I was honoured to be joined by Peter Mathews, Peter is originally from The Hague in The Netherlands, but found himself taking part in America's War in Vietnam. He was awarded the Bronze Star after saving a critically wounded soldier.
Peter spent a year in country with the 1st Cavalry Division and towards the end of his tour found a diary belonging to a Vietnamese Soldier on Hill 724 after the battle of Dak To, the diary remained in Peter's possession until the 2020's when it was finally reunited with the fallen soldiers remaining relatives.
Come and hear this incredible story on the Podcast.
Peters website can be found here - http://myyearinvietnam.com/Send us a text
Today i was joined by Podcast Regular Anthony Tucker-Jones, join us as we discuss an often overlooked part of the life of Winston Churchill, his role in the The Cold War.
We discuss Operation Unthinkable and the plan to attack the Soviet Union, his relationship with the Royal Family, the conflicts around the world and so much more.
Thank you once again Anthony for joining me, and if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to give the Podcast a 5* Review!
The link for Anthonys book can be found here -
https://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/Churchill-Cold-War-Warrior-Hardback/p/50765Send us a text
Saknas det avsnitt?
I was joined today by Jerry Glazer, Jerry is a veteran of the Vietnam War, being drafted into the Army shortly after graduating from College.
Jerry never intended to be a soldier, much less lead a special Operations Team, fighting for survival in war
He served in Special Ops with Airborne Units, 1st Cav, the Marines, and Special Operations Groups.
The missions took him and his unit deep into enemy territory, he and his men were ghosts. Shadows of anonymity; smoke and mirrors. Mist creeping in jungles, unseen, silent, and pushing the limits of our mortality.
Jerry has written a memoir of his time in Vietnam, which is due out in November, i shall be chatting to Jerry again when it comes out, in the meantime, a link to Jerrys website can be found below, with the first chapter of the book!
https://www.vietnamjerry.com/Send us a text
I was joined today by Lieutenant Colonel Tim Spicer OBE. We spoke about his upcoming book about the life of the most extraordinary man - Wilfred "Biffy" Dunderdale.
A 17-year-old Wilfred ‘Biffy’ Dunderdale is working for his father, taking submarines from Vladivostok to St Petersburg for the Russian Imperial Navy. He takes a submarine out for sea trials along with a naval dockyard crew he’d never met before. Spotting a group of German ships, he gives the order to attack and sinks four of them.For this action he is awarded by Tsar Nicholas II the Order of St. Stanislav and the Order of St. Anne, imperial Russia’s highest knighthood for military valour and ‘bravery in battle’.
Aged 18 he was engaged by Naval Intelligence as an interpreter on account of his language skills, English, Russian, French, Polish and German. He would soon grow into a buccaneering member of the British Secret Intelligence Service in a career spanning forty years which Biffy described as ‘40 years of licensed thuggery.’
Biffy appears in over 60 books and websites and yet no one has ever written the story of his life. ‘He was rather like a ghost one knew was there but the apparition never stood still long enough for a clear view.’ A Suspicion of Spies is the first ever biography of Biffy and tells the intriguing story of an extraordinary man – suave, sophisticated, genial and rich but also a ruthless and effective spymaster. Following his career, that spanned the Russian Revolution to the Cold War and beyond, A Suspicion of Spies is awash with stories of adventure, bravery, glamour and exoticism.
Biffy was a lifelong friend of Ian Fleming and many have considered him to be the blueprint for Bond. There is likely some truth in this. The tales of action and intrigue found in this comprehensive biography could be taken straight from the pages of From Russia with Love, which Biffy acted as ‘consultant’ for.
The link for the book is here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Suspicion-Spies-Secrets-Biography-Dunderdale/dp/1999589149/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ulTaQ7hQWRCcsbpV9_Q9tLhCDSFzQ6FEjUlV39cArZmLtn4SyDNRxyJaCkePc3TzqpK1saxQ1QlFOkXK8Jfp61MYygMzVmKXKwNu2ZPIMmGCXYhpjX37ptFB-fkz67bPaFIL2uJq6RuUvlIdA6pLU0gcuD0si7x38CdY3oWyW-_vn_dDCCPtmybGxF95378Ncs0z0E7wH9wSTWJJjw7ayzsfr-GRGBVPfa4p5CPmIJ0.g12W7YnM7rgXEkVJjIPhdFV8XolpjEhej4bIWoQ3Ta0&dib_tag=se&qid=1720374625&refinements=p_27%3ATim+Spicer&s=books&sr=1-2Send us a text
Today i was joined by Jim Carter.
Jim is an author who wrote the fantastic Hearts of Steel.
