• Saade on eetris teisipäeval kell 20, kordus pühapäeval kell 12.Rahva Oma Kaitse analüüsib nädala sise- ja välispoliitika sündmusi. Alustame nädala teemaga, seejärel keskendume teistele meedias vastukaja leidnud probleemidele. Otse-eetris on kaks ajakirjanikku, kes ei karda olla kriitilised nii erakondade, poliitikute kui ajakirjanduse hindamisel. Ja lõpuks - see on romantika!Saatejuhid Mart Juur ja Andrus KivirähkSaade on eetris teisipäeval kell 20, kordus pühapäeval kell 12.Raadio 2 sotsiaalmeedias  R2 @ Facebook ja R2 @ InstagramKuula varasemaid saateid ERR-i arhiivist!Kirjuta meile saatesse r2[ät]err.ee

  • "Müstiline Venemaa" on Venemaa ajaloole pühendatud saatesari, mis käsitleb eri külgi ja epohhe Venemaa ajaloo algusest kuni 20. sajandini. Vaatluse all on nii poliitiline ajalugu kui kultuurilugu."Müstiline Venemaa" on palju kordi valitud kuulajate poolt Vikerraadio lemmiksaateks.
    Saatejuht on David Vseviov, helirežissöör Maris Tombach. Saatel on ka Facebooki lehekülg.
    Kuulake pühapäeviti kell 11.20 (kordus kell 21.20).

  • SEB majandusanalüütik Mihkel Nestor ja SEB privaatpanganduse strateeg Peeter Koppel on teinud algust oma podcast’iga, et rääkida sellest, mis on majanduselus ning investeerimise maailmas toimumas ja kuidas see meie igapäevaelu mõjutab.

  • Investeerimisjuttudes räägime iganädalaselt, mis toimub finantsturgudel. Aeg-ajalt kutsume külla ka põnevaid saatekülalisi, kellega investeerimisest pikemalt vestelda. Investeerimisjutte veavad eest Tarmo Tanilas ja Meelis Maasik.

    Igal kuul jagame podcastis ülevaadet, kuidas läheb Investeerimisjuttude virtuaalportfellidel, leiad kogu info siit: https://blog.swedbank.ee/rubriik/investeerimine/investeerimisjutud

    Kui huvitud investeerimisest, aga ei tea, kuidas alustada, siis vaata meie investeerimiskooli: http://bit.ly/investeerimiskool

  • "Kohe selgub" on päevakajaline debatisaade, kus saavad kokku erineva maailmavaatega inimesed. Isegi, kui maailmavaade on sarnane, siis satuvad nad arutlema endalegi ootamatute küsimuste üle. Paneme nad üksteise vastu istuma ning teeme asjad selgeks. Vähemalt proovime. Saadet juhib Brent Pere.

  • "Mehed ei nuta" on 2007. aastal Kalev Spordi eetris telesaatena alguse saanud, seejärel aastaid Kuku raadio kuulatavuse tippu kuulunud, 2017. aasta juunist Delfis ilmuv spordisaade, kus Delfi ja Eesti Päevalehe ajakirjanikud Jaan Martinson, Tarmo Paju ja Peep Pahv arutlevad, vaidlevad, lõõbivad, aasivad, kommenteerivad, ennustavad. Seda kõike sporditeemadel. Ja ausalt, otsekoheselt ja keerutamata.

    Saade on eetris igal teisipäeval kell 11: pildis ja helis, järelkuulatavana ja -vaadatavana, samuti allalaetava podcast'ina. Kõik saated leiab aadressilt delfi.ee/mehedeinuta, saatejuhtidele saab lisaks Facebookile kirjutada meilitsi [email protected].

  • Oled sa kunagi kuulnud mõnest terviseteemalisest faktist või soovitusest ja mõelnud „Miks ma seda varem ei teadnud?“ või hoopis lausa et „Miks sellest keegi ei räägi“? 

    Või oled tänaseks jõudnud kohta, kus soovid lihtsalt tunda end oma kehas hästi ja panustada sellesse, et nii olevik kui tulevik oleks mõnus ja nauditav? 

    Tervise Progress podcast on sel juhul loodud just sinule! 

    Kuuled nii unest, toitumisest, hingamisest, traumadest, liikumisest, nahast kui paljust muust tervist puudutavast. Nii nagu elus nii ka tervises – suured muutused algavad väikestest sammudest. 

    Saade annab mõtteainet, mis võiks olla sinu elus see väike muutus, mida oma heaolu parendamiseks sisse tuua. Sest järjepidev progress viib suurte tulemusteni. 

    Saadet juhib Helle Tõnts - tervisearengutreener.ee

  • Ühine võitjate klubiga üle kogu maailma!

  • Stuudios on naised! Räägime kõigest, mis parajasti hingel - kõik, mis meelel, see ka keelel!

  • Esmaspäeviti kell 14.05 on eetris välismaailma teemasid kajastav "Välistund". Saatejuhid on Astrid Kannel, Evelyn Kaldoja, Indrek Kiisler ja Peeter Kaldre. 

  • Ruumilood on sari, mis läbi lugude üle Eesti vaatab, kuidas sünnib meid ümbritsev ruum ja mida me saame teha, et ta aina parem saaks.
    Mina olen Tõnis Arjus, arhitekt-linnaplaneerija, kestliku ruumiloome missioonil.
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tonisarjus/
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonis-arjus/
    Liitu ka uudiskirjaga - https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7149117480932704257

  • Olen Sinu taskusõbranna Kati ja mõtisklen koos Sinuga teemadel nagu tervis, suhted, raha, elu ja ilu! Astume koos samme oma unistuste elu suunas! Toredat kuulamist ja saame koos paremaks! :)

  • Tere tulemast kuulama 1STAGE vestlust! Iga kuu istume maha ühe andeka Eesti inimesega, et hubases õhkkonnas vestelda tema elust, loovusest ja harjumustest. Meie külalised on pärit erinevatest eluvaldkondadest: meelelahutus, ettevõtlus, sport, kunstid, muusika, film, teater jpm.Rohkem infot meie kodulehel: 1stage.eu

  • Kokkusaamised toimuvad öösiti ülikooli raamatukogu ovaalse lauaga kaminasaalis, lektoreiks on kultusõppejõud erinevatest maailma ülikoolidest. Ise nimetavad nad seda kõike Ööülikooliks.

    Ühest unenäost

  • Sul on soov avastada, areneda, paraneda, aga motivatsioon ei tule kaasa?

    Stebby podcast "Samm-sammult heaoluni!" on arutelu täis segu heaolust, aktiivsest eluviisist ja inimestest meie ümber, kellel on jagada kogemusi, teadmisi ja nippe, et olla terve(m) nii vaimust kui kehast.

    Kui oled seikleja ja uute väljakutsete nautija või otsid hoopis head stardipauku ja motivatsiooni tervislikuma eluga alustamiseks, siis loodetavasti inspireerivad need vestlused sind ka päriselt tegudele!

    Stebby on sinu kompass heaolumaailmas: stebby.eu

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stebby.eesti/

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Taskuhäälingusaade "Kohtulood" võtab fookusesse teemad, mis on kuulajale päriselt igapäevaelus olulised või ühiskondlikult huvipakkuvad. Kohtunike ja saatekülaliste arutelud aitavad selgitada, mõtestada ja mõista.
    Saatejuhid on kohtunikud Kai Härmand, Liina Naaber-Kivisoo, Marek Vahing, Merit Bobrõšev ja Villem Lapimaa.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Podcast stand-upist, tussisöömisest ja muust elulisest. Saatejuhtideks koomikud Ari Matti Mustonen ning Mikael Meema. Liitu meiega @ https://twitter.com/tussisoojad Kirjuta saatele: [email protected] NB! Kõik lood ja tegelased, mis podcastis mainitud, on väljamõeldud.
    Toeta meid ja liitu armeegai: https://www.patreon.com/tussisoojad

  • Tissident podcast kutsub kuulaja sõbrannade omavahelisse jutuajamisse ja avab maailma, milles naistejutud saavad hoopis uue tähenduse. Räägime valehäbita oma ebaõnnestumistest, suhetest, pidutsemisest, karjäärist, muredest ja rõõmudest, seksuaalsusest ja paljust muust, mis parasjagu päevakajaline ja oluline tundub.

    Kõik taskuhäälingus räägitud lood, nimed ja tegelased on väljamõeldud.

  • Serial returns with a history of Guantánamo told by people who lived through key moments in Guantánamo’s evolution, who know things the rest of us don’t about what it’s like to be caught inside an improvised justice system.

    Serial Productions makes narrative podcasts whose quality and innovation transformed the medium. “Serial” began in 2014 as a spinoff of the public radio show “This American Life.” In 2020, we joined the New York Times Company. Our shows have reached many millions of listeners and have won nearly every major journalism award for audio, including the first-ever Peabody Award given to a podcast.

    Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest Serial Productions news: https://bit.ly/3FIOJj9

    Have thoughts or feedback on our shows? Email us at [email protected]

  • "Deebet & dividendid" on saade, kus ettevõtte kaudu investeerimise ja investeeringute raamatupidamise teemasid lahkavad raamatupidamisbüroo Robby&Bobby juht ja asutaja Krista Teearu ning investeerimise raamatupidamisele keskendunud büroo MagInvest asutaja ja investor Märten Kress.Märten Kress:- ⁠Raamatupidamisbüroo MagInvest⁠- Investeerimisblogi ⁠dividendinvestor.ee⁠Krista Teearu:- ⁠Raamatupidamisbüroo Robby&Bobby⁠- ⁠Pilvebüroo⁠: koolitused ja juhendmaterjalid ettevõtjale ja raamatupidajale

  • Äripäeva raadio saated on nüüdsest järelkuulatavad https://raadio.aripaev.ee või Äripäeva äpis! Eesti juhtiva majanduslehe raadio, kus teemaks päevakajalised majandus- ja poliitikateemad ning praktilised soovitused nii isikliku, ettevõtte edu kui rikkuse kasvatamiseks.

