
  • 📢對話
    👩‍🦰:우천 씨, 한국에 온 지 얼마나 됐어요? 右千,你來韓國多久了?
    👨‍🦱:벌써 일주일이 됐어요. 已經一個星期了。
    👩‍🦰:벌써 그렇게 됐어요? 這麼快一個星期了嗎?
    👨‍🦱:네, 시간이 정말 빨리 지나갔어요. 對,時間過得真快。
    👩‍🦰:언제 대만에 돌아가요? 甚麼時候回台灣?
    👨‍🦱:모레 아침 비행기를 타고 갈 거예요. 要搭後天早上的飛機回去。 


    V+(으)ㄴ지 … 됐어요. 表示某個動作,以及情況持續發生多久的表達方法
    動詞詞幹有收尾音: 加 은 지 … 됐어요.
    動詞詞幹無收尾音: 加 ㄴ 지 … 됐어요.

    한국어를 배운 지 얼마나 됐어요? 你學韓語學了多久? 한국어를 배운 지 2년 됐어요. 我學韓語學了兩年。 버스를 기다린 지 얼마나 됐어요? 你等公車等了多久? 버스를 기다린 지 십 분 됐어요. 等公車等了十分鐘。 다이어트한 지 얼마나 됐어요? 減肥減多久了? 다이어트를 시작한 지 얼마 안 됐어요. 開始減肥沒有多久。

    1.얼마 多少 (表示不确定的数量或程度)
    2.얼마나 大概多少
    3.되다[自動詞、形容詞] 可以、成為~、變成~、到甚麼時間點~
    4.먹다[動詞] 吃
    5.기다리다[動詞] 等待
    6.벌써[副詞] 已經(比預想的快)
    7.일주일 一星期
    8.빨리[副詞] 快
    9.지나가다[動詞] 過去、流逝、經過
    10.돌아가다[動詞] 回去、轉動、輪流
    11.언제 甚麼時候
    12.모레 後天
    * -을/를 타고 가다、오다 :搭乘 交通工具來去
    14.시작하다[動詞] 開始 

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    A famous bar on the island of Key West, Florida, has had its 40th Ernest Hemingway look-alike competition.
    The contest takes place each year at Sloppy Joe's Bar, which Hemingway once frequented, though it was cancelled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
    Over three nights, more than 130 men — all with beards and dressed like Hemingway — took part in the competition. They were judged by previous winners, including Joe Maxey from Tennessee who won in 2019.
    The winner of the 2021 competition was 63-year-old Zach Taylor from Georgia. Like Hemingway, Taylor loves to hunt and fish. But what made Taylor's win special was that his father-in-law, who has since died, won the competition in 2000.
    The look-alike competition is part of Key West's Hemingway Days festival, which takes place around the writer's birthday on July 21, and celebrates his life and work.
    The festival also includes a short story contest, which was won this year by Madison Bakalar from Massachusetts with her story So This Is How We Go. Bakalar beat 784 other stories from American and international writers.
    Hemingway Days includes a number of other events too, such as the Key West Marlin Tournament and a literary walking tour of the island.

    佛羅里達州一家知名酒吧,舉辦第40屆外貌海明威的比賽。該比賽每年都在邋遢喬酒吧舉辦,海明威以前經常光顧那裡,不過它在2020年因為新冠病毒疫情的關係而取消。在比賽中,130多位男子會蓄鬍,模仿海明威的穿著,來比看看誰最像海明威。獲勝人選,將由先前的贏家來裁定。2021年比賽的贏家是現年63歲,來自喬治亞州的Zach Taylor。 就像海明威一樣,Taylor也熱愛打獵和釣魚。 不過特別有趣的是,他已逝世的岳父在2000年也贏得該比賽。

    🌏Words & Phrases

    Article: Engoo Daily News
    Picture: JUPE Design + Canva

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
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  • 📢對話
    👨‍🦱:오늘 날씨가 좋아서 자전거 타기에 그만인 것 같아요. (因為)今天天氣好,所以非常適合騎腳踏車。
    👩‍🦰:그런데 저는 자전거를 타본 적이 없어요. 不過,我從來沒騎過腳踏車。
    👨‍🦱:정말이에요? 자전거를 못 타요? 真的嗎? 你不會騎腳踏車嗎?
    👩‍🦰:네, 배운 적이 없어요. 對,我從來沒有學過。
    👨‍🦱:걱정하지 마세요. 제가 가르쳐 줄게요. 請不要擔心,我會教你。

    1. V.A+(으)ㄴ적이 있다/없다 曾經有過/沒有過

    動詞、形容詞詞幹有收尾音: 加 은 적이 있다/없다 動詞、形容詞詞幹無收尾音: 加 ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 저도 부산에 가본 적이 있어요. 我也去過釜山。 해물김치를 먹어 본 적이 있어요? 你吃過海鮮泡菜嗎? 그 소식을 들은 적이 없어요. 我沒聽過那個消息。 대만에서 쯔위를 만난 적이 없어요? 你在台灣沒有見過周子瑜嗎?

