Hälsa och motion – Colombia – Nya podcasts

  • “Desnudando el Alma” esta creado con la intención de inspirar y brindar herramientas a las personas; mostrándoles ambas caras del éxito, todo el proceso que se pasa para alcanzar un objetivo, superar situaciones insatisfactorias, sanar y más… es un espacio dedicado a explorar las dimensiones más profundas de la vida y la conexión humana “desnudando el alma” se sumerge en conversaciones reveladoras sobre el empoderamiento, erotismo y sexualidad consciente, crecimiento personal, profesional y espiritual. 

  • Podcast de la Fundación Premio Nacional de Epilepsia Margaret Merz de Fandiño que junta muchas voluntades en torno a personas e instituciones que dignifican la calidad de vida de quienes viven con la realidad de la epilepsia en nuestro país y el mundo entero.

  • Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you ready to stop chasing impossible body standards and get off the diet roller coaster? Do you want to look and feel great without obsessing over food and doing extreme workouts? Are you ready to put yourself at the top of the priority list; so you can be and give the best version of yourself to your family? Do you want to reclaim your health and wellness and learn to love yourself along the way?

    In this podcast, you will find whole health solutions for you mind, body, and soul. You will learn realistic, sustainable ways to lose weight and improve your health. You will learn techniques and practices to improve your mindset, overall health and wellness, as well as your physique. I help women shift their focus from losing weight to improving their health. You will learn you can look and feel your best, love yourself more, and release the obsession with the number on the scale or the tags of your clothes. You will learn about the connection between health and unhealed past traumas and hurts, methods for self healing, and how to establish or strengthen a relationship with God as well as with yourself. My mission is to help other women find health and healing of the mind, body, and soul. If you are ready to become the healthiest, happiest version of you and leave behind all that hasn’t worked, then this is the podcast for you!

    #health #wellness #faith #fitness #happiness #wholehealth #nutrition #exercise #weightloss #healing #spiritualhealth #innerhealing #selfhealing

    My name is Rachelle Weiss. I am a single mother of three, a coach, channel, and healer. I have tried everything to lose weight. I have been lifting weights and exercising for over 20 years. I have done every diet, weight loss program, supplement, you name it, I have tried it. But at the end of the day, no matter how much I lost or how perfectly I stuck to whatever fad I was trying, I never felt good. I was still tired. No matter how much weight I lost I still didn’t like the way I looked. I was stressed all the time and I was worried I wasn’t the mother to my kids that I wanted to be. I realized I was way too obsessed with looking a certain way, weighing a certain weight, and just trying to live up to impossible standards. Worse, I was completely exhausting myself in the process! I finally realized it is more important to feel good and healthy. I needed to shift my focus to my overall health and not looking a certain way. I started to become more aware of how I was talking to myself and began to shift my self-talk to positive, affirming self-talk. I started to focus on food as fuel for my body, not a carrot or stick for what the scale said. I started to focus on exercise as a way to feel stronger and more energized, and it has since become a major component of my mental health as well.

    Over the years, I have established and maintained a close and strong connection to God. I have learned to develop my gifts, both spiritual and non-spiritual. I have learned spiritual and non-spiritual techniques to heal the mind, body, and soul and I want to share my knowledge and gifts with as many as possible, so they may find their own healing as well as develop their own gifts.

    Connect: [email protected]

    Link for private channeling and healing session: https://courses.faithfitnessjoy.com/offers/RWbNGRDB

    Link to Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/faith.fitness.joy 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faith.fitness.joy/#

    Website: www.faithfitnessjoy.com

  • Hosted by Marissa Szabo, a certified nutrition coach, this podcast takes a no-BS approach to covering nutrition and fitness. The fact is, diets are garbage and there are a lot of ways the health & wellness industry is actually super toxic. Marissa, along with her guests, will be laying it all out for you. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/marissa-szabo/support

  • Gaps in Carnal Knowledge is a podcast about sex-ed gone wrong and not knowing everything about sex. As adults, we are often expected to know everything there is about sexuality. I mean, we haven't had those classes since high school (or never), right??? The world of sex and sexuality is vast and growing and even the experts have to stay on top of the latest discoveries to stay relevant! How can the general public be expected to keep up? Sexuality educator, Nat Higgins, M.Ed. is obsessed with giving adults space to admit they might not know everything about sex.

  • La corporación Casa de la Mujer y la Familia - Stella Brand, es una organización que trabaja desde hace 34 años por los derechos de las mujeres en Risaralda, Colombia.

    A través del podcast "Feminismos para la vida: luchas y resistencias - Stella Brand" desarrollaremos diferentes temas sobre las mujeres desde una perspectiva interseccional y feminista.

    Les invitamos a disfrutas de nuestra primera serie, que contiene 5 episodios donde hablaremos del aborto sin tapujos con el apoyo de la Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres.

  • En este podcast hablaremos sobre qué es la PCR, sus diferentes usos, y por qué es tan importante en la actualidad mundial.

  • Вітання вам!
    В наших подкастах ми будемо розбирати медицину та все що з нею зв'язано на атоми та молекули.
    Кожен подкасти освічений кварцовими лампами та з медичними тінями.
    Кожен новий випуск це новий фахівець.

    Обіцяємо, що буде багато цікавого, нового, медичного та не тільки.

    Поки ми робимо випуски, як тільки зірка з неба падає.

    Тому до зустрічі у ваших мізках!

  • Elevate your urgent care practice with the Evidence-Based Urgentology podcast! Join hosts Tracey Davidoff, MD and Joe Toscano, MD, for engaging discussions on clinically relevant topics, centered on our peer-reviewed urgent care content. Each episode offers practical advice and expert insights from experienced urgent care clinicians, helping you stay up-to-date and equipped for every patient encounter.

  • ¿Eres urólogo, residente, fellow, paciente o familiar? ¡Entonces Uroconect es para ti! Este podcast de la Sociedad Colombiana de Urología te ofrece información fluida, relajada y directa sobre temas que te afectan en tu día a día. Aprende sobre las últimas tecnologías, tratamientos innovadores, calidad de vida y bienestar. ¡Prepara tus preguntas y acompáñanos a aprender cosas nuevas! *NUEVOS EPISODIOS LOS VIERNES CADA 15 DÍAS*

  • Welcome to Align Your Shine, the podcast that helps you see the infinite potential within yourself, to do and be anything you desire.

    In a world filled with pressure and expectations, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are and what we want.

    My goal with this podcast to help you reconnect with you inner shine and purpose, so you can create a life that truly lights you up from the inside out.

    I’m giving you all the tools the strategies and practical knowledge to unlock your full potential, so you can live a fulfilling life that finally sets you free.

  • Welcome to "Wellness for Life," the podcast where we explore holistic well-being to help you live your best life. Join Niki Wolfe, your host and functional health practitioner, as we simplify health education and provide practical tips for your unique journey to optimal well-being.

    In a world where wellness isn't one-size-fits-all, it's crucial to be informed and empowered. From exploring trends and debunking myths to sharing personal stories, "Wellness for Life" empowers you to take charge.

    Tune in to our insightful conversations and empowering stories every Monday morning.