In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Homemade Murder” (Season 2, Episode 13), which first aired on 03 March 1981.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 18 February 2025.
After almost a year away, we’re back!Hello to Monisha, Mia, Josh, Coachie, Karen, and anybody else who listens.
Notes:Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Murder in the Saddle” (Season 2, Episode 12), which first aired on 24 February 1981.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 02 April 2024.
Ginger SnapsRoxyOur Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Murder is a Man’s Best Friend” (Season 2, Episode 4), which first aired on 09 December 1980.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 14 November 2023.
Handsome Martine Beswick was in a couple of Bond movies.Director Mankiewicz cowrote the screenplay for Live and Let Die.CAPS LOCK!Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast. Thank you, followers!
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Hart to Hart” (Season 1, Episode 1), which first aired on 25 August 1979.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 09 May 2023.
This episode was interminable and mental.Jill St. John!Natalie Wood!Insanity.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Color Jennifer Dead” (Season 1, Episode 13-ish), which first aired on 08 January 1980.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 03 January 2023.
Richard Schull at Lieutenant Backe.Melissa Steinberg (probably the name of a few people we went to school with, and) as Darlene.Julie Cobb as Scotty McClain, with a high Rooster factor.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Too Many Cooks Are Murder” (Season 1, Episode 22), which first aired on 06 May 1980.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 22 November 2022.
French Britney.Jiffy Corn Muffin mix, proud sponsor of the show.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “A Question of Innocence” (Season 01, Episode 14), which first aired on 15 January 1980.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 04 October 2022.
Jameson Parker! According to Wikipedia, he was shot(!) in an altercation regarding dog deuce. Also, he went to Beloit College!Tiger Pops: https://www.candynation.com/tiger-popsOur Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast. -
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “The Man with the Jade Eyes” (Season 1, Episode 11), which first aired on December 11, 1979.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 02 August 2022.
Product 19 cereal by Kellogg’s. Advertisement.James Hong, professional Old Asian Man.The frogurt is also cursed.Worst acting: Frances Fong as the shopkeeper.Dropbox link to notes and maybe some other stuff.Nick with Ben Zobrist and his convertible Cutlass.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “The Latest in High Fashion Murder” (Season 2, Episode 17), which first aired on 05 May 1981.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 05 July 2022.
Joey Pants!!Styx! Something called “Half-Penny Two-Penny/A.D. 1958.”Actual fashion designer Michaele Vollbracht.Tanya Roberts is sadly dead.Lois Chiles, who plays Scottie/Mary Scott, was Holly Goodhead in Moonraker!Photo of Nick’s notes and maybe other stuff.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “The Murder of Jonathan Hart” (Season 2, Episode 16), which first aired on 28 April 1981.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 21 June 2022.
Creepy lawyer dude was on a million TV shows, including a subsequent H2H episode (we’ll see if Wacky spots him—she’s good at that sort of thing).Cy Curnin. Less Cities, More Moving People. Secret Separation. Built For the Future.Other people have noticed the Brad Pitt eating thing.Scooby Do music. Photo of Nick’s notes and maybe other stuff.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Ex-Wives Can Be Murder” (Season 2, Episode 8), which first aired on 20 January 1981.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 03 May 2022.
Robert “Big Bird” Wagner running!Allyn Ann McLerie as Pearl, aka Britney Spears/Cyndi Lauper.Greasy Mel Brooks was in several episodes of “BJ and the Bear” playing a character called “Bullets.”Nick’s Notes for this Episode (and maybe some screenshots, eventually).Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Murder in Paradise” (Season 2, Episode 7), which first aired on 13 January 1981.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 12 April 2022.
Stephanie “Staphanie” BlackmoreDolph Sweet and Nell CarterNick’s Notes for this Episode (and maybe some screenshots, eventually).Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast. -
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Downhill to Death” (Season 1, Episode 16), which first aired on 05 February 1980.