    2. V+지 마세요 禁止: 不要~、別~

    저도 몰라요. 묻지 마세요. 不要問我,我也不知道。 늦지 마세요. 不要遲到喔! 잊지 마세요. 不要忘記! 실망하지 마세요. 기회가 있을 거예요. 不要失望,會有機會的。

    1.타다[動詞] 搭乘、乘坐、騎
    2.타기 : 타(다) + 기 名詞化
    3.그만이다[形容詞] 好極了、很棒、最好、到此為止
    4.가을 秋天
    5.여행하다[動詞] 旅行
    6.계절 季節
    7.화내다[動詞] 生氣、發火
    8.눈 雪
    9.기분 心情
    10.걱정하다[動詞] 擔心、憂慮、煩惱
    11.가르치다[動詞] 教授、教導
    12.부산 釜山
    13.해물김치 海鮮泡菜
    14.소식 消息
    15.듣다[動詞] 聽
    16.모르다[動詞] 不知道、不認識
    17.묻다[動詞] 問
    18.늦다[動詞] 遲到
    19.늦다[形容詞] 晚、慢、遲緩
    20.잊다[動詞] 忘記、遺忘
    21.실망하다[自動詞] 失望、沮喪、灰心
    22.기회 機會
    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    A book has been anonymously returned to a library in northeastern Pennsylvania, 50 years after it was borrowed.
    According to local newspaper The Citizens' Voice, the copy of Coins You Can Collect by Burton Hobson arrived in late July at the Plymouth Public Library in Luzerne County. The book came with a letter and a $20 bill.
    The letter, which was written as though the book itself was speaking, said "Fifty years ago (yes 50!), a little girl checked me out of this library in 1971. At this time, she didn't know [her family] were going to move from Plymouth."
    "As you can see, she took very good care of me," the letter said, explaining that the borrower took the book with them whenever they moved house.
    The rest of letter was written in the voice of the borrower, who said that she meant to return the book many times.
    "This became a running joke in my family. Each time we moved, they always asked me if I packed 'the Plymouth Book,'" she wrote.
    Keller also said that both the letter and book will soon be displayed at the library.

    根據《公民之聲》報導,有本書在借出五十年之後,以匿名的方式歸還給賓州的圖書館。有本書夾帶著一封信和一張20美金的紙鈔。這封信上寫著「50年前,一位小女孩在1971年把我從這間圖書館借走。 在當時,她並不知道他們一家人即將搬離這個城鎮。」這封信還寫道,借書的人不管後來搬家搬去哪裡,都會帶著這本書。而且也保存得非常好。這封信件和這本書很快就會在賓州的這間圖書館展出。

    🌏Words & Phrases
    check out借出

    Article: Engoo Daily News
    Picture: JUPE Design + Canva

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    👨‍🦱:희선 누나, 오늘 한강변에 가서 자전거를 탈까요? 希鮮姐,今天去漢江邊騎腳踏車怎麼樣?
    👩‍🦰:좋아요, 그런데 몸은 좀 어때요?. 好啊,不過你的身體好點了嗎?
    👨‍🦱:어제보다 많이 좋아졌어요. 比昨天好很多了。
    👩‍🦰:정말 다행이에요. 太好了。
    👨‍🦱:걱정을 끼쳐서 죄송해요. 對不起,讓你擔心。


    A+아/어 지다 變化: 變得~ 形容詞詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아지다 形容詞詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어지다 하다結尾的形容詞直接變為 : 해지다 날씨가 더워졌어요. 天氣變熱了。 너무 많이 먹으면 뚱뚱해져요. 吃太多的話,會變胖。 시험이 있어서 바빠졌어요. 為有考試,所以變得很忙。 요즘 일이 많아졌어요. 最近事情變多了。 예뻐진 것 같아요. 好像變漂亮了。 걱정하지 마세요. 괜찮아질 거예요. 請不要擔心,會沒事的。 

