Are you feeling restless and antsy? Do you find yourself consumed with activities rather than moments? If so, you're not alone. In this video, we'll discuss the importance of embracing stillness and how it can help you find peace and happiness. Stillness is a powerful tool that can help you find inner peace and happiness. In this video, we'll discuss why being alone is important and how to find the courage to be still. We'll also discuss the importance of overconsumption and how to make sure that you're taking time for yourself. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of the power of stillness and how it can help you find peace and happiness.
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In this video, we're going to show you how to unlock your new life by rewriting your story. By understanding and working with your subconscious mind, you can change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living the life you deserve. This video is packed with information about how your subconscious mind works and how to use it to create the life you want. We'll show you how to identify and overcome the obstacles that are keeping you from living the life you know you can be. By the end of this video, you'll have the tools you need to unlock your new life and start living the life you deserve!
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Looking to live a softer life? In this video, we're going to give you the ultimate guide to living the soft life. From understanding feminine energy to getting tips on how to heal masculine energy, this video has everything you need to live a softer life! Whether you're looking to reduce stress and anxiety, increase energy and wellbeing, or simply want to know more about the divine feminine, this guide has you covered. We'll teach you the ins and outs of living the soft life, and help you to feel more at ease in your own skin!
We've all felt lost before and had no clue where they should go, let alone how to even start over. It can feel confusing on what your next step can be, especially if you're in a dark hole. If you are needing a solution to get out of the darkness, listen in on how MJ and Jen figure out what to do when they're lost.
1:38: The darkest times of MJ's life 6:45: Prioritize taking care of yourself first 8:38: Identify who you really are 10:55: Recognize your triggers 14:26: Don't fall into victimhood 16:31: Get out of your comfort zone 18:51: Your health is true wealth💌 Keep in Touch and Join Our Sunday Love Letters: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63b1d3ce329680c1aa6448b5
🌐Visit Our Website: http://alifebyyou.com/
We all want love, the perfect man, woman or person to compliment your life. But are you willing to do the internal work to attract your dream partner? Jennifer and MJ have both found love in all the wrong ways. But after practicing self love and manifesting, they both have their dream partners. Learn how to manifest your own love of your life by tuning in to this two part episode.
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💌 Keep in Touch and Join our Sunday Love Letters: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63b1d3ce329680c1aa6448b5 🌐 Visit Our Website: http://alifebyyou.com/ 📺 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@alifebyyou 📧For any Inquiries: hello@alifebyyou.com 📱Stay Tuned On Social Media : »Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alifebyyou/ »Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/alifebyyou/ -
Your community will understand what makes you unique if you develop a powerful brand that represents the goals, character, and expertise of your business. And social media is one of the most significant tools for building your brand since it gives you the chance to frequently share thoughts, images, videos, and little insights into the character of your business. In this podcast, MJ is going to share with you some social media hacks that will help you to build a successful brand.
Let's stay connected:
🌐 Visit Our Website: http://alifebyyou.com/ 📺 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@alifebyyou 📧For any Inquiries: hello@alifebyyou.com 📱Stay Tuned On Social Media : Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alifebyyou/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/alifebyyou/ -
Being productive doesn't need working hard at your computer for long periods of time each day or working long hours. To make the most use of your time, you must be wise about how you spend it. You may do a lot of things to increase your productivity. To make the most of your work, you can set goals, make a plan, and employ tools and strategies. You can also learn how to control your distractions and maintain your attention on what matters. Moreover, if you want to be productive, you must know how to look after your physical and mental well-being.
Let's stay connected:
💌 Keep in Touch and Join Our Sunday Love Letters: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63b1d3ce329680c1aa6448b5 🌐 Visit Our Website: http://alifebyyou.com/ 📺 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@alifebyyou 📧For any Inquiries: hello@alifebyyou.com 📱Stay Tuned On Social Media : Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alifebyyou/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/alifebyyou/ -
Your community will understand what makes you unique if you develop a powerful brand that represents the goals, character, and expertise of your business. And social media is one of the most significant tools for building your brand since it gives you the chance to frequently share thoughts, images, videos, and little insights into the character of your business. In this video, MJ is going to share with you some social media hacks that will help you to build a successful brand.
