
  • A friend of the show, resident of Jasper joins us to talk about his evacuation experience, how his home was saved, and what he thinks is happening. Then we go over some of the wasteful government programs in Canada, talk about some other current events happening. Darren shows a couple of reports from the Fraser Institute about consumer tax index compared to CPI, Canada's falling GDP ration compared to other OECD countries, Canada Gov website showing almost 1800 ridiculous projects that we are funding here and abroad with a whack of NGO's. Could us some deeper digging. Millions and millions being spent on social programs, trans stuff, Doctors of the World Canada, World Vision Canada, Ukraine the list goes on and on and on. We then get into some Russian comedy on the Faglypics, a Women's Conference for fake babies, the narrative swing with some heavy Eric W tweets, BC changing mandates on Healthcare Jabs - or are they? We also touch on some vaccine stuff, fibrous clot info, excess deaths, the Oxford vaccine slip up, the Redfield answer to mRNA and the ACTBlue money laundering scam. To gain access to the second half of show and our Plus feed for audio and podcast please clink the link http://www.grimericaoutlawed.ca/support. For second half of video (when applicable and audio) go to our Substack and Subscribe. https://grimericaoutlawed.substack.com/ or to our Locals https://grimericaoutlawed.locals.com/ or Rokfin www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Patreon https://www.patreon.com/grimericaoutlawed Support the show directly: https://grimerica.ca/support-2/ Outlawed Canadians YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@OutlawedCanadians Our Adultbrain Audiobook Podcast and Website: www.adultbrain.ca Our Audiobook Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@adultbrainaudiobookpublishing/videos Darren's book www.acanadianshame.ca Check out our next trip/conference/meetup - Contact at the Cabin www.contactatthecabin.com Other affiliated shows: www.grimerica.ca The OG Grimerica Show www.Rokfin.com/Grimerica Our channel on free speech Rokfin Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow Grimericans Https://t.me.grimerica https://www.guilded.gg/chat/b7af7266-771d-427f-978c-872a7962a6c2?messageId=c1e1c7cd-c6e9-4eaf-abc9-e6ec0be89ff3 Get your Magic Mushrooms delivered from: Champignon Magique Get Psychedelics online Leave a review on iTunes and/or Stitcher: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/grimerica-outlawed http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/grimerica-outlawed Sign up for our newsletter http://www.grimerica.ca/news SPAM Graham = and send him your synchronicities, feedback, strange experiences and psychedelic trip reports!! graham@grimerica.com InstaGRAM https://www.instagram.com/the_grimerica_show_podcast/ Purchase swag, with partial proceeds donated to the show www.grimerica.ca/swag Send us a postcard or letter http://www.grimerica.ca/contact/ ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/ MUSIC Tru Northperception, Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com See links to stuff we chatted about during the show: https://x.com/TheoFleury14/status/1818152495333654620 https://x.com/CassandraRules/status/1818031282766639590 https://x.com/BlackTomThePyr8/status/1817585193030480334 https://x.com/stillgray/status/1817309101631885799 https://x.com/OdessaOrlewicz/status/1816931621066699013 https://x.com/SenRonJohnson/status/1811580936137380111 https://x.com/JamesMelville/status/1809536022524371239 https://x.com/NyaPfanner/status/1816824515810185332 https://www.jaspercommunityteamsociety.ca/ https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=475124&post_id=146774243&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=24pqe&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNTc5MjA2LCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxNDY3NzQyNDMsImlhdCI6MTcyMTM5ODIzOSwiZXhwIjoxNzIzOTkwMjM5LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNDc1MTI0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.ssBYmEnujIyand5eTwXMUs08RikA-BEcBbBTaJQDVvQ https://youtu.be/0TY_2OIPcl0?si=ydS1ene3AX4-SNQ8 https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=667911&post_id=146663175&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=24pqe&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNTc5MjA2LCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxNDY2NjMxNzUsImlhdCI6MTcyMTExOTQyMiwiZXhwIjoxNzIzNzExNDIyLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNjY3OTExIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.g7B2TPX74IzYLVopTrbtIwINZRkePHcacfnZpacx9ok https://needtoknow.news/2024/07/actblue-accused-of-massive-money-laundering-operation-trump-files-fec-complaint/ https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=602373&post_id=147100796&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=24pqe&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNTc5MjA2LCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxNDcxMDA3OTYsImlhdCI6MTcyMjE5Njk0NCwiZXhwIjoxNzI0Nzg4OTQ0LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNjAyMzczIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.3_DSeLoBQEmmoUEX45IyE4ryRDL8QfnVYEoXhaK5DVI https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=548354&post_id=146968595&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=24pqe&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNTc5MjA2LCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxNDY5Njg1OTUsImlhdCI6MTcyMjIzNjM2NiwiZXhwIjoxNzI0ODI4MzY2LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNTQ4MzU0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.0cgeHcWPYTUxUy2PhGDj0gDaDCWGb95hLwIAo7X3yoY Darrens Links: https://w05.international.gc.ca/projectbrowser-banqueprojets/filter-filtre#resultsTbl https://fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/were-getting-poorer-gdp-per-capita-in-canada-and-oecd-2002-2060.pdf https://fraserinstitute.org/studies/government-spending-taxes If you would rather watch: https://rumble.com/v598rtp-outlawed-round-up-7.31-jasper-resident-rants-with-us-wasted-taxpayer-progra.html https://grimericaoutlawed.locals.com/post/5941463/outlawed-round-up-7-31-jasper-resident-rants-with-us-wasted-taxpayer-programs https://rokfin.com/stream/51096 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs_8DhOwZv8

