Therapy is full of cliches. There are things we’ve all been taught as therapists not to question, even when we get that feeling deep down in our guts that the truth might be a bit more complicated than that. Riva Stoudt wants to talk about it. Each episode dives into a cliche, truism, or best practice of therapy to look at how it really plays out in practice. Whether you agree or not, you’ll appreciate a candid look at the things therapists don’t normally talk about.
This is my very interesting podcastCV neuspeha je specijalno izdanje psihološkog podkasta "Kako da izgradite dobar život" koji vodi Ana Mitić, novinarka i urednica u Velikim pričama i psihoterapeutkinje Mia Popić i Iva Branković.
Priče koje slušamo o uspehu i perfekcionizmu ljudima često prave dodatni pritisak. Zato što nisu potpuno iskrene i zato što niko ne priča o drugoj strani uspeha. Ono što često ne vidimo je putovanje koje vodi do ovih trijumfa, krivudavo, prepuno zamki, prepreka i razočarenja.
CV neuspeha je priča o toj drugoj strani uspeha, onoj koja se ne vidi. Želimo da proširimo ideju da možemo biti uspešni iako grešimo, baš kao što svi to i radimo. I da su neki od najuspešnijih ljudi prošli taj put.
Svakog meseca imaćete priliku da čujete priču o (ne)uspehu javnih i uspešnih ličnosti sa kojima će razgovarati autorke serijala.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From keto and fasting to pills and shakes, Coach Maddy tried everything under the sun to lose weight. After failing again and again she said "f@ck you" to the weight loss industry and took matters into her own hands. Now she's down over 80lbs and created Trimmera Weight Loss to help women around the world with the secrets she learned along her journey. Take a listen and hear the secrets for yourself!
The We Are All Needed podcast is a space where our host, Alexandra Nash of the Circular Entrepreneurs, together with big hearted guests will inspire listeners to do something good. This podcast is for all of us that care- we care about how we spend our days, how we show up for each other and for the planet. We are going to dig deep into questions like; what we had to give up to be on this journey, how we found our individual paths and how we nurture ourselves and our mission to make the greatest impact. This podcast is less about the outcome and more about going inward together with the guests on how they got to a place of wanting to use their time, life, and business for a greater cause. Together we will inspire the listeners (and each other) that NO ACT IS TOO SMALL, AND WE ARE ALL NEEDED.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If your business Is on a mission to provide authentic value and achieve a positive impact, society doesn't just need you to think about sales and marketing. It needs you to be great at them. Don't let companies that lack integrity continue to dominate the conversation.Selling with Love Podcast is designed to shift your way of thinking about sales, unlocking your ability to further your mission without hesitation and with- out compromise. Achieve results and do it your way.Join Jason Marc Campbell as he brings world class experts in sales, marketing, abundance mindset and self mastery; who will help you unlock your potential.Once you know how to do it and you truly understand why it's so important, you'll be unstoppable in your growth and impact--and even more aligned with your core value.(Formally known as Superhumans at Work by Mindvalley)
New Theory Podcast is an online platform for forward thinkers. As New Theory Podcast provides you with exclusive access into the mind of the thought leaders covering Business and Lifestyle for Generations X, Y and Z.
The evolution of thought often begins with a New Theory. Check out -
One of the most fundamental of human needs is to know that who we are and what we do matter. As leaders in business, we have the unique opportunity to let our team members know that they do. And when they feel valued and cared for at work, they return home and enjoy better relationships with their loved ones, friends, neighbors and others.
This world needs Truly Human Leadership.
On this podcast, you’ll hear about what it means to be conscious leaders and have a conscious business. You'll hear from voices of inspirational leadership like Simon Sinek, Amy Cuddy, Raj Sisodia of Conscious Capitalism and many more. You'll also hear stories and insights learned through Barry-Wehmiller and it's CEO Bob Chapman’s transformation to traditional business management to Truly Human Leadership. -
Candid conversations with women entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders about living, loving, and creating in the patriarchal culture—where it's never been safe for a woman to be visible or powerful.
