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    Hi everyone, and welcome to our fun segment called It Means What? Hello, 安澜.

    Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone.

    欢迎回来这个非常有意思的小版块词《源考古研究所》where we talk about interesting origin stories of words, phrases and idioms. So 安澜, what is the word or the phrase for today?

    I don't know what are we gonna do.  I ...I don't know, I really just don't know. 

    Stop panicking.

    There we go.  

    So that was all an act because you do that so often...?

    Partly, yes.



    Panic是恐慌的意思. It's already a very, very short word. It's p-a-n-i-c, I didn't realize there is an origin story.

    Yes, there is. It comes from Greek mythology.

    希腊神话。Who are we talking about?

    We're talking about the Greek God Pan.

    Is he the one with like this weird...half animal.


    潘神可能有的小伙伴在什么游戏或者说电影里面看到过这个Greek God Pan. He's not like a major god, he's like a minor God.

    He's a god of nature who lives in the woods.

    So he's not a particularly important god. He's one of these spirits or gods that just live in forests and woods.

    It's kind of like a demigod

    他不是major god, 不是那种主神, 就是古希腊神话里面的主神, 但它是属于有点类似于spirit, and a god of nature and the wild.

    Yes, so according to the myths, Pan's voice was so powerful that even scared the gods themselves.

    So when people and gods and animals heard his voice, it cause them to panic.

    Yeah, I've heard of another story saying that it was like a tale of war when Pan sort of helped his friend by letting out a shriek... a shrieking sound that sort of scared away his friend’s enemies. Yeah, so cause people to panic.

    其实panic就是从潘神这里出来的一个名词, 就是说it's kind of like affected by Pan.

    So for example, you can say something causes panic or someone is panicking.

    Yeah, in that sense it can also be used as a verb, for example, 安澜 likes to panic.

    Yes,  that is true.

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    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the fun segment called It Means What?

    Hi, 安澜.

    Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone.

    欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】, so 安澜, which particular phrase or word or idiom that we're gonna talk about today?

    You know the expression robbery? 


    Have you ever heard of  “daylight robbery”?


    Daylight robbery. I've heard you're robbing me in broad daylight, 光天化日下抢劫我.

    I'm assuming it's not real robbery. It's more like what you're doing, it's almost like you're just blatantly robbing me blind.



    Well, exactly. Daylight robbery means it's theft or it's something very unfair, that is really obvious.

    For example, if you are ripped off, by like a seller, 如果你来买什么东西被宰了, 或者比如说打车, 然后被绕远路了, 你都可以说this is daylight robbery.

     Or if you go into a restaurant and you see a dish that is really, really expensive and for

     no reason,  you would say that's daylight robbery.

    I see the context, in Chinese we probably say something similar, it’s like这不是明抢吗?

    Yeah, like daylight robbery. So is there an actual origin story because it sounds pretty obvious already you're robbing me in broad daylight.

    Actually, there is a story linked to it and it comes from the 17th century.

    In 1696, the English government introduced a tax on houses based on the number of windows they had. This was a type of property tax.

    Ok, 所以这个房产税是按照你有多少个window, 你有多少个窗户. So they assumed the more windows, obviously the bigger the house was.

    Exactly. So homeowners, especially those with large houses, often bricked up their windows to avoid paying the tax.

    Brick up means they use brick to just block the windows. Yeah. I think I've seen this in London somewhere some of the old houses.

    Yes, some of the houses from that era, they do actually have bricked up windows which they just never got round to unbroken.

    But people need light though.

    Well. They normally bricked up the servant’s quarters, not their own bedrooms or their own rooms. I see.

    Now this tax was, you can imagine, was really, really unpopular because it was seen as unfair. People felt that it was saying they don't need daylight. They were effectively taxing sunlight.

    所以就是日光税, 我好像还看到过这样的一个翻译.  

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    The Reigate Squires


    Sherlock Holmes was sick. The great detective had been working too hard lately. For two whole months, he had been busy with his latest case, working over fifteen hours a day, and it had made him very tired and weak.


    As his doctor and closest friend, I told him he needed a break. It was April in the year 1887, and I thought a week of spring sunshine in the countryside would be good for him. My old friend Colonel Hayter had bought a house near Reigate in Surrey and had said we could visit anytime.