    1.한강변 漢江邊
    2.자전거 腳踏車
    3.타다[動詞] 搭乘、乘坐、騎
    4.몸 身體
    -보다[副詞] 比起~ 接在名詞之後,表示‘以該名詞 做為比較基準’的意思 。
    5.좋다[形容詞] 好
    6.다행 大幸、幸虧、慶幸
    7.걱정 擔心、操心、惦念
    8.끼치다[他動詞] 添、帶來、造成 (影響、損害等)
    9.끼치다[自動詞] 冒起(雞皮疙瘩等) 、襲來
    10.늦다[動詞] 遲到
    11.날씨 天氣
    12.덥다[形容詞] 熱
    13.뚱뚱하다[形容詞] 胖
    14.바쁘다[形容詞] 忙碌
    15.요즘 最近、近來
    16.일 工作、事情
    17.걱정하다[動詞] 擔心、操心、惦念
    18.괜찮다[形容詞] 沒關係、沒事、不錯、可以

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    A book has been anonymously returned to a library in northeastern Pennsylvania, 50 years after it was borrowed.
    According to local newspaper The Citizens' Voice, the copy of Coins You Can Collect by Burton Hobson arrived in late July at the Plymouth Public Library in Luzerne County. The book came with a letter and a $20 bill.
    The letter, which was written as though the book itself was speaking, said "Fifty years ago (yes 50!), a little girl checked me out of this library in 1971. At this time, she didn't know [her family] were going to move from Plymouth."
    "As you can see, she took very good care of me," the letter said, explaining that the borrower took the book with them whenever they moved house.
    The rest of letter was written in the voice of the borrower, who said that she meant to return the book many times.
    "This became a running joke in my family. Each time we moved, they always asked me if I packed 'the Plymouth Book,'" she wrote.
    Keller also said that both the letter and book will soon be displayed at the library.

    根據《公民之聲》報導,有本書在借出五十年之後,以匿名的方式歸還給賓州的圖書館。有本書夾帶著一封信和一張20美金的紙鈔。這封信上寫著「50年前,一位小女孩在1971年把我從這間圖書館借走。 在當時,她並不知道他們一家人即將搬離這個城鎮。」這封信還寫道,借書的人不管後來搬家搬去哪裡,都會帶著這本書。而且也保存得非常好。這封信件和這本書很快就會在賓州的這間圖書館展出。

    🌏Words & Phrases
    check out借出

    Article: Engoo Daily News
    Picture: JUPE Design + Canva

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    👩‍🦰:우천 씨, 저녁에 육회를 먹으러 갈까요? 右千,晚上要不要去吃‘肉膾’(生拌牛肉)。
    👨‍🦱:육회요? 육회가 뭐예요? 肉膾? ‘肉膾’是什麼?
    👩‍🦰:소고기를 익히지 않고 날로 먹는 요리예요. 是將牛肉不煮熟而生吃的菜 。
    👨‍🦱:저도 먹고 싶지만 아직 속이 안 좋아요. 我也想吃,但是胃還不舒服。
    👩‍🦰:아 참! 미안해요. 깜빡했어요. 啊,對! 對不起,我一時忘了 。


    V.A+지만 轉折: 雖然~ 但是 이 옷은 좀 비싸지만 질이 좋습니다. 這件衣服雖然有點貴,但是品質好。 한국어가 어렵지만 재미있습니다. 韓語雖然難,但是很有趣。 시간이 있지만 가고 싶지 않아요. 雖然有時間,但是不想去。 한국 김치는 좀 맵지만 맛있어요. 韓國泡菜雖然有點辣,但是好吃。

    1.저녁 晚上、晚餐
    2.육회 生拌牛肉
    -(으)러[語尾]用於動詞詞幹之後, 表示來或去之類動作的意圖或目的。
    3.소고기 牛肉
    4.익히다[動詞] 使煮熟
    5.안[副詞] 不
    -지 않다[補助動詞] 用於動詞之後,表示否定。
    -지 않다[補助形容詞] 用於形容詞之後,表示否定。
    6.날로[副詞] 生著
    7.날로 먹다 生吃
    8.아 참! [驚嘆詞] 表示驚訝、驚慌、 焦急、急迫等的感嘆詞。
    9.깜빡[副詞] 眨眼、閃爍
    10.깜빡하다[動詞] 眨眼、閃爍、一時忘記
    11.질[副詞] 質量
    12.어렵다[形容詞] 困難、艱苦
    13.맵다[形容詞] 辣

