We're back after our summer break! Ali is joined by Kay and Robyn to talk about the hive of activity over the past couple of months. Mike also shares why you should make a date to meet us in London next month for the Guidelines management stream.
0:10 Introductions
1:40 The current state of primary care
5:00 Residential coding letter
12:15 Single word ratings
16:28 PCN DES
23:00 Mike talks finance at Guidelines
24:20 Join us at Guidelines for a new management stream
25:00 Question from a member on managing menopause in the workplace
28:40 Accreditation
To attend Guidelines Live - If you’re an IGPM member, you can attend completely free! Simply click here and ensure you select “practice management” in the profession field.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This month Ali, Kay and Robyn talk about what's been happening since the election, the latest from the WhatsApp groups, and news on what we've got planned for the rest of the year.
0:10 Intro
0:38 The data outage!
2:50 Post election chat
4:50 CQC news
13:00 Question from member
16:00 Upcoming webinar
19:00 Shows
For Management in Practice book here
For our webinar with the GPC and AISMA on 7th August, please book here
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Ali is joined by Kay and Robyn to talk about the incredible result from the GPAD IIF letter, the upcoming election and our recent webinars. Ed Kennedy, IGPM dispensing representative pops in for chat, and we look at what's on the horizon for the IGPM.
0:10 Intro
0:20 Our amazing outcome
5:00 Katie Bramall-Stainer joined us for a webinar
8:30 Our register of MIGPM is live!
13:25 Ed Kennedy talks dispensing practices
18:00 Election pleas
23:00 Listener questions
28:00 Upcoming
Find the register online here.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This month, Ali talks with Kay and Robyn about the recent shows, succession planning, PPGs and the topic on everyone's lips - the BMA vote.
0:10 Intro
2:00 Recap of who were are
3:48 Management in Practice
5:38 Primary Care Show
9:15 Giving non GP partners a voice
16:10 Member question
22:42 Upcoming news
Link to Management in Practice
Succession planning webinar sign up
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This month Ali is joined by Robyn and Kay to talk about the latest IGPM campaign, the upcoming conferences for the IGPM and Nicola stops by to talk about the new WhatsApp Dispensing Group. They are also joined by Peter Maynard, National lead for the South, who talks about his role and how he is working around developing the IGPM.
0:12 Intro
0:27 #RightCareFirstTime
3:55 Robyn's recent media storm!
6:20 Management in Practice with Kay
7.50 Primary Care Show
9.00 Dispensing Practices WhatsApp group
12:43 Meet Peter Maynard
24:40 This month's member question
26:43 Upcoming webinar
Catch up with #RightCareFirstTime here.
To book tickets for Management in Practice, book here. and for the Primary Care Show, book here.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This month Ali, Kay and Robyn talk about the upcoming IGPM public campaign, succession planning, IGPM member updates, and they meet Mike Neville, National Lead for the North.
0:10 Welcome
1:10 IGPM updates
3:50 New IGPM public campaign
6:50 Meet Mike Neville
26:00 Finance toolkit for NLW
27:00 Member question
32:40 What's coming up?
To join the webinar launch of #RightCareFirstTime, please book here
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This month Kay and Robyn join host Ali to discuss the brand new IGPM Appraisal Toolkit for Practice Managers, the ever-popular WhatsApp member groups, the member question, and lots more!
0:10 Intro
0:30 Appraisals
2:30 Webinar news
7:30 Kay's month
9:00 Running PPGs
11:30 Best Practice London
13:00 Our plans for shows for 2024
13:30 Management in Practice
14:45 Advice on flexible working
21:00 What's coming up in March!
Guide on PPGs https://www.patients-association.org.uk/use-our-toolkit-to-set-up-your-ppg
Sign up for Management in Practice https://managementinpractice-events.co.uk/register/?mkrf=IGPM
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ali, Kay and Robyn are joined by Ceri Gardener, National Lead for the Midlands to talk wellbeing, accreditation, support and much more. Sarah Cole, PCN Representative for the IGPM also explains the importance of the PCN accreditation scheme.
0.50 Welcome
1.10 What we've been up to in January
5.05 Sarah Cole - PCN Representative - why PCN Accreditation is important
7.10 Meet Ceri Gardener - National Lead for Midlands
20.30 PM question - how do I fund the National Living Wage?
24.00 What's coming up in February
If you'd like to join us at Best Practice, book your free place here
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In the final episode of 2023, Ali is joined by Kay Keane, Robyn Clark and Nicola Davies, three of the four founding directors of the IGPM.
We talk about why we set up the IGPM, what we want to achieve, what we've done so far, and what's ahead for 2024.
For any enquiries or questions, please email [email protected].uk
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week we talk to Ben Allen about his experiences in practice, leadership and practice management.
Ben talks about the following blogs:
The site Kay mentioned is https://www.htmc.co.uk/ and the GP is https://x.com/amirhannan?s=20
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join host Ali, and Directors Robyn and Kay to talk about what's been happening at the IGPM during November. The team are joined by Gareth Thomas, National Lead for Wales, and Professor James Kingsland OBE.
0:40 News round up
2:55 WhatsApp group updates
6:58 NHS Confederation links
7:35 Professor James Kingsland OBE
11:23 Questions from our PMs
16:26 Gareth Thomas, National Lead for Wales
22:11 What did accreditation mean to Gareth
24:18 Coming up soon
25:00 Our survey
To complete the survey, please click here
To view the Veteran Friendly Practice webinar please click here.
If you are in Wales and would like to contact Gareth, please email [email protected].uk
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Working in practice, we understand how much time pressure you're under, so instead of yet another email in your inbox, we decided to bring you a podcast full of the latest happenings at the IGPM.
Join host Alison with Robyn and Kay, IGPM Directors, to discuss some of the updates from October 2023.
Intro (0.12)
Why 10 hats? (0.44)
Introducing the National Leads (1.40)
WhatsApp Groups (4.00)
Best Practice (9.00)
Why join the IGPM? (12.00)
Management in Practice (14.08)
What's coming up (16.00)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.