    This was the perfect time to accept his offer. Holmes, luckily, didn't need much convincing, and on the morning of April 25, we left our Baker Street home for Waterloo Station. By the middle of the afternoon, we had arrived at the colonel's house.


    After dinner, while Holmes rested on the sofa, the colonel showed me his collection of weapons from the Afghan War, where we had met.


    "By the way," he said suddenly, "I think I'll take one of these pistols upstairs with me tonight in case of a break-in."


    "A break-in?" I exclaimed.


    "Yes! We had an incident not far from here last Monday. Burglars broke into the house of a local businessman named Acton. They didn't do much damage, but the burglars are still free, and one can't be too careful."


    Holmes, who I thought was asleep, opened one eye. "Did they leave any clues?" he asked.


    "Not that I know of," said Hayter. "It was a very minor burglary, not worth your attention, Mr. Holmes. The thieves ransacked the library. They made a mess, breaking open drawers and pulling things off shelves. All they took was a book, two candlesticks, a paperweight, a small clock, and a ball of string."


    "What a strange mix of items!" I said.


    "They probably grabbed the first things they saw," said Hayter.


    "The local police should learn something from that list," Holmes said, sitting up straighter on the sofa. "To me, it seems clear that ..."


    I held up my hand. "You're here to rest, my friend. I don't want you getting involved in another problem right now."


    Holmes shrugged and sighed, and we changed the topic to something less serious.


    But my attempts to make this a relaxing trip failed because peaceful Reigate suddenly became a crime scene. The next morning, we were eating breakfast when Hayter's butler ran in looking very worried. "Have you heard the news, sir?" he gasped. "At the Cunninghams'?"


    "Another burglary?" asked the colonel, his coffee cup in mid-air.


    "Murder, sir!"


    The colonel whistled. "By Jove! Who was killed, the father or the son?"


    "Neither, sir. It was William, their coachman. Shot through the heart, sir."


    "Who shot him?"


    "The burglar, sir. Then he ran away and got away. He had just broken through the side door when William arrived and confronted him. William died trying to protect his master's property."


    "What time was this?" asked Hayter.


    "Around midnight, sir."


    "We'll visit this morning to offer our sympathies," said the colonel, sitting back down to his breakfast.

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    Hey, lulu, how's it going?

    Yeah. Yean. It's going all right. And can I propose a topic today?

    All right, what do you think?

    You know, we talked about cults before, right? 我们之前谈过邪教这个话题.


    I would like for us to talk about one of probably the more notorious, I don't wanna say well-known, I just wanna say infamous modern day cults there is in the US, and it's favored by a lot of Hollywood stars.

    Ah. You're talking about Scientology.

    Yeah, okay. Before we get into this topic Scientology这个山达基教。I'm pretty sure some of you have read things about this.

    Before we start, I just want to say it very categorically. First of all, this is tagged, this is categorized as a cult in China and in many other countries. And we're not here to spread any messages, it’s really more, think of it as a warning, and think of it as just giving you some information, so that you can watch out for.

    Yeah, in America like Scientology isn't considered a cult by like the government. But many people see it as a cult like the general outlook of most Americans is that Scientology is a cult.

    I see. So in the basic episode, let's do a little bit of background intro. Who started it? It's a modern thing. So it's not, the history isn't even that long, is it?

    No, it's actually started by a man named L. Ron Hubbard, ‘which’ is a science or ‘who’, I should say ‘who’ is a science fiction writer.

    Okay, all right. Let me guess, he wasn't very successful in writing science fiction stories, so he decided to start his own religion.

    Well, he wasn't like that terrible at writing science fiction, his science fiction isn't the best, but he wanted to create religion as a way to kind of make money.

    A lot of people look at Scientology as a scam to make money just because of the things that he has said in the past. However, there are a lot of people who say that the whole world is wrong about Scientology. And usually that's just because Scientology gets such a loud voice. And just as you mentioned, we'll talk a little bit about their Hollywood connections later. When you get Hollywood connections, you get a lot of star power. And so that's kind of help them spread the word. Even if so many people look so poorly on it.

    I think this is really the danger of cults, especially when it has celebrity endorsement, because obviously they have a lot more impact than average folks, and then when they are there to sort of speak up like Tom Cruise did, well, I'm not saying everyone would tend to believe it more, but there will be some people getting tricked into believing it. But I think you said that Scientology was basically believed to be, by a lot of people, as a scam to make money, but so do a lot of cults.

