Explore Mandarin with TeaTime Chinese Podcast (茶歇中文播客). Ideal for intermediate learners, our episodes utilize the Comprehensible Input method to delve into a wide array of subjects including Chinese culture, history, literature, and society. Enhance your language skills, prepare for HSK exams, or simply immerse yourself in content that broadens your cultural horizons.
Learning Mainland Mandarin Chinese by reading an article, explaining new words in Chinese or English, and repeating the sentences. Some highlights of words and grammar are summarized at the end of the episode.
The articles or stories are read at a slower pace, and the content is beneficial for intermediate and advanced (B2, C1 or HSK4, HSK5) Chinese learners.
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China 21 is produced by the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy. We are a leading university-based think tank that produces scholarly research and informs policy discussions on China and U.S.-China relations. This podcast features expert voices, insights and stories about China’s economy, politics, society, and the implications for international affairs. Learn more at
Lawyer 2 Lawyer is an award-winning podcast covering relevant, contemporary news from a legal perspective. Host J. Craig Williams invites industry professionals to examine current events and recent rulings in discussions that raise contemplative questions for those involved in the legal industry. Launched in 2005, Lawyer 2 Lawyer is one of the longest-running podcasts on the Internet.
一级播音员,童话作家,被300万家庭认可为“萌宝辣妈”最爱的“哄睡神器”,全网收听量破100亿 。已出版童话故事集《晚安妈妈 晚安宝贝》以及绘本《小鸡布迪的船长梦》《老鼠贝奇帮帮忙》《暴风雨一点也不可怕》《我才是躲猫猫的高手》《小鸡学游泳》《猴小弟上学》《可怕的梦》《守家小兔》。酷爱亲子旅行和摄影,带孩子去过毛里求斯、马尔代夫、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚、新加坡、泰国、日本、韩国、越南、中国台湾、中国香港、中国澳门等地。
魔都英语新闻丨ShanghaiLive: As a News program based in Shanghai, China, Shanghai Live presents in-depth stories in China and around the world to expats and locals.
魔都英语新闻丨ShanghaiLive: 我们是一档立足于魔都上海的日播新闻节目。歪果仁”的新鲜事儿,中国人的朋友圈,《直播上海》正在直播中!
About Us: International Channel Shanghai, or ICS, is the only comprehensive variety TV Channel in the Chinese Mainland broadcasting in English, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese.
Visit our Website for more stories:
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Shanghai Plus
ICS Shanghai Live
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