An occasional podcast of original short sacred vocal works written from the Judeo-Christian tradition (with the occasional divergence into an instrument-only piece). There are two podcast releases for every entry: a PDF file containing sheet music for printing and an MP3 sound file for basic listening reference.
The Exceptional Worship Podcast is a show designed to equip, encourage and train worship leaders. Practical tools and relevant teaching will help worship leaders lead their teams, engage their congregations and grow their ministries. We'll cover topics ranging from leadership and team development issues to the nitty gritty aspects of planning songs, setlists and whole worship services. We'll also dig into music and musicianship issues to help you lead your band and vocal team.
Невод Жатвы - молодая, динамичная, живая протестантская Церковь, наполненная Святым Духом и Его Огнем! Пастора церкви - Вадим и Мариана Балевы. Мы верим, что живем в последнее время. Мы верим, что наше поколение встретит и увидит воочию Царя Царей и Господа Господствующих. Мы верим, что поздний дождь пробуждения, который Бог обещал излить на землю будет гораздо обильнее раннего дождя времен Первоапостольской церкви. Мы услышали повеление нашего Царя плести Невод для самого большого улова спасенных душ в Божье Царство и мы посвятили этому делу наши жизни до конца. Мы - поколение, услышавшее призыв Неба. Мы - Невод Жатвы...
"La canzonetta può essere la via di una espressione di sentimenti e pensieri che toccano la profondità del proprio quotidiano". Radio ViGiova nel quotidiano ama scoprire i segni dell'amore di Dio. Così nasce la convergenza tra le parole della Bibbia e i testi delle canzoni pop che girano in radio: un intreccio che la rubrica InGodWeTunes racconta con brio e curiosità.
KRSNA DIGITAL PODCAST - это музыкальный проект, в котором собраны различные мантры и гимны в современном исполнении. В нем также присутствуют работы людей из разных городов и стран, которых объединяет одно - особое ощущение реальности и связь с другими мирами, откуда они и приносят звуки в наш подкаст.
Традиции, обряды, современная жизнь и то, как фольклор в него вплетен.
Мы, Евгений и Екатерина Багринцевы — профессиональные музыканты, исследователи народной музыки (этномузыкологи) и преподаватели вокала.В этом подкасте будем говорить о традициях и современности, о русской традиционной музыке и её переосмыслении, об особенностях работы с голосом, методах обучения и совмещении стилей.
Подписывайся на телеграм
The long-running program "What Catholics Believe" is now in podcast format! Listen to the priests of the Traditional Roman Catholic Society and Congregation of St. Pius V teach and discuss the disasters of Vatican Council II, the errors of the Novus Ordo, and the traditional teachings of the Catholic faith. Fortify your Catholic faith with the truth. You can also find these episodes on our YouTube Channel. Check out our account on SoundCloud, where we have our episodes grouped into playlists for easy navigation. Be sure to visit our website at for more content and to send in your questions.
Comedian, Life Coach, and curious student of life, JP Sears shares connected conversations with high level, inspiring, authentic, wickedly fascinating guests. Just being himself on the show, JP combines the humor that’s garnered him over 300 million online video views with his insight from over 15 years of being a life coach. This injection of empowerment will help you overcome challenges, uplevel your thinking, find more passion and purpose, and leave you entertainedAF! Ask your doctor if this podcast is right for you. But first, ask your chiropractor if asking your doctor is right for you.
Phaneroo is a dynamic, life transforming and generational impacting ministry with a vision to transform nations and the entire world with the Word of God.
The Greek word ‘Phaneroo’ is translated as bringing to manifestation that which existed but is not seen. Consequently, what we want to see in this generation is that Christians start bringing forth things that men never thought existed yet they did in fact exist. -
Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda’s Mission of Love is a rapidly expanding worldwide movement known as Bhakti Marga: the path of love and devotion.
Here to bring about lasting positive change in the world, the message of his mission is that, ultimately, the only thing that can truly bring such change is bhakti: the Love for God, experienced as devotion within each heart. -