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    Do you feel like you've been looking at screens too much recently? If so, you're not alone.
    In a survey of 2,000 British adults, 64% of people said they spend far too much time looking at screens — and 73% said they can't imagine going a day without looking at one.
    Six in 10 people said they have probably been looking at screens more while working at home during the pandemic. However, the average adult said that less than half of their screen time is actually productive.
    The survey was done by OnePoll for Artelac, a dry eye medicine — and it also found that 41% of people were experiencing dry eyes more often during the pandemic. This may be because people don't blink as often when looking at screens.
    Some people are trying to have less screen time, however. The survey found that 34% of participants have been choosing to stop looking at screens in the evening, starting at an average time of 8:54 p.m.
    A 2020 report from Ofcom found that, in April that year, British people spent an average of 6 hours and 25 minutes a day watching TV and online videos — almost a third more than the year before.
    Some studies have connected too much screen time to physical and mental health issues, but the results have not been clear.


    🌏Words & Phrases

    Article: Engoo Daily News
    Picture: JUPE Design + Canva

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    👩‍⚕️:안녕하세요! 어디가 편찮으세요? 你好! 請問您哪裡不舒服嗎?
    👨‍🦱:죄송합니다. 좀 천천히 말씀해 주세요. 不好意思,請說慢一點。
    👩‍⚕️:아, 어디가 아프세요? 喔,您哪裡不舒服?
    👨‍🦱:소화가 안되는 것 같아요. 我覺得消化不良。
    👩‍⚕️점심에 무슨 음식을 드셨어요? 您中午吃了甚麼(菜)?
    👨‍🦱점심에 해물파전이랑 막걸리를 먹었어요. 我中午吃了海鮮蔥餅和瑪格利酒。


    V.A+(으)시 主體尊敬法 動詞、形容詞詞幹及名詞有收尾音 :加 으시 動詞、形容詞詞幹及名詞無收尾音 : 加 시 한국 분이세요? 您是韓國人嗎? 중국말을 할 수 있으세요? 您能說中文嗎? 어디에서 한국어를 배우셨어요? 您在哪裡學的韓語? 죄송하지만 다시 한 번 말씀해 주세요. 不好意思,請再說一次。


    사람(人)→ 분(位) 집(家)→ 댁(宅) 이름(名字) → 성함 / 존함 (尊姓大名/貴姓大名) 나이(年紀) → 연세(貴庚) 밥(飯) → 진지(珍饌)생일(生日) → 생신(生辰)


    아프다(痛) → 편찮으시다(不適) 말하다(說話) → 말씀하시다(說話) 먹다(吃) → 잡수시다/드시다(享用) 마시다(喝) → 드시다(享用) 있다(在/有) → 계시다(在)/있으시다(有) 자다(睡) → 주무시다(安寢/就寢) 죽다(死) → 돌아가시다(仙逝,往生)


    주다(給) → 드리다(呈上) 만나다(見面) → 뵈다/뵙다(會晤) 묻다(問) →여쭈다/여쭙다(諮詢) 데리다 (帶) → 모시다(陪)

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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    A study has found that cannabis may have been used by humans in China around 12,000 years ago.
    Researchers studied 110 genomes found in different types of cannabis and found that domesticated cannabis diverged from wild forms around 12,000 years ago.
    They also discovered that the plant was first domesticated in East Asia, with the first relatives of wild cannabis now found in China. This is different from the results of earlier research, which suggested that cannabis was first domesticated in Central Asia, not East Asia.
    It coincides with the dating of hemp cord in China and Taiwan, which was used in pottery making 12,000 years ago.
    Furthermore, the researchers found that domesticated cannabis diverged into hemp and drug types around 4,000 years ago. Before then, the same plant was probably used both to make fabric and as a drug.
    The researchers also found that cannabis first arrived in India around 3,000 years ago, when it likely came from China with other crops.
    Cannabis was one of the first plants to be domesticated by humans. However, because it is still illegal in many countries, it can be difficult to research.

    中國人可能在一萬兩千年前就已使用過大麻了!研究發現,這種植物最早是在東亞被人工培植,最早跟野生大麻的近親目前是在中國發現。這跟更早期的研究結果有所不同,以前的研究指出大麻最初是在中亞經人工培植,而不是東亞。這和台灣在一萬兩千年前用在製作陶器的麻繩年代符合。此外,研究人員還發現,人工培植的大麻大約在四千年前分化成麻類植物和藥物種。 在那之前,同種植物可能用來製作織物和藥物。此外,因為大麻在許多國家仍是非法的,所以進行這份研究有相當的難度。