If you feel like you're running into an invisible inner wall when you reach for more happiness and fulfillment; if you've tried just about every strategy, self-help, therapy, and still something is missing—you want to be in on these conversations.
Your host, Dr. Valerie Rein, has discovered the origin of the invisible inner wall—and it is not personal. It is rooted in the collective feminine experience of millennia of oppression imprinted in women's DNA, which she termed Patriarchy Stress Disorder® (PSD).
We hope this discovery will be a game-changer for you and the tools and strategies we share on this show will help you unlock your ultimate success and happiness and fully embody your true beauty and your true power. -
The Andy Storch Show is a podcast where we can go on a journey of personal development and a quest to become the best entrepreneur, parent, spouse, friend and person we can be. I am obsessed with learning and growth and love having conversations with people doing interesting things. I'm also fascinated with the idea of courage and people who push past fear to pursue their dreams and achieve their true potential. Join me on this quest as we learn and grow together!
Glaube an dich und mach dein Ding!
Hallo, schön das du hier bist!
Mein Name ist Dingeldein, Klaus Dingeldein. Hier findest du eine kurze Info über mein Leben. Über das was ich mache, das was ich bin und was ich lebe. Ich freue mich, dich auf einem meiner Seminare kennenzulernen. Dich zu inspirieren, dein Leben positiv zu verändern und Glück und Erfüllung in dein Leben zu bringen ist meine Mission- lass es uns gemeinsam rocken!
Ich freue mich auf dich!
Mein Unternehmen ist europaweit tätig ist.Wir sind ist seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich in den Bereichen:
Das Erfolgreiche verbinden von Körper, Geist und Seele ist zentrales Thema. Ich bin Großmeister der Kampfkunst VingTsun.
Meine Organisation, die EVTF (European VingTsun-Federation) ist in mehreren europäischen Ländern aktiv. Mein Wissen als einer der weltweit wenigen Großmeister dieser Kunst habe ich bis heute an über 500.000 Menschen weitergegeben.
Ich helfe Menschen, sich im Leben weiterzuentwickeln und gebe meine Erfolgsstrategien im geschäftlichen und privaten Bereich weiter. Ich werde zu Firmenvorträgen gebucht, referiere an Schulen, Universitäten und Hochschulen und bin den größten Teil des Jahres auf Reisen.
Meine wöchentlichen Podcasts helfen Menschen, ihr Leben positiv zu verändern und zu meistern. Durch meine Bücher gebe ich meine Erfolgsstrategien weiter. An alle, die sich aufgemacht haben, ihr Dasein zu transformieren in ein Leben voller Erfolg, Glück und Freude. Meine persönliche Berufung zu leben ist mein Lebenssinn.
Viel Spaß mit meinem Podcast! Schreibe mir ein Feedback mit deinen Kommentar gerne auf
Dein Klaus
2019 beginnt meine bundesweite Seminarreihe „Glaube an dich und mach dein Ding“. Hier erfährst und erlernst du meine „Lebens - Brillanten“. Verschiedene Seminare eröffnen dir neue, positive Lebensmöglichkeiten und öffnen deinen Geist und deine Seele.
Das „House of Energy“ ist mein erfolgreiches Lebens - Strategiesystem.
* Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
* Glückliche Partnerschaft
* Selbstbestimmte Lebensführung
* Finanzielle Freiheit
* Erfüllung und Glück
* Klaus Dingeldein Lebensgroßmeister Club
* Lebensgroßmeister Academy
sind die Themen von „Glaube an dich und mach dein Ding.
Jedes Seminar ist magisch und bringt dich in deinem Leben dahin, wo du es verdienst zu stehen:
Sinn- und Selbstbestimmt.
Von ganzem Herzen begrüße dich am Tisch meines Lebens und freue mich darauf, dich persönlich kennenzulernen!
Viel Spaß mit meinem Podcast. Schreibe Dein Feedback gerne auf
Dein Klaus
Mehr aus meiner Lebenswelt:
Mein magisches Seminar „Glaube an dich und mach dein Ding“.