Hearts of Steel explores the time of the Royal Navy from the end of World War 1 to the Battle of Crete in May 1941. During this period the Royal Navy was taking the fight to the German war machine. There were losses, but great victories too. It was a time of developing tactics and a growing realisation that the day of the Aircraft Carrier was now, whilst the sun was setting on the era of the Battleship. The tale is unique, following the service record of an able seaman of the period. However, this is not a biography of a single man. The narrative follows the careers of the ships in which he served, their crews, commanding officers and the development of the Royal Navy as it evolved from the period of sail and canon to oil fired steel castles that could accurately hurl a shell over 12 miles.
We chatted in depth about Jim's Great Grandfather, and in particular, about HMS Nubian and it's war career.
Thanks to Jim for joining me.
The link to Jim's book is here - https://www.jimcarter.online/shopSend us a text
Today I was joined by my friend Kieran "Woody" Haywood.
Woody served for 21 Years in the British Army in The Royal Green Jackets and The Rifles. He saw active combat in Iraq and Afghanistan where he was shot in the face by the Taliban during a firefight.
We spoke about his life in the Army where he had a varied career that included winning various Boxing Championships, attempting brutal SAS selection and how PTSD has effected him and his post Army life.
Woody wrote a detailed diary of his time in Afghanistan which I was lucky to get a copy of, he is the process of hopefully getting it published.
If you where affected by any of the stories in this Podcast, or if Woody's honesty about his struggles with PTSD have encouraged you to wish to take action then I have linked below a few links for mental health support.
Combat Stress - https://combatstress.org.uk/
NHS - https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/mental-health/veterans-reservists/
This episode will also be available on YouTube, Woody has kindly supplied me with some pictures which show some of his wounds and time on tour.Send us a text
I was joined once again by the fantastic Historian Anthony Tucker-Jones to talk about the events of 1945 and the Battle of Berlin.
We discuss the fall of the Third Reich, the events of the Seelow Heights, Hitler's descent into madness as well as some of the tragic individual tales from the worlds most turbulent period.
Anthony's new book is out soon, to keep up to date with him - https://atuckerjones.com
My YouTube is here - www.youtube.com/channel/UC4y2VEewZpgwxfHFwT0TVsQSend us a text
I was joined today by Jon from the WW2 Wayfinder YouTube Channel.
We discussed his travels to Italy to view the sites at Monte Cassino, Gran Sasso and more, we chat about the incredible difficulties that the Allies and Axis troops faced fighting in Italy.
Jon's fantastic channel can be found here https://www.youtube.com/@WW2Wayfinder
The Gran Sasso video is here https://youtu.be/qMtqQ0KPvj4?si=-iopJGai1KTO8cDp
Thank you all for supporting the channel.
If you'd like to contact me as always you can find me at - afewminutespod@outlook.comSend us a text
I shall be talking about the only man to be awarded the VC twice during the First World War, his name was Noel Chavasse.
His first honour came at the Somme. His second, at Passchendaele, cost him his life.
An incredible man who left behind an incredible legacy of how far Medical Staff will go to help their patients.
If you’d like to get in touch email me at: afewminutespod@outlook.comSend us a text
I was joined today by the Mike Croissant who is a former CIA Officer and Author.
Mike's book "Bombing Hitler's Hometown: The Untold Story of the Last Mass Bomber Raid of World War II in Europe" tells the incredible story of the airmen of the Fifteenth Air Force who embarked on a deadly mission to bomb one of Europe’s most heavily defended targets—Linz, Austria—the town Hitler called home.
Through his research and interviews with surviving veterans of the mission, Mike brings to life the story of incredible bravery and courage.
His website that features interviews and more can be found here - https://www.mikecroissant.com/
To order a copy of the book - https://www.amazon.com/Bombing-Hitlers-Hometown-Untold-Bomber/dp/0806543027 - and many more websites!
If you'd like to contact me as always you can find me at - afewminutespod@outlook.comSend us a text
In todays Podcast, I am joined by Michael G. Stroud once again as we tackle the American Civil War in Part 2 of our 3 Part series.
We discuss the likelihood of a Confederate victory, the key battles and so much more!
Big thanks to everyone listening and downloading, the Podcast has charted in several countries recently and its amazing to see!
The linkto Michaels new book on the Byzantium's Twilight can be found below!
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I was joined today by my good friend and long time collaborator Michael G Stroud.
This is Episode 1 in a 3 part series on the American Civil War.
Today we discuss the prelude to the American Civil War, why it happened and what factors played a part in the Confederacy breaking away from the union.
The Link to Michaels new book on the Byzantium's Twilight can be found below!
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CWZ1WX7K?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_K794NPVMP7TMF8TX8SGT&language=en-USSend us a text
Something abit different today, I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks to everyone subscribing, listening and downloading, we recently hit the charts in Ireland, and Sri Lanka! So fingers crossed we can keep that up!
The YouTube channel is linked below
Email me at - afewminutespod@outlook.com
If you’d like me to chat about anything, just drop me a message on these platforms.Send us a text
I had the privilege today, to be joined by Colonel Chris Starling USMC (Retired)
Chris’s family have a unique story, his father, himself, his brother and his son have all saw combat serving with the 1st Division US Marines, and today we dive into their story!