Recorded at AH2HH2H HQ on 15 March 2022.
Diet Adam Ant was Michael Des Barres! (He was a sad substitute for Robert Palmer in Power Station at Live Aid.) Doing it to Death by James Brown.Nick’s Notes for this Episode (and maybe some screenshots).Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Harts and Palms” (Season 3, Episode 14), which first aired on 09 February 1982.
Recording at AH2HH2H HQ on 22 February 2022.
THE WIFE IS THE SAME ACTRESS WHO WAS LOUISE IN “DEATH IN THE SLOW LANE”! Andra Akers!Star Trek Next Generation’s Riker was Baby Robert Urich!Debra Clinger was Baby Erin Gray. She was also on a couple episodes of The Love Boat, and in Michael J. Fox’s first movie.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “’Tis The Season to Be Murdered” (Season 2, Episode 5), which first aired on 16 December 1980.
Recording at AH2HH2H HQ on 25 January 2022.
Various pix from the show.Nick’s socks.Speed Buggy!Jack Riley, the Rumpled PI, was in a lot of stuff.Howdy Doody was played by Kenneth Kimmins, who was also in a lot of stuff you’ve seen.The pretty office manager actor, Cynthia Sikes played a character called Jingles Lodestar(!) in the greatly-titled “Big Shamus, Little Shamus.”The great Elaine Joyce played “Rob.”David Crosbosity side-hair dude.Bonus Track: A special feature on the little delicious yellow Mercedes-Benz!Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Murder, Murder on the Wall” (Season 2, Episode 01), which first aired on 11 November 1980.
Recording at AH2HH2H HQ on 26 December 2021.
Marci is played by the recognizable Karen Carlson.US Soccer goalie Tim Howard: The guest actor and the real Tim Howard.Budget Rutger Hauer as Milo Vitt (Milo Vitt?!?!).Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.
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In which our heroes are joined by Michael Growler for the inaugural FashionFlashback™ segment to discuss fashions and other setups and whatnot in the Hart to Hart episode “You Made Me Kill You.”
Recorded 16 December 2021.
Photos referred to in this discussion are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8qmy7jdr7d3mdbb/AAB9_xIfIZHoi8FsBcUI15-Fa?dl=0The ingredients of The Dry Look, and some pix of the can. Kathleen Lloyd was Psycho Silverman.Mimi Maynard played the great Deanne.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast. -
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “You Made Me Kill You” (Season 1, Episode 7), which first aired on 23 October 1979.
Kathleen Lloyd was Psycho Silverman in this episode. She’s been in everything, but the main thing Nick remembers her from is a recurring role on Magnum, P. I.Mimi Maynard plays the great Deanne. Good news—apparently Deanne appears in a lot of episodes.You actually can hear the tiny squeak/chirp of the drinking bird, if you totally crank the volume.Our Instagram account: h2hh2hpcast.Mr. Jaws.The ingredients of The Dry Look, and some pix of the can. Toxic! -
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “Passport to Murder” (Season 1, Episode 2), which first aired on 29 September 1979.
This was actually Episode 2 of the series (not Episode 4, as Nick said—we’re blaming Roku’s metadata for getting it wrong).Wacky correctly called in on the drunken shipmate-friend dude. The actor is Nicholas Pryor, who was apparently in almost every TV show.Red, red wine.Decent collage. -
In which our heroes discuss the Hart to Hart episode “A Couple of Harts” (Season 3, Episode 2), which first aired on 13 October 1981.
Lurch-like duder Gregory Sierra was on Barney Miller—he was Detective Sergeant Chano Amengual on Barney Miller.Becky Gonzalez was Lupe in Night Shift. She died in 2007 at age 52.Grace Zabriskie is probably a very nice lady, but she has creepy bone structure.Backe's Homesteader High-School Hairdo: View 1Backe's Homesteader High-School Hairdo: View 2 - Visa fler