  • "Mis mõttes?" on vaimsele tervisele keskenduv taskuhääling. Igas episoodis tõstatame koos valdkonna spetsialistidega olulisi ning vahel ka vastuolulisi küsimusi, et üheskoos uurida milline on eesti elanikkonna vaimne tervis täna, ning millisena tahame seda näha tulevikus. Keskendume vaimse tervise oluliste ja intrigeerivate teemade vähem kajastatud tahkudele, et tuua valdkonda kuulajale lähemale, luua selgust inimestega töötavatele inimestele ning pakkuda värskeid vaatenurki juba valdkonnas tegutsevatele spetsialistidele.

  • Series that demystifies health issues, separating fact from fiction and bringing clarity to conflicting health advice.

  • Seiklustest ja põnevatest paikadest maailmas kõnelevad Andres Karu ja Väino Laisaar.

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • "Tark Investor" on podcast, kus räägime sellest, kuidas investeerimisega alustada ning targemaid otsuseid teha.

  • Mina olen Silja Siller ja antud podcastis on minu vestluskaaslasteks erinevad vägevad inimesed, kes jagavad oma lugusid, kogemusi ja teadmisi ning kellega koos räägime kõigest sellest, mis loob ja tekitab head enesetunnet. Heaolu jutud on elust, naudingutest, väljakutsetest ja arengust - eesmärgiks on õppida iseend paremini tundma ja avastada erinevaid võimalusi kasvada ja areneda koos saate külaliste ning kuulajatega. SILJA on aktiivne naine, joogaõpetaja, koolitaja ja heaolu coach, kes leiab alati igas hetkes ja igas inimeses midagi head ning kelle jaoks elu on üks suur ja imeline teekond. "Heaolu on minu jaoks suuresti nauding hetkest - oskus olla siin ja praegu ning armastuse, mõistmise ja mänguga seda nautida." https://www.mypinksunshine.com

  • Alates 5. märtsist saab igal teisipäeval Vikerraadio stuudiost üheks tunniks "Võimla" ehk koht, kus kogunevad sporti armastavad ja tundvad inimesed, et rääkida spordist ja kõigest selle juurde käivast.""Võimla" erinevates otstes võtavad koha sisse Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu sporditoimetuse ajakirjanikud. Meil kõigil on hingelähedasemad spordialad, kordaminekud ja kitsaskohad, mille suhtes huvi sügavam kui nädalast nädalasse kulgev spordielu peegeldada võimaldab," iseloomustab saadet üks tegijatest Johannes Vedru.""Võimla" on arutelusaade, milles käsitleme kõige põletavamaid sporditeemasid, aga ka üldisemaid arenguid spordimaastikul," lisab teine saatejuht Juhan Kilumets.Lisaks Johannesele ja Juhanile on igas saates külas veel üks ERRi sporditoimetaja, kelle põhjalikud sporditeadmised lisavad saatele vürtsi.Esimeses saates liitub Vikerraadio sporditoimetuse meestega Alvar Tiisler, kellega räägime muu hulgas laskesuusatamise kajastamisest ja kodusest jalgpallihooajast. Kindlasti hakkavad "Võimlat" külastama ka Tarmo Tiisler, Kristjan Kalkun ja paljud teised Eesti suurima sporditoimetuse liikmed."Võimla" ootab ka kuulajate panust. Igal nädalal palume kuulajatel kaasa rääkida ühel teemal, mida käsitleme saates pikemalt.Aadressile [email protected] on oodatud küsimused, tabavad tähelepanekud ja kriitika. Koguneme "Võimlas" teisipäeviti kell 10.05.

  • „Muusikanõunikud” on korra nädalas eetrisse paiskuv muusikakriitikasaade, kus kiidetakse ja laidetakse värsket muusikat nii Eestist kui piiri tagant.

    Podcast’is rokivad legendaarsest raadiosaatest „Muusikanõukogu” põgenenud saatejuht Raul Saaremets, kriitikud Valner Valme ja Siim Nestor ning nendega liitunud muusikaajakirjanik Merit Maarits. Kõik mitmekordsed aasta muusikaajakirjaniku tiitli nominendid ja/või laureaadid.

    Igas saates söödetakse muusikat hindamiseks ette ka ühele põnevale külalisele.

    „Muusikanõunikud” jõuab eetrisse koostöös Muusikalinn Tallinnaga. Lisaks värske muusika hakkimisele räägitakse saates ka Tallinnas toimuvatest muusikasündmustest.

    „Muusikanõunikud” läheb eetrisse reedeti kell 14.00.

  • KV.EE kinnisvarapodcast'is käsitleme kinnisvara müügi, vahendamise ja turuga seonduvaid teemasid. Räägime maakleritest ja maakleritele. Saadet juhib kinnisvarakonsultant ja -koolitaja Tõnu Toompark.

    Telli podcast endale sobivas podcast'i äppis või https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kv-ee

    Tule pane laik ning jälgi kinnisvaraportaal KV.EE Facebook'i lehte https://www.facebook.com/kinnisvaraportaalKVEE

    Podcast on videona üleval ka Kinnisvaraportaal KV.EE Youtube'i kanalil https://www.youtube.com/user/KVEEvideo

    Värske podcasti leiad alati KV.EE maaklerikeskkonnast RBO http://www.kv.ee/rbo

  • Relationships are for heroes.

    Join bestselling author—and host of the #1 YouTube channel for women’s relationship advice—Matthew Hussey and his brother Stephen Hussey, as they offer tips and insights on how to make sense of the beautiful mess that is finding and maintaining love, while nurturing the relationship you have with yourself.

    In weekly episodes, they share practical advice, hard-won wisdom, and the occasional musing on relationships and the increasingly confusing world of modern dating. No matter your relationship status, the Love Life podcast will meet you where you are.

    About the Hosts: Matthew Hussey is the New York Times bestselling author of Get the Guy, and host of a YouTube channel that has received 400+ million views. Get the Guy co-writer and YouTuber Stephen Hussey holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University.

  • "Päevakord" on arvamussaade, mis on tasakaaluks – vajadusel kiidetakse Reformierakonda ja laidetakse Keskerakonda ning vastupidi. Sest kunagi ei ole keegi piiritult hea või jäägitult halb. Greete Lehepuu ja Urmas Jaagant Eesti Ekspressist ning Hindrek Riikoja Maalehest on Eesti elu kõigis tahkudes igapäevaselt küünarnukkideni sees, räägivad inimestega ning teavad, miks on asjad just nii läinud või kuidas need minema hakkavad. Sestap võetaksegi igal reedel kokku olulisemad juba juhtunud asjad ning vaadatakse alati ette ka järgmisesse nädalasse. Sest me kõik väärime teadmist, miks asjad on just nii ning kuidas saaks paremini.

  • Millistel teemadel sina oma sõbrannaga vestled ja kas oled vahel tundnud, et nii põnevad vestlused ei tohiks jääda saladuseks. Meie oleme sõbrannad Maria Sepp & Kerly Vahur ning soovime jagame teiega omavahelisi vestlusi, milles arutleme erinevatel elulistel teemadel väga avameelselt ja ausalt. Elu on põnev ja jagamist väärt, tule kuula mida kaks sõbrannat räägivad. Kuulamiseks võta kaasa avatud meel ja soovi korral jaga meile ka enda mõtteid. [email protected] Instagram: @s6brannadpodcast

  • "Kuues käik" võtab autoralli MM-i nädalavahetuseti parasjagu toimuva etapi põhjalikult luubi alla - koos asjatundjaga tehakse selgeks, mis hakkab juhtuma ja miks nii juhtus. Samuti vastatakse kuulajate küsimustele - kõik selleks, et Eesti rallisõpradel oleks Ott Tänakule veelgi huvitavam kaasa elada!

  • Raadio Kuku tehnoloogiasaade. Saate põhifookuseks on tarbijaelektroonika, internet, mobiilimaailm jne.

  • Saatejuhid Hans Lõugas, Glen Pilvre, Meelis Väljamäe. Tehnoloogiauudised ja kommentaar inimkeeles.

  • Igal teisipäeval kell 13.00 viivad Raul Ranne, Karel Reisenbuk ja Andres Anvelt meid teisele poole ühiskonna ääreala.

  • Podcast “Kinnisvarajutud” võtab luubi alla Eesti kinnisvaraturu ning üritab erinevad teemad sügavuti lahti rääkida. Eesmärk on rääkida kinnisvarast kui varaklassist (väike)investori vaatenurgast ning olla valdkonnast huvitatutele abimeheks ja meelelahutuseks. Saatejuhid on mikroinvestor ja kinnisvarahuviline Siim Semiskar ja kinnisvaramaakler ning 1Estate Kinnisvara juhatuse liige Algis Liblik. Kuulajad saavad kaasa rääkida, küsimusi küsida või saate kohta tagasisidet anda Facebooki grupis Kinnisvarajutud.

    Toeta meie tegemisi ja kuula boonusosasid Patreonis: https://www.patreon.com/kinnisvarajutud

    Jälgi meid ka Instagramis: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kinnisvarajutud/

  • Подкаст об искусстве, где мы читаем картины как книги, говорим о великих художниках, музейных кураторах, исторических личностях. Здесь репортажи с выставок, истории (не только живописных!) шедевров, классные беседы о культуре!