We chat Vietnam, Desert Storm, 9/11 and more as Chris shares what life was like as a Marine during some of America’s most turbulent years.
My YouTube is here- https://youtube.com/@afewminutesofhistory?si=YeE0IgiqWlqDnHTHSend us a text
Today i was proud to welcome Phil Gioia to the the show. Phil is a veteran of the Vietnam War and a successful author.
During his two deployments , Gioia received two Silver Stars for valor, a Bronze Star with “V” for valor, and two Purple Hearts.
We chat in depth about his time as a young officer in the 82nd Airborne and the 1st Cavalry Division. Phil recounts everything from finding mass graves in Hue City to being wounded in service and so much more.
Thanks to everyone for listening to the Podcast.
If you'd like a copy of Phil's incredible book it can be found here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Danger-Close-Vietnam-Phil-Gioia/dp/0811771202
My YouTube is also linked here - https://www.youtube.com/@afewminutesofhistory/featuredSend us a text
Today i was joined by Brian Short, Brian joined the Royal Marines in 1973 not as a Commando but as a musician in the world renowned Royal Marine Band Service. in this episode we discuss his involvement with the Corp during the Falklands War mainly onboard the SS Canberra.
If you would like a copy of Brian's book, it can be found here - https://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Band-That-Went-to-War-Hardback/p/20170Brian's Twitter - @FalklandsMusic1
Happy 2024 to everyone!
I am also have a YouTube Channel that has a variety of separate content -https://youtube.com/@afewminutesofhistory
Email me at - afewminutespod@outlook.com
Twitter - @afewminshistory
If you’d like me to chat about anything, just drop me a message on these platforms.Send us a text
I was joined by Dave Roberts, who is probably the biggest expert on 30 Commando Assault Unit in the world!
The brain child of naval commander Ian Fleming & Lord Louis Mountbatten, this wartime unit was a secret well kept for over 50 years after the war by the Official Secrets Act, some remains classified, see Reading. At the time, officially, they didn’t exist. The members of this unit were forbidden to discuss or document their activities, a pledge that many of the men kept even many years after the war was over, or even for their entire lives!
The Website can be found here - https://www.30au.co.uk/history
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/share/GjRSyCxJ7bMmjP4i/?mibextid=K35XfPSend us a text
I was joined by Ricky D. Phillips (@RDPHistory on Twitter) we spoke in depth about the life of one of the worlds most famous Warships The Belgrano, we spoke about its life during the Second World War as USS Phoenix until its sinking in 1982 as The Belgrano.
If you'd like a copy of Ricky's new book it can be found here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?i=stripbooks&bbn=266239&rh=p_27%3AMr+Ricky+D.+Phillips
My partnership with Wartime T Shirts is in full effect, if you’re interested in taking advantage of 10% off your order, follow the link here - https://wartimetshirts.com/discount/afewminutesofhistory
Every T-shirt sold is a T-shirt donated to homeless veterans in partnership with “Helping Homeless Veterans UK”
As always you can get in touch with me via email at - afewminutespod@outlook.comSend us a text
I was joined this week by Robert Riggs, an American Investigative Reporter, Riggs was an embedded reporter with the Army unit that led the invasion of Iraq in 2003. His assignments have included covering the White House, Congress, Pentagon, and State Department during the administrations of President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Bush.
Among the three Alfred I. duPont Columbia Journalism Awards for Investigative Reporting, judges described his Gulf War report about the censorship of religious services for U.S. soldiers “as the story every other news organization missed.”
We discussed his work investigating weapons of mass destruction pre 9/11 and much more more!
Roberts Website is here - https://www.truecrimereporter.com/
My partnership with Wartime T Shirts is in full effect, if you’re interested in taking advantage of 10% off your order, follow the link here - https://wartimetshirts.com/discount/afewminutesofhistory
Every T-shirt sold is a T-shirt donated to homeless veterans in partnership with “Helping Homeless Veterans UK”
As always you can get in touch with me via email at - afewminutespod@outlook.comSend us a text
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and the rest of China in 1937. The Chinese airforce was in a parlous state and needed a capable commander they got one, in the form of an American, Clair Lee Chennault, who brought along 100 Pilots that successfully stopped the Japanese Airforce despite being heavily outnumbered, in less advanced aircraft and thousands of miles from home.
My partnership with Wartime T Shirts is in full effect, if you’re interested in taking advantage of 10% off your order, follow the link here - https://wartimetshirts.com/discount/afewminutesofhistory
Every T-shirt sold is a T-shirt donated to homeless veterans in partnership with “Helping Homeless Veterans UK”
This episode is also on YouTube with pictures and videos accompanying it - https://youtu.be/jeU3hxIXLRQ
As always you can get in touch with me via email at - afewminutespod@outlook.comSend us a text
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