    The cult leaders, they're not necessarily even believing in their message. A lot of them started that so that they can trick people into believing in something and so that they collect the money.

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    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来《闲话英伦》. Hi 安澜, what are we going to talk about today?

    Hi, 璐璐.

    What's going on?

    So hot! I can't take this heat anymore.

    I think the heat in Wuhan is getting to 安澜. But tell you what, how about I get you a cold drink and we talk about British summer drinks? 

    That sounds like a very good idea.

    Ok, 所以今天我们就来聊聊这些英国人常喝的summer drinks, 就是听起来就很夏天的这种. 我们说饮料其实 they're all alcoholic.

    Well, yeah. This is not an episode for kids. This is an episode for the parents or the big kids.

    Yep. First of all, if you ask me about the quintessential British drinks, I would say G&T.

    Gin and Tonic.

    Gin and Tonic金汤力. Whichever bar or even just cafe converted into a bar place you go to, you definitely, definitely, definitely will see this classic drink. In London, they just call it G&T, right?

    Exactly. Because it's a classic cocktail, because it's so easy to make.

    You say it's a cocktail, it's just a mixed drink, really, it doesn't take any skill.

    It doesn't use any skill. All you have to do is get some gin, tonic water and lime or lemon. That's it.

    But because I know, although we're called 酒馆, I'm pretty sure some of our fans, some of our listeners, they are not drinkers, they don't really drink alcohol. So, let's explain what this is. Gin is translated into金酒,琴酒,或者什么杜松子酒,更早的翻译 that gin is a very, very British thing, isn't it?

    Not really. Gin was actually created in Holland.

    I did not know that. I thought gin, because you see London Dry Gin or like the original Gin, you think gin must be a London thing.

    No, it was first invented in 17th century in the Netherlands, but it became very popular in the 18th century and it was so cheap that what it’s known as the Gin Craze made many British people completely alcoholic.

    Yeah, blame the drink.

    Because you could buy pints of Gin. And people, particularly poorer people, poorer women would actually drink lots and lots of gin.

    Even nowadays the basic Gin really is not very expensive. I mean, you can check it online like for example, London Dry Gin, they are very basic brand. It's relatively affordable.

    And that's after taxes. So you can imagine how cheap it was to create and how much gin you could get.

    Now for those of you who are non drinkers, you probably read the word Gin in some of the British literature. I wouldn’t say where, just English literature. Then I would not recommend you to drink it but at least smell it. It has a very distinctive smell. I actually really love the gin smell.

    Yeah, I really like Gin&Tonic, but it always had a bit of a reputation. So we talked about Bathtub Gin.

    ("Bathtub gin" 是一种在禁酒令时期(1920-1933年)在美国出现的高度酒精饮料,其名称来源于家庭酿酒者将大容量的酒精容器存放在浴缸中,以便添加水和其他成分来稀释和调味 。这种自行制作的酒精饮料通常使用廉价的谷物酒精,通过添加杜松子等植物来赋予其味道,但质量参差不齐,有时可能存在安全隐患 。

    而 "toilet wine" 或 "prison hooch" 通常是指在监狱中非法制作的酒精饮料,由于缺乏适当的设备和原料,囚犯们会使用任何可用的甜味水果、面包或糖,以及酵母或面包来发酵制作酒精。这种饮料可能隐藏在厕所的水箱中进行发酵,因此得名 "toilet wine" 。然而,这种自制酒精饮料可能存在健康风险,包括肉毒杆菌中毒 。)

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    Phelps was happy to see us. He looked stronger today and managed to get up from his sofa and shake our hands.


    “Any news?” he asked.


    “Nothing yet,” said Holmes. “I’ve spoken to Forbes and your uncle and made some inquiries, which may yet bring results.”


    “I hope so,” said Phelps. “You know, something strange happened last night. I had quite an adventure.” He tried to sound cheerful, but I saw fear in his eyes. “Sometimes I feel like I’m the target of a conspiracy. First the treaty, and now this. Yet I don’t have an enemy in the world.”


    “Please tell us what happened,” I urged him.


    Phelps sat back down on the sofa and began to tell us his story.