    🌏Words & Phrases

    Article: Engoo Daily News
    Picture: JUPE Design + Canva

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    👩‍🦰:왜 그래요? 어디 불편해요? 怎麼了? 哪裡不舒服嗎?
    👨‍🦱:너무 많이 먹은 것 같아요. 好像吃太多了。
    👩‍🦰:배가 아파요? 肚子疼嗎? 아니요, 그냥 속이 좀 더부룩해요. 沒有,只是胃脹脹的。
    👩‍🦰:그럼 약국에 가서 약을 사 먹을까요? 那麼,要不要去藥房買藥吃?
    👨‍🦱:네, 아무래도 약을 먹어야 겠어요. 好,還是應該要吃藥了。 

    V +아/어서 表示動作的前後順序
    詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아서
    詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어서

    회사에 가서 일을 해요. 去公司工作。 한국에 와서 한국어를 배워요. 來韓國學韓語。 어디에 가서 밥을 먹을까요? 去哪裡吃飯好呢? 집에 가서 쉬고 싶어요. 想回家休息。 기차역에 가서 친구를 만나요. 去火車站見朋友。 근처에 와서 전화하세요. 您到附近後打電話給我。

    1.불편하다[形容詞] 不方便、不舒服、憋扭
    2.교통 交通 다치다[動詞] 受傷
    3.손 手
    4.왠지[副詞] 不知原因
    5.너무하다[動詞.形容詞] 過分
    6.아프다[形容詞] 疼痛、痛苦、生病
    7.배 肚子
    8.머리 頭、頭髮
    9.눈 眼睛
    10.이 牙齒
    11.다리 腿
    12.마음 心
    13.그냥[副詞] 就那樣、只是
    14.속 裡面、內裡
    15.더부룩하다[形容詞] 消化不良而感到不舒服
    16.약국 藥局
    17.아무래도[副詞] 無論如何、還是、到底

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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  • 🌏Article
    From cereal with milk to sausages with eggs, people in English-speaking countries eat a huge variety of breakfast foods. But which are the best for you? Here are three healthy breakfasts to try.


    Studies have shown that oats may be good for your heart and blood pressure. Just mix oats with water — or better, milk — and warm them up to make a healthy breakfast. You can then add anything you like on top.
    Try adding fruits — such as a banana, apple or berries — which are better for you than honey or sugar. You can also add nuts and seeds.

    Eggs with whole-grain bread

    Eggs are a good source of protein, and research has found that they may be good for your heart, eyes and brain. They also help you feel full. You can eat them with whole-grain bread to make a healthy breakfast. Try scrambled eggs on toast or a hard-boiled egg in a pita with vegetables. 

    A smoothie

    Smoothies are a great breakfast if you don't have much time, or if you're not usually hungry in the morning. They're also easy to travel with if you want to have breakfast on the way to work. Any fruits or vegetables can be made into a smoothie. Try mixing mango with spinach, a banana and some water. Berries, a banana, low-fat yogurt and apple juice also make a great smoothie. 

    從麥片牛奶到香腸煎蛋,英語系國家的人早餐吃的食物種類廣泛。 不過對你最好的有哪些呢? 這裡有三種可以嘗試看看的健康早餐。

    🌏Words & Phrases
    blood pressure血壓

    Article: Engoo Daily News

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    👩‍🦰:이모,여기 해물파전이랑 막걸리 좀 주세요. 阿姨, 我們要點海鮮蔥餅和瑪格利(酒)。
    👨‍🦱:막걸리가 뭐예요? 甚麼是‘瑪格利’?
    👩‍🦰:쌀로 만든 한국 전통술이에요. 是用米做的韓國傳統酒。
    🙋‍♀️:주문하신 해물파전 나왔습니다. 這是你們點的海鮮蔥餅。
    👨‍🦱:와~ 맛있겠다. 哇,看起來好好吃!
    👩‍🦰:뜨거우니까 조심하세요. 請小心,很燙!