    Искусно об искусстве и не только!

    Внимание, эта версия подкаста выкладывается без музыкальных вставок. Выпуски со вставками можете послушать в telegram.

    Мои социальные сети:

    ТГ: https://t.me/olga_barantseva

    ИГ: https://www.instagram.com/olga_barantseva/

    мой сайт: https://bonjour-olga.com/

    моя почта: [email protected]

  • Vikerraadio üks populaarsemaid saateid "Kuula rändajat" tutvustab maailma kaugeid paiku, nende loodust ja inimesi. Saade on eetris pühapäeviti kell 14.05.2023.-2024. hooaja saated viivad kuulaja rännakutele Kesk- ja Lõuna Ameerika paeluvatesse paikadesse.Saate autor, rännumees Hendrik Relve tutvustab saadetes enamikku sealsetest riikidest ning igas saates on juttu ka mõnest erilisest paigast, mis Hendrikule eredamalt meelde on jäänud.Hooaja jooksul liigutakse põhjasuunast lõunapoole, alustades Kesk-Ameerika põhjapoolsemast osast ja lõpetades Lõuna-Ameerika lõunaotsas. Mõnikord on Hendrik Relvel külas ka mõni teine rändur ja mõnikord kutsutakse ka kuulajad  saate avalikele salvestustele (selle kohta edastatakse infot jooksvalt). Saate helirežissöör on Maris Tombach."Kuula rändajat" on eetris pühapäeviti kell 14.05 (kordus reedel kell 23).

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.restishistorypod.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Siit leiad kõik Levila lugude audioversioonid ning meie taskuhäälingud ja kuuldemängud.

  • Meie analüüsiader künnab teemapõldu sisepoliitikast globaalsete arenguteni.

  • Brené’s newest podcast is based on her book, Dare to Lead, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, and has become the ultimate courage-building playbook for leaders at every level. Brené writes, “The Dare to Lead podcast will be a mix of solo episodes and conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and as many troublemakers as possible. Innovating, creating, and building a better, more just world requires daring leadership in every part of our daily lives – from work to home to community. Together, we’ll have conversations that help us show up, step up, and dare to lead.”

  • Kogumispäeviku podcastis räägime põnevate saatekülalistega, kuidas ronida rahatarkuse redelil ülespoole ja jagame praktilisi nippe, kuidas enda ja oma pere rahalist heaolu edendada.

    Swedbanki Rahaasjade Teabekeskuse algatatud Kogumispäeviku podcast on kasvanud välja samanimelisest Facebooki grupist, kuhu on koondunud juba 40 000 inimest.
    Liitu grupiga 👉 facebook.com/groups/1310707785627509/

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Rannaväljaanne on sisulooja Maria Rannaväli podcast, mis koondab julgeid ja isiklikke lugusid Maria ja tema külaliste eludest.

  • «Никакого правильно» — это депрессивный стендап о ментальном здоровье, родительстве и правах женщин. Ксения Красильникова и Маша Карнович-Валуа разговаривают о том, что каждый и каждая имеет право на сложные чувства, на поиск способов обходиться с ними, а еще на личные убеждения и свободу.

    Приходите к нам в инстаграм: @no.pravil.no
    По поводу партнерств пишите на [email protected]

  • Börsijutud - investor vs kaupleja

    Video formaadiks külasta meie YouTube'i kanalit aadressil Börsijutud.ee

    Saatejuhid on investor Märten Kress (DividendInvestor.ee) ja kaupleja Markus Tamm (TraderMarkus.com).

    Võtame ette parasjagu laineid löövad ja aktuaalsed börsiteemad. Märten ei tea, mida Markus temalt küsib ning Markus ei tea, mida Märten temalt küsib.

    Saated on meelelahutusliku sisuga. Me ei soovita osta ega müüa ühtegi finantsvara. Iga inimene on vastutav oma finantsotsuste eest. Iga finantsotsus võib viia kapitali kaotuseni.

  • Jalgrattateemaline podcast, mis jõudis kuulajate kõrvu esmakordselt 2020. aasta jaanuaris. Külalisteks inimesed, kes on ühel või teisel moel puutunud kokku jalgrattasõidu kui spordiga - sportlased, treenerid, võistluste korraldajad jne.
    Kas keegi tunneb kedagi, kellele ei meeldi jalgrattaga sõita? Ei pea ilmtingimata kiiresti, võib ka niisama kulgeda. Käis mõte peast läbi? Ei sähvata ju, et keegi oleks karjuvalt vastu. Pigem ikka meeldib... Oleme puhtal kujul rattariik. Isegi peaminister oli Ratas, Jüri Ratas. Kuhu edasi? Ka seda arutame. Podcasti veab Ivar Jurtšenko.

  • Вдали от будней. Подальше от рутины. Вне тревог и сомнений.

    CHILL. Музыка, прерывающая суету больших городов. Пожалуй, самая красивая музыка на свете! Автор и ведущий программы Артем Дмитриев.

  • Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle.Ajakirjanikud Anvar Samost ja Huko Aaspõllu kohtuvad Vikerraadio igapühapäevases populaarses vestlussaates, et arutleda poliitikaelus toimuva üle. Alates 2024. aastast on saade eetris pühapäeviti kell 12.05._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Juunis 2017 lahkus saatest välisministeeriumis strateegilise kommunikatsiooni nõunikuna tööd alustanud Hannes Rumm. Juunikuu (2017) kolmel pühapäeval osales külalissaatejuhina Hans H Luik. Juulist (2017) kuni mai alguseni (2018) tegi Samosti kõrval saadet  Ainar Ruussaar.  Toomas Sildam alustas mais (2018) ja tegi kaasa kuni 2021. aasta septembrini. 2021. aasta oktoobrist alustas Anvar Samosti kõrval saatejuhina Huko Aaspõllu.

  • Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For very little money and a few hours of time, you can learn from someone’s accumulated experience. There is so much more to learn from the past than we often realize. You could productively spend your time reading experiences of great people who have come before and you learn every time." —Marc Andreessen

  • Правдивы ли сказки? Степа Калитеевский — школьник, который не верит в волшебство. А Тата Зарубина — биолог, и она в волшебство верит! В каждом выпуске они проверяют, что в сказках правда, а что — нет. Бывают ли змеи с тремя головами? Ленивцы действительно такие медленные, как в «Зверополисе»? И можно ли спуститься с башни по косе, как Рапунцель?

    «Гусьгусь» — детское приложение с лекциями, подкастами, сказками и колыбельными. В нем лучшие ученые и эксперты рассказывают о Древнем мире и космосе, «Гарри Поттере» и муми-троллях, классической музыке и мемах. Приложение «Гусьгусь» можно скачать в App Store или Google Play.

    Если вы тоже хотите проверить какую-то сказку, мультфильм или фильм, напишите нам свой вопрос на почту [email protected]!

  • Hei, meie oleme Sandra Raju ja Henri Kruusel ning antud podcastis räägime inimestega, kes on Sportlandile omaselt “Be 1st” mentaliteediga, tehes kõike oma elus täiskäigul kartmata olla esimene. Olgu tegu sportlase, ettevõtja või muul moel maailmaparandajaga, eesmärk on sukelduda nende inimeste mõttemaailma, kes loovad uusi normaalsusi ja suudavad saavutada uskumatuid tulemusi. Podcastis püüame aru saada, kuidas ka meie - tavainimesed - saaksime nende kogemusi ja harjumusi oma elus rakendada paremate tulemuste saavutamiseks.

  • The Office co-stars and best friends, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, are doing the ultimate The Office re-watch podcast for you. Each week Jenna and Angela will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who were there, can tell you.

  • Step into the best version of yourself and reach your health and wellbeing goals alongside global fitness sensation, Kayla Itsines. From fitness tips to food that fuels you, meditation to motivation - the Sweat Daily podcast is here to help you level up your life.

    Each week covers a new theme – from sleep to sugar, biohacking to birth control and more.

    Tune in on Mondays to start your week strong with for some one-on-one motivation tips and tricks. On Tuesdays, we bring you exclusive interviews with global stars and familiar faces, uncovering everything you’ve wanted to know about their health habits. We dive into the science of wellness with the help of industry-leading experts on Wednesdays, whilst Thursdays are about creating space for mindfulness with meditations from Shona Vertue. We’ll fuel you towards the weekend every Friday as Kayla chats to her family and friends about food.

    Sweat Daily, launching 29/04/2024.

    The happiest, healthiest, most confident version of you awaits.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

  • Oktoobris jätkuvas "Peresaates" kõnelevad Katrin Saali Saul ja Siiri Tõniste häbist, enesetapust, vananemisest, emotsionaalsest vägivallast, ihast paarisuhtes ja paljust muust. Saade on Vikeraadio eetris pühapäeviti kell 16.05.Vikerraadio "Peresaade" räägib perest, paarisuhtest ja kõigest sellega seonduvast. Saadet teevad  pereterapeudid Katrin Saali Saul ja Siiri Tõniste."Peresaade" on eetris pühapäeviti kell 16.05 ja kordub neljapäeva õhtuti kell 21.05. Saate helirežissöör Anna-Maria Kurrel. Kirjad ja küsimused on oodatud aadressile [email protected]

  • Saade on eetris esmaspäevast neljapäevani kell 12:30. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 100 päeva.
    Tehnoloogiakommentaariga on eetris Raadio 2 tehnikaguru, Tallinna Ülikooli professor Kristjan Port.
    Saatejuht Kristjan Port.
    Kuula varasemaid Portaale ERR-i arhiivist!
    Saade on eetris esmaspäevast neljapäevani kell 12:30.
    Kirjuta meile saatesse r2[ät]err.ee
    *Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 100 päeva.