Let's stay connected:
🌐 Visit Our Website: http://alifebyyou.com/ 📺 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@alifebyyou 📧For any Inquiries: hello@alifebyyou.com 📱Stay Tuned On Social Media : »Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alifebyyou/ »Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/alifebyyou/ -
There are times when our passions are things we would love to do for a living. Sometimes what we really want is what we think we want. Being passionate about our work is different from being eager or enthusiastic about it. Understanding the difference between passions and basic beliefs is crucial. Everyone has a unique set of guiding principles that determine how they behave and how they interpret their jobs and workplaces. In this video, we will discuss what is passion.
📺 Watch this episode on YouTube! 💌 Keep in Touch and Join our Sunday Love Letters 🌐 Visit our website -
A feeling of purpose can control behavior, shape goals, provide a sense of direction, and give life meaning. Finding your purpose in life can help you feel in charge, satisfied, and content in general. Undoubtedly, a big part of living a happy life is believing that what you do matters. But each person will interpret this differently. Every person has a different purpose, therefore your route may be different from others. In today's podcast, we discuss about finding your purpose and share some surprising secrets to finding your purpose in life.
📺 See us live and in person on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@alifebyyou 💌 Keep in Touch and Join Our Sunday Love Letters: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63b1d3ce329680c1aa6448b5 🌐 Visit Our Website: http://alifebyyou.com/ -
Overwhelmed with feelings of stress and tension? Shifting your mindset is one of the best ways to experience relief Positive affirmations are a great tool to use to not only increase your resilience to stress but limit its impact. Jennifer lovingly offers her top 5 affirmations to help you face challenging situations or to simply clear your mind for the busy day ahead.
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration, and support in your life, subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Follow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us improve our content and cover topics that interest you the most. We hope you find some calm with the help of these affirmations.
Unless you’re Elon Musk, aka the world’s richest human, you’re gonna need to get on board with the fact that social media is an essential ingredient in growing your business.
Whether you love it or hate it, digital marketing is here to stay.
There is an insane amount of information out there promoting a thousand different ways you should be utilizing social media. MJ and Jennifer understand that heavy feeling of overwhelm.
Listen as they drop their tried and true tips to help you show up online as your best self. These two never give advice that isn’t based on the wisdom of their own experiences.
Looking for more helpful advice, inspiration and support in your life? Subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Don’t Miss Out On This Advice:
20:01 You need a strategy 14:04 Do things that are aligned 9:04 It’s not always about the numbers 25:09 Social media as a tool 42:13 There’s no shame in getting helpLinks mentioned in this episode:
Another Black Man with Mark Sawyer
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LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If self-development is your thing we’d love to hear from you. Your feedback will help us create content tailored just for you. Tell us all about your biggest hurdles when it comes to social media.
When you hit a roadblock you often lean towards emotions like fear, hopelessness, and doubt. These feelings can stop you dead in your tracks.
Listen as MJ encourages you to keep taking those two steps forward when you’re facing tough situations and disappointing setbacks. She knows that you gotta knock down that wall and search for the wisdom and lessons Otterin the rubble.
Her contagious optimism will help you understand that what you’re going through now is specifically designed to help you in the future.
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration, and support in your life, subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Follow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us improve our content and cover topics that interest you the most. We can persevere together!
The path of least resistance may feel good in the moment but staying small isn’t how you create the life you desire.
Moving outside your comfort zone is never easy. No one likes to feel nervous, awkward or unsure.
MJ and Jennifer don’t want you to miss out on all the goodness life has to offer because you’re too afraid to stretch. In this episode these two Mama-bears will give you the push you need to bust out of your safe bubble and step into the fresh air of new experiences.
Find out how to leave complacency behind and do a different thing.
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration, and support in your life, subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Things You’ll Want To Hear:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If manifesting is your thing, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us create the content that you’re most interested in. Helping women be their highest selves is our greatest passion!
Nothing is more important in life than nurturing your relationship with yourself. Which isn’t always easy when you’ve had some bumps along the road.
