absolutely exhausted by the end of your day, then this one is for you.

    I have three free pep talks that are for you - each one is for a different feeling that you may be experiencing. These pep talks are a big hit in my A Mother’s Mind Membership - Check it them here

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I talk about how our expectations of others impacts our mental load and relationships. If your experience of everyday life has moments of resentment, frustration or disconnection, nothing has gone wrong.

    Often the buildup of negative emotions comes down to a misalignment of the expectations that we have of people in our lives, or of situations in our lives.

    This episode is about brining those expectations back into alignment, which allows us to let go of some of those negative feelings.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    How misaligned expectations affects our emotional state and relationships.How to have clear communication to avoid resentment and frustrations.What steps you can take to align your expectations with reality to improve your well-being.

    It is so important to align our expectations with reality in motherhood. This is all about giving you practical strategies for setting realistic expectations so that you can lighten your mental load.

    Need a bit more of a pep talk? Click Here

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I share insights into transitioning from maternity leave back to work mode. After the birth of my daughter, Ella, I faced the challenge of switching back on my professional mindset while balancing family life.

    You'll learn:

    How journaling can help clear your mind for the day aheadWhy setting clear expectations with family members is so important for work-life balanceWhat strategies you can use to help plan and execute work tasks effectivelyHow embracing imperfection and kindness toward yourself helps with the transition back to work.

    These are some of the most effective strategies that I have used to get my brain to the space of being efficient, being effective, while also enjoying being back in this space along the way. 

    Click Here for 3 free pep talks. These are some of the favourites from my A Mother's Mind Membership. 

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I chat about the importance of recognising that it’s perfectly ok to seek and accept help from others. I break down the barriers that often prevent you from asking for help, and then get into how to actually build the skillset to be able to do it.  

    Here’s what you’ll learn in the episode:

    Why it is important to overcome the guilt and shame often associated with asking for helpHow to ask for help more freelyWhat mindset shifts are necessary to seek support without feeling burdensomeHow asking for help not only lightens your mental load but also strengthen your relationships and community ties

    I want you to embrace the act of seeking help as a strength, not a weakness and build the skill set to do so comfortably.

    Need a bit more of a pep talk? Click here.

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • This episode is about recognising yourself as the central cog in your family. It’s about the subtle yet profound mindset shift from feeling guilty about self-care, and prioritising yourself to embracing it as something that is beneficial for everyone in your life.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    How seeing yourself as the central cog in your family influences your relationships and personal well-being.How to acknowledge the ripple effect of focusing on yourself that leads to positive changes in your familyHow to embrace the idea that what benefits you, can also benefit those around you

    I want you to challenge the notion that personal time is at the expense of others and instead, be able to prioritise yourself without guilt.

    Need a bit more?

    Free Pep Talks straight from my A Mother’s Mind Membership1:1 Coaching available - find out more!

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I talk about the idea that what you often see as achievable for others is also attainable for you, despite the doubts and limiting beliefs you may hold. It is a gentle nudge to help you shift that perspective.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    What steps you can take to start seeing the possibilities in your life.How to overcome mental barriers to embrace the potential for change and growthHow to shift your perspective of seeing what others have, not as reminders of what you lack but as inspiration of what's also possible for you.How this realisation can lead to a newfound confidence and enjoyment in motherhood.

    Want more?

    If you are thinking, I just don’t even know how I would start or it feels like too much of an effort to start or I don’t have time or I am overloaded, reach out to me and I can help you take the first (and multiple next) steps.If you need a little pep talk, click here. These are an absolutely favourite in my membership!Keen to hear more about my Membership relaunching soon? This is for you

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I focus on how to shift your mindset during challenging times. I explore how actively engaging your thoughts can significantly impact our emotional experiences and outcomes.

    You’ll learn:

    How to use the self-coaching modelHow acknowledging and shifting your thoughts impacts your feelings and actionsWhat role acceptance and self-compassion play in coping with challenges.The importance of giving yourself permission to feel and move through difficult emotions without additional judgment.How believing in your ability to navigate challenging times is crucial.

