
  • IF we believe… He will come to our house!

    WELCOME. Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    And you can check us out at:



  • “Every bit of who we are & what we have… He wants US to put on the altar as an offering.”

    WELCOME. Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    And you can check us out at:



  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Can we... "LET GO AND LET GOD"?

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • Let's put ourselves in other people's shoes.

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • ... keeping ourselves fuelled and aflame so we can serve and not burn out!

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • None of us want to be seen as hypocrites...

    But what's going on INSIDE us?

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • Be you and only you - don't compare yourselves to others, or be envious of what they can do. Accept the grace God extends to you.

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • ...the happier we'll be!

    Since we are members of one body - we belong to you & you belong to us.

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • Do YOU bring goodness to God... or is it the other way around? What does it look like in YOUR life?

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • SEASON 3

    What is the difference between conformed and transformed? One keeps you crawling... the other teaches you to FLY!

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • SEASON 3

    How do we give our everyday, ordinary life - sleeping, eating, going-to-work life... as an offering? This is about that!

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • SEASON 3

    Kimberly and Sharon look to the Word in this episode; discussing where our guidance comes from and the necessity of following it TO KEEP ON TRACK!

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • Entering Season # 3

    This means another change, but change is good! Sharon and Kimberly discuss the ways life has taken twists and turns... "BECAUSE HE SAID SO" Although obedience isn't always easy and it isn't always chosen... He is always there and always helping us to pursue the more and better life.

    WELCOME Join our journey. Bring an open mind, an open heart; an ear to hear, an a willingness to submit. This pursuit is for you too!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach have joined forces in the pursuit of the more and better life! As Christian women, we looked first to our faith. What we've discovered, each of us - for our own lives, is that it's not because we say so... but because God says so!!

    John 10:10 (MSG)

    Jesus said, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed."

    and Jesus said in John 14:15

    "If you love Me, show it by doing what I've told you."

    You can reach us at:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    You can check us out at:



  • How would Kimberly coach someone in overwhelm as a Faith Coach? Life Coaching might be from a different angle... How would Sharon, coach someone stuck in discouragement, and would Kimberly do it differently? Listen in and check it out!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing. You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]


    Mondays -these dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, COACHING WORKS!


    Wednesday’s - Kimberly shares her 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through life. She uses this in her coaching style to provoke and encourage “your believer” to invite God to investigate your life and to believe for more, because there is always more!

    Kimberly’s Groups and Wind Words are FREE for all and can be found on her website.


    Fridays - Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

    Sharon's Groups and upcoming courses can be found on her website.

  • There is a difference between religion and relationship. There is a way to live in this world, but being one with the Father and with believers. There is a way to eat from the Tree of Life again!

    WAKE UP Kimberly shares her 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through life. With readings from the Message Bible, she provokes the "believer" in us to wake up to living like it.

    Kimberly’s blog “Wind Words” is FREE for all! Just sign up!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]

    CHECKMATE Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

    You can find available courses on her website

    COACHING WORKS these dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, COACHING WORKS!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.

  • Sharon tells the story of her getting stopped by fear and thinking "I can't do this". She shares how she worked through it and gives tips on how to conquer this 'stuck point'.

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing. You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]

    “COACHING WORKS”- These dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, “Coaching Works”!“Wake Up” - Kimberly shares 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through her life. She uses this in her coaching style to provoke and encourage ‘Your believer” to invite God to investigate your life and to believe for more, because there is always more!“Checkmate” –Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

  • Did your "believer" WAKE UP? Then watch for the goodness of God! It is all around you and in ways that you never imagined. This episode is one of my Wind Words, and a very recent experience.

    WAKE UP Kimberly shares her 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through life. With readings from the Message Bible, she provokes the "believer" in us to wake up to living like it.

    Kimberly’s blog “Wind Words” is FREE for all! Just sign up!

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]

    CHECKMATE Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

    You can find available courses on her website

    COACHING WORKS these dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, COACHING WORKS!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.

  • So many Coaches out there! Do you wonder who is right for you? Sharon and Kimberly each share their top three tips to help you choose.

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing. You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]


    Mondays -these dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, COACHING WORKS!


    Wednesday’s - Kimberly shares her 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through life. She uses this in her coaching style to provoke and encourage “your believer” to invite God to investigate your life and to believe for more, because there is always more!

    Kimberly’s Groups and Wind Words are FREE for all and can be found on her website.


    Fridays - Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

    Sharon's Groups and upcoming courses can be found on her website.

  • Are you the Drama Queen? What about those around you? In this episode Sharon talks about how being overly dramatic in our lives, or being constantly drawn into the drama of those around us, can get us bogged down...putting us in Check Mate.

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing. You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]

    “COACHING WORKS”- These dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, “Coaching Works”!“Wake Up” - Kimberly shares 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through her life. She uses this in her coaching style to provoke and encourage ‘Your believer” to invite God to investigate your life and to believe for more, because there is always more!“Checkmate” –Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

  • What is Coaching all about anyway? What do they do for me and what is my part? These are the questions Sharon and Kimberly attempt to clarify.

    Kimberly Belrose; Faith Coach, and Sharon McComb; Certified Life Coach, team up to spur the believer in you to wake up!

    "Bless you for being here. Bless you for your part in this: listening, sharing with others and leaving an encouraging word in the comment section. Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing. You can find us at,

    www.633-wakeup.com Kimberly's email: [email protected]

    www.wildflowerwomen.ca Sharon's email: [email protected]


    Mondays -these dynamic cohosts challenge listeners to gain an awareness of this profession and how it can help anyone with anything. You will experience Coaching firsthand when it naturally happens between them, as iron sharpens iron. By sharing in their own experiences, revelations and breakthroughs, you will encounter why they both testify that, in everyday life, COACHING WORKS!


    Wednesday’s - Kimberly shares her 30+ years of experience, visions, wind words, and testimonies in how the Lord has both led & carried her through life. She uses this in her coaching style to provoke and encourage “your believer” to invite God to investigate your life and to believe for more, because there is always more!

    Kimberly’s Groups and Wind Words are FREE for all and can be found on her website.


    Fridays - Sharon discusses the many ways we get stuck in life, giving insight, tips and tools from her training and experience to effect change in our lives. With her 25+ years of being taught by Holy Spirit to trust, believe and submit, she has empowered others to seek out and live in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us.

    Sharon's Groups and upcoming courses can be found on her website.