    "Last night," Phelps began, "was my first night without a nurse in the room because I felt well enough not to need her. At around two in the morning, I woke up to a small noise. I lay there listening, thinking it was a mouse chewing on some wood. Then the noise got louder, and suddenly I heard a sharp metallic click from the window. I sat up, scared, because I realized the first noise was a blade being forced between the window sashes, and the second was a catch being pressed back.


    "There was a pause for about ten minutes, as if the person was waiting to see if I had woken up. Then I heard the window slowly creak open. The tension was too much, and I jumped out of bed and flung open the shutters. A man was crouching there. I only saw him for a second because he disappeared quickly. Most of his face was covered by a cloak, but I saw something shiny in his hand, which looked like a knife.


    "If I had been stronger, I would have chased after him. Instead, I could only ring the bell and shout for help. That quickly brought Joseph down, and he woke up the rest of the household. They found marks on the flower bed outside the window, but the weather has been dry, and they couldn't follow the intruder's trail across the grass. They did find some damage to the fence, where he might have broken in."


    Phelps's story had an immediate effect on Sherlock Holmes. He jumped up from his chair and started pacing the room excitedly. "Are you strong enough to walk around the grounds with me?" he asked Phelps.


    "Oh yes, I could use some fresh air."


    "And I could too," said Annie.


    "I'm afraid not, Miss Harrison," said Holmes. "You must stay right here."


    Annie looked disappointed but sat back down. Her brother joined us, and the four of us went outside to walk around the garden.


    "I wonder," Holmes pondered, "why the burglar picked your room, Mr. Phelps, for the break-in. The bigger windows in the drawing room and dining room would be easier to open, less likely to be occupied, and there's more to steal in those rooms."

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    All right, moving away from cemetery. Where is our next stop?

    Well, let's go to a hotel.

     I've heard many hotel haunting stories in the UK.

     This one is a luxury five star hotel called the Langham hotel .

    朗廷是吧? Langham, isn't that the one in London next to the BBC building?

    That's  the one.

    I walked past that a few times.

    It's actually got a few ghosts in it, including one being a German prince who jumped to his death from a window on the 4th floor.

    So this hotel must have been there for a very long time then.

    It's been there since the 19th century.

    Oh, that's why, so a German prince actually stayed there. YES. and allegedly jumped to his death.

    And guests staying on the 4th floor have said they've seen a ghostly figure in a military uniform, military attire who is believed to be the Prince.

    安澜, let me ask you, if you booked a hotel especially like a luxury hotel, before you go on your trip, you heard it from somewhere that this hotel is haunted. Would that make you want to stay in the hotel more or would you change your booking immediately?

    I probably would change my booking. The thing is I don't really like hotels anyway. It's very rare that I can have a good night sleep in a hotel. So the idea of actually being in a hotel that is haunted probably would make it even worse.

    It's such a whoops, maybe a ghost will come in and sing you a lullaby.

    very much doubt it, but the Langham does also have another ghost that of a doctor who murdered his wife and then killed himself while they were on their honeymoon.

    I think I’ve heard of this story, I must have heard it somewhere. So this is the wife killer,  so ladies watch out.

    And ghost of the doctor can often be seen in the room and guest reported feeling sudden drops in temperature and was called an oppressive presence. 


    So I do believe in supernatural things. And I'm not sure if I believe in this sudden temperature drop, but I think that although people don't see them, but they can feel the sort of presence or some people they can feel the presence or they can feel the change in the energy field so to speak.

    Yeah, I'm not sure whether or not that's because they expect it or not.

    Could be, could also be that you are very self-suggestive.

    It could be .

    When you heard the ghost story and you stay in that room that's supposed to be haunted and then you would experience various  things.

    Yes, but now I want to finish off by telling you what has to be the most famous ghost story in the UK, it's so famous, it's been made into documentaries, films even, and it's called the Enfield Poltergeist.

    Poltergeist, I don't know if our listeners understand that word, that word was originally a German word, we translated into like淘气鬼, 什么吵闹鬼. Poltergeist is not an actual ghost or a spirit, but people I mean English speaking countries or even just general European countries, they do believe in that or they do talk about it.

    It's just like they pull your furniture around, they throw things and they make lots of noise. They make a chaos in your home or like a house.

    You don't often see them, but you hear them and you see objects moving.

    So this particular case is from 1977, it's the Hodgson family, who lived in a council house in Enfield, which is in North London.