  • In Season 1, The Girlfriends told the story of how a group of incredible women came together to bring down one bad ex-boyfriend and seek justice for the murder of Gail Katz.

    But there’s one part of that story that’s still a mystery.

    During the investigation into Gail’s case, a torso washed up on Staten Island and was misidentified as Gail. Nobody knows her name or what happened to her after she was ruled out from the case.

    In Season 2, the amateur ladies detective club are back with a new mission: to uncover the identity of this woman and finally find Our Lost Sister.

    The Girlfriends: Our Lost Sister is produced by Novel for iHeartPodcasts. For more from Novel visit Novel.Audio

  • "Mängumehed” on korvpallipodcast, kus saatejuhid Siim Raudla, Kristo Saage ja Priit Vene analüüsivad igal esmaspäeval eelmise nädala kuumimaid korvpalliteemasid ning vaatavad otsa tuleva nädala põnevuskohtumistele.
    Saatele annavad hoogu UNIBET, Ehitusladu, Terminal, Ballzy ja Infralink.

  • Welcome to The Red Thread, a podcast series where three friends (Charlie, Isaiah and Jackson) investigate the peculiar space just beyond reality. Cryptids, Conspiracies, Cults and more are on the investigation board and nothing is off limits. What will they discover? There's only one way to find out...

  • "Rahva teenrid" analüüsib nädala sise- ja välispoliitika sündmusi. Alustame nädala teemaga, seejärel keskendume teistele meedias vastukaja leidnud probleemidele. Otse-eetris on kolm ajakirjanikku, kes ei karda olla kriitilised nii erakondade, poliitikute kui ka ajakirjanduse hindamisel.
    Saatejuht on Indrek Kiisler, Urmet Kook või Mirko Ojakivi.
    Kuulake laupäeviti kell 11.05 (kordus kell 21.05).

  • Pearaadios räägime vaimsest tervisest ja selle hoidmisest.
    Saadetes osalevad Eestis tuntud inimesed (enamjaolt mõnes teises valdkonnas kui vaimne tervis) ning vaimse tervise spetsialistid ja koolitajad.
    Räägime lihtsalt ja ausalt erinevatest vaimse tervisega seotud muredest ja väljakutsetest ning sellest, kuidas toetada iseennast ja oma lähedasi vaimse tervise murede korral, mis on vaimse tervise esmaabi ja mida saab igaüks meist oma vaimse tervise toetamiseks teha? Räägime depressioonist, ärevushäiretest, liigsest stressist ja läbipõlemisest, sõltuvustest, söömishäiretest ja paljust muust. Uuri vaimse tervise kohta ka meie kodulehelt: https://peaasi.ee

  • Where real startup founders pitch to real investors—for real money.
    Forget everything you think you know about the world of venture capital. Host Josh Muccio takes listeners behind closed-doors and into the room where deals are made.
    Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Each morning, the President of the United States receives a highly classified briefing on the most important issues facing the country -- The President's Daily Brief. Now you can hear your very own PDB, in the form of a podcast, every morning at 6am Eastern, and every afternoon at 4pm Eastern. You'll get 20 minutes of the most important topics of the day and why you should care, arming you with what you need to know to help solve America's most pressing challenges. Former CIA Operations Officer Mike Baker hosts new episodes daily.

  • "Matšpall" käsitleb Eesti tennisesõpru köitvaid teemasid, hekseldab põhjalikult läbi meie tippmängijate esitused rahvusvahelisel ja ka kodusel areenil, avab taustu ning toob mikrofoni ette tenniseelu põnevamad persoonid, kelle mõtted ja tegemised ka laiemale publikule huvi võiksid pakkuda.

  • We all want to get to the next level of our career, but so many of us get stuck. Longtime leadership coach Muriel Wilkins takes you inside real-life leadership coaching sessions with high performers working to overcome professional challenges and grow as leaders. Listen in on real conversations and leave with new insights and practical guidance for your own career.

    The views expressed on this podcast are those of its hosts, guests, and callers, and not those of Harvard Business Review.

  • Whether it’s your first job or a fresh start, “New Here” is the young professional's guide to work — and how to make it work for you. Every Wednesday, join host Elainy Mata in conversation with career experts and friends as they share stories, tips, and advice that will help you build a meaningful career on your own terms. Have a career question? Let us know at [email protected].

  • Cold Call distills Harvard Business School's legendary case studies into podcast form. Hosted by Brian Kenny, the podcast airs every two weeks and features Harvard Business School faculty discussing cases they've written and the lessons they impart.

  • Marbella Life by Tene Sommer.
    My name in Tene Sommer and this is Marbella Life. I’ll be talking to some of my friends and interesting people to find out what it’s like to live and work under the palms. Get some insights to the life on the coast as we talk about everything from mindset to botox and lifestyle and more..

  • Whoever said history was boring obviously wasn’t paying attention. Each week, join Katie Charlwood, history harlot and reader of books, as she delves into the people, places and events that make history a bit more interesting!

  • S-Town is a podcast hosted by Brian Reed from Serial Productions, a New York Times company. The story follows a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who's allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But when someone else ends up dead, the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man's life.

  • Welcome to the Body Fwrd Podcast, I am Kenzie Burke, your host. I am devoted to living a life that is full of transformation. Like a snake, shedding layers, coming back home to myself and remembering who I really am.I have found that the answers we are often looking for, the freedom we seek to feel, the creative energy we desire, the confidence we would like to embody, is not something outside of us, but within us.Our bodies are full of wisdom, remembrance, liberation, and it is here on this podcast where I share my personal journey and conversations with my mentors, friends, and others who are aspirational and living a life of transformation.By listening to this podcast you can expect to hear a deep dive into topics such as nutrition, exercise, spirituality, trauma, healing, transforming, moving your life forward & so much more.

  • Step aboard our cosmic vessel and embark on a thrilling journey through the annals of science fiction history. Delve into the realms of imagination with us as we traverse the vast expanses of the solar system, encountering aliens, robots, and spacefaring brigands amidst the twinkling stars. Our spacefaring odyssey takes us beyond the confines of light-years, venturing into the unknown to unveil the secrets of distant planets and the enigmatic beings that inhabit them.

    Join us three times a week as we unearth timeless tales penned by the luminaries of vintage sci-fi literature. From the visionary minds of Philip K. Dick to the poetic prose of Ray Bradbury, from the boundless imagination of Isaac Asimov to the pioneering works of H. G. Wells, Arthur C. Clarke, Harlan Ellison, Fritz Leiber, Alan E. Nourse, Frederik Pohl, and countless others, we bring you short stories that have shaped the genre for generations.

    Prepare to journey back in time, sixty, a hundred years, or more, to an era when these awe-inspiring narratives first graced the pages of pulp magazines and sci-fi anthologies. Yet, paradoxically, our destination often lies in the distant future, where the echoes of these literary marvels continue to resonate.

    Guiding us through this celestial voyage is our narrator, Scott Miller, who serves as your companion and guide as we traverse the cosmos, exploring the wonders of yesteryear and the possibilities of tomorrow. Join us as we navigate the depths of space and time, embarking on an adventure that transcends the boundaries of imagination.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ausgewählte Themen hintergründig eingeordnet – das ist der Anspruch unseres täglichen Podcasts „Der Tag“. Was steckt hinter einer Nachricht und was ergibt sich daraus?

  • Threat Vector is your compass in the world of cyberthreats. We unravel cyberthreat intelligence secrets through engaging discussions, expert interviews, and insightful analysis. Hear our unique threat intelligence, cutting-edge techniques, and real-world case studies. We'll equip you with the knowledge and insight to proactively prepare and stay ahead in the ever-evolving threat landscape.

  • New York Times–bestselling author Joshua Fields Millburn talks about writing.

  • The Business English Podcast helps professionals to communicate more effectively, more confidently and with more impact. With professional content, rich in Business English vocabulary, expressions and conversation, the Business English Podcast is a great resource for all professionals. Improve business listening, speaking and writing skills, through interviews and masterminds with professionals from across industry. Whether for presentations, public speaking, negotiations or networking, the Business English Podcast has the tactics and techniques to help professionals communicate at their best!

  • March came from nothing. Now, he’s the 1%. He made his fortune in oil and cryptocurrency. He’s sweet, handsome and charming. It’s hard to believe he’s still single. Only, it isn’t.

    Because March isn’t real. He’s a border hopping Canadian con artist who’s tricked women and men out of over a million dollars.

    He thought he was untouchable, but now he’s messed with the wrong women.

    From Pink Moon Studio, this is Catch Him if You Can. The story of Marcel Vautour, his survivors' real time crusade to catch him, and the broken legal system that’s allowed him to get away for over 20 years – told in 7 parts.

    Written and produced by Emilia King and Maggie Reid.

    You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @catchhimpod

  • The Storytelling Lab covers everything you need to know about personal and professional stories to leverage their power to deepen your connections, increase your sales + donations, and serve your audiences better with real-life examples and experts.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • SERIES COMPLETE. Start with episode 101. Dr. Bright provides therapy for the strange and unusual; their sessions have been recorded for research purposes. Visit www.thebrightsessions.com for more information and additional content. Created by Lauren Shippen

  • Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.

  • Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.