    V.A+ㄴ/은/는 N 冠形詞 (~的 N )
    形容詞詞幹-- : 加 (으)ㄴ
    있다/ 없다 : 加 는

    動詞詞幹 ① 現在 : 加 는 ② 過去 : 加 (으)ㄴ ③ 將來 : 加 (으)ㄹ

    지금 보는 드라마는 한국 드라마예요. 現在看的電視劇是韓劇。 어제 본 영화가 어땠어요? 昨天看的電影怎麼樣? 내일 만들 요리는 간장게장이에요. 明天要做的是醬螃蟹。 제가 좋아하는 운동은 등산이에요. 我喜歡的運動是爬山。 

    1.이모 阿姨
    2.막걸리 瑪格利(酒)
    3.쌀 米
    4.만들다[動詞] 製作 (ㄹ不規則單詞)
    9.케이크 蛋糕 게임 遊戲
    10.주문하다[動詞] 下單、點菜
    11.나오다[自動詞] 出來
    12.뜨겁다[形容詞] 燙 (ㅂ不規則單詞)
    13.조심하다[動詞] 小心
    14.드라마 電視劇
    15.요리 料理
    16.간장게장 醬螃蟹
    17.등산 登山、爬山

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

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  • 🌏Article
    American country music star Dolly Parton is a woman with many skills. She's a singer and songwriter, a successful actor and businesswoman. She's written several books, including two children's books, a cookbook — and now her very first novel. The novel is called Run, Rose, Run, and has been written with best-selling US author James Patterson. The story is about a girl who moves to Nashville, Tennessee, to follow her music-making dreams.
    But what else do we know about this much-loved star?

    Parton was born poor

    Parton was born in 1946, and grew up in a cabin in Sevierville, Tennessee, with her 11 brothers and sisters. They had no electricity, and the children slept three or four to a bed.

    Parton wrote her first song when she was 5

    With a little help from her mom, Parton wrote her first song when she was 5 years old. It was about her doll, "Little Tiny Tasseltop," which was made from a corncob.

    Parton wrote two of her biggest hits in one day

    Parton wrote "Jolene" and "I Will Always Love You" (later sung by Whitney Houston) on the same day in 1972. "That was a good writing day," Parton told The Bobby Bones Show in 2018.

    Dolly Parton是美國知名歌手,她也是作曲家、演員及商人,還有寫過好幾本書。這篇新聞將跟您介紹一些關於Dolly Parton這位全方位發展藝人的秘辛。ㄧ、Parton出生貧寒,在田納西州的一間小屋中,和11位兄弟姐妹一起長大。他們沒有電可使用,得三、四個人擠在一張床睡。二、Parton在五歲時寫出第一首歌曲,那是一首關於玉米穗軸製成的娃娃的歌。三、Parton在一天之內寫下《Jolene》和《I Will Always Love You》這兩首暢銷歌曲。

    🌏Words & Phrases

    Article: Engoo Daily News

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    🙍‍♂️:오늘은 비가 와서 거리에 사람들이 별로 없네요. 因為今天下雨,路上沒什麼人。
    🙍:비가 오니까 갑자기 해물파전이 먹고 싶어요. 因為下雨,我突然想吃海鮮蔥餅。
    🙍‍♂️:왜 비가 오면 해물파전을 먹고 싶어요? 為什麼下雨會想吃海鮮蔥餅?
    🙍:그건 저도 잘 모르겠어요. 那是我也不知道。
    🙍‍♂️:참 재미있네요. 真有趣。 

    V.A+(으)면 假設: 如果~的話
    動詞、形容詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 으면
    動詞、形容詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 면 

    물건이 싸면 살 거예요. 如果東西便宜的話,我會買。 대만에 오면 저한테 전화하세요. 如果你來台灣的話,請打電話給我。 피곤하면 쉬세요. 如果累的話,請休息吧。 시간이 있으면 무엇을 하고 싶어요? 如果有時間的話,想做甚麼? 돈이 많으면 세계일주를 하고 싶어요. 如果很有錢的話,想環遊世界。

    1.거리 街道 、街頭
    2.별로[副詞] 特殊
    *與否定詞,或없다等否定的單字 搭配使用, 表示不完全否定之意。 相當於‘不太’‘不怎麼’。
    3.갑자기[副詞] 突然、冷不防
    4.해물파전 海鮮蔥餅
    5.그건 那是 (그것은的縮寫)
    6.모르다[動詞] 不知道、不認識
    7.물건 東西
    8.싸다[形容詞] 便宜
    9.사다[動詞] 購買
    10.한테[助詞] 表示對象
    11.전화하다[動詞] 打電話
    12.피곤하다[形容詞] 疲倦、累
    13.돈 錢
    14.많다[副詞] 多
    15.세계일주 環遊世界