  • Derek Condit – Psychic/Medium/Energy Worker

    How Derek perceives energy:

    “Individuals such as myself are sometimes called ‘seers’. I prefer to describe myself as a ‘frequency perceiver’. With a combination of natural born intuition and many years of self-expansion and training, I’ve learned to perceive our reality through not only my 5 physical senses, but also through my chakras. Thus perceiving our reality from not only the physical reality, but also the metaphysical reality.

    Using these expanded understandings and abilities (which we all possess), I can not only see spirit guides, angels and past loved ones, but also communicate with them. With the understanding that time doesn’t truly exist, what are often called ‘past lives’ or ‘concurrent lives’ can also be perceived during a session.

    Truly everything is energy and with the knowledge of how to match the frequency of an ‘already healed’ person, you can gain assistance in healing yourself through energy work during a session. Although I am a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, only ‘LOVE’ energy is used during sessions/healings. Not only complete energy body healings, but physical body healings can occur. ” – Derek


    Ethics of Care YouTube video

    Krononaut Chronicles Instagram

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

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    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

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  • Adam and Bill are interviewed by Jake on his podcast Loco Listens.

    Follow Jake on IG at https://www.instagram.com/locolistens/

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Steve Nelson aka Shellback was raised in New Hampshire. He enlisted in the US Navy in January of 2003. In his 20 years of Naval service he has visited 37 countries and six continents. He is currently awaiting to transfer back into civilian life and is ready to start his next great adventure.

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Amish Matt, 1/3 of the Amish Inquisition, part time podcaster, fulltime Dad, almost a fully accredited CBT Therapist and praiser of Jahbulon.


    Amish Inquisition Matrix Chat


    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Ben Walsmith is just an average guy who a few years back, was grabbed by the lapels and spontaneously shaken awake by the universe. Put on a fast track of deprogramming, healing wounds and a remembering of the mystical, esoteric and occulted nature of reality.

    Two and a half years a nomad, allowing the universe to navigate the synchronistic, psycho spiritual and shamanic journey, inward while living on the terra in a Toyota it was a reconnecting to the soul, nature, spirit and the cosmos. Ben found peace and a more real existence. And that’s when things began to get really weird.

    Follow Ben on IG: https://www.instagram.com/starpilgrim777/

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Graham’s primary passions are podcasting, researching, and helping others. Obsessed with learning and self-improvement, Graham and Darren started The Grimerica Podcast in 2013. Their show has continued to grow into a sizable and loving community. Most recently he’s pursued a spin-off podcast, Grimerica Outlawed, and has narrated various audiobooks.

    A fast-paced life of corporate ladder climbing and competitive sports eventually took its toll, and Graham got completely clean and sober in 2008. Every year since then has been an escalating pursuit into the esoteric, occult, and spiritual arenas. Somewhere along the way he found time to travel around the world, become a Reiki master, get certified in Addiction Studies, facilitate Buddhist meditative recovery meetings, coach hockey, and lead numerous CE-5 expeditions (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind). His journey has been one of achievement and compassion. Other professional management experiences includes Operations Manager at Premsteel Fabricators and several director positions with ACRO Aerospace: Director of Business Excellence, Director of Technical Services, and Director of Purchasing. However Graham’s current focus is on raising his awareness, and enjoying living outside the city with the love of his life, Marija. In what spare time he has, he makes his mark in the imagination of others with the unparalleled skill of Dungeon Master Supreme.

