Don’t get caught off guard by market crashes that can take all your money down with them. And don’t miss out on markets where you can build wealth practically overnight. Real Estate News for Investors with Kathy Fettke is the premiere source for savvy real estate investors who want to stay up-to-date on new laws, regulations, and economic events that affect real estate. Topics include: market trends, economic analysis that affects housing prices, updates on the best rental markets for investing in single-family rentals or multi-unit rentals, turn-key housing standards, the fate of the highly revered 1031 exchange and other tax law affecting investors, self-directed IRA investing and 401k changes, where rents and property values are rising or falling, flipping risks, new Dodd-Frank rules regarding private lending and financing standards, areas with job losses vs job growth, areas that are overbuilt or over-supplied versus areas with low supply and high demand, and how to avoid real estate scams.
We'll bring you the latest reports from organizations like the National Association of Realtors, Realty Trac, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, Rent Range, Property Radar, the Norris Group, Peter Schiff, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Suse Orman, Bigger Pockets, Dave Ramsey and more. And we'll help you interpret the data in terms that make sense for your real estate goals, and portfolio. Grow and protect your wealth by staying on the forefront of economic data analysis, expert opinions, innovative investing strategies and profitable investment opportunities. We'll share all the top real estate news stories and the best trade secrets investors should know, so you can stay ahead of the curve and make fully informed real estate decisions.
Host Kathy Fettke is Co-CEO of the Real Wealth Network, author of Retire Rich with Rentals and host of the Real Wealth Show on iTunes. She brings decades of media and real estate investing experience, offers her own viewpoints on particular topics, and taps into her network of real estate experts for real world news updates created just for investors like you. Get the real news on real estate on Real Estate News For Investors podcast!
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简单恋爱学导师简介: 简单恋爱学子枫老师,著名情感分析师,左右老师得意门生,2012年2月曾因感情失意偶遇左右老师,在左右老师的精心指导下2012年5月感情挽回成功,2013年8月毕业于华南师范大学,深受左右老师的青睐,2013年9月正式加入简单恋爱学踏上了实现人生终极梦想的旅途,经过左右老师的精心培养,发现其天赋极高,不论是在理论教学还是线下实战,都有着常人无法想象的领悟能力,2014年3月正式担任简单恋爱学情感分析师一职,由于看待问题透彻分析到位,深受广大学员的追捧,在他的精心辅导帮助下,已有上千学员经过学习找到了自己执手一生的她。 简单恋爱学,让你在对的时间爱上对的她!欢迎订阅本专辑,订阅后将在第一时间收听到最新一期的节目。
"The Exchange" on CNBC is a one-stop shop for the day's top business stories, along with breaking news and the must-see market movers heading into the back half of the trading day. This newsroom-based program also features lots of original reporting, in-depth conversations and showcases CNBC's award-winning investigative work.