Barn & Familj – Singapore – Nya podcasts

  • Enlightening. Empowering. Supportive.

    This engaging podcast hosts special education experts to discuss special education topics for special education parents.

    I would if I could ensure every parent has all the information they need before stepping into their child's IEP meeting. While that may be a lofty goal, I hope this podcast helps you prepare to advocate for your child.

    If you have a child with disabilities and special education needs, congratulations! You have just become the CEO of your child's education! There are acronyms galore, terms of art that are counter-intuitive, and completely new rules for school. This podcast will provide straightforward information about your rights, information from other professionals, and tips and tricks for working with your school.

    I'm a special education attorney, parent of 5 children with disabilities, and former special education teacher/administrator. I have seen special education from many angles. In fact, I have ADHD and Dyslexia myself, and I grew up in school systems that didn’t yet know how to identify or remediate these challenges.

    Each episode aims to build a bridge between knowledge and action, empowering you to become the most effective advocate for your child. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

  • This podcast series delves into the multifaceted experience of motherhood, centered around the celebration of Mother's Day. Across six episodes, the series explores the historical origins and cultural evolution of Mother’s Day, the diverse expressions of motherhood across different cultures, and the challenges mothers face today. It also examines the portrayal of mothers in media and literature, offers creative and sustainable ways to celebrate Mother’s Day, and speculates on the future trends in motherhood. Featuring a blend of expert interviews, personal stories, and listener interactions, this series aims to provide a deep and nuanced understanding of motherhood’s significance and impact in today’s world.

  • Follow the stories of Princess Juliet, Liza the Monkey, and their nemesis, Baby Bad Guy. Silly short stories written by children, for children, with a bit of help from our computer.

  • 在这部揭幕剧中,著名的黑猫侦探回忆起他过去的冒险,并准备迎接新的挑战。从北极消失的冰层到NFT世界的数字艺术盗窃,再到风力涡轮机和神秘的太阳能板,没有谜团对他来说太大。让我们一起跟随他的足迹,经历这个充满刺激的旅程。

  • Jenny and Stacey are two homeschool moms, who also balance working full-time and homesteading. However, they each have very different approaches to homeschooling their kids. They come together here to discuss big homeschooling topics, with the help of some special guests along the way. Learning for Life is all about how to encourage kids (and parents alike!) to develop a lifelong love of learning.

  • "It's like Wayne's World for Moms!" Don't watch this in front of the kids. On MomCave LIVE, funny moms talk about motherhood. Nominated for an IAWTV (International Academy of Web TV) Award for Best Live Series.By sharing authentic and hilarious material, MomCave has built a community of over 106,000 moms who take the challenges of parenthood with a dash of humor. Being chosen for YouTube's Women in Comedy Initiative, nominated for awards like Best Comedy Duo, Best Live Series, and Best Hosted Series has almost made up for all the times their kids threw up on them. You can find MomCave's content on all your typical social media sites AND over 300 Smart TV Networks including Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire!

  • 在和幼兒相處的過程,不怕老方法就怕沒方法,遇到狀況同樣的處理方式卻有不同的結果,各個不同經歷的馴獸師們集聚一堂,各式各樣經驗探討讓你的經驗值咻咻咻地直線上升,讓你遇見問題見招拆招。

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  • Hi there,

    This is Jane! I'm an English teacher working in Waldorf Schools. Here're some stories in English. You may share them with your kids. Hope you all enjoin it! Please give me some feedback, if you have time. Thank you!


    我是Jane,是一名華德福英語教師,這裡我用全英文朗讀一些故事,您或您的孩子可以藉此練習英語聽力,希望您喜歡! 也歡迎多多給我回饋,感謝您!


    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • We all enjoy listening stories from our elders in our family and now I'm here to podcast short stories in Tamil language. Here, you can hear all types of stories such as short stories, Kids bedtime stories, Inspirational stories, Historical stories etc., This is my first attempt in podcast. Hope you all enjoy this series. If you really like this podcast, please keep supporting 🙏 🙏🙏