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Activist. Artist. Filmmaker. Joel Tauber sparks discourse and facilitates change via direct actions and interventions, video installations, films, photographs, public art, podcasts, and written stories.

    Joel Tauber (he/him; born in 1972; Boston, MA, USA) comes from a long line of rabbis, including the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Aszód (1796-1866) of Hungary. Tauber spent 12 years studying Jewish philosophy and religion in Hebrew and ancient Aramaic at the Maimonides School (Boston, MA, USA), where he was valedictorian. Afterwards, Tauber went to Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA) to prepare to become a doctor but changed course when he took a sculpture class with the critic, art historian, and conceptual artist Ronald Jones; who showed him the potential that art has to generate discourse and facilitate change.

    You can learn more on Joel’s website https://joeltauber.com/about/

    Follow Joel on IG: https://www.instagram.com/joel.tauber/

    And Listen to Joel on BELT: A 2-Man Memoir Podcast https://belt.live/

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan


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    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Mark Stavish is a respected authority on Western spiritual traditions. The author of 26 books, published in 7 languages, including The Path of Alchemy and Kabbalah for Health and Wellness, he is the founder and director of the Institute for Hermetic Studies and the Louis Claude de St. Martin Fund. He has appeared on radio shows, television, and in major print media, including Coast to Coast AM, the History Channel, BBC, and the New York Times. The author of the blog VOXHERMES, he lives in Wyoming, Pennsylvania.

    You can learn more about Mark here https://www.innertraditions.com/author/mark-stavish

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan


    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Adam W.

    Reality Aligner - Anxiety Control Enthusiast - Achievement Accelerator - Depression Remover - Human.

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan


    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Gordy Hamil is a regular co-host on Weaving Spiders Welcome on Saturday nights.


    In his journey from addiction, neurological issues, and chronic pain he has found a deep meaningful connection with nature and healing through a connection with Great Horned Owls.

    Follow the journey on IG @gordy_two_shoes

    He also runs

    a Monday night study group, Mystic Inheritance Conspiritorium, covering the book collection he inherited from his mystic loving father in law. Join us to create our own conspiracy, in the root meaning of the word “to breathe together” where we talk about the ideas we glean from this “secret” knowledge and discuss our own experiences as we discover our own magic. https://t.me/MysticStudies

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan


    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • James Moore is a veteran, father, professional coach and luxury apartment gym consultant.

    Follow James on IG: @onemoorerep

    Email James: James.m.moore56@gmail.com

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • If you have been on social media you have seen his face. His videos have garnered millions of views worldwide and his style (or lack thereof) is catching on. Honest and unassuming, his humor will catch you off guard and leave you laughing days later. Rodney Norman is more than an entertainer, he is an experience.

    Winner of the Rhode Island Comedy Festival
    Featured in the Boston Comedy Festival

    You can learn more about Rodney at RodneyNorman.com

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

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    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Today, we have Louie from Uncanny Mystic Minds Podcast. He's into using esoteric concepts, that incorporate energetic and hermetic principles... Some of the spiritual practices in his life are those related to the healing arts, and even diving into the darker applications of shadow work... Bridging the gaps between this earthly realm and the gateways of cosmic consciousness, are works that anchor his inspiration to keep learning on this journey of life.

    You can learn more about Louie on his podcast: Uncanny Mistic Minds

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Jared Murphy released "It's Not Aliens, Worse, It's Us: Discovering Our Lost History " almost two years ago. Now, after almost a year, the new, revised and in all color, the update “Not Aliens: Beyond Prehistory” will be coming soon.

    This Sept 24th, for the second and now annual event....live lecture on megalithic lost technology and human abilities

    Meet Jared or stream his in-person event in Salem, New Hampshire at 10 am.

    This three hour event will speak on megalithic lost technology and possible connections in human DNA.

    AFTER: Jared will be meeting everyone and doing a tour at America's Stonehenge approximately 10 minutes from the event.

    Tickets are online at www.notaliens.com

    URL for online listen and in person at America's Stonehenge:


    More promo History...

    Jared has done a documentary with Michael from Dark Hour Paranormal last year.


    The hidden brain in your skin | Claudia Aguirre | TEDxUCLA

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Creator of 13 Questions, host of The Grimerica Show and mentor to many. Our friend Darren Grimes.

    You can learn more about Darren HERE or at Grimerica.ca

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • This is a blunt impromptu roundtable episode which resulted in Bill, Dave and Derek discussing many topics including but not limited to UFOs, energy, and quantum entanglement.

