北海道のFMラジオ局、 AIR-G’エフエム北海道 にて毎週 日曜日
大平さんへの感想、応援メッセージはコチラから→ 「[email protected]」 -
歴史上の人物や出来事、現在注目される話題や人物など、この世界に存在する万物、事象には、驚くような、感動できる、バンザイしたくなるような物語でつくられています。詩羽の好奇心アンテナが向いた森羅万象をテーマに、知っているようで知らなかった愉快な歴史や情報、裏話をポッドキャストととしてお届け。さらに、詩羽らしいPOPなコーナー企画も毎週お届け。 / もちろん皆さんからのメッセージも募集しています。時間がゆるす限りお答えしていきます。
このポッドキャストはFM ラジオJ-WAVE(81.3FM)にて放送中、水曜日のカンパネラ・詩羽ナビゲート『MASSIVE HISTORIA』のポットキャストverです。(J-WAVE では毎週土曜日 24 時00 分ON AIR) -
歴史を愛し、歴史を知りすぎてしまった歴史GEEK2人と圧倒的歴史弱者がお届けする歴史インターネットラジオです。歴史というレンズを通して「人間とは何か」「私たち現代人の抱える悩み」「世の中の流れ」を痛快に読み解いていく!?笑いあり、涙ありの新感覚・歴史キュレーションプログラム!☆Apple & Spotify Podcast 部門別ランキング1位獲得!☆ジャパンポッドキャストアワード2019 大賞&Spotify賞 ダブル受賞!※正式名称は「古典ラジオ」ではなく「コテンラジオ」ですーーーCOTEN RADIO is an entertainment radio talk program for history , published by the crazy history geeks group "COTEN" in Japan. ☆Apple & Spotify Podcast in Japan category ranking No.1 !☆Japan Podcast Awards 2019 Grand prize and Spotify prize !
Welcome to Myanmar Music Lover . Myanmar Music Lover is a private, nonprofit corporation that broadcasts news, song and information in variety language and in Burmese Language. Myanmar Music Lover is to provide a forum for a variety of opinions and voices from the Myanmar People from all over the world.
Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.
2022年9月に配信プラットホームを移転しました。主に日本の歴史のことを話すラジオ、略して“おもれき”はただの歴史好きなパーソナリティのKELLYと水無月が歴史をテーマにあれこれと雑談をするポッドキャスト番組です。お問い合わせ及びお便りはEメールでお願いします。[email protected]
"The" Lance Jay Radio Network is a nationally syndicated program that has aired on ESPN and NBC Sports Radio focusing primarily on sports, hip-hop music and current events. Hosted by James Lewis III and D.J. Rampage the First Lieutenant of the Universal Flipmode Squad, "The" Lance Jay Radio Network airs M-F on The Mighty WVOL 1470AM in Nashville, TN at 12PM Central Time and M-F in podcast format on affiliates in Seattle, Philadelphia, Orlando, Phoenix & Huntsville, AL. Starting 12.13.21 Urban One is picking up the show in the D.C. market on WOL 1450AM and 95.9FM at 11AM Eastern. Video of the show is aired on RokuTV M-W from 5-6 Eastern Time. During the Covid Pandemic James also launched the #HealthCast which is a series of episodes dissecting the American healthcare system and promoting SDoH programs. Issac Palmer Jr. & David Meyer are featured on the #HealthCast
Since November 7, 2004 - The first, and longest running, professionally produced audio drama podcast! This family friendly new twist on "old time radio" features the adventures and exploits of the World's Most Brilliant Scientist, Dr. Floyd! Join Dr. Floyd as he tries to thwart the plans of his evil arch nemesis, Dr. Steve, all the while learning about the people and events that shaped the history of the Earth. If satirist Stan Freberg and Jay Ward, creator of Rocky & Bullwinkle, had created Mystery Science Theater 3000 mixed in a little Time Bandits and gave it an educational spin, the result would have been...The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd! The Podcast for Gifted Children and Adults!
Gus grew up in Brooklyn New York during the 50s when Doo Wop was born. As His interest in Doo Wop grew, He was fortunate to go to the Alan Freed shows to witness in person Doo Wop history in the making. Gus later moved to South Carolina in the 80s and began hosting a Doo Wop radio show on 98.3 Fm. Gus also hosted the Doo Wop 50 PBS special in Atlanta, Georgia in 2000. He also hosted Doo Wop and Oldies shows all over the country including cruise ships, which he still does today! Gus now lives in Arizona and is still doing shows and keeping the music and all those great Doo Wop memories alive. Gus has the intention of sharing both the music, the memories, and his vast knowledge of the greatest music of all time !
Preschool friendly music lessons that develop perfect pitch and a good sense of rhythm! Host and creator Mr. Rob makes music lessons fun and easy. Why? So that every child can enjoy the benefits of (and art that is) music!
The show uses 8 colored bells (amongst other characters and instruments) to give preschool children meaningful exposure to pitch! Preschool children are uniquely capable of developing perfect pitch due to the deep-brain auditory development that takes place between birth and age five.
By using a color coded instrument or a set of the bells featured in the show, your chid can interact with the shows hands-on. A free eBook for parents will familiarize you with the games and concepts, so you can really become your child's greatest music teacher (even if you don't play an instrument).
Instruments, songbooks, story books, more videos, clickable bells, and a whole host of fun can be found at -
INTO THE WOODS ist die mitreißende, moderne Verfilmung einiger der beliebtesten Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm und verknüpft komisch und gefühlvoll zugleich die klassischen Erzählungen von Aschenputtel, Rotkäppchen, Hans und die Bohnenranke und Rapunzel zu einer ganz neuen Geschichte. Basierend auf dem Broadway-Erfolg „Into the Woods“ inszenierte Rob Marshall, Regisseur des Oscar®-prämierten Filmmusicals CHICAGO, den musikalischen Welterfolg mit einem fulminanten Starensemble darunter Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, Emily Blunt, Chris Pine und Anna Kendrick.
当サイトで制作している全てのオリジナル楽曲は、商用・非商用に関わらず無料でお使いいただけます。(ただし、商用利用の場合のみ、メールにてご連絡下さい。)BGM・効果音の使用にあたっては、必ず利用規約を御一読下さい。また、楽曲制作して下さるサウンドクリエイターの方を随時募集しております。(2013年03月 - 2014年10月 リリース分 / Part.1 - BGM 285曲 / Part.3 - BGM 278曲 / Part.4 - BGM 267曲 / Part.5 - BGM 264曲 / Part.6 - BGM 275曲 / Part.7 - 最新BGM配信中)