  • Podcast by Живой Гвоздь

    Наш проект создает для вас уникальный продукт - мы собираем в одном месте мнения политологов, экономистов, социологов и других экспертов. О политике, экономике, событиях в мире и стране. Как поступить с финансами и что нас ждет в будущем? Ответят гости наших эфиров.

    Также смотрите нас на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWAIvx2yYLK_xTYD4F2mUNw

  • Saade on eetris laupäeval kel 10:10. ERR-i arvamussaade "Olukorrast riigis" jõuab podcastina kuulajateni iga reede pärastlõunal ning saate peamine teema on Raadio 2 eetrisse igal laupäeval. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva.
    ERR-i arvamussaade "Olukorrast riigis" jõuab podcasti ehk taskuhäälinguna kuulajateni iga reede pärastlõunal ning saate peamine teema on Raadio 2 eetrisse igal laupäeval kell 10:10.
    Päevakajalises arvamussaates "Olukorrast riigis" analüüsivad ERR-i ajakirjanikud Marju Himma ja Sandra Saar nädala olulisemaid uudiste- ja aruteluteemasid.
    "Olukorrast riigis" on üks vanimaid järjepidevalt eetris olnud arvamussaateid. Esimesed saatejuhid olid Anvar Samost ja Hannes Rumm, saatejuhtide hulka on kuulunud ka Kalle Muuli, Allar Tankler, Ahto Lobjakas, Andrus Karnau, Harry Tuul, Hindrek Riikoja ja Indrek Lepik.
    "Olukorrast riigis" oli varem eetris pühapäeva keskpäeval Raadio 2 eetris. Käesoleval aastal jätkab saade taskuhäälinguna ning seda saab kuulata Eesti Raadio mobiiliäpist, Raadio 2 veebilehelt ja enamlevinud podcastide platvormidelt. Eesti Raadio äpp on tasuta alla laaditav nii Google Play'st kui ka App Store'st, rakenduse leiab otsingusõnaga "ERR Eesti Raadio".
    Saade on eetris laupäeval kell 10:10.
    Kuula varasemaid saateid ERR-i arhiivist.
    Kirjuta meile saatesse sandra.saar[ät]err.ee, marju.himma[ät]err.ee
    *Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva.

  • Биолог и журналист Илья Колмановский рассказывает о научных открытиях, говорит с людьми, которые их совершают, и отвечает на вопросы слушателей всех возрастов. Подкаст выходит по средам, раз в две недели.

    Послушать бонусные эпизоды подкаста «Голый землекоп» можно по подписке ЛибоЛибо+ в Apple Podcasts https://cutt.ly/gol03epap или в закрытом телеграм-канале https://cutt.ly/gol03eptg Подписка — лучший способ поддержать нашу студию.

    Подписаться на Патреон или Бусти Ильи Колмановского: https://patreon.com/ilyakolmanovsky/ и https://boosty.to/zemlekop/

    Телеграм-канал «Голый землекоп»: https://t.me/kolm_zemlekop

    Редактор: Андрей Борзенко

    Продюсеры: Настя Медведева, Данил Астапов

    Звукорежиссёр: Алексей Воробьев

    Композитор: Кира Вайнштейн

  • Join your favorite hot mess, Alix Earle, as she invites you to listen in on a weekly recap of her life revealing all the in-depth, exclusive details that has everyone watching, talking, and wanting more. For the first time ever, Alix will be letting you in on what is actually happening, beyond her trending TikToks. From friendships to family, relationship updates to rumors, traveling and navigating life after college, get ready for all the behind-the-scenes details that you've been waiting for. Let's be honest, life is messy, and Alix is here to remind you that we're all on this journey together. So welcome, you are now officially invited to the debrief.

  • Turutegijate podcastis annavad LHV eksperdid iganädalast ülevaadet turgudel toimuvast keskendudes nii globaalsetele turgudele kui ka meie kodubörsile. Lisaks peatutakse korra kuus portfellihalduse saates eduka pikaajalise investeerimise teemadele.

    Podcastis osalevad regulaarselt erinevad LHV eksperdid. Lisaks kutsume Turutegijate podcastidesse põnevaid külalisi, kes saavad jagada oma teekonda investorina ning börsiettevõtete esindajaid, kes tutvustavad oma ettevõtete käekäikusid.

    Kirjuta meile aadressil [email protected].

  • Это подкаст о роли бизнеса в истории России. Как пчелы влияли на экономику средневековой Европы? Сколько стоил славянский раб на арабском рынке? Как крошечный бурятский поселок стал мировым бизнес-центром? Предприниматели веками меняли историю наравне с генералами и царями, а иногда даже против их воли. Здесь мы рассказываем о деловых людях и деловых схемах.

  • Podcast, kus pähe õpitud vastuseid ei kuule. Külas käivad huvitavad inimesed, kes on avatud ja avameelsed. Ausaks ei saa kõiki nimetada.

  • "Purified" Podcasts are being cooked on a weekly basis by Nora En Pure. This product may contain some Enormous ingredients, but mainly organic and funky, chunky elements which may lead to the uncontrollable urge to dance and enjoy life.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Vaimust ajuni. Ja ajust otse kosmose kaugemasse äärde. Jutusaade.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • Мы быстро, просто и понятно объясняем, что случилось, почему это важно и что будет дальше. Никаких ненужных подробностей и передергиваний - только факты и взвешенная аналитика.

  • Välismääraja on saade välispoliitikast huvitatud inimestele. Tunni vältel võtame arutelu keskmesse kuni kolm teemat.

  • У Холмов Есть Подкаст - первый комедийный подкаст о настоящих преступлениях и маньяках на русском языке.
    Мы - Тима и Валя Назаровы, брат и сестра, которые раз в две недели встречаются, чтобы детально углубиться в новый пугающий кейс, попутно разбавляя рассказ черным юмором и по возможности актуальными новостями.

  • Keskpäevatund on laupäeva keskpäeval eetris olev terav ja tempokas ühiskondlik-poliitiline jutusaade.

  • "Keelesaade" käsitleb eesti keelt ajas ja ruumis ning teisi keeli eesti keele ümber. Saates esinevad inimesed, kes keelemaailmades tegutsevad. Saade on Vikerraadio eetris pühapäeviti kell 15.05, kordusena teisipäeval kell 23.
    "Keelesaade" räägib meid ümbritsevast maailmast, milles me kõik elame – keelemaailmast. Maailmast, mis on ühtaegu nii selge ja tuttav ja omane, samas salapärane ja teinekord käsitamatugi. Saate autor on Piret Kriivan.

  • "Tarkade klubi" pakub kuulajatele nädalavahetusel meelelahutuslikus vormis intellektuaalset kaasamõtlemist läbi mälumängu.

  • Saade on eetris pühapäeval kell 11."Reispass" on reisisaade, kus rännatakse mööda kaugeid ja kaugemaid paiku, nauditakse reisimist kogu keha, vaimu ja kõigi kuue meelega, nuusutatakse Päris Elu Hõngu ning räägitakse teadlikumast reisimisest. Lisaks saatekülalistele ning mõtterännakutele mööda eksootilisi maid on fookuses ka erinevad reisimise viisid ning reisimisega seotud praktilised küsimused. Seega on Reispass mõeldud mitte vaid tugitooli-, vaid eelkõige aktiivsele reisijale. Keskmes on inimene ja tänapäev, elu siin ja praegu. Saatejuht Ivo Tšetõrkin on ninast sabani seotud rändamisega. Tema teiseks koduks on Peruu ja Amazonase vihmamets, millest on valminud artiklid, raamat "Minu Amazonas. Jõkke pissimine keelatud!" ning ka ETV reisisari "Õhinapõhised Peruus". Ivo korraldab reise ning viibib suure osa aastast Eestist eemal, seega valmivad paljud saated raadiodokumentalistika ja gonzo-ajakirjanduse vaimus – salvestuskohaks sobib ühtemoodi hästi Havanna tänav, Mehhiko ookeanikallas, Tai "punnvõrr" ning Amazonase sirisev vihmamets. Piilume nurgatagustesse ning avame salauksi, mida pole kirjas üheski reisiraamatus – igal pühapäeval kell 15:05 ning podcastis ja järelkuulamises nii öösel kui päeval.Saate teemaleht Facebookis: https://www.facebook.com/reispassSaatejuhi kontakt teemadeks ning külalisteks: [email protected] on eetris pühapäeval kell 11.Kuula varasemaid saateid ERR-i arhiivist!Raadio 2 sotsiaalmeedias  R2 @ Facebook ja R2 @ Instagram

  • The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism - I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things.

  • Selle podcasti külalised on täiesti tavalised lihast ja luust inimesed, imelised hinged, kes mingil hetkel oma elus on teinud suuri otsuseid ja julgenud lubada oma ellu suuri muutuseid, mis on andnud neile võimaluse luua oma elu veelgi külluslikumaks ja nauditavamaks ning võimaldanud neil särada iga päev oma täies potentsiaalis ja loomevõimekuses.
    See teema kõnetab mind väga, sest olles ise läbinud oma elus suuri muutuseid mõistan tänaseks selgelt, kui lihtne ja ilus saab olla elu, kui võtame läbi julguse otsustada päriselt vastutuse iseenda tuleviku ja elukvaliteedi eest.

  • "Huvitaja" uurib asju, mis puudutavad meie elukeskkonda ja eluviisi. Ootame kuulajatelt tagasisidet ja teemapakkumisi kodulehele või e-posti aadressil [email protected].  Kuulake teisipäevast reedeni kell 10.05 (kordus kell 01.00). Saadet teevad Krista Taim, Johannes Voltri, Priit Ennet, Kadri Põlendik ja Jakob Rosin.