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    When 11-year-old Max Woosey from the UK first set up a tent in his garden, he didn't expect to still be sleeping in it 500 nights later. But that's exactly what he's done — all to raise money for his local hospice.
    North Devon Hospice took care of Woosey's friend and neighbor, Rick Abbott, before he died. However, when the UK went into its first coronavirus lockdown in March 2020, the hospice couldn't do its usual fundraising activities.
    Abbott had given the boy his tent before dying. So Woosey decided to camp in his garden until the UK's lockdown ended to raise money for the hospice. Little did he know, the country's lockdown would continue for a year and a half.
    "My friend Rick gave me his tent before he died and made me promise to have an adventure so that's what I'm doing," Woosey wrote on his JustGiving fundraising page.
    The British weather didn't make it easy. Woosey camped in the wind, cold and even storms. He's camped in different places, too, including the ZSL London Zoo and the garden of 10 Downing Street, where UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson lives.
    On August 10, 2021, Woosey celebrated his 500th night in the tent. His goal was to raise about $140, but he's now raised more than $880,000 — over half of what the hospice says it lost because of the pandemic.
    Although Woosey has now achieved his goal of camping until the end of the UK's lockdown, he has no plans to stop. "This is me, this is what I do now," he said.

    Max Woosey是位來自英國11歲的小男孩。他的鄰居朋友Rick Abbott後來住進了北德文郡臨終醫院,受這家醫院所照顧。後來,因為英國在2020年3月受新冠疫情影響而封城,這家臨終醫院無法進行常態的募款活動。Abbott在過世前把他的帳篷送給Max。 Max決定,在英國解封前,他都會在花園露營,替這家臨終醫院募款。他恐怕做夢也沒到,英國的封城狀態持續了一年半之久。Max說到做到,不管風多大、雨多強、天氣多冷,他都在花園露營。 

    🌏Words & Phrases

    Article: Engoo Daily News

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    🙍:그런데 왜 그렇게 많이 샀어요? 不過, 為甚麼買那麼多呢?
    🙍‍♂️:세일을 해서 좀 많이 샀어요. 因為打折,所以買多了一點。
    🙍:맞아요. 세일기간에는 물건을 싸게 살 수 있어요. 對,打折期間東西可以買到便宜。
    🙍‍♂️:전 내일 또 쇼핑할 거예요. 明天我還要去逛街。
    🙍:저도 시간이 없어서 오랫동안 쇼핑을 못했어요. 내일 같이 가요. 我也因為沒空,很久沒逛街。明天一起去吧。

    V.A+아/어서 表示原因、理由(因為~所以~)
    詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아서
    詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어서
    하다結尾的動詞直接變為 : 해서

    날씨가 좋아서 기분도 좋아요. 因為天氣好,所以心情也好。 비가 와서 운동을 안 해요. 因為下雨,所以不做運動。 물건이 예뻐서 샀어요. 因為東西漂亮,所以買了。 한국어가 재미있어서 배워요. 因為韓語有趣,所以學。 

    1.세일 打折 기간 期間
    2.그런데 不過、但是
    3.왜 為甚麼
    4.또 又、再、還
    5.오랫동안 很久、很長時間
    6.같이 一起
    7.그렇다[形容詞] 那樣
    8.그렇게[副詞] 那樣地、那麼地
    9.싸다[形容詞] 便宜
    10.싸게[副詞] 便宜地
    11.맞다[自動詞] 對、正確、沒錯
    12.전 我(저는的縮寫形式)
    13.날씨 天氣
    14.기분 心情
    15.좋다[形容詞] 好
    16.예쁘다[形容詞] 漂亮、好看
    17.재미있다[形容詞] 好玩、有趣
    18.배우다[動詞] 學

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    A royal fan has bought a piece of one of Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding cakes for $2,565 at auction, more than 40 years after the couple got married.
    The large piece of cake includes a royal coat of arms made from gold, red, blue and silver sugar. It was given to Moya Smith, who worked for the royal family. She preserved it with plastic wrap and dated it July 29, 1981.
    A number of people from around the world tried to buy the piece of cake, which was sold on August 11 to Gerry Layton from Leeds, England. He paid a lot more than the expected price of between $400 and $700.
    Layton said he would add the piece of cake to his collection and use it to help charities, to which he plans to give everything he owns when he dies. He also said that he might put it up as the prize for a raffle, with some of the money going to the charity Centrepoint, which Princess Diana had supported.
    Chris Albury, of Dominic Winter Auctioneers, said he was amazed at the number of people who were interested in buying the cake. Most were from the UK, US and the Middle East, he said.
    Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29, 1981. More than 20 wedding cakes were made for the occasion by several companies.
    Charles and Diana separated 11 years later in 1992, and ended their marriage in 1996. Diana died in a Paris car crash in 1997.