    Tune in to discover how to acknowledge your efforts, and cultivate a resourceful mindset to support yourself through challenging times

    If you related to this episode and you want support with your mindset and mental load as a mum, I can help you - find out more here.

    Mentioned in the episode:

    Check out Dr Carol Dweck’s work on the Growth Mindset HERECheck out Brooke Castillo’s Life Coach School - Self-Coaching Model  HERE

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I outline three practical tools designed to help you manage your mental load. It is to prepare you for those moments when bedtime rolls around and your brain just doesn’t want to clock off. 

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    How writing down your thoughts and concerns can clear your mind, making it easier to relax.What planning strategies you can use to set you up for a clearer headspace at night.Why you should consider a shared family calendar to manage family activities, responsibilities without the need for constant reminders.

    These three tools are designed to help you manage your mental load to enhance your quality of sleep. Enjoy! 

    Interested in 1:1 coaching? Find out more here. 

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks


  • In this episode, I want to explore a different perspective on motherhood. Honestly, I have been hesitant to talk about this topic as it feels very controversial and goes against societal norms - but this conversation has been brewing for some time.

    It is about the narrative around motherhood feeling hard, or more specifically the narrative that motherhood should feel hard.  

    In this episode, you will learn:

    How to question and become really intentional about motherhood when things are feeling hard.How to explore the difference between genuine difficulties and created complexities in motherhood.How to open yourself up to possibilities that things could be different.

    I need to mention here that not a single part of this episode is intended to invalidate how you are feeling in motherhood but instead, I hope it really helps you find little areas in your life that you could embrace the possibility of simplicity in motherhood.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on this one!

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks
  • In this episode, I talk about feeling inadequate and not doing enough as a mother.

    This episode will help you decide that you are enough which will create a shift in your mindset and how you show up in your days.

    In this episode, you’ll learn

    How you can create the experience of feeling ‘enough’How to reflect on this mindset and strategies to shift your perspective.How to show up differently and be kinder to yourself.The importance of self-forgiveness, self-compassion and creating a more nourishing relationship with yourself.

    By embracing the belief that you are enough, you can show up differently in motherhood.


    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks
  • It may sound so simple, but feeling your feelings can be a difficult experience for many. Acknowledging and processing emotions allows you to deal with life’s ups and downs with more clarity and resilience. In this episode, I want to explore especially why it is so important to embrace our emotions fully.

    In this episode, you’ll learn

    How to choose and process your emotions effectively.The importance of implementing strategies to process your emotions.How processing emotions mindfully can improve your emotional balance and resilience.


    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks
  • In this episode, I talk about recognising the mental load and how we tend to normalise where we are in our life just to get through.

    In this episode, you’ll learn

    How to navigate and manage your mental loadThe importance of self-awareness in recognising and addressing the weight of the mental load.How to identify the signs that the mental load has become too heavyWhat strategies and techniques can help to lighten the mental load 

    And if you need a bit of a pep talk to start your day, click here. These are a powerful way to shift your mindset in just 10 minutes. A favourite within my A Mother's Mind Membership! 

    Interested in 1:1 coaching? Find out more

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks
  • In this episode, I want to remind you that you inherently deserve appreciation, gratitude, and credit in your life, urging you to embrace these unapologetically.

    In this episode, you’ll learn

    How to remind yourself that you deserve appreciation and gratitudeHow to give you these in your everyday lifeHow to experience and navigate your daily life through intentional self-appreciation.

    If you need a few pep talks to start your day, click here. These are a powerful way to shift your mindset in just 10 minutes. A crowd favourite within my A Mother's Mind Membership!

    Mentioned in the episode:

    Episode 28 - How to invite in more gratitude for yourself

    Connect with me:

    Check out my Mindset Journal, just for Mums HERECheck out my Website HEREConnect with me on Instagram @michelle.c.weeks