Teknologi – Ungern – Nya podcasts

  • AI News is your guide to the latest in Al, shedding light on how these technologies are transforming the way we live and work. Each episode focuses on new trends, practical applications, and the future impact of Al across Human Resource, Sales and Marketing and Technology.

  • How AI is Built dives into the different building blocks necessary to develop AI applications: how they work, how you can get started, and how you can master them. Build on the breakthroughs of others. Follow along, as Nicolay learns from the best data engineers, ML engineers, solution architects, and tech founders.

  • Overwhelmed by technological change, EX-IBM Futurist Nathaniel Schooler will keep you one step ahead of the pack or should we say the robot...

    Here we interview futuristic leaders who share their deep industry knowledge and business experience with you. Ensuring you have your finger on the pulse and your eyes wide open.

    Influential Visions Podcast, we also have a number of other amazing co-hosts too. Including Kim-Adele Randall, Nicolas Babin, Lisa Ventura MBE, Steven J Manning, Tyler Cohen Wood and Treasa Dovander.

  • The science is in; our DNA destinies are not set in stone and it’s absolutely possible to change your biological age. Research shows that our biological age is a decade older than our parents' at the same age. As a headline, that doesn’t sound great, but modern living has us aging faster and amassing more chronic diseases than any generation before us. 

    LYMA engineer the world's most powerful anti-ageing innovations. Join the team as they explore the multiple ways that changing elements of your life can reduce your biological age and help you live 10 years younger.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The State of Enterprise IT Security is the show for technology leaders looking for actionable and approachable guidance in the security landscape. The show features Brad Bussie, the CISO of e360, a premier technology solutions provider. In each episode, Brad covers 3 timely topics in each episode impacting the enterprise security landscape.

  • Бид подкастын анхны зочноороо RENEW компанийн Ерөнхий дизайнер М.Дөлгөөнбаярыг урьж ярилцлаа. Подкастын үед гарсан сонирхолтой зүйлсийг та доорх линкээр орж харна уу.

    Та бүхэн манай сошиал хаягийг дагаарай.

    👉 Инстаграм: / unnu.tech
    👉 Зочин: / lean.dulgoon
    👉 Сонгуулийн хуудасны дизайн: https://bit.ly/3v1Su0b2

  • Welcome to Manufacturing Matters, your go-to podcast series for engaging discussions on the key issues in manufacturing today. Designed to deliver quick and valuable insights, each episode is a brief, impactful conversation highlighting expert opinions without the fluff of sales pitches. Manufacturing Matters simplifies the complexity of modern manufacturing and serves up share-worthy content for our community and beyond. Tune in to join the conversation where manufacturing truly matters. Manufacturing Matters is brought to you by Factbird, a global leader in Manufacturing Intelligence.

  • The Electrical Building Design Show podcast provides discussions on topics within the field of electrical engineering and covers themes like specific calculations, common problems, and best practices. It's presented by David Robison, Design Master Software president.

    We invite you to attend a free webinar on creating single-line diagrams in Revit: https://www.designmaster.biz/webinar/register-pod.html

    Design Master Software develops advanced electrical design software for electrical engineers using AutoCAD and Revit -- ElectroBIM for Revit, Electrical and HVAC: for AutoCAD, and Photometrics.

  • Let's talk cloud and other cutting-edge technologies relevant for building agile and successful businesses.

    We aim to establish a conversation between business and technology that allows for close collaboration to build great products, services and businesses. This conversation is the missing piece today and especially important as all companies urgently must adopt digital technology and understand how to build digital products and services to stay competitive.

    This show is hosted by Tommy Back and Nemanja Kostic.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  • Hoy hablaremos de la nueva tecnologia en carros, hablaremos del Tesla Model 3

  • If you're a tech enthusiast who is always looking for the latest cutting-edge technologies, you're in the right place. Our podcast covers a wide range of topics, from cloud and edge computing to AI/ML, IoT, and generative AI. We'll also delve into developer tools and new vertical solutions that are transforming industries such as manufacturing, mobility, and transportation.
    Our focus is on providing unbiased insights and analysis on the latest tech trends and innovations.
    So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore the exciting world of new tech!

  • Hey everyone! Cherry Swayne here, founder of Above and Beyond Recruitment, angel investor, Carbon13 domain expert, organiser of online ClimateTech communities and mother of two small, wonderful children. Most importantly to you though, I’m your host of Climate Pioneers.

    Each season, we’ll talk to different experts within the ClimateTech space to provide you with knowledge, inspiration or at the very least, entertainment!

    Happy listening💫

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • AI Newbies is a podcast and video series designed to educate business professionals on the basics of AI.
    Our easy-to-follow and entertaining content covers the latest advancements, expert interviews, hands-on demos, best practices and success stories to help you lead the charge in AI integration within your organization.
    Get ahead of the trend and learn how to harness the power of AI to drive business results - subscribe to updates and join us this summer!

