Affärer – Indonesien – Nya podcasts

  • Hey Cupcake [Podcast] is the ultimate resource for bakers wanting to start and/or grow their bakery business.
    Are you a baker? Are you feeling stuck? Let’s talk! I can’t wait to tell you all about how I took my bakery business from home based to storefront in less than five months, survived a hurricane that devastated our North Carolina community not once but twice, thrived through the pandemic while other businesses were closing their doors for good, and how I made a comeback bigger than ever after my husband retired from the Marine Corps and we closed my cupcake and custom cake shop and moved our family back to our home state of Iowa. Today, I run by baking business from our forever home, do small town farmer’s markets in my renovated cupcake camper, and share my experience with other bakers. I’m sure they’ll be some ins and outs, and ups and downs of my business from the past two decades that you may relate to. We’ll talk about all things cupcakes, cakes, business, marketing, processes, dealing with customers, and share some of my favorite bakery stories... oh the stories! ....and how I (tried to) balance it all as a military spouse and mom to four.

    With my baking experience, I’ve done a little bit of everything. I’d like to also think I’m pretty good at thinking outside the (cake) box when it comes to business. I’ve expanded my product line from cupcakes in the case, to custom cake orders, to in person and online decorating classes, membership groups, subscription boxes as well as shipping my top selling desserts all over the country. I love brainstorming with other bakers. Don’t let getting started stop you from following you dream! Let’s make those dreams come true!

    Subscribe now so you don’t miss a single episode!

  • Welcome to the Own Your Message podcast: the place where I teach you how to be consistently authentic online so you can create magnetic content that excites your audience and shows you as the expert that you are.

    I’m Alisa Kay, and I’m a business coach who helps hidden experts become in-demand entrepreneurs fast. I’ve spent the last 5 years studying content, copy, marketing and the principles behind coaching psychology. I have helped hundreds of business owners learn how to show up more powerfully, take back their power, and make more money by tapping into the strategies I will be sharing.

    In this podcast, you’ll learn how to harness the power of your unique story and use magnetic marketing tools so that you can confidently OWN your place in your industry.

    Get ready to transform your marketing to reach more people and finally feel authentically YOU online.

    Previously the modern coach podcast.

  • A purpose-driven business podcast for creative entrepreneurs who are ready to level up in a BIG way. On this podcast, we’re into candid conversations about the creative journey that also disclose practical tips, tools, and resources that will connect, inspire, and impact your own journey as you scale to grow your business.

  • Description: Dive into the world of Snaptube MOD APK with our latest episode of "Tech Talk." Join us as we uncover the unparalleled advantages of this enhanced video downloading app, from ad-free browsing to versatile content acquisition. Discover how Snaptube MOD APK revolutionizes your entertainment experience with its crisp quality downloads, seamless multitasking capabilities, and customizable features. Tune in to learn more about maximizing your video consumption while staying savvy in the digital realm.


  • Selamat datang di Primetalks by Edutee! Sebuah podcast yang berisi obrolan banyak orang yang bisa ngasih kalian insight atau inspirasi buat ngelakuin suatu hal yang mungkin belum pernah kalian pikirin sebelumnya. Karena bentuknya juga obrolan, jadi yang diprovide ya lebih kaya cerita hidup banyak orang. Tujuannya supaya yang ngedenger bisa lebih relate sama yang diobrolin.
    So, please enjoy the talks!
    Email: [email protected]

  • Setiap sendi kehidupan merupakan pemberian anugerah yang harus kita syukuri dan perlu kita nikmati. Mencoba u/mengungkap cara menikmati apa saja yang ada dalam hidup. twitter @rais_mush ig @rais_mush fb: Amin Rais

  • Obrolan tentang bisnis, kuliah, dan pengembangan diri.

  • The ELEVATED & MELANATED PODCAST is hosted by KT THE INTELLECT & DJ THE FINESSE KID, providing a place where critical thinkers can come discuss inconvenient truths and uncomfortable knowledge devoid of the irrational effects of emotionalism.

  • We are group of people who loves to share our experiences, our environment, and our perspective.

  • コーチングを多くのクライアントに提供して、価値を届けたい。そんなコーチのための「売れっ子コーチPodcast~毎月30万円を突破する方法~」は、あなたのベクトル発見コーチ水田滋がお届けします。自分の「強み」や「価値観」を生かしながら、どの様に売れっ子コーチになるのか。メンタル面とノウハウ面の両面から、様々なヒントを発信します!

