Affärer – Filippinerna – Nya podcasts

  • The Confident Performer helps top performers and high-achieving businesswomen show up confidently and authentically as their best selves, and live in alignment with their truths. Whether you are a professional performer, an entrepreneur, or a mom, you are a performer, and you can show up with confidence and power. You can live the life you dream of and inspire others to do the same.

    Join performer, mentor, and life and vocal coach, Amy Adams as she teaches you to trust your inner compass, develop your ability to face challenges, and become your best self, regardless of what is going on in your life. She will help you realize that you are capable of more than you know.

    For more information on how Amy can help you access your untapped potential and take things to the next level in your life, visit

    This is the show for you if you find yourself asking questions like:
    *What if I fail?
    *What if I am not talented?
    *How can I make ends meet while chasing my dreams?
    *When should I give up being a performer?
    *Is it possible to pay your bills and do what you love?
    *Should performing be a job or a hobby?

  • Premium perspectives of a Filipino freelancer.

    This podcast is for online service providers who crave a business that allows them to experience both freedom and fulfillment.

    If you desire to scale where working with soul-aligned clients and having white spaces in your calendar exists, then you've found the perfect spot.

    In here we celebrate having a good life while thriving in a purposeful business and creating lasting impact.

  • Welcome to our page, we are so glad you are here to learn more about investing in real estate & earning double digit returns backed by real estate. (Our favorite way of investing!) Your hosts names are Keleisha (@keleishacater) & Betzy (_lifewithbetzy) we have joined forces & in a very short time we have used our combined abilities to invest with purpose. (Learn more about this on our first episode!)

  • Being a Mompreneur takes work! So if you're going to do it, you might as well be a Rockstar at it!!This is the ultimate hang out for Mompreneurs who are looking to be Rockstars at all the things us Mompreneurs do. It's creative coaching, straight talk, and simple strategies- often wrapped up with a twist of humor- delivered to you each week!During each episode we will chat about inspiration, motivation, health & fitness in our bodies and business, organization, self improvement and more! Because being a Mompreneur is busy and most times unbalanced. But when done like a Rockstar, it's rewarding and life changing.Daphne comes with over 25+ years of experience in Network Marketing, Corporate Sales and Recruiting, Fitness and Business Coaching. She owns multiple businesses, including a highly successful Travel Nurse Agency. As a wife and mom of 2, she brings her knowledge and real life experiences into every show. 

  • Want to start a cybersecurity business, and want to limit mistakes and maximize opportunity? Welcome to ‘Cyber Starters,' the LIVE podcast at the intersection of cybersecurity and entrepreneurship.

    I'm your host, Dr. Gerald Auger, alongside Ryan Leirvik, we are going to share tools, strategies, and insider knowledge to demystify cybersecurity entrepreneurship and help you turn your ideas into action.

    Every week we will be joined by a successful cybersecurity industry entrepreneur to share their thoughts and experiences with you, and you’ll be part of the show too with LIVE audience QA.

    If you're serious about merging entrepreneurship with cybersecurity, you can't afford to miss Cyber Starters every Tuesday at 11:00 PM EST only on Simply Cyber.

  • Welcome to Money Magnet Mama, where magnetic marketing meets money mindset and online business strategy.

    This podcast is for the heart-centered entrepreneur, small business owner, or multi-passionate creative who doesn’t fit in with the toxic hustle culture and the bro marketing sleaze, and wants to build their abundant life and dream business differently: with heart and soul, joy and ease.

    From chill launch and evergreen sales strategies, the energetics of pricing, to high ticket group coaching programs, I’m going to dish on all the secrets to making more, and working less.

    I’m Masha Goins, Business Coach, Pricing Strategist, and Money Mindset Queen, who went from being a burned out working mom with a dream, to owning a multi-six-figure ONline business that lights me up, and allows me the freedom to only work part time hours, and spend most of my time living OFFline.

    It’s my soul’s purpose to teach you how to go from the grind of trading time for money, to scaling your time freedom and passive revenue by chasing joy, and practicing ease.

    Let’s get Goins!

    xo, Masha
    IG @moneymagnetmama

  • The Impact Through Voice Podcast is packed with actional step-by-step tips to find and develop your confident and compelling speaking voice and use it to share meaningful messages with the world, build your authority, and grow your business. Whether you're a budding speaker, a seasoned podcaster, a coach, an influencer or someone simply looking to improve their communication skills, this podcast is your guide to getting your voice heard.

    Join world-renowned voice and communication skills coach and professional speaker Lisa Hugo as she explores the art of effective communication and storytelling. In each episode, you'll gain practical tips, actionable strategies, and inspiring insights from industry experts and individuals who have successfully used their voices to make a difference.

    How do I overcome stage fright? How can I keep my audiences engaged? How can I tell riveting stories? How can I be better on camera? How can I leave a legacy? And one very important question, can I use my voice to build a profitable business?
    From mastering the mechanics of vocal delivery to infusing your messages with emotion and authenticity, host Lisa Hugo covers a spectrum of topics designed to elevate your communication game and your success.
    Your voice matters, and Impact Through Voice is here to help you unlock its potential. Along with sharing her best-kept secrets that she has used to tune 1000s of voices, Lisa interviews top people in their industry who are making a difference in the world with the power of their voice.