  • Lego Fortnite: Dive Deeper into the Brick-Built Battle Royale! Alright, Lego fanatic and Fortnite champion, buckle up for a deeper dive into the fantastic world of Lego Fortnite! We've already covered the basics, but now let's get into the nitty-gritty, the brick-and-mortar of this delightful mash-up: Crafting Your Bricktastic Adventure:
    Resource Gathering: Brick by brick, your world takes shape! Chop down trees, mine for shiny bricks, and scavenge abandoned structures to gather the building blocks of your survival. Every fallen branch and scattered Lego stud fuels your creativity.Fort-Building Frenzy: Imagine towering fortresses, intricate traps, and bridges reaching across vibrant landscapes. Lego Fortnite unleashes your inner architect, letting you construct whatever your tactical mind (or wildest whims) desires. Picture a sniper's nest built atop a rickety llama statue, or a network of tunnels burrowing beneath the map – the possibilities are endless!Crafting with Imagination: Beyond forts, let your tools take shape! Forge sturdy axes, craft cunning grappling hooks, or even concoct quirky gadgets using your bricky bounty. Every invention adds a layer of strategy and surprise to your survival adventure.Lighthearted Brick Battles:
    Projectile Pandemonium: Forget bullets and laser beams! Brick battles are all about flinging colorful Lego projectiles. Dodge rubber duckies, deflect tomato soup cans and unleash a barrage of confetti grenades to outsmart your opponents. Laughter and strategizing reign supreme in this playful form of combat.Environmental Tactics: Use the Lego world to your advantage! Lure enemies into pre-built traps, build makeshift barricades, or unleash cleverly placed domino chains to send them tumbling. Think outside the (brick) box and use the environment as your ultimate weapon.Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Squad up with fellow brick-wielding warriors and combine your building skills to conquer challenges together. Coordinate strategies, share resources, and build elaborate joint fortresses – teamwork is key to bricktastic victory!Beyond the Bricks:
    Exploration Unbound: The Lego Fortnite world isn't just a battleground, it's a playground! Explore vibrant landscapes, discover hidden secrets, and stumble upon quirky Lego creations tucked away in every corner. Who knows what surprises await behind that brick-built waterfall?Character Customization: Unleash your inner fashionista! Customize your Lego avatar with a variety of outfits and accessories. Be a dashing knight in shining armor, a disco-dancing llama, or a fearless explorer clad in brick-built gear. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.Hidden Depths: Lego Fortnite isn't just about sunshine and bricks. Uncover deeper mysteries and lore scattered throughout the world. Piece together the story of this Lego universe, discover the secrets of its inhabitants, and unravel the hidden narrative woven into the gameplay.Still Undecided?
    For the Creative Soul: If you love building, strategizing, and expressing your imagination, Lego Fortnite is your haven. The open-world gameplay and endless brick-based possibilities offer a unique blend of creativity and adventure.Family Fun Guaranteed: Parents, rejoice! This is the Fortnite your kids can play with you. The playful combat, accessible building, and charming atmosphere make it perfect for family bonding and shared adventures.A Refreshing Twist: Hardcore Fortnite fans, don't dismiss it just yet! While the combat might be lighter, the strategic depth and creative possibilities offer a refreshing change of pace. Think of it as a relaxing side quest in your battle royale journey.Brick Your Own Conclusion: Lego Fortnite is an experience unlike any other. It's a delightful blend of charming Lego creations, thrilling survival challenges, and lighthearted combat that's perfect for gamers of all ages and skill levels. So, grab your Lego brick (or controller), dive into this bricktastic world, and let your imagination run wild! Remember, this is just a starting point! There's so much more to uncover in the world of Lego Fortnite. Whether you're looking for specific gameplay tips, a detailed analysis of the hidden lore, or a guide to mastering those quirky brick-based weapons, just ask! Happy brick-battling! Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Welcome to The Robin’s Nest - where the internet’s favorite mom is now your mom too. If you thought Robin throwing fries on her husband’s grave was unhinged, you haven’t seen anything yet! Pull up a chair and take a front row seat to be a part of this too close family where nothing is off limits.

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  • Hello and Welcome to “Every Youth Matters”. I’m Dr John Tan. For the past 30 years, I’ve been helping youths realize their life potential. In recent years, though, I’ve helped parents, teachers, counsellors and youth workers engage their teenagers and youths. In this podcast I will share tips, tools and ways to reach what may be that difficult or challenging youth who just would not respond to your best intentions or actions. What can we do to reach and win their hearts? I believe that a youth’s potential is too precious a gift to waste. So join me in this journey, for every youth matters!

  • Join 11-year-old Hanna and her cat, Pepper, on a fun-filled science adventure! Exploring fascinating questions like why the sky is blue and the wonders of coral reefs, Hanna's Hypothesis sparks curiosity, encourages critical thinking, and ignites a love for science in young minds. With engaging storytelling and a dash of wit, this educational podcast inspires kids to explore the amazing world of science. Tune in and join Hanna on her quest to unravel scientific mysteries!

  • Whether you’re a mom, homeschool family or a mom entrepreneur, the Educating Kids & Connecting Families Podcast has got you covered! Host Christine Furman, certified elementary and special education teacher, homeschool mom and educational entrepreneur, offers you a community that meets you and your family right where you are!

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed, alone or frustrated? Desperately searching for community and trying to balance it all? Looking for a way to instill confidence, independence and kindness into your children while also creating a connection that will last a lifetime? Maybe, you are trying to find ways to make the learning process fun and engaging?

    Ultimately, your desire is to give your kids the best education, live your life and give yourself grace along the way! Each week Christine will equip you with resources, practical tips, advice and expert interviews that offer support, guidance and ideas to make learning fun while setting your kids up for a lifetime of success.

    Educating Kids & Connecting Families is built on four pillars:
    Momspiration412® - support, advice and guidance for moms navigating motherhood
    EduPlay® Learning - activities & ideas for your kids that makes learning fun & meaningful
    Teaching Moments™ - ways to prepare your kids for life by learning through experiences
    Holistic Health - healthy hacks, recipes and movement ideas for the whole family
    Here’s to enjoying the educational journey while setting your family up for a lifetime of success!

    “See each moment as a chance to Learn, Create, and Have Fun!” ™

  • has information and tools for children at every age to address a variety of challenges.

  • A podcast for fathers by fathers.

    Join hosts Hafiz and Parcsen in fun and frank conversations about being a father and its challenges. Get tips to connect better with your family. If you would like more resources check us out on FB and IG @wadtpodcast. Feel free to share with us your comments and questions!

    This podcast is sponsored by Emaan Catalyst Community. Their mission is to catalyse communities for sustainable social impact. You can connect with them on FB and IG @emaancatalyst.