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

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    13 Questions Cash App

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Todd is a former Civil and Tunnel Engineer who worked on what was at the time the biggest project in Europe called Crossrail, until his life came crashing down when he needed life changing foot surgery.

    This caused him to be on crutches for 15 months which he calls the start of his refinement period during which he became overweight, sad and depressed. One day he went to tie his shoes and had to bend over to do it and became short of breath because his belly was too big! It was at that moment that he knew he had to change his life so he turned to exercise and reading books to cope with the depression of seeing his former life being taken away from him in real time.

    It was during this time that he started to research the origins of man that led him down the rabbit hole of trying to find himself but instead he found The Mother Father God that has been hidden from humanity.

    This lead him to realize that EVERYTHING that was taught to him in school and about history was a lie including all religious books which keeps man in mental slavery.

    This caused him to start working on his mind and spirit while simultaneously building his body which led him to be an Online Fitness Trainer who helps spiritually inclined people to burn fat and build muscle with his bespoke training system called Compound Body Training.

    Follow Todd on Instagram

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Men's Coach Dennis Morolda is the founder and CEO of Building Men, a movement dedicated to helping men become the strongest versions of themselves – mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Dennis is the host of the Building Men Podcast, a motivational destination for real talk about purpose, mindset, relationships, connections and the foundational building blocks to success. A former public school teacher, coach and principal, Dennis specializes in Building Men of character, integrity, strength, compassion and empathy through transformational mentoring, coaching and motivational speaking.

    The concept of Building Men started in 2005 when as a middle school assistant principal, Dennis recognized the struggles that the boys in his school were facing.The young men were experiencing disciplinary incidents, suspensions, truancy, failing grades, retention and classification into special education at an alarming level when compared to their female counterparts.

    Dennis used his background in adolescent development, sociology and mental health to develop the framework for a social group to address what it meant to be a man in society. Now Dennis works with individuals, schools and organizations all over the country providing professional development, assembly programming, motivational speaking and life coaching.

    You can learn more about Dennis on his website or Instagram.

    Website buildingmen.io

    Instagram: @building.menhttps://www.instagram.com/building.men/

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/

  • Clint Richardson is my real name. I stand up and take responsibility for any and all content and actions by myself. No Pseudo, corporate, or stage names necessary. For I am living without straw.

    This blog represents countless hours of research into the complex structure of society and the organized crime syndicate called “government”. I offer this without profit or motive, without sponsor or advertising. In this way, I hope to promote unbiased and unhindered information that is both based on the ancient liberal arts (trivium) and without fallacy, mixed with my own brand of sarcastic but sharply painful commentary of what is reality.

    As a virtual matrix is of artificiality is being built up around us, and as we unwittingly accept and wallow in this destructive social media, this blog is all I can do to cry out in the digital wilderness before we all fall in too deep. The real world is crumbling while this virtual reality is built up and sparkling new each and every year. And as our actions against tyranny continuously get redirected to this false reality of artificiality in an inter-connected trap we call the inter-net, crimes against humanity go unchecked within the real world as un-empathetic corporations are protected from harm by unethical politicians.

    And so, with a small and totally independent voice I research and write.

    As this artificial digital social world of media repulses me with every new upgrade, my participation in it will likely stay limited to this blog and my movies. I have no desire to be part of a brave new world of trans-humanity…

    After nearly four years of continuous contributions to this blog, I must disclaim that many of my previous misconceptions in earlier posts have been changed and corrected in later posts – a necessary learning curve for such a monstrously and purposefully obfuscating history written by the controllers and victors of the past. And I suppose that of the subjects I write about today, I will need this same disclaimer in another four years! The most important lesson is that there is never a final lesson; that the humility of being passionate but wrong is the most important learning tool of all, if one can only recognize the virtue of overcoming ego.

    May this information enlighten and provoke you as well to break free of this virtual world before it ensnares you in the helpless frequencies of digital futility and servitude to the real.

    Visit Clint's Blog: RealityBloger.wordpress.com/

    Free Download of Strawman: The Real Story Of Your Artificial Person

    Corporation Nation Radio Archives

    Red Pill Sunday School on YouTube

    Red Pill Sunday School on Odysee

    Red Pill Sunday School on BitChute

    Gift a one-time (or recurring) donation to 13 Questions Podcast: https://13questionspodcast.com/support/

    13 Questions on LiberaPay

    Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

    Shungite from Derek Condit

    Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

    Contact the Podcast:








    Gratitude Jingle by Sir Felix


    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    Website/logo design by blakeArt®: https://gaudetedevelopment.com/