    It's in London again.

    Yeah, Enfield is just a quiet part of North London. It's just one of these little towns that people who work in London they live in. Mhm. And they started reporting very strange occurrences and these quickly became terrifying.

    Like furniture moving on its own, knocking sound, objects being thrown like that. I know that's you, 安澜,

    I know. But the interesting thing was that the focus of the activity seemed to be on the daughters, Janet and Margaret and they were kind of young girls kind of approaching teenage years.

    And Janet was the center of all of the disturbances.

    Maybe the Poltergeist just wants to or wanted to play with the girls.

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    · Theatre Royal Drury Lane

    o This theatre is often referred to as the most haunted theatre in the world.

    o One of the most famous spirits said to haunt the theatre is the "Man in Grey," often described as a tall figure wearing a long grey cloak, 18th-century clothes, and a powdered wig.

    o He’s most commonly seen walking along the upper circle, disappearing into a wall where a hidden passageway was later discovered.

    o Legend has it that the Man in Grey is the ghost of a young man who was murdered in the theatre.

    o His appearances are often seen as a good omen, as they typically occur before a successful show run.

    · The Ancient Ram Inn

    o Built in the 12th century, the inn has a long history of paranormal activity.

    o The building’s history is dark and mysterious, with stories of witchcraft, pagan rituals, and even human sacrifices.

    o One of the most infamous spirits said to haunt the inn is that of a young girl named Rosie, who was reportedly murdered in one of the rooms.

    o Guests have reported seeing her ghostly figure, feeling sudden cold spots, and hearing the sound of a child crying.

    o Another notorious spirit is that of a demon believed to attack guests in the middle of the night.

    · Highgate Cemetery 

    o This is a cemetery famous in North London for where Karl Marx and many other famous people from the 19th Century.

    o One of the most famous legends associated with Highgate Cemetery is the tale of the Highgate Vampire.

    o In the 1970s, there were numerous reports of a tall, dark figure with hypnotic red eyes seen wandering the grounds.

    o This vampire-like entity was said to cause a wave of fear and hysteria, with some claiming it was responsible for animal deaths in the area.

    o There are also stories of a ghostly figure known as the "Mad Old Woman," who is said to roam the cemetery in search of her children.

    o Another spirit, known as the "Shrouded Figure," is often seen gazing mournfully through the bars of the cemetery gates.

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    Garden leave 花园假期

    Resignation                  辞职

    Dismissal                      解雇

    Suspended                 被停职

    Notice period           (离职)通知期

    Compensation             薪酬

    Defensive mechanism    保护机制    

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    Percy Phelps was one of my best friends at school. He was an excellent student and won every prize the school had. Many of the other boys were jealous of him. They called him "Tadpole" Phelps because he was small, and he was often bullied. This did not stop him, though. He went on to get a place at Cambridge University, where he earned a first-class degree. With help from his uncle, the famous politician Lord Holdhurst, he got a good job at the Foreign Office.


    I lost contact with my friend at this point, so I was surprised to get a letter from him one day in July 1889. He wrote:


    My dear Watson,


    No doubt you remember your old friend "Tadpole" Phelps. You will recall how I had an important job at the Foreign Office. All was going well until about nine weeks ago, when something terrible happened that destroyed my career. It caused me a mental breakdown, and I am only just starting to recover. I am still very weak and cannot travel. Do you think you could bring your friend, the detective Sherlock Holmes, to see me? He may be the only person who can help.


    Your old schoolmate,

    Percy Phelps.


    I was very moved by the letter and immediately went to visit Holmes to see if he was interested in the case. I found him at his Baker Street home, looking out of his window, looking bored. "Do you have a case for me, Watson?" he asked. "I really need a case."


    "Maybe I do," I said, and showed him the letter. When he had read it, I saw a gleam in his eye and knew his curiosity was piqued. He immediately began putting on his coat.


    "Where are you going?" I asked.


    "To see Mr. Phelps. There’s no time like the present. Coming, Watson?"


    We were lucky to catch an early train at Waterloo, and in just over an hour, we arrived at Briar House, Phelps’s home near the town of Woking in Surrey. It was a large house with a beautiful garden. The butler showed us into an elegant drawing room. A few moments later, a plump young man entered and greeted us warmly.


    "I’m so glad you’ve come," he said. "Percy was hoping you would."


