
  • Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. It is one of the concluding expressions when writing a letter.

    きせつの かわりめ ですから、おからだ[ ]くださいね。

    -- Today's review. --

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now for today's quiz. Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. It is one of the concluding expressions when writing a letter.



    季節の変わり目ですから、お身体[ ]くださいね。

    The answer is "ご自愛".

    In fact, I recently started Postcard Crossing. It is difficult to express when writing letters. I always have a hard time with it.


    In japanese, when writing letters,for example,”お身体に気をつけてお過ごしください “or “それでは失礼します”. Of these, 'ごじあいください' is convenient to use regardless of the position of the person you are dealing with, be it a close friend or superior.



    If you often exchange letters with someone, you might write to them as follows.



    Please try to find different expressions.




    That's all for today. No this podcast next week. So see you the week after.Bye!

  • Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. Used to express feelings of being unable to help oneself.

    A:どうして りょこう できないの? やくそく したじゃん!

    B:[ ____ ]でしょ!?とつぜん トラブルが あったのよ!

    --- Today's Review! ---

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now for today's quiz.

    Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. Used to express feelings of being unable to help oneself.




    B:[ ]でしょ!?突然トラブルがあったのよ!

    The answer is "しょうがない". This is a variant of the word "しようがない", which means "no way to do".

    "しよう" means "method". This includes the meaning "to give up". It is used when there is nothing more you can do about it.


    Please try to use it.




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

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  • Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. It is often used when remember things that happened in the past.

    A : ねぇ、この しゃしん みてー!

    B : うわっ![ ]!これって いつの ことだっけ?

    -- Today's Review! --

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!


    Now for today's quiz.

    Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. It is often used when remember things that happened in the past.





    B:うわっ![ ]!これっていつのことだっけ?

    The answer is "なつかしい".

    This expresses a feeling of being back in the past, remembering people and things that used to be familiar.


    Please try to use it.




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • Today's quiz.

    Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. Used in the sense of "vague, but possibly".

    Five hiragana characters.

    -- Today's Review! --

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now for today's quiz.

    Please think about a Japanese word that fill in the blank. Used in the sense of "vague, but possibly". Five hiragana characters.




    B:そんなことないよ、あなたの言いたいこと、 [     ]わかったかも。つまりこういうことじゃない?

    The answer is "なんとなく".



    These are examples of usage.

    Please try to use it.




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • Today's quiz!

    How do you say 'something you are immersed in, something you are addicted to in Japanese these days?

    In hiragana, it's two characters.

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!


    Sorry for the late update. Now for today's quiz.

    How do you say 'something you are immersed in, something you are addicted to in Japanese these days?

    In hiragana, it's two characters.





    The answer is "ぬま".

    This is "swamp" in English.

    For example,"推しが尊すぎて沼" or "ぬまる" or else "ぬまにハマる" is also used.





    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • Quiz!

    You are a telephone receptionist in your company. If the person on the other end of the phone asks you to take over because they need to speak to a manager.

    How do you respond? Please fill in the blank.

    しょうち いたしました。じょうし に [ ____ ]いたします。しょうしょう おまちください。

    --- Today's review! ---

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!


    Now let's today's quiz.

    You are a telephone receptionist in your company. If the person on the other end of the phone asks you to take over because they need to speak to a manager, how do you respond? Please fill in the blank.



    承知いたしました。上司に[ ____ ]いたします。少々お待ちください。

    The answer is "お繋ぎ”.

    If you are talking to a close friend, 'かわります' is fine, but if you are dealing with a customer, it is good to be able to respond in a formal way.




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • What do you say in Japanese when you want to give someone a turn at the door?

    ーToday's review!ー

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now let's today's quiz.

    For example, what do you say in Japanese when you want to give someone a turn at the door?


    The answer is "どうぞ".

    Normally, you would say "おさきにどうぞ", but Japanese people often only say "どうぞ". It is easy to understand because of the gesture, but it is good to be able to understand either phrase!




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • hink of words to fill in the blanks.

    The phrase is often heared in restaurant. The waiter saw that your plate was empty and approached you.

    そちら、おすみでしたら[ ________ ]。

    ーーーーーーーー ↓Today's review↓ ーーーーーーーー

    Hi their! It's been one week. I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now let's today's quiz. Think of words to fill in the blanks.

    The phrase is often heared in restaurant. The waiter saw that your plate was empty and approached you.




    The answer is "お下げいたします".

    'おさげいたします' means 'I will put it away'.

    If you have finished your meal, "would you like me to take your empty plate away as it is out of the way?" includes the consideration that.


    If you ask the waiter to take your plate, respond with ‘おねがいします’, or if you are still in the middle of eating, 'まだ食事中です'etc.




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • An exercise in expression than a quiz.

    Try to write as many words as you can to say "thank you."

    ---↓Today's review!↓---

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Today's quiz is more an exercise in expression than a quiz.

    Try to write as many words as you can to say "thank you."