In her always-eloquent style, Jennifer drops 5 soothing affirmations you can use when your inner child is reaching out for love and encouragement.
Repeat these and give yourself the compassion that you need.
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration, and support in your life, subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Follow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us improve our content and cover topics that interest you the most. Self-compassion is your superpower.
The path of least resistance may feel good in the moment but staying small isn’t how you create the life you desire. Moving outside your comfort zone is never easy. No one likes to feel nervous, awkward or unsure.
MJ and Jennifer don’t want you to miss out on all the goodness life has to offer because you’re too afraid to stretch. In this episode, these two Mama-bears will give you the push you need to bust out of your safe bubble and step into the fresh air of new experiences.
Find out how to leave complacency behind and do a different thing.
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration and support in your life, subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Things You’ll Want To Hear:
1:46 How movement inspires transformation 7:51 You are who you hang around 19:32 The shortcut is the work 22:28 Discipline vs consistency 24:38 Take one little stepFollow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If manifesting is your thing, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us create the content that you’re most interested in. Helping women be their highest selves is our greatest passion!
The universe has a funny way of sending you tests exactly when you need them. That doesn’t make them any easier to pass.
Listen as MJ offers you a powerful shot for inspiration and encouragement to get you through those tough times when you’re feeling exhausted and worn down.
Just when you are sure that you CAN’T, MJ will show you that you CAN and that your best really is good enough.
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration, and support in your life, subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Follow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us improve our content and cover topics that interest you the most. Challenges are always easier to face when we face them together!
Never underestimate the power of self-reflection. Sometimes learning what doesn’t make you happy is just as important as knowing what does.
Join MJ and Jennifer as they sit down to discuss their businesses and what transformative changes, important mindset shifts and new perspectives they cultivated in 2021. These inspiring and successful black-owned business owners discuss finding peace, wellness & mental health and setting aligned intentions while pursuing financial freedom.
They’ll also give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for each of them in 2022. If you’ve been thinking of quitting your job and starting your own business, this episode is for you!
For more helpful advice, direction and support in your life subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Points of Interest:
4:32: Reflecting on 2021 8:00: It’s about more than money 11:00: Business updates from Jennifer 18:43: Business updates from MJ 32:00: Burnouts are a part of business and life 35:00: It’s all about helping othersLinks mentioned in this episode:
The Big Leap
Follow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us grow our movement and connect with more amazing women like you. If you like what you heard, tell a friend!
The noise of social media, the rise of photoshop, and the shackles of comparison have made it tough to hold onto self-love.
In this mini-episode, Jennifer gives you intentional affirmations to make the job of loving yourself easier. She will inspire you to remember how worthy you truly are.
Listen to this one on repeat!
If you’re looking for more helpful advice, inspiration, and support in your life subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Follow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingRate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us improve our content and cover topics that interest you most. Empower yourself with the gift of self-love!
Loving yourself first is more than a trendy catchphrase. Sourcing love from within means you never have to rely on outside circumstances or people to experience happiness. Self-love is never selfish…and it’s more than a trip to the spa. LIsten as MJ and Jennifer have a raw conversation about how they made the not-so-easy shift towards cultivating a mindset of self-regard. They’ll also share proven tips for you to use in developing a deeper, more meaningful relationship with yourself. Learn how to: build your foundation, appreciate your own company, refuse to settle, clean up your self-talk, practice mindful movement, and so much more! And stick around until the end so you don’t miss their special announcement!
For more helpful advice, direction, and support in your life subscribe to A Life By You on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Important Points You Don’t Want to Miss:
1:00: Building a strong foundation 1:45: Appreciating your own company 1:59: No settling 11:16: Doing a self-check 12:55: Cleaning up your self-talk 18:32: Taking accountability & Ownership 20:20: Deciding what it is you really believeFollow Us:
LifebyMJ.com Instagram.com/lifebymjJennifer:
GreyandGlowing.com Instagram.com/greyandglowingJoin the waitlist for our FREE workshop: Falling in Love With Yourself
Rate and Review
If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, we’d love your feedback. Your review will help us improve our content and cover topics that interest you most. Keep being beautiful!
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