Since the very first moment when Eve was tempted by the serpent. The fall to sin has been a struggle for mankind. Fast forwarding into the 21st Century... Immorality has taken a front seat and has destroyed relationships, marriages and many single men and women. People have destroyed themselves with the image of "self" and lust, desires have put many believers into a tailspin which separates them from the love of God. Addiction to sex, porn outside of marriage, has pioneered these sins of lust and wrongdoing desires into a catastrophic destruction. Hopefully over these next few episodes we can talk about it, heal and make our bodies a living sacrifice holy, acceptable and pleasing to God and become the temple of God.
When you visit your doctor for a checkup, he immediately does two things. First,he takes your pulse, and second, he says, "May I see your tongue?" The doctor can tell you certain things about your health just by looking at your tongue. This is an important analogy of the Christian life. Christ says to you today, "May I see your tongue? By examining your tongue, Christ can tell what is in your heart. He can detect the condition of your spiritual health. Let's talk about the problem of the tongue....
Have you found yourself dwelling on the Past and not taking a warning of the Present. There area many of us still find ourselves with wanting one foot in the world and one in Heaven. Many of us have become foolish, disobedient, still wanting to taste the lust and pleasures that this world offers, there's many out there still living with malice and envy and yes some are hateful and not loving one another yet we know what the scriptures says that we should be living by. Let dive into this episode with a open heart and a open mind...
The very words of our text words of commendation and words of warning. It declares that many of us play an important role as spiritual laborers in a world that needs Harvesting for the Kingdom Of God. Lets take a deeper look as to why we shouldn't be sleeping on the Spiritual job at hand.
The day of Pentacost was a life changing dynamic that reshaped the history of the World in our relationship with God. We should learn to embrace and Celebrate Pentacost every day with excitement just like any natural Holiday we tend to celebrate. Lets take a look at what really happened on the day of Pentacost?
Have your ever been afraid? Do you know the unpleasant truth that fear is the robber of all spiritual joys? Has fear caused you to do strange things? Do you long to be able to conquer your fears? These questions hopefully will be emphatic "Yes!" from most of us. Lets dive into 2 Timothy 1:1-7 and see what fear does and how to overcome it!
This world that we live in is filled with so much temptation and our yielding to it can be devastating. Temptation can break up marriages, families and even close friendships. It is one of the worst things that can happen to the human race. What even happened to Adam and Eve is a classic example of all that can happen to a person when we find ourselves yielding to temptation...
In our Christian walk and lives we are responsible for the love we have towards one another. We are responsible for our influence. We must be genuinely concerned about the welfare weaker Christians. We must be builders rather than wreckers. Our total objective is that this World is lost and they must be saved. We as Christians need to relate to others in such a loving way to reveal that our Heavenly Father has a wonderful plan for our lives. Live, Breathe and walk and talk Jesus!
Seeking to be number one puts the Christian in the middle of a great tension...a dual philosophy. One is hedonism, meaning all is geared toward pleasure; the other is Christianity, meaning that all is geared toward God. Self righteous people in today's world know nothing of true repentance. Many think that they're number one in their own lives. Let's examine four detrimental results from our own pleasure seeking instincts...
Even though technology is much more advance nowadays. The Automobile industry still needs a battery to keep things charged. There are times when the battery gets low and we have ways to add life into the battery by means of recharging in order for your car to carry out its functions to operate properly. We as Christians in life as we call it can get that way in where we need spiritual recharging. The psalmist gives great meaning in a lot of ways of that simple burst of energy we need to boost us when our spiritual power runs down. Let's see where Psalms 73 takes us, and hopefully it will give you a deeper desire to recharge...
Taking a slight break from the every day norm of the Podcast Ministry, and had a burning desire to sit down with a great Minister friend of mine Ruben Gonzalez the leader in a Men's Ministry "Front Lines" and I wanted to delve in the "New Direction" in where the Lord is taking him. So after having a candid conversation with him in we should proceed we decided to call this feature "Man Talk" we going to sit back and see where the directs to go with this type of series. But we both agreed that we would come together and tackle every day real issues we as men face as Believers in Christ. Please be mindful that the sound recording maybe off and even the quality of the recording. Everything is a learning process and we can only get better with time. God Bless so sit back and enjoy. If you like what you hear. Please consider subscribing to the Ministry and help us grow together in the knowledge of the Lord.
Facing difficulties in life affects our feelings of helplessness and hopelessness when hated or rejected. But Adversity is easier to deal with and accept when we recognize our true relationship with our sovereign God. Those who may try to come against us at times may seem to have the upper hand, they're ultimately the helpless and hopeless ones. Those who know God will be victorious in the end. We can have the courage and strength today knowing that our God will preserve us in everything that we face in life.
The old saying of "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!" Is merely scratching the surface of difficulties in life. Some of us want to run when things gets tough. Especially when surrounded by every day fear, anxiety, worry, stress. Those things can affect our physical being as well as our spiritual being if we let it. Habakkuk gave us a great illustration when he was faced with difficulties. He chose to rejoice in the Lord by being thankful. If you read his words, he also gave us an example to live by faith. Just like the Lord wants us to do today.
You can count on God to get us through any storms of if we would but trust him. We know that the storms of life comes in many different forms. Economic conditions, Political conditions, emotional stress and physical. There's no sure guarantee that storms in life will not come. Jesus gives us the ingredients of a life that will stand storms. Although storms are inevitable, let's get ready to face them with the Lord.
Facing difficulties in life everyday some of us tends to become dreadful. We get caught up in a life filled with broken promises or shattered dreams. But I love the simple fact that we serve a God who loves to comfort us. He loves to fill our hearts and minds to be of Good Courage and not give up in the fight...lets find out why he's the God of All Comfort...
- Visa fler