本人曾居住中東與中亞地區服務多年,對中東與中亞相關事務非常熟悉。針對這些一般亞洲人比較少關注的,但又是國際政治的聚焦重點地區,特別開設此一頻道,以講解相關國家背景、歷史、目前國情狀況與國際新聞上牽涉這些地區的新聞說明解釋。所有各集說法僅代表本人意見,歡迎大家針對有興趣的主題收聽。歐亞大陸遊牧民族的歷史研究,純粹個人喜好,中國正統朝代的歷史我沒興趣,但這些隱藏在歷史帷幕後的遊牧民族縱橫歐亞大陸東西,少數民族建國圖生存,歷史上沒有提到的東西方交流才是我最有興趣的重點。此外中國敵情研究、中國太空事業、世界各國太空事業發展等亦為近日研究方向。有興趣者請搜尋臉書公開社團「蘇老師的太空世界與太空知識」,裡面有各種各樣的太空知識。歡迎介紹給更多想增加知識的朋友一起來聽我講故事。如果有專門想聽的主題,或我哪邊講錯想訂正的,歡迎來信 yupingsu@hotmail.com也可以在臉書上搜尋【外交官講中東與中亞】的粉絲頁與我交流喔。截至2024年本人出版書籍包括1. 聖地出任務-台灣國際志工故事集2. 勇抗強權-阿富汗3. 台以關係百年史:外交官眼中的以色列4. 從奴隸到霸主:俄羅斯人的故事5. 遷徙與戰鬥-突厥人的故事6. 中國武警與中國海警7. 蒙古人全史-從東胡到現代蒙古國8. 中國海上力量全覽-海軍、海警、海巡與海上民兵9. 星際探索-中國航天事業與火箭軍歡迎大家到博客來、誠品、露天、金石堂等處購買。蘇育平/cat/allHi, I am a career diplomat used to served in Middle East and Central Asia region for many years. I speaks Hebrew, English and French, some Arabic, Mongolian and Spanish, and of course Chinese Mandarin as mother language. If you have suggestion or opinion, please contact me provided by SoundOn
聽見局勢♟掌握時事華視隆重推出『三國演議』,由國際政經專家「汪浩」主持、來賓日本產經新聞台北支局長「矢板明夫」共同討論,一起跳脫傳統政論談話節目的框架屬性,深度講評最新國際政經重大事件。高品質的對談♟邀您一起入座📺CH12 華視主頻//週一二 早上6點📺CH52 華視新聞資訊台//週六日 晚上9點 週日一 凌晨2點📱Youtube頻道//週六日 下午3點首映粉絲專頁: Podcast: Podcast: provided by SoundOn
RUSI Journal Radio, the inaugural podcast of the RUSI Journal, is a new series dedicated to exploring some of today's biggest issues in defence and security.
Join hosts Demi Starks, Emma De Angelis and Ed Mortimer as they go beyond what’s written on the page. Every two weeks, they chat with experts who have written for the RUSI Journal on a range of defence and security issues, from misinformation and terrorism to AI, healthcare and climate change.
The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI. -
🌞 製作團隊
1. 法律白話文運動網站主編,東吳、靜宜與世新大學法律學系兼任講師。
2. 參與法白系列作品,個人著有《進擊的公民:探索社會議題的法律指南》
3. 也有同名 IG:attack_on_citizen,還有個人 Threads:ting_yu_wang,歡迎訂閱!裡面不定期更新社會議題討論或本節目花絮。
✉️ 演講/活動/文章/其他商案合作邀約
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When four University of Idaho students were stabbed to death in their off-campus house on King Road, the media descended on the tiny town of Moscow, Idaho. ABC News Correspondent Kayna Whitworth brings listeners behind the scenes as she investigates the savage murders that captivated and horrified the nation in the winter of 2022. The King Road Killings, an immersive, reported series from ABC Audio, follows the case against Bryan Kohberger, the criminology PhD student charged with the murders. In the series, Whitworth takes a close look at why these students might have been targeted, how fear can grip a town when little information comes from law enforcement, and what happens when your community becomes the latest “true crime” storyline. A five-part narrative series, plus special update episodes as new information comes to light. Look for Season 2 at the start of the trial.