  • apapun yang ku ceritakan disini merupakan semua yang pernah ku lalui dan kuharap bisa memberi hal yang lebih baik // ig : @imandashafira // please support my podcast by following / Email : [email protected]

  • Personal Growth - Subconscious Healing - Spiritual Connection - For Christian Women

    Have you struggled with pain, trauma, toxic relationships, anxiety or addiction and you’ve tried traditional therapy, affirmations and meditation, but you still feel stuck in the struggle?

    Have you been working diligently toward a goal in your life or business for a long period of time and no matter what new skill or approach you try, you can’t quite obtain the goal you aimed for?

    Have you prayed and prayed about a particular recurring issue or difficult relationship and you just don’t ever see any changes?

    Chances are high (like 99.9%) that your subconscious is working overtime to keep you “safe” in the patterns it used during childhood to help you survive. I know, that’s a whole lot to grasp, and that’s why I’m here!

    Hi! I’m Erin Jean and I have been there and done that! After 18 years in a difficult marriage and over 5 years as an entrepreneur with no real success, I BROKE. I was diagnosee with PTSD, battling panic attacks and suicidal thoughts all while going to counseling trying to save my marriage and still show up for my kids. I didn’t love or value myself and my life just wasn’t going in the direction I wanted.

    I. WAS. DONE.

    Thankfully, I decided to fight hard to turn it all around! I was a mama to three beautiful children, and I knew they needed me on this planet.

    God led me to some amazing resources to heal my mind, release my trauma and truly love and embrace the person He made me to be!

    Inside this podcast I will share all the tools that strengthened my faith and helped to heal my heart, mind and soul. Yep, that’s right! I said goodbye to panic attacks and my inability to deal with emotional triggers and I found my purpose in bringing this same healing to others. I felt such passion for all that I learned that I became a certified hypnotherapist, got trained in Timeline therapy, EFT and NLP and began to work with clients to help them achieve similar results.

    So listen in and grab a warm mug of your favorite drink as we get into The Business of Inner Peace! You can also connect with me via email at [email protected] or on Facebook ( and on Instagram @erinjeancoaching .

  • „combine on ear“ wurde im Frühsommer 2020 ins Leben gerufen, als sich durch Corona die Büros leerten und die Menschen fast ausschließlich remote arbeiteten. Seitdem wird umgesetzt, was für viele Unternehmen bis dato als unmöglich erachtet wurde, und das Überleben der Organisationen sichert: Digitalisierung, Virtualisierung, Homeoffice, mobiles Arbeiten. Wir fragen daher in unserem Podcast: Sind wir auf dem Weg in ein „neues Normal der Zusammenarbeit“? Was ändert sich gerade in den Unternehmen, vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen sie? Ist jetzt ein besonderes Momentum für ein „anything goes“? Wird Raum – analoger und virtueller Raum – wichtiger als jemals zuvor? Was müsste jetzt gestaltet werden?

    combine on ear bringt vor diesem Hintergrund spannende und renommierte Gesprächspartner:innen unterschiedlichster Fachrichtungen zusammen, um über die aktuellen Themen der Immobilienwirtschaft zu sprechen: Innovative Gebäude- und Raumkonzepte, Interior Design, technologische Entwicklungen, Hybrides Arbeiten, neueste Erkenntnisse der systemischen Organisationsberatung und des Change Managements.

    combine on ear ist der Podcast von combine, einer führenden Unternehmensberatung in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Ob CREM-Beratung, innovative Arbeitsweltenkonzepte, Change-Prozesse, professionelle Umsetzungsbegleitung oder Interior Design: combine entwickelt gemeinsam mit seinen Kunden:innen zukunftssichere Lösungen, die die Immobile als unternehmensstrategische Ressource betrachten, und dabei die Funktion und Gestaltung immer als Einheit verstehen. combine begleitet auch die Umsetzung stets unter Berücksichtigung der individuellen und kollektiven Bedürfnisse der Organisation.

  • The true success comes with enormous attempts of failures and this podcast helps to grab the ladder of opportunities again and again and thereby holding You not to give up on your precious DREAMS.

  • Dokumentasi tentang obrolan apapun yang kami anggap bermanfaat bagi para pendengar

  • Everybody has had the very uncomfortable and often embarrassing experience of having been caught with their pants around their ankles. The thing is, usually pants around ankles are preceded by mistakes. Mistakes in judgment, mistakes and execution. And often there's not a single mistake, but a whole series of smaller ones that precipitates that area and uncomfortable outcome. I'm Greg Hayne of the Hayne Coaching Group. This podcast is about helping you prevent those experiences. And in it I'm gonna answer questions you've asked, questions that you haven't asked but should have. And otherwise, share some ideas that are designed to keep those pants of yours buckled firmly around your waist. So let's see what I've come up with for today!