Don’t Blink will make you grab your mops, don your bow ties, and find a fun listening companion! Jada Wilkerson is a die-hard Doctor Who fan, who really knows his New Who, as well as Classic Who goodness. Wayne Henderson is a relatively new Whovian, joining in on the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey adventures, during the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary time period. Together, Jada and Wayne share thoughts and theories about each episode of Doctor Who, as well as including your listener feedback.
פודקאסט שבועי על היקום הקולנועי של מארוול, ומדי פעם גם על קולנוע וטלויזיה.
בהגשת אסף זינגר ושי עסיס ואורחות ואורחים נוספים.
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The Sandman Unlocked covers all things related to Neil Gaiman’s seminal masterpiece. With issue-by-issue read-alongs, volume deep-dives, and TV episode reactions and breakdowns — there is something for every Sandman fan whether you’re new to the series or already know why the Devil runs a piano bar in LA.