  • The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • Interviews, musings and extra material from the makers of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. If it did not fit in the HH feed it's probably here

  • Join us as we hubble, bubble, toil, and trouble our way through aspects of midwifery, birth, lactation, and womanhood. We tackle and discuss a variety of topics within the sphere of womanhood, birth, and lactation and what this entails in today's society. We want to be able to share in the strengths of women gathering together and being more informed, for their birth, their feeding experience, and the transition into knowing ourselves better. This is the podcast to connect us as a greater circle of women united.

  • Pere ja Kodu räägib lapsevanemaks kasvamisest ja kõigest, mis sellel erkordselt ilusal ja vahel ka valusal teel ette tuleb. Jagame kogemusi, komistame, kukume ja tõuseme jälle püsti! Õpime koos, kuidas oma lastele ilus lapsepõlv kinkida ning ema-isa rolli kõrval paarisuhet hoida.

  • Majandussaates Buum vaatlevad ja analüüsivad toimuvat Raivo Vare, Anto Liivat ja Ott Pärna.

  • Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

    Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

    Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.

  • Podcast Omika Studios looja ja koolitaja Annika Allikmäega, mille eesmärgiks on kaotada probleemidest müstilisus ning tuua toimivad meetmed kõikide inimesteni.

    Annika kursused, juhendatud meditatsioonid ja retriidid leiad siit.

    Annika Allikmäe on geneetikuharidusega emotsioonide vabastamise ekspert, Kriya Jooga õpetaja ja endine profitantsija. Alates 2022 osaleb ta rahvusvahelisel Sedona Meetodi litsentsiõppel õpetaja Hale Dwoskin'i juures (New York Times best-selling author of The Sedona Method) ning on tänaseks ainus ametlik Sedona Meetodi esindaja eestis.

  • Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host an award-winning daily news podcast: The News Agents.

    They’re not just here to tell you what's happening, but why. Expect astute analysis and explanation of the day's news – and a healthy dose of scepticism and the ability to laugh at it all when needed.

    Episodes are available every weekday afternoon. You can listen to The News Agents on Alexa, just say "Alexa ask Global Player to play The News Agents"

    The News Agents is a Global Player Original podcast.

  • Ann Vaida ja Märt Belkin räägivad uudistest, mis neile nädala jooksul silma jäid.

  • Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

  • Saates keskendutakse sise- ja välispoliitikale, kaitseküsimustele, haridusele, ühiskonna- ja keskkonnateemadele ning muudele päevapoliitiliselt olulistele küsimustele.
    Saatejuhid on Kaja Kärner, Arp Müller ja Mirko Ojakivi."Reporteritund" on eetris T-N kell 14.05, kordusena kell 19.05.
    [email protected]

  • "Ööülikool" jäädvustab eesti mõttelugu,  see on avatud ülikooli tüüpi saatesari, milles esinevad oma ala tipud auditooriumi ees.Laupäeviti kell 22.10Raadioteatri koduleht asub nüüdsest Jupiteris.

  • Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for The 4-Hour Workweek, which has been translated into 40+ languages. Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig," and The New York Times calls him "a cross between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk." In this show, he deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.

  • "Olukorrast digiriigis" annab iganädalaselt ülevaate Eesti digiriigis toimuvast. Saatekülalised on digiteenuste loojad ja arendajad, samuti valdkonna otsustajad ja eksperdid. Saate on tellinud Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium. Projekti on kaasrahastanud Euroopa Liit.

  • Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

  • Intervjuusari, kus otsitakse vestluskaaslasteks inimesi, kes aitaksid rohkem mõista Eestit, Euroopat ja maailma. Saatejuhid on Anvar Samost, Arp Müller, Astrid Kannel, Merilin Pärli, Huko Aaspõllu, Kristjan Pihl ja Madis Hindre. "Reedene intervjuu" on eetris reedeti kell 14.05, kordusena kell 19.05.

  • A rundown of the most important global business stories you need to know for the coming day, from the newsroom of the Financial Times. Available every weekday morning.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The daily cybersecurity news and analysis industry leaders depend on. Published each weekday, the program also includes interviews with a wide spectrum of experts from industry, academia, and research organizations all over the world.

  • Говорим о том, что беспокоит: тело, питание и пищевое поведение, рпп, тревога, психология, депрессия, отношения, секс.

    Подкаст Дарины Феоктистовой - клинического, АСТ, КПТ психолога, специалиста по расстройствам и нарушениям пищевого поведения.

    Мы с моей командой Mental Nutrition хотим нарушить молчание и снять табу с тем, связанных с непринятием себя и своего Тела, психологическими трудностями, нездоровыми отношениями с едой в виде переедания и расстройств (РПП), тревогой и депрессией, о которых пока принято молчать.

    В этом подкасте я собираю беседы с экспертами моей команды и личные истории тех, кто своим примером вдохновляет меня и, надеюсь, вдохновит Вас.

    Я специалист функциональной медицины по нормализации здоровья, веса и пищевого поведения, клинический психолог, РПП, КПТ-терапевт и основатель онлайн проекта, в котором мы с командой врачей, специалистов в области питания, психотерапевтов помогает людям комфортно и счастливо жить в своём Теле https://mentalnutrition.ru.

    А еще я-женщина, и я знаю, как иногда сложно бывает принимать себя, свои эмоции и порой саму Жизнь, которая неизбежно с каждым происходит.

    В нашем онлайн-центре есть бесплатная Диагностическая беседа с любым специалистом нашей команды, чтобы каждый мог поделиться своим запросом, получить профессиональный Ответ и выбрать своего специалиста.

    Я объединила все возможные инструменты, чтобы каждый комфортно и счастливо жил в своём Теле, а какой ближе- доверяю Вашему выбору.

    По вопросам сотрудничества:

    +79911294000 - Кристина

    Наши социальные сети: https://www.instagram.com/telo_v_kotorom_ty_zhivesh/



    С восхищением и заботой о Вас,

    Феоктистова Дарина и команда Mental Nutrition

  • Eesti esimeses ja ainulaadses krimitaskuhäälingus võtavad Andres Anvelt ja ajakirjanik Dagmar Lamp ette Eestit raputanud kuritööd.

  • Saates tutvustame iganädalaselt siinset venekeelset meediaruumi ja räägime nädala jooksul üles kerkinud suurematest teemadest.

  • В подкасте "Упыриное Королевство" собраны истории о том, что способно напугать: жестокие преступления прошлого и настоящего, встречи с неизведанным, байки из тёмных городских переулков. Присоединяйтесь, здесь всегда приятный полумрак)

  • Donatas Urbonas hosts a basketball podcast, centered around Euroleague and European basketball events.

  • Join neuroscientist, philosopher, and five-time New York Times best-selling author Sam Harris as he explores important and controversial questions about the mind, society, current events, moral philosophy, religion, and rationality—with an overarching focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.

    Sam is also the creator of the Waking Up app. Combining Sam’s decades of mindfulness practice, profound wisdom from varied philosophical and contemplative traditions, and a commitment to a secular, scientific worldview, Waking Up is a resource for anyone interested in living a more examined, fulfilling life—and a new operating system for the mind.

    Waking Up offers free subscriptions to anyone who can’t afford one, and donates a minimum of 10% of profits to the most effective charities around the world. To learn more, please go to WakingUp.com.

    Sam Harris received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA.

  • Rachel Brathen is a bestselling author, podcast host, and serial entrepreneur who inspires millions every day. Now – Rachel offers an even more intimate look into her life and the inspiring journey. Weekly episodes of storytelling and talks from Rachel (sometimes alongside special guests!) dive into topics such as love, trust, finding balance, overcoming adversity and well-being. The light you are seeking is within your own heart. Join Rachel as she helps you uncover it, from her heart to yours.

  • Geenius.ee podcast kord kuus investeerimisest ja rikkuse kasvatamisest.
    Saatejuht: Joonas Piir

  • Kolmas poolaeg on ajalehe Õhtuleht jalgpallisaade. Erilise tähelepanu all on Eesti vutt ning kohalikud jalgpallurid. Tähelepanuta ei jää ka maailma tipptase.

  • Reinvent Yourself with Dr. Tara follows Dr. Tara Swart Bieber, an expert on neuroplasticity, as she spreads her message of self-care and transformation. Her idea is simple: no matter how old, how stubborn, or how set in their ways, everyone has the capacity to change. Based on real science, Dr. Tara will show the world what it means to look into the mirror and reinvent themselves.


    Taskusõbrannad on podcast, kus räägime avameelselt vaimsest tervisest, suhetest, ilust ning elu rõõmudest ja muredest.

    Oma isiklike kogemuste jagamisest kuni nõuannete jagamiseni toome teieni veelgi autentsema versiooni meist.

  • The human body is a miracle. But when it’s not working, it can be the stuff of nightmares. On this new series from master storyteller MrBallen, we’re sharing medical horror stories and diagnostic mysteries that are surgically calibrated to make your blood run cold.

    From bizarre, unheard-of diseases and miraculous recoveries to strange medical mishaps and unexplainable deaths — you’ll never hear the phrase “heart-stopping” in the same way again. MrBallen’s Medical Mysteries is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between MrBallen and Wondery, the award-winning company behind Dr. Death.

    Follow MrBallen's Medical Mysteries on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish for free every Tuesday. Prime members can binge episodes 25 - 32 early and ad-free on Amazon Music. 

    Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free--join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.


    The last thing needed is another “fitness podcast” talking about the newest trends and fad diets that will be dead before you know it.

    The Fitness Stuff (for normal people) podcast gives you the knowledge and tools you need to have confidence in applying the BEST possible training, nutrition, and supplementation into your own life. 100% evidence based. 100% of the time.