Termine für 2019 in Kürze!
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Elephant In The Room was created by Suvi Inkinen, an Intuitive Deep Transformation and Psychedelic Integration Coach, Channeller, Awakening Mentor, Modern Medicine Woman and the Founder or HUNAWORKS.
The Podcast is her personal passion project to help others become all they can be. A safe container where herself and her incredible guests share personal and raw stories of their own triumphs and trials through life, through awakening and through the expansion of consciousness using different tools. Including Sacred Medicines.
In hopes to bring solace to people in the midst of their own transformational journeys. Journeys that can often feel lonely and utterly heartbreaking without proper support and understanding of what is happening.
Learn to live life though the heart instead of the ego.
This podcast is also about sharing raw, authentic conversations of our personal shame as we work through our own karma and speaking about our vulnerabilities, tabu subjects in society, our personal elephants we hide from the world out of fear of being judged and misunderstood. It's to make us feel more connected than disconnected from each other. Being seen and allowing others to do the same. Sharing stories of healing and becoming.
To find out more about Suvi or connect with her, go to / Insta: @hunaworks. -
Join Diane Sanfilippo - 2x New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur - for business tips, advice, and motivation for emerging or existing business owners. You'll learn practical strategies from Diane as well as hear expert interviews with those who have had similar struggles and have found success.
Office Chats is a podcast hosted by Valeria Ramos. Tune in for weekly interviews with entrepreneurs across various industries to gather career advice and inspiring stories.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you want TO HELP CREATE a world where people are passionate about their work? Where INSPIRATIONAL LEADERS HELP team members REALIZE THEIR GREATNESS, and capitalism thrives while serving the highest causes? Me, too. The Working on Purpose program is a thought leadership engine that ENLIGHTENS AND INSPIRES listeners with insights from ELITE business leaders and novel subject matter experts. Together, we’re WORKING ON PURPOSE TO STEWARD the future of work and BUSINESS to elevate us all.
Working on Purpose is broadcast live Tuesdays at 6PM ET and Music on W4CY Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( Working on Purpose is viewed on Talk 4 TV (
Working on Purpose Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Media (, Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
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Most of us hardly spend any time understanding how humans work. How we work.
When we want to make changes in our work, life, relationships, health and more, we take on snippets of information and advice. If the information and advice is sound and we act on it, things start to change.
The purpose of this podcast is to expand our understanding of how we work, particularly how our brain works. Making physical changes in our brain will make real changes to life. And the biggest thing we need to understand and work on is our habits.
We are a collection of habits and up to 80% of what we do each day can be down to habits we have formed consciously and unconsciously.
I take a look at the science of why we do what we do and more importantly how to make changes and create habits, routines and systems which will help improves lives.
I also talk to guests who can shed more light on why we do what we do, and other guests who share the challenges they faced and how they made changes.
I am a performance and change coach working with people who want to make changes in their life, work, and future. I focus on helping people build habits, routines, and systems because these are the foundations where change happens. -
Es gibt nur einen Weg zu einem erfüllten Leben: Hör auf, dich zu verbiegen und zeig dich in deiner wahren Natur! Hier im Podcast bestärke ich dich, das zu tun was sich für dich richtig gut anfühlt - egal was andere von dir denken. So erschaffst du ein Leben voller Zufriedenheit, Achtsamkeit, Liebe und Erfolg. Und: Ich spreche ganz offen und unverblümt über Themen, die gerne ausgeklammert werden. Als Coachin und Mentorin zeige ich mich so wie ich bin: echt, verletzlich & menschlich.
Hello everyone ! My name is Lisset but I go by Liz. I am a young Latina women growing everyday to become my better self. My whole life I’ve aspired to inspire and motivate others. My life has taken several turns, and with that I have picked up healthy & unhealthy habits.I created this podcast to serve as a GPS with tips and tricks, advice and confessions on how to live a healthier life and heal your heart and mind. I hope you stick around for the journey. Support this podcast: