Julia Butterfly Hill is an American activist best known for saving a 180 feet redwood by living in it for 738 days.
Her story is inspirational and poetic. Metamorphosis through bravery. Learning to bend so she could fly.
Contact : andthentherewaseve24@gmail.com, @jeannamusic,
Mixed by my son Jasper Jeurissen : jeurissenjasper@gmail.com, @jasperucci
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Contact : andthentherewaseve24@gmail.com, @jeannamusic,
Mixed by my son Jasper Jeurissen : jeurissenjasper@gmail.com, @jasperucci
Photo : Serge Leblon
Contact : andthentherewaseve24@gmail.com, @jeannamusic,
Mixed by my son Jasper Jeurissen : jeurissenjasper@gmail.com, @jasperucci
Photo : Serge Leblon
Contact : andthentherewaseve24@gmail.com, @jeannamusic,
Mixed by my son Jasper Jeurissen : jeurissenjasper@gmail.com, @jasperucci
Photo : Serge Leblon
Contact : andthentherewaseve24@gmail.com, @jeannamusic,
Mixed by my son Jasper Jeurissen : jeurissenjasper@gmail.com, @jasperucci
Photo : Serge Leblon
This episode introduces and sets the tone of this audio performance piece which is inspired by a group of women who I asked to tell me about their own personal feminine hero and associate her with an object. These exchanges were very personal and I chose to take elements of these stories and transform them into a contemporary fable.
Contact : andthentherewaseve24@gmail.com, @jeannamusic,
Mixed by my son Jasper Jeurissen : jeurissenjasper@gmail.com, @jasperucci
Photo by Marie Noordbergen and Arnaud Pyvka