    Cutting out the bulls***, for normal people like us.

  • Bailey Sarian, a professional makeup artist and true crime aficionado, is now bringing episodes of her YouTube series “Murder, Mystery & Makeup” to podcast! Covering anything from cannibals to cover-ups. Join us on this journey. It’ll be fun, we promise. Idk. lol.

  • The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show promotes a healthy world, and in order to have a healthy world, we must have transparent conversations. This show is dedicated to such conversations as the listener; your education, understanding, strength, and health are the primary focus. The goal of this show is to provide you with a framework for navigating the health and wellness space and, most importantly, being the champion of your own life. Guests include highly trustworthy professionals that bring both the art and science of wellness aspects that are both physical and mental. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a Washington University fellowship-trained physician who serves the innovators, mavericks, and leaders in their fields, as well as working closely with the Special Operations Military. She is the founder of the Institute of Muscle-Centric Medicine® and serves patients worldwide.

  • For a decade, Dave Asprey, “the father of biohacking,” elevated what you knew about the capabilities of your mind and body across a thousand episodes of Bulletproof Radio. Now, he’s evolving it even further in his plan to upgrade humanity. You’re invited to expand your knowledge, explore your own performance and embrace possibility with The Human Upgrade™.

    You’ll meet bright thinkers and radical doers who push the boundaries of science, technology, personal development, and human performance in every way imaginable. You’ll learn from experts around the world who elevate what it means to be human.

    Every guest you listen to, every topic you learn about, every new idea you discover on this podcast moves you forward.

    Join The Human Upgrade™ with Dave Asprey on this next evolution to upgrade your mind, body and life. 

  • Positiivsest, kriitilisest ja uudishimulikust vaimust kantud saade vaatleb meie elu ja püüab leida viise, kuidas tagada kestlik kulgemine. Saates selgitatakse ökoloogiliste mõtteviiside ja nähtuste laiemat tausta, kummutatakse rohemüüte ja vaadeldakse loodusnähtusi.
    Usume, et mikrotasandil tehtavad mõtteviisi pöörded ja teisenenud tarbimisharjumused võimaldavad reaalseid muutusi ka makrotasandil. Varmad reporterid sukelduvad sündmuste keerisesse!
    "Ökoskoopi" teevad Krista Taim ja Kristo Elias.
    Esmaspäeviti kell 10.05 (kordus kell 00.05).

  • Bestselling author, professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway combines business insight and analysis with provocative life and career advice.
    On Mondays, Prof G Markets breaks down what’s moving the capital markets, teaching the basics of financial literacy so you can build economic security.
    Wednesdays, during Office Hours, Scott answers your questions about business, career, and life.
    Thursdays, Scott has a conversation with a blue-flame thinker in the innovation economy.
    And Scott closes the week on Saturdays with his Webby Award–winning newsletter, No Mercy / No Malice, as read by actor and raconteur George Hahn.
    To resist is futile…
    Want to get in touch? Email us, [email protected]

  • Литературный подкаст «Закладка» с Екатериной Шульман и Галиной Юзефович

  • Crimecast - идеальный выбор для всех, кто увлечен криминальными историями.

    🎙️Каждый эпизод - это увлекательное расследование, в котором я расскажу о необычных преступниках, их поступках и шокирующих последствиях.

    🎧 Начните слушать сегодня и убедитесь в том, что тру крайм гораздо интереснее и страшнее, чем то, о чем вы знаете из новостей.

    ▶CrimeCast https://taplink.cc/crimecast

    ▶Поддержать подкаст: https://boosty.to/crimecast/donate

  • Puänt (Triinu Kööba & Elisa-Johanna Liiv).

  • "Lihtsalt Rahast" podcasti toob inimesteni Ekspress Meedia koostöös Coop Pangaga. Eetrisse tuleb 12 saadet, kus räägime laenudest, intressidest, liisingutest, raha kogumisest ja paljust muust olulisest.

  • Bryce Paul, acclaimed author of 'Crypto Revolution'—with over 100,000 copies sold and a foreword by ABC Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington—teams up with Brendan Viehman on this podcast. Viehman, a crypto seer since 2012, has accurately pinpointed major market shifts, secured major returns on Ethereum, Cardano, and Chainlink, and is recognized as a top 15 crypto YouTuber by Coin Bureau. Together, they cater to a community of hundreds of thousands of retail investors, aiming to bring the world's leading crypto experts to their listeners. The podcast's mission: to equip these retail investors with the insights they need for massive crypto success!

  • Join How to Be a Better Human as we take a look within and beyond ourselves.

    How to Be a Better Human isn’t your average self improvement podcast. Each week join comedian Chris Duffy in conversation with guests and past speakers as they uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human.

    From your work to your home and your head to your heart, How to Be a Better Human looks in unexpected places for new ways to improve and show up for one another. Inspired by the popular series of the same name on TED’s Ideas blog, How to Be a Better Human will help you become a better person from the comfort of your own headphones.

  • The authoritative twice-weekly US news and politics podcast from BBC News, Americast investigates the social and cultural issues that define America today.

    Is Joe Biden too old to win another go in the White House? What does Donald Trump’s latest criminal charge mean for the Republican campaign? And why have issues such as LGBT rights, global warming and the war effort in Ukraine become so divisive across the US political spectrum? From foreign policy to pop culture, Americast keeps you up to date and in the know about the stories that matter with on-the-ground insights from right across the US.

    Americast is hosted by trusted journalists including the BBC’s North America editor Sarah Smith, North America correspondent Anthony Zurcher, presenter Justin Webb, and disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring. Joined by special guests each week such as former chief medical adviser to the president, Dr Anthony Fauci, former FBI director James Comey, CNN anchor and author Jake Tapper, Succession actress J Smith-Cameron, and Suruthi Bala and Hannah Maguire from podcast RedHanded, they look at America through an international lens, trying to make sense of the increasingly polarised political debate.

    Each week on Americast, Marianna Spring also brings listeners the latest update on BBC Undercover Voters, the award-winning investigation into the content that is recommended to US voters on social media. Marianna has created undercover voters – multiple social media accounts belonging to different characters who sit across the US political divide. By tracking the content that is pushed at each of them, this investigation will cover a turbulent time for US politics with speculation over a Trump bid for the presidency and Biden facing domestic and international challenges.

    GET IN TOUCH:• Join our online community: https://discord.gg/qSrxqNcmRB• Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480• Email [email protected]• Or use #Americast

    Find out more about our award-winning "undercover voters" here: bbc.in/3lFddSF.

  • Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange, funny, and utterly banal gossip about people you’ll never know and never meet. Host Kelsey McKinney discusses reader-submitted comedic gossip with guests, diving into the lives and decisions of complete strangers. The second-hand truth really is stranger than fiction. Produced by Alex Sujong Laughlin. Show art by Tara Jacoby. https://normalgossip.komi.io/

  • Почему люди поступают так - психолог Екатерина Лим исследует внутренний мир человека.

  • The series that investigates the latest ad-hyped products and trending fads promising to make us healthier, happier and greener. Are they really 'the best thing since sliced bread'? Science presenter Greg Foot finds out.

    Greg speaks to experts on a bunk-busting mission to test the latest consumer trends chosen by listeners. Do they live up to the hype? Or are they just marketing BS?

    Greg chats to the experts, dives into the data, performs tests and crunches the numbers before putting his findings back to the listener so they can decide if it’s worth spending their hard earned money on.

    If you have a suggestion for a product to investigate, you can email the team on [email protected] or send a WhatsApp voice note via the number 07543 306807.

    Sliced Bread is produced by BBC Audio North for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

  • You've read their prose. Now hear their voices. Listen to Jim Grant and Evan Lorenz talk high finance, Grant's-style, with plenty of wit and historical context to enliven their discussion of today's foremost investment topics. Welcome to Grant's Radio!

  • Расследование Т—Ж о том, как прийти к финансовому успеху.
    Шеф-редактор Тинькофф Журнала Мария Долгополова вместе со своим давним другом и сообщником по экселькам Ильей Иноземцевым ищут беспроигрышный путь к богатству, учатся тратить деньги и ищут страну для жизни.

  • 人间清醒,搞钱要紧。欢迎收听女性成长访谈播客、苹果PODCAST·2023年度热门新节目《搞钱女孩》!

  • History is beautiful, brutal and, often, ridiculous. Join Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown as they dive into some of the weirdest stories from across the span of human civilization in Ridiculous History, a podcast by iHeartRadio.

  • Crypto Banter is the world's first 24/7 interactive social-cast for the crypto community. Get the latest news, views, interviews and live conversations from around the world. This is where YOU call in, YOU make the show and YOU bring the banter.

  • The world is changing faster than ever before. This comes with life-changing opportunities but also unprecedented challenges. In The Journeyman, I talk to the greatest minds at the nexus of macro, crypto, and technology to figure out exactly what the Exponential Age means for us all. I uncover the big trends, potential investment opportunities, and economic risks and rewards, and ask the big questions on how this impacts us, our businesses, and our societies. Brought to you by Real Vision.

