بودكاست عربي شبابي، يطرح مواضيع مختلفة من أجل إثراء المحتوى بما يستحق أن ينشر 🎙💭
منذ 2021 since
يقدمه لكم Presented by @imadbelkhedim
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Culture, trending topics, cooking reality TV, social justice,we discuss it all on Tea Talk. Tune in! Support this podcast:
America doesn’t need another conversation about race. At least, not the kind we’ve been having ... the ones that are sparked by a crisis and move quickly from shock, to empty promises, to forgetting. No. What America needs are REAL conversations about race … ones that shine a light on the facts, the history, and the reality of how race plays out in our politics and society. That’s what Slate offers each week on A Word With Jason Johnson. A veteran political commentator, Johnson will bring his incisive wit to thoughtful discussions with leaders, journalists and other change-makers who will tell the truth about America’s challenges around race, and ideas on the way forward.
Shallow Society Support this podcast:
La comunicazione sempre più aggressiva di vecchi e nuovi media contribuisce a polarizzare opinioni, percezioni e paure.
Vox Media, il podcast di Sara Boero, è uno spazio settimanale di riflessione sulle scelte di comunicazione dei media. Una "rassegna stampa smagnetizzata", per imparare a riconoscere questa dinamica esplosiva e a disinnescarla.
(Testi e voce di Sara Boero, musiche di Matteo Cerboncini) -
Temas usuales sin agenda, te comparto mi paseo por la red, en breves episodios hablamos de finanzas, negocios, management, economía, deportes y de repente otros temas, todos de interés que te pondrán al centro de cualquier platica, siguenos, todo puede pasar en este Podcast
Contacto en el cuerpo del podcast o a a través de X (antesTwitter) @Usualunpodcast -