I've been kidnapped by aliens dressed as cops.
They moved me from their prison to a simulated hospital.
I can leave any time, but they won't let me.
If I don't escape, they'll keep me here forever. If I use the telephone, the phone company will sell my innermost secrets to the government. If I take the medicine they give me, my brain will be replaced with cotton.
So yeah. I'm crazy. -
Ироничный, добрый и поддерживающий проект, помогающий посмотреть на обычные жизненные ситуации под новым углом. Это серия ярких аудиоспектаклей для хорошего настроения и ресурсного состояния.
Его автора - психологи Александр Смирнов и Морена Морана – имеют не только задорную творческую жилку, но и практический опыт в решении многих жизненных проблем. Подкаст идеально подходит для того, чтобы улыбнуться, посмеяться, подумать и отвлечься от суеты.
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All the self-help extremes out there seem to be designed for perfect robots . . . But, you’re a real woman living a real life! About Progress is a podcast and community that is alllllll about progress made practical. Here, Monica will help you embrace the truest model to lasting growth, and teach you how to *do something* to grow in ways that stick.
The Body Image Podcast is a podcast about body image and the many layers that go into making peace with our bodies. Like intuitive eating, self-compassion, mental health, self-care, body and size acceptance, embodiment, rejecting diet culture, and more. Podcast host, registered dietitian, nutrition therapist, and certified intuitive eating counselor, Corinne Dobbas, MS, RD, talks with guests to help unpack these layers while discussing what positive body image means and looks like in real life. The goal of The Body Image Podcast is to help listeners better their understanding of what it means to make peace with food, heal their body image concerns, and reconnect with who they are as a WHOLE person. You can learn more and get full show notes at
If you're ready to end your struggle with binge eating and create your ideal eating life then this is the podcast for you. You'll learn how to find and use your self-control, how to trust yourself around food, and change your relationship with food. You'll learn simple tools that you can apply in your own life right away and gain insights into why you keep self-sabotaging yourself and what you can do about it. Your host, Kirstin Sarfde, is a certified life and weight loss coach who has gone through her own struggle with binge eating. She combines what she's learned in her extensive training along with her own personal experiences to give you an alternative solution for ending binge eating. You have more power and more control than you think, it's time for you to believe it and use it. You can find out more about Kirstin's work at
Bei PRO MIND ATHLETE helfen wir Sportlern dabei, mithilfe der besten mentalen Strategien maximal erfolgreich zu werden. Das heißt, egal ob du deine allerersten sportlichen Erfolge sammeln willst oder dich in der Weltspitze etablieren möchtest, wir supporten dich dabei. Mit unserem Konzept konnten unsere Athleten bereits Olympiasiege feiern, aber auch zahlreiche Erfolge im Leistungs- und Hobbysport in den unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen erzielen. Getreu dem Motto "Making the best even better" bekommst du hier im Podcast jede Woche mentale Erfolgsstrategien für deine Top-Performance.
It's painful when you cannot stop overeating, you feel bad about yourself, your body and your life.
Join Kim McLaughlin, as she helps you have peace with food and feed your soul! If you want to put food in its proper place as nourishment and increase your satisfaction in your life - this podcast is for you.
Psychotherapist, blogger, author and speaker, Kim McLaughlin of provides you with tips and tricks to help you end emotional eating and thrive. -
左滢竹 :北京中医药大学硕士,灵兰中医课程总监。社恐但话唠嘴毒的INTJ 。高荣荣医生团队相声接班人,边搞教育边出诊的斜杠中医。
這 是 我 在 喜 馬 拉 雅 上 學 習 播 客 時 為 作 業 而 開 的 一 張 專 輯,
本 想 著 會 因 為 自 己 的 喜 歡 而 一 直 ~ 一 直 ~ 堅 持 下 去 。。。
可 是 ~ ~ 這 個 社 會 的 變 數 實 在 太 多 了,
有 時 候 確 實 多 得 讓 你 並 不 能 按 自 己 所 想 而 行 事。
很 感 謝 這 一 路 以 來 陪 伴 在 我 身 邊 的 您 們。
不 管 結 果 如 何 ?我 還 是 想 讓 大 家 都 過 得 好 好 的 !
往 後 的 事,誰 也 說 不 定。
咖 啡 妹 我 並 沒 離 開 。
因 為,這 結 束 了,
我 還 是 會 換 另 一 種 方 式 回 來 的。
這 裡 面 有 咖 啡 和 音 樂 ,您 有 故 事 嗎 ?!
您 相 信 有 天 使 嗎 ?
如 果 有 一 天 ,
您 遇 到 了 一 位 天 使 ,
給 您 一 個 願 望 的 額 度 ,
您 會 許 什 麽 願 呢 ?
陪 伴 是 最 長 情 的 告 白 ,
這 就 是【 咖 啡 人 生 Coffee Life 】的 初 心
與 其 說 我 們 在 此 陪 伴 著 您 們 ,
我 更 想 說 是 您 們 在 此 陪 伴 著 我 ^^