    一名皇室粉絲在拍賣會上,以2,565美金買下一塊查爾斯王子和黛安娜王妃的婚禮蛋糕。這塊大蛋糕上鑲有由糖製成的皇室盾徽。來自世界各地的好幾個人企圖買下這塊蛋糕,最後是由英國里茲的Gerry Layton買下。Layton說,他會把這塊蛋糕納入他的收藏之中,並用它來幫助慈善機構。這塊蛋糕的拍賣商表示,他很驚訝有興趣購買這塊蛋糕的人有這麼多。

    🌏Words & Phrases
    coat of arms盾徽

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 📢對話
    🙍:어제 쇼핑 잘 했어요? 昨天逛街順利嗎?
    🙍‍♂️:네, 정말 좋았어요. 是,非常開心。
    🙍:그래요? 뭐 샀어요? 真的? 買了什麼?
    🙍‍♂️:신발이랑 옷이랑 과자랑 화장품을 샀어요. 我買了鞋子、衣服、餅乾,還有化妝品。
    🙍:와, 대박! 정말 많이 샀네요! 哇!厲害! 賣真多啊。
    🙍‍♂️:과자랑 화장품은 선물할 거예요. 餅乾和化妝品是要送人的。

    V.A+았어요/었어요/했어요. 表示過去時態
    詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 았어요.
    詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 었어요.
    하다結尾的動詞直接變為 : 했어요.

    밥을 먹었어요? 吃飯了嗎? 어제 집에서 쉬었어요. 昨天在家休息。 한국어를 조금 배웠어요. 學了一點韓語。지난 주말에 집에 없었어요. 上周末不在家。 도서관에 사람이 많았어요. (表示過去某個時間)圖書館很多人。

    1.어제 昨天
    *時間副詞오늘(今天)、내일(明天)、 어제(昨天)、언제(何時)、지금(現在 )、매일(每天)、보통(通常、一般) 等不加「에」
    2.쇼핑하다[動詞] 逛街購物
    3.잘[副詞] 好好的
    4.좋다[形容詞] 好
    5.그래요? 是嗎? 真的?
    6.사다[動詞] 買
    7.신발 鞋子 옷
    9.화장품 化妝品
    10.과자 餅乾、零食
    11.-(이)랑 和、跟、還有
    12.대박 很棒、酷、厲害、 不可思議、好神奇!
    13.대박나다 大賣、大受歡迎
    14.많이[副詞] 多
    15.많다[形容詞] 多
    16.선물하다[動詞] 送禮
    17.쉬다[動詞] 休息

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
  • 🌏Article
    According to the World Tourism Organization, Mexico is one of the top 10 places in the world to go on holiday. It isn't hard to see why; whether you like to have fun in the sun, learn about history or enjoy local culture, Mexico has something for you. Here are three of the best places the country has to offer.

    Chichén Itzá

    The Mayan city of Chichén Itzá was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007 — and for good reason. The city was founded in the sixth century, and is home to the huge El Castillo. This 24-meter-tall pyramid has 91 steps on each side, with one more on top for a total of 365 — one for each day of the year — leading to a temple. The city has more than 2.5 million visitors every year.

    Guadalajara (gwaa·duh·luh·haa·ruh)

    If you're looking for a place to experience Mexican culture, you won't do better than the city of Guadalajara. Walk the streets at night and hear traditional mariachi music that fills the air, or see a performance at the city's beautiful Teatro Degollado. The city is also known for its cathedral, which started being built in 1561, and was finished in 1618. Parts of it were rebuilt over the next 400 years, giving it an interesting mixture of different architectural styles.

    Copper Canyon

    Mexico's Copper Canyon is four times larger than America's Grand Canyon. Ride El Chepe, the Copper Canyon Train, which travels over 350 kilometers from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, to Creel, Chihuahua, to see as much of the canyon as possible.

    世界旅遊組織將墨西哥列為全球十大度假勝地之一,以下介紹三個好去處。1. 奇琴伊察。這座城市為卡斯蒂略金字塔所在地。 金字塔高24公尺,每一面都有91層階梯,頂端的地方還有一層階梯,總共是365層,每一階代表一年中的每一天。 2. 瓜達拉哈拉。夜晚在這座城市的街道步行,可以聽到傳統馬利亞奇音樂,也可在迪哥拉多大劇院中看表演。這個城市也以大教堂著名。3. 銅峽谷。墨西哥的銅峽谷比美國大峽谷大四倍。 搭上路程超過350公里的銅峽谷列車,便可盡情欣賞這座峽谷。

    🌏Words & Phrases

    #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道
    英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
    Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
    搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me

    Powered by Firstory Hosting