    How many did you write down?


    For exsample……









    The last one is an added bonus. I use it a lot because I am a geek, but the general public may not use it as often.

    I encourage you to learn a variety of expressions.





    There will be no podcast next week! I would be happy if you could listen again the week after. Bye!

  • How would you say in this situation in four hiragana characters ? It is an expression that encourages action, saying that it may be impossible but let's try, or that it is better to try than to do nothing.

    ーー ↓ Today's review is here! ↓ ーー

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now let's today's quiz!

    How would you say in this situation in four hiragana characters ?

    It is an expression that encourages action, saying that it may be impossible but let's try, or that it is better to try than to do nothing.



    The answer is "だめもと".

    The abbreviation for this is "だめでもともと".

    "だめもとでいいから、ちゃれんじしてみようよ!" Used in phrases such as.




    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • Today's quiz!

    How would you say "as soon as possible" in four hiragana characters?

    -- The review is here! --

    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!



    Now let's today's quiz!

    How would you say "as soon as possible" in four hiragana characters?


    The answer is "なるはや".

    The abbreviation for this is "なるべくはやく". This has a similar meaning to the phrase "as soon as possible".



    If you are told this, you should recognise that this is something you need to do in a hurry.



    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • Please think of the correct Japanese words to fit the following blanks. This is an expression for when you do not want to give details or want to give a vague answer.

    A:きのう やすんでたけど、たいちょう わるかったとか?だいじょうぶ?

    B:あぁ、うーん、まぁ[ ______ ]かな。


    Hi their! I’m Megumi. Thanks for coming to listen my podcast. This Podcast tells you “simple Japanese conversation ". The theme of "A word on the spur of the moment!" Please listen to this Podcast!

    みなさんこんにちは、めぐみです。このポッドキャストを聴きに来てくれてありがとうございます。 このポッドキャストでは、咄嗟の一言を日本語で言おう!をテーマにお送りしています。ぜひ聞いていってくださいね。

    Now let's today's quiz!

    Please think of the correct Japanese words to fit the following blanks. This is an expression for when you do not want to give details or want to give a vague answer.



    あぁ、うーん、まぁ[ ______ ]かな。

    The answer is "そんなかんじ".

    In English, it is "something like that." It is often used when you don't want to go into detail, or when it is troublesome to explain. It is used during small talk, but is not appropriate in formal discussions, so be careful when you use it!

    英語でいうと"something like that."ですね。 詳しく言いたくないとき、説明するのが面倒なときなどによく使う表現です。 雑談中には使いますが、正式な議論の場ではふさわしくない言葉なので、使うタイミングには注意しましょう!


    That's all for today. Thank you for listening and see you next week. Bye!

  • Please think of the correct Japanese words to fit the following blanks. It is four hiragana characters.

    あれ!もう こんな じかん!

    [ ____ ]しゅっぱつ しないと!


    Today's review is here!→https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51890546

  • Today's keyword is 'consent'.

    Now here's a quiz!

    Imagine a scene, for example, at a party, such as a reunion. You are thinking 'I think it's time to go home' but difficult to talk about. Then your friend calls out to you.

    A:わたし、きょうは ここで おいとま するね。

    B:あっ、じゃあ わたしも [ _______ ]。 いっしょに かえろ。


    Today's review is here!→https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51766883

  • When your shoulder hurts, if you say in Japanese 'かたがいたいです', it sounds like you have an injury. But there are times when your shoulder hurts instead of being injured. Do you know of other ways to say it?

    デスクワークを つづけていたから、かた が [ ____ ]。


    Today's review is here!→https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51751204

  • Your boss tells you "You must do this job on time." ,but you are not motivated to do it. Fill in the blanks to be correct as a monologue in such a situation.

    あーあ、[______ ]なぁ。やりたくない。

    * - * - * - * - *

    Today's review is here!→https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51602470

  • Today I will introduce you to one simple but commonly used Japanese word when travelling!

    Now here's a quiz!

    You are travelling to Japan and staying in Tokyo.
    Tomorrow you plan to go to Yokohama and come back the same day, what should you say when buying a train ticket?


    Today's review is here!→https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51495623

  • Think about this situation.

    Talk to someone who wants a discount but is unsure if they will probably do that. Fill in the blanks.

    [ _______ ]で いってみない? やすくなる かもよ?


    Today's review is here! →https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51481070

  • Then,here is todays quiz. Imagine that you are a new joiner in a company and think of a few words to conclude your introduction. What would be the right words to fill in the blanks?

    みなさん、[ _______ ]よろしくおねがいします。


    The review is here! →https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51461686

  • An earthquake has recently struck in Ishikawa, Japan, causing extensive damage. We sincerely hope that everyone is safe and that the days of peace and security will return soon.

    Then, what language is appropriate to use in a case like this? Think of a word to fill in the blanks.

    心より[ _______ ]申し上げます。


    The review is here!→https://megmig.themedia.jp/posts/51242506