  • Welcome to "Procurement Legends," the go-to podcast for professionals seeking invaluable insights in the realms of Procurement, Supply Chain, and Contract Management. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge, you've come to the right place.What Sets Us Apart:Deep Dives: We don't just skim the surface. We delve into the intricacies of current trends, technologies, and legislation that are revolutionising the industry.Best Practices: Our experts shed light on proven strategies and methods, covering the A to Z of sourcing, negotiations, and contract management, equipping you with practical tools to excel.Global Perspectives: Real-world case studies and actionable examples from across the globe give you a well-rounded understanding of how to adapt and thrive in varying market conditions.Personal Branding: Your career isn't just about technical know-how; it's about standing out. We'll guide you through building a compelling personal brand to become a key player in your field.Building a Procurement Second Brain: Information overload is a real challenge. Learn how to construct a 'Procurement Second Brain' to efficiently capture, organise, and implement knowledge, streamlining your decision-making process.Business Implementation: Get ready to take notes, because you'll want to start implementing our tips and tactics within your own organisation as soon as you've finished listening.Tune in for thought-provoking discussions, compelling interviews, and actionable advice, all aimed at transforming you into a bona fide Procurement Legend.We speak with the most Senior and the most Junior people within Business, as everyone has a perspective and fresh ideas that can really help you operate within your business.


  • Tara Brach, Ph.D is an internationally known meditation teacher and author of bestselling Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Tara shares a weekly guided meditation and talk that blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. The podcast addresses the value of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion in relieving emotional suffering, serving spiritual awakening and bringing healing to our world.

  • Exploring an individual in football every Thursday. Hosted by Simon Kuper, a Financial Times columnist, and Mehreen Khan, Economics Editor of The Times, the podcast covers people such as Mbappé, Messi, Rapinoe and Abramovich.
    Simon Kuper, described by Time Magazine as "one of the world's leading writers on soccer," has been to the last nine World Cups and owns Europe's largest football library. Mehreen Khan started her career in sports journalism – and now she's back. Blending socio-political and pop-cultural narratives, she sees football as a brilliant shortcut to also understanding societies, economics, and politics.
    Follow @heroesandhumans everywhere.





    Visit our website for news and updates: heroesandhumans.com

  • Andreessen Horowitz ("a16z") co-founders Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz explore everything from science to business to culture, all through the lens of technology.

  • The bi-weekly radio show from KOROLOVA - Escape on a journey into the next dimension, with spellbinding sounds, euphoric chords, and blissful beats.

  • Selles podcastis lähme perekondama läbi oma peresuhete ja proovime koos aru saada, miks peresuhted on erilised, milliste reeglite järgi pered alateadlikult toimetavad ja kuidas neid reegleid teades peresuhted mõnusamaks ja elu lihtsamaks muuta.

  • Интервью со смыслами, которые помогут успокоиться

  • Monocle Radio’s weekly tour of the most inspiring people, companies and ideas in global business, from startups to heritage brands, covering the best in hospitality, design, fashion and retail.

  • "The Wizard Liz, hosted by Lize Dzjabrailova, is a dynamic podcast dedicated to motivating and empowering young women. With a blend of insightful discussions, inspiring stories, and practical advice, each episode aims to uplift and encourage listeners on their journey to personal growth and success. From navigating career challenges to fostering self-confidence and embracing individuality, The Wizard Liz offers a supportive space where listeners can gain valuable insights, tools, and inspiration to thrive in every aspect of their lives."

  • Andy Ramage hosts a diverse range of guests, from athletes to everyday heroes, all united in their celebration of the incredible advantages of going alcohol-free. This podcast is a welcoming space for everyone on this journey.

    For the last decade, Andy has put a positive spin on going alcohol-free—that there is nothing to ‘give up’ and everything to gain. Known by many as the Godfather of the alcohol-free movement, Andy’s energy, knowledge, and joy of living and loving life alcohol-free will inspire and entertain you.

    And help you to unlock the alcohol-free advantage.

    For lots of free downloads and to learn more about Andy check out the links below:

    To train with Andy check out - https://andyramage.com/
    To train with Andy as a coach - https://aretewaycoach.com/
    To download the Dryy app - https://dryy.disciplemedia.com/signup/BEeW9R

  • Everything is Alive is an unscripted interview show in which all the subjects are inanimate objects. In each episode, a different thing tells us its life story--and everything it says is true.

  • A weekly conversation between writers Dolly Alderton and Pandora Sykes, that covers highbrow and lowbrow culture.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This Is Us stars Mandy Moore, Sterling K. Brown, and Chris Sullivan dive back into the world of the Pearsons, reliving each episode and all the life lessons that came with it.

    Together, they dig in and dig deep, have the tough conversations, bring in very special and familiar guests, share never before heard behind-the-scenes moments, and feature listeners in highly anticipated fan segments.

    With new episodes out every Tuesday, join your favorite family back in the living room to examine our past, cherish our present, and look to the future. That Was Us...

    Follow the show for more!
    Instagram @thatwasus
    TikTok @thatwasuspod
    X @thatwasuspod
    Threads @thatwasus
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thatwasus

  • Every summer for the past seven decades, 50 high school seniors—one from every state—descend on Mobile, Alabama to take part in one of the country’s most lucrative scholarship competitions for teen girls.

    The Competition takes you behind the scenes of the Distinguished Young Women (DYW) program, and follows seven girls as they experience the highs and lows of competing for two weeks, away from home and under the most high-stress circumstances. Some girls enter for the money, some for prestige. All of them are used to being the best and the brightest. But only one will walk away with the top prize.

    Host Shima Oliaee (Dolly Parton’s America, Pink Card) was Nevada’s contestant in 2001. More than 20 years later, she returns to Alabama as a judge. What can two weeks with 50 of the country’s most ambitious teens tell us about girlhood in America?

    Follow The Competition on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to The Competition early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

  • Million Dollar Advice is a work and career advice podcast hosted by friends and colleagues Kim Lessing and Kate Arend. Together Kim and Kate run Amy Poehler’s Paper Kite Productions and are very cool and good at their jobs. Each week, they will help live callers with their work-related dilemmas. Whether you have a question or you just like listening to other people’s problems, this show will change your life. If you have a problem at work or a career question big or small, write in to [email protected] or leave a message on the Million Dollar Advice Hotline (888) 799-6327. Kim and Kate can’t wait to give you some Million Dollar Advice!

  • Welcome to The Fun Dad Dean & Wife podcast, where we cut out all the BS of parenting and dive straight into the real, raw, and hilarious moments of family life.

    Join Dean and his wife, Sara, as they navigate the ups and downs of raising kids with a refreshing dose of humour and authenticity. From tantrums to triumphs, this podcast is your go-to destination for relatable parenting stories, practical advice, and plenty of laughs along the way.

    So, grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) and tune in for some real talk about the joys and challenges of modern parenthood.

  • Gabby Logan and Mark Chapman, two of the UK’s best sports broadcasters, host a brand new twice-weekly podcast exploring the stories behind the sports...

    Drawing on their wealth of experience and insight, with exclusive interviews and expert analysis, Gabby & Mark tackle the big issues and explain not just what’s happening, but why. They'll also bring a healthy dose of humour when needed too.

    And it's not just about the football, The Sports Agents will bring you inside the greatest sporting events from around the world in what promises to be a truly memorable year of sport.

    New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.

    The Sports Agents is a Global Player Original Podcast.

    And, the Sports Agents now have merch! To get yours, head to: https://store.global.com/collections/the-sports-agents

  • Главный чатик, в котором мы обсуждаем самые кринжовые и актуальные новости поп-культуры: что на этой неделе произошло в кино, на эстраде? И главное: зачем? Давайте обсуждать!

    «Крысиный жанр» — подкаст от «Правого полушария Интроверта» — сервиса, где поощряют саморазвитие.

  • How can you build a healthy, thriving church without sacrificing your marital, familial, and personal health? Is it even possible to be a pastor and not live on the edge of burnout? How do you protect your passion and integrity so you can run your race well all the way through the finish line? The Healthy Pastor podcast brings together some of the most respected voices in ministry to lend a helping hand. Tune in for wisdom and insights learned over decades of real-world leadership experience to help you be a healthy pastor who leads a healthy church.

  • What influenced the thinkers, creators, writers, and rebels to develop their unique perspectives and share it with the rest of us? What does their creative process look like today and how has it evolved? Let’s learn how the sausage gets made.

  • The Upshot pulls back the curtain on your favourite sports and dives into all the stuff BBC and Sky wouldn’t touch with a bargepole: drunken antics, dressing room squabbles and the simmering sexual tension of the French football team.Check out our semi-legendary newsletter that goes to 100,000+ subscribers: http://www.upshot.email?utm_source=poddescriptionAnd our Twitter account, where we dig into the archives and spill classic tales from the past: http://www.twitter.com/upshottowers

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This podcast is designed to give you the tools that you need to build a social media brand that the world will remember.. You will receive value around branding, marketing, mindset, leadership, etc.. Our vision is to help 1M people become the next Household Name in their industry!

  • Grammy award winning producer/mixer Andrew Scheps has (very) long form discussions with record makers from all different corners of the music industry. Brought to you by Puremix.

  • Know Thyself is dedicated to the exploration of the most rewarding task an individual can ever embark on: The journey to find one's Self. Our intention is to investigate the universal principals that have equipped our species to seek the treasure of all treasures, Self Knowledge. Through the investigation of Natural Law, Alchemy, The Occult, Hermeticism and all other Light Mystery School Traditions.

  • Success in life is determined by how well we regulate and manage our emotions.
    Join me and other mental health experts as we talk about how you can manage your emotions, improve your mental health, and become more successful in your life!

  • The world is full of people with hobbies, so why not share them with the world? The podcast, ‘Time For Your Hobby’ does exactly that. Tune in every week and listen to Alex interview passionate people from all walks of life to discuss their hobbies. Learn about the importance of having an interest outside your career, how it can play an important role in your life, and what misconceptions exist within it. So until the next episode, make some time for your hobby.