  • Insights x Design is a groundbreaking podcast that bridges the siloed worlds of analytics and user experience (UX), exploring the latest research and innovations in these dynamic fields. Each episode delves into the fascinating intersection where data analytics meets user-centric design, unraveling how the two disciplines synergize to drive forward technology, business, and user engagement.

    Hosted by industry experts Andrew and Michael Madson, the podcast features interviews with leading researchers, practitioners, and thought leaders who are at the forefront of analytics and insight design.

  • Join Kelly Hopping as she explores the dynamic world of marketing leadership and the relentless pursuit of sales and marketing alignment on The NexGen CMO Podcast.

    In candid conversations with both seasoned CMOs and emerging sales and marketing talent, Kelly explores the challenges and triumphs that shape today's marketing landscape and leaders – and the strategic maneuvers that can help propel you to the forefront of B2B marketing.

    Whether you're a current CMO seeking effective team alignment strategies or a rising demand gen leader charting your career path, The NexGen CMO Podcast delivers actionable insights and innovative perspectives, ensuring you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of marketing trends.

  • Official website, visit https://brawny.ai

    Ever dream of ditching your 9-to-5 to create digital worlds? I went from zero knowledge to building an AI art empire featuring sexy hunks. Join me for the wild ride.
    Get raw insights into AI art, the LGBTQ+ community, the hustle of building a brand, and the crazy journey of a creator finding their voice. Expect laughs, unexpected inspiration, and lessons from my triumphs (and epic fails).

    If you're a creator, dreamer, or just love a good underdog story, subscribe now!

  • Hosted by Kevin Pouche, COO of K logix, Cyber Security Business interviews CISOs and other security leaders to hear their advice about the business of information security. This podcast gives our listeners actionable takeaways to help them increase the effectiveness of their security programs.

  • What if we’ve been doing the web wrong? What if, instead of mindlessly browsing, we could be thinking? What if, more than a mere collection of pages, the web could be our collective mind? Open Web Mind is a radical reinvention of the way we capture, explore and share our knowledge. Subscribe to stay in touch as it evolves.

  • The software industry has a short memory. It warps good ideas, quickly obfuscating their context and intent. Dead Code seeks to extract the good ideas from the chaos of modern software development.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ez a #MEEnet - Energetikáról egymásközt, a Magyar Elektrotechnikai Egyesület podcast csatornája. Rendszeresen visszatérő adásaink során többek között az energetikai piacot érintő kihívásokat, hálózat üzemeltetési kérdéseket, regulációs változásokat fogjuk szakértő vendégeinkkel megtárgyalni, vagy akár arról beszélgetni, hogy egy nyári zivatarban a fa alá vagy mellé biztonságosabb behúzódni. Beszélgessünk energetikáról kötetlenül, egymásközt!

    A Magyar Elektrotechnikai Egyesület 121 éves fennállása óta a megbízható villamosenergia-ellátás és -felhasználás színvonalának emelése és hatékonyságának javítása érdekében tevékenykedik, mindeközben pedig a folyamatos megújulás és fejlődés mellett kötelezte el magát.

    Törekvésünk továbbra is, hogy lépést tartva az online világgal, könnyen hozzáférhető, hatékony kommunikáció lehetőségével digitális felületet nyújtsunk mindazon szereplőknek, akik valamilyen formában részt vesznek a villamosenergia-ipar működésében, hagyományainak és értékeinek ápolásában, valamint gyakorlati fejlesztésében.

    A házigazda Dr. Vokony István, okleveles villamosmérnök, mérnök-közgazdász, summa cum laude doktorált a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen. A BME Villamos Energetika Tanszékének docense, az E.ON Digital Technology Hungary Stratégia és Architektúra osztály vezetője. Fő kutatási területe a megújuló energiaforrások rendszerintegrációs kérdései, dinamikus stabilitás vizsgálat, inercia hiányos rendszerek viselkedése. Az Energetikai Szakkollégium pártoló tagja, korábbi villamoskari alelnöke, az IEEE Power & Energy Society vezetőségi tagja. Továbbá tagja a Cigré, CIRED különböző munkacsoportjainak, az AEE-nek, a WEC magyarországi tagozatának, az Energetikai Tudományos Egyesületnek. Valamint a Magyar Elektrotechnikai Egyesület tagja 2007 óta, ahol több bizottságban dolgozott, jelenleg a Szakmai Tudományos Bizottság és a Diplomaterv és Szakdolgozat Bíráló Bizottság elnöke, az Egyesületi Elnökség tagja. Az Egyesület küldetése az elektrotechnikai szakma ismeretének, elismertségének növelése, a társadalom érzékenyítése, edukálása szűkebb és tágabb szakmai témáink iránt. Ennek nyomán 2021 elején felmerült az ötlet, hogy egy Podcast csatornát indítsunk, ahol közérthetően, de szakmailag hitelesen és érdeklődést fenntartva tárgyaljunk meg aktuális és izgalmas kérdéseket 1-1 szakértő vendég részvételével.