    "You’re not a member of the family," said Holmes.


    The man looked surprised. "How did you know?"


    Holmes pointed to the initials on the locket hanging from his neck: J. H.


    "Oh, well spotted!" he said. "My name is Joseph Harrison. I may not be a Phelps, but Percy is engaged to my sister Annie, so I will be related to him by marriage. I’ll show you in now if you like—he’s eager to see you."


    The ground-floor room was large and airy, with pleasant views of the garden. My old friend was lying on a sofa near the open window, looking very pale and tired. A woman was with him, who introduced herself as Annie Harrison.


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    In today's buzzword mix, our buzzword is Nepo baby.

    It sounds really cute because it has the word baby in it. But it's not really about cute babies.

    First of all, let us take a look at the word Nepo.


    Nepotism你去查的话, 它有裙带关系, 如果你在中文都不是特别知道这个词, 它指的就是任人唯亲, 也就是说用亲属关系这种关系网给你谋取各种福利, 比如说你爸当官, 然后你就可以进一个体系或者进一个公司, 这个就是典型的nepotism.

    What is nepo baby?

    Nepo baby now is generally being translated into星二代, because it’s usually used to describe the happenings in show business. 因为最早这个词是从演艺圈出来的.

    Nepo baby, short for nepotism baby, is a term referring to celebrities whose parents have succeeded in the same careers.

    说的就是我们意义上的星二代, 也就是说你现在是在演艺圈的明星, 是因为你爸或者你妈或者你爸你妈都是大明星, 因此你有这样的资源.

    The implication is that because their parents already had connections to an industry. The child was able to use those connections to build a career in that industry.

    这个地方的connection就很像中文里说的 “关系”, 他们的父母用自己的关系网铺平了他们的明星之路.

    Of course  because nepotism is a sign of corruption, so it's not really a good word.

    Nepo baby is often used in a critical or derogatory manner to highlight perceived unfair advantages or the lack of equal opportunities for those who do not have influential family connections.

    中文里的星二代可能是一个中性词, 看你怎么看, 但英文里的nepo baby一般来说是一个critical or derogatory term, 它一般来说是个比较贬义或者比较批判性的词, 因为它强调的是这里面是有unfair advantage, 因为你爸妈是明星, 所以你一出生抽到了上上签, 你就有unfair advantage, 同时也批判了同样可能草根出身的人, 有才但是没有equal opportunities.

    It often indicates that the celebrities fame and success are perceived as unearned or undeserved.

    通常被叫做星二代, 这里面就有一个暗藏的意思, 就说你是个Nepo baby, 所以你今天得来的一切都是你爹妈的connection所换来的, 而不是你自己的本事.

    所以whatever you received, fame and success is unearned and undeserved. 不是你自己用才华赚来的, 所以也不是你应得的.

    The term gained popularity in discussions surrounding nepotism and privilege within industries where family ties can play a significant role in career advancement.

    为什么我们直接把它翻译成星二代? 刚才我也说了, 因为最早是从演艺圈出来的, 因为show business在国内也一样, 它跟很多别的行业相比, 它是一个更吃资源的行业.


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    Welcome back to Geek Time Advanced. Hello, lulu.

    Hi, Brad, ready to get more into Atlantis?

    Yeah, what do you think what questions do you have about Atlantis?

    Well, last time you mentioned something saying that all these guesses about where Atlantis is, obviously I would think Atlantis naturally is more linked with Atlantic Ocean just because of the word, right? But you said some people believe it's Antarctica to 南极洲, South Pole, how does that even work? You said it's like ancient maps.

    When you look at some of the ancient maps, there's a few that show Antarctica as being much closer to Europe. So maybe because of that, people kind of misinterpreted exactly where Antarctica was, when they were describing Atlantis, and Antarctica might have actually had more of a Continental shift, maybe, because like the Continents are moving very slowly over time. And so maybe where Atlantis was in history was actually much different from where it is now.

    It could just be yeah, maybe it's the whole Continental drift because obviously the world all the Continents looked very different thousands of years ago, maybe not thousands, but maybe even earlier...


    ...millions of years ago they've just shifted. OK, and did they also believe that Atlantis was a much older civilization?