    Tune in weekly to gain the confidence, skills, and motivation you need to amplify your message and leave a lasting impact. The Impact Through Voice community is growing every day and now it’s YOUR TURN to hear from the experts, get inspired, and get your voice heard.

  • Welcome to The Robyn Graham Show!

    The Go-To podcast for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to grow and scale their businesses and achieve success without social media.

    Social media can result in comparison, doubt, and imposter syndrome that will ultimately hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams and the purpose God has called you to. And you don't need it to achieve sustainable success. There are myriad marketing strategies you can adopt to reach your soulmate clients and create opportunities for limitless earning potential.

    Hey friend! I'm Robyn Graham, a former pharmacist turned business growth strategist and coach specializing in growing successful businesses without social media. I love to share everything I’ve learned in my 23 plus years of experience as a business owner.

    I’m also the author of "You, Me, and Anxiety".

    If you want to follow your God-led calling and uncover joy, purpose, and passion in your life and business while having an impact, making money, and bringing glory to God in the process, you’re in the right place.

    I’m creative, strategic, and techie all rolled into one. If you can’t figure out what’s holding you back in your business, chances are we’ll figure it out for you. Each week I and my guests will teach on how to grow your business without social media in addition to various strategies that you can employ to do so, like:

    - marketing
    - Faith
    - SEO
    - Personal branding
    - PR
    - Email marketing
    - Sales
    - Tech, tools, systems, processes, and automation - the behind-the-scenes stuff you need to simplify in order to grow and scale, and retain clients
    - and Mindset and mental health too

    Listen each week to get the best advice to help you create the life and business of your dreams. . . while staying aligned with your values and faith in Jesus, so that you can build a solid foundation, fulfill your purpose, and help create a ripple effect of good in the world.

    If you're tired of overthinking, spinning in circles, and doing "all the things" with minimal results, great! Because I'm all about simplicity, ease, and grace.

    Be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes!
    Visit the website and learn how to achieve Success without Social Media -

    Download free resources:

    Email us: [email protected]

    Apply for a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom Feature on The Robyn Graham Show:

    Apply to be a guest (we do not review email pitches):

    Follow Robyn on LinkedIn -

    Follow Robyn on Pinterest -

    Watch episodes on YouTube -

    You, Me, and Anxiety:

  • In today’s business world change is the only constant, and mastering transformation is the ultimate key to success. Welcome to Shift & Thrive!

    Each week, Host Natalie Nathanson will bring you conversations with CEOs, who delve into how they successfully drove critical change in their organization.

    This show is sponsored by Magnetude Consulting, bringing you the thinking power of a Growth Consultancy and the Getting-It-Done Power of a full-service B2B Marketing Agency.

  • BiNi Talks is advice , solutions, tips and, tricks of the business world. Both For-Profit and Non-Profit. Our podcast is information provided by the CEO of 212 Catalysts Sabine 'BiNi' Coleman.

  • Unternehmerischer Erfolg folgt persönlichem Wachstum. Dies ist die Kernhypothese des MINDSET MOVERS Podcasts, die Arne Stoschek (Entrepreneur und Coach) mit seinen Gästen, zumeist anderen Unternehmern, diskutiert oder an Beispielen seiner eigenen unternehmerischen Erfahrung reflektiert.
    Der Podcast erscheint jede Woche dienstags. Interviews mit Unternehmern und Episoden zu ausgewählten Themen, rund um persönliche Weiterentwicklung, finden jeweils im Wechsel statt.

    MINDSET MOVERS ist der Podcast für Unternehmer, die mehr Sinnhaftigkeit für ihr Schaffen und ihre Organisation wollen.

  • The RebelRebel Podcast is a regular dive into the hearts and minds of creative rebels and entrepreneurs who are making the world a better and more interesting place—it's a love letter to everyone who thinks audaciously and acts courageously in service to their passion and purpose—ikigai.

    Outstanding Business Series

    Outstanding Business Series

    Outstanding Business Series

    Best Host | Outstanding Business Podcast | Outstanding Title Theme | Outstanding Original Music

    Hosted by Michael Dean Dargie |
    Produced by Make More Creative |

  • Cory Gagnon doesn’t just love supporting multi-generational families every day. He loves digging into topics and sharing information that matters to family enterprises! In Legacy Builders: Strategies for Building Successful Family Enterprises, Cory, Senior Wealth Advisor with Beacon Family Office at Assante Financial Management Ltd, dives deep to share ways for business owners, family stewards, and the rising generation in family enterprises to take control of their wealth and build a lasting legacy. Through interviews with industry experts and solo talks, each episode provides understandable and actionable strategies and insights on complete wealth management. From navigating family dynamics to developing a successful wealth transition plan and everything in between, this is the podcast to bring your legacy into the future. Subscribe today!

  • The Author's Leverage is the go-to resource for authors wanting to make bigger impact and income with their book. Whether you're an author who's new to the scene, or you've written several bestsellers, we all want the same thing. To authentically express ourselves, and get into as many readers hands as possible.

    We dive into the minds of successful authors and experts in the industry to glean actionable tips that can be immediately implemented into your book writing, launch, and marketing strategies.

    You’ll hear from the leaders behind the scenes revolutionizing how authors are able to publish their best work, and build wildly profitable businesses centered around their books.

  • In this podcast we are going publish Audiobooks of popular books like rich dad poor dad, The art of war etc...