    Yeah, they might be like an older like thousands of years more advanced than regular humans,  but going back to kind of talking about Antarctica. There's a few like kind of stories about people who have like flown over Antarctica. And once they get to a certain point, the... basically their plane gets taken over. They are moved to this more tropical area of the island somewhere in the center. There's like a whole society living there.  And so whether this is actually true or not is completely up to speculation. But there are some stories of people who have flown over Antarctica and seen something like that.

    I see, so it's like although it's the South Pole, but there's actually a tropical island hidden within....Okay, that sounds way too far-fetched for me,  but whatever these lores are, they were all at least saying Atlantis is on Planet Earth, but I thought there were going to be some sort of space talk, alien talk.

    That we will get to that don't worry.  I mentioned aliens earlier right? Now there also is the idea that maybe Atlantis isn't on Earth. Somehow we either use some sort of a way to travel to Atlantis using some sort of spaceship or maybe some sort of like a gate so you can just almost instantaneously travel there. There is actually kind of a TV show called Stargate where in the later seasons they found Atlantis and Atlantis was actually on a whole another planet

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    Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来【极客时间】. Hi, Brad.

    Hey, Lulu, how's it going?

     Yeah. I'm doing alright. So what are we going to talk about today?

     We've talked about Utopian societies in the past, but have you ever heard of Atlantis? 

    Atlantis, 亚特兰蒂斯. I think I've heard that name in like games, fantasy novels, TV shows, it's not a real place is it?

     It might be.

    Oh, it's one of those... it's one of those legendary places that some people believe it to be real.


    Now we've talked about the Pyramids and how the Pyramids may be something related to aliens. And this is maybe a more realistic thing. (also aliens?) However it might not be we have to kind of get a little bit into the topic a little bit more.

    But first of all Atlantis has been... the whole legend about Atlantis has been around for ages, right? How far can we trace back to in history?

    We can trace it back to Plato, right? And Plato described Atlantis as an island nation that was basically once the rulers of the western world.

    柏拉图时候就已经说到了 an island nation, I thought they were undersea civilization or they sink.

    Some people called them an Undersea Nation, but according to legend they were sunk into the sea.

    I see because I don't know why, but every time I think of Atlantis I seem to think about things like Little Mermaid. 

    The Little Mermaid, the father of the Little Mermaid is Poseidon, and Poseidon was the one who ruled over Atlantis and when he got angry at them, he punished them and sank Atlantis into the sea.

     A lot of the lore about Atlantis it has to do with marine life, has to do with sea.

    But the people who lived on the island were just regular people who were blessed by the Gods. They lived there and they were rich but they fell out of favor with the gods and so they were punished.

    So first of all, let's get back to Plato. 当时柏拉图what did he actually say about Atlantis? He just said that's an island nation in what sort of context did he mention...

    Well, he was talking about more philosophical ideas but he gave a few different dialogues about the island of Atlantis. He called it the Lost Island of Atlantis.

    Some people say it was just a narrative fiction as a way to tell a story to get people to understand why they should live good lives. But other people say that he was talking about a real place and that in his dialogues he was talking about why people should be careful because if we followed the path of the Atlanteans, we might be lost under the sea as well.

    So as a philosopher, Plato might have just been talking about something metaphorically, it’s like, let me give you a fable that sort of the thing我给你们讲个寓言故事, 亚特兰蒂斯怎么样, but people might have taken it literally.

    Some people have taken it literally. 

    Over the years this whole idea about searching for the lost civilization of Atlantis.  That's a whole thing.

    It's a legitimate thing just like looking for Bigfoot. There are people who are searching the world for the Lost City of Atlantis, the Lost Cities of Gold but the Lost City of Atlantis is probably one of the biggest ones that people are looking for.

    I think there might be a reason because I think marine archaeology has discovered some of these ancient civilizations that have sunk right into the ocean.

    That's fairly common. There's a lot of islands that have sunk over the years and like the civilizations that live there, all the houses are undersea, some have been preserved, others not so well.

    Where is Atlantis in the lore? Is it in Europe?

    It's difficult to say, but some people look at the Mediterranean Sea, others people talk about more like the Atlantic Ocean. However something very interesting be due to like some Continental shift some people say that Antarctica, that is actually Atlantis,

    Mediterranean, 地中海, 就欧洲这边的or Atlantic sea, 就是大西洋. I mean for me, it would be quite natural to assume Atlantic, Atlantis, you know is that why people draw that connection.