Religion & Andlighet – Schweiz – Nya podcasts

  • Der Podcast von Jesus begegnen - Jesus erleben soll dazu dienen, um dich zu ermutigen, bewusst deinen Alltag mit Jesus zu gestalten und in seiner Nähe zu bleiben. Er soll dir zeigen, wie sehr Jesus dich liebt und ER für dich sorgt. Ich bete, dass du durch diese Impulse gesegnet wirst und immer wieder neu inspiriert wirst und dein Glaube wächst.

  • FEG Kloten online. Unsere aktuellen Predigten von überall hören. Mehr auf

  • Consider This is a podcast that explores various topics from the perspectives of the ministry staff at Sunnybrook Christian Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma. These episodes reflect some of the behind-the-scenes conversations where transparency, humor and theology intersect.

  • Wann hast du das letzte Mal nichts gemacht?

    Die meiste Zeit unseres Lebens verbringen wir gedanklich im «Autopilot-Modus»: Wir denken über die Vergangenheit nach oder planen die Zukunft. Wir sind beschäftigt und kaum im gegenwärtigen Moment präsent.

    Mit still.leben gönnen wir dir eine Pause. Komm zur Ruhe, lass dich von einem kurzen Text in die Stille führen und sei für einen Moment einfach ganz da – achtsam und präsent.

    Nach dem Motto dieser koptischen Weisheit:
    Lass deinen Mund stille sein, dann spricht dein Herz.
    Lass dein Herz stille sein, dann spricht Gott.

    still.leben ist ein Podcast von ERF Medien Schweiz in Zusammenarbeit mit
    Das Netzkloster ist ein digitaler Raum für analoge Meditation & Achtsamkeit und ein lebendiges Netzwerk von Menschen, die in urbanen Lebensbedingungen den alten Weg der Kontemplation entdecken und integrieren wollen.
    Mehr Infos:

  • oneGOD | oneKINGdom | LOVEhasaNAME
    goin' public with what is on my heart.

    ich will usälah, was uf mim Härz isch. so viel erläbt. so viel zum gäh. es isch defintiv Ziit. "koste es, was es wolle".
    unzensiärt. politisch nöd immer korrekt.
    ufrichtig. ehrlich. authentisch. usefordernd.

  • Willkommen beim brandneuen Podcast „Praktisch. Theologisch. Kirche“! In jeder Folge unterhalten sich Pfarrerin Kaja Kaiser, Doktorand Benni Limbeck und ihr Gesprächspartner Professor Michael Herbst darüber, wie Kirche heute gut funktionieren kann. In nur ca. 30 Minuten pro Folge nehmen sie dich mit auf eine spannende Reise durch kirchliche Praxis und Praktische Theologie. Dieser Podcast ist perfekt für alle, die eine Leidenschaft für ihre Kirche haben oder dafür neu entfachen möchten. In der ersten Staffel diskutieren die Drei, was es heißt, gut zu leiten.

  • Somos una radio que se interesa por el bienestar, social, física y espiritual de cada individuo, llevando mensajes de esperanza, de superación personal, dándote herramientas valiosas para que tu vida pueda ser diferente, mostrando a un Dios poderoso capaz de cambiar la vida de cualquier persona no importando cual sea su situación.
    Somos una radio que te conecta en diferentes países, diferentes lugares, en tu oficina, tu hogar pero sobre todo conectándote a la majestad del Dios todopoderoso.

  • Bienvenue à l’antenne, mon tout nouveau podcast 🌟Avec des invités ou en solo, mes thèmes de prédilection sont la Kundalini Activation, la force de vie, le cheminement vers l’éveil, la conscience, la manifestation, la créativité, le développement personnel, la pleine santé et le biohacking, la liberté financière, et bien sûr les pouvoirs de notre énergie vitale, appelée Kundalini par les maîtres indiens. Le plus souvent possible je ne coupe aucun passage, pour favoriser les échanges en toute simplicité et en toute authenticité, alors s'il-te-plaît garde ton coeur et ton esprit ouverts. Ici chacun est libre d'exprimer ses expériences et ses points-de-vue, et tu es libre de garder ce qui t'est utile et de laisser le reste.Mon intention est de partager des perles de sagesse et des trésors de vie pour éveiller les consciences, et pour inviter plus d’aisance et de fluidité dans le corps et dans la vie de chacun. Mes invités et moi proposerons aussi des outils, des explorations et des ressources pour contribuer à déposer ce qui ne sert plus, et pour déployer ton être véritable et vivre depuis l’espace du coeur 💖Dans les notes de chaque épisode, tu trouveras les liens mentionnés (site internet et/ou réseaux sociaux de l’invité, etc).Inscription à ma newsletter:ébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • The Chofetz Chaim's sefer on Shmiras Halashon, divided into a daily study of two halachos per day by the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yehuda Ze'ev Segal ZaTZa"L.

    Many have learned this daily and seen yeshuos. Many people are currently learning as a segula for their own yeshuos.

  • Kitzur Shulchan Aruch learned at a pace of one S'if per day. Practical knowledge on how to go about your daily life as a Jew.

  • Exploring Judaism’s key ideas, people, rituals and memory with Rabbi Justin Pines, CEO of JBS. To learn more about JBS, visit

  • This is a podcast showcasing women who are living life on their terms, despite what society says or what "normal" is. Most of the women showcased are entrepreneurs and provide helpful tips on how to move from where you are in life to where you desire to be. Many of these women have overcome barriers to get to where they are. This is an inspirational podcast designed to help you get to the next goal in your life no matter where you are.

  • Hi! welcome to my podcast where I will be talking about YouTube drama Weekly. New episodes every Sunday!

  • Here is a 20,000 word overview of Ramadan:
    Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and heightened devotion to Allah (God). During this holy month, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs as a means of purifying the soul, practicing self-restraint, and developing empathy for those less fortunate.
    The origins of Ramadan can be traced back to the revelation of the first verses of the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the year 610 CE. The Quran states, "The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong)" (Quran 2:185).
    Over the course of this in-depth exploration, we will delve into the rich history, traditions, and spiritual significance of Ramadan. We will examine the key rituals and practices associated with this holy month, including fasting, prayer, and charitable giving. Additionally, we will discuss the social and cultural aspects of Ramadan, as well as its impact on the lives of Muslims around the world.
    Chapter 1: The Historical and Spiritual Significance of Ramadan
    1.1 The Revelation of the Quran
    Ramadan holds a special place in Islamic history, as it marks the month in which the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). According to Islamic tradition, the revelation began on the 27th night of Ramadan, known as Laylat al-Qadr or the "Night of Power." The Quran describes this night as being "better than a thousand months" (Quran 97:3), emphasizing its immense spiritual significance.
    The revelation of the Quran during Ramadan highlights the importance of this month as a time for spiritual reflection and connection with the divine. Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of Allah, and its revelation marks the beginning of Islam as a religion.
    1.2 The Importance of Fasting
    Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, along with the declaration of faith (Shahada), prayer (Salah), charitable giving (Zakat), and pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). The Quran instructs Muslims to fast during Ramadan, stating, "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous" (Quran 2:183).
    The act of fasting serves several spiritual purposes. First and foremost, it is an act of worship and submission to Allah. By abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs, Muslims demonstrate their devotion and obedience to their Creator. Fasting also serves as a means of spiritual purification, helping Muslims develop self-discipline, empathy, and gratitude.
    Moreover, fasting is believed to have numerous physical and mental health benefits. It can help individuals develop healthier eating habits, promote weight loss, and improve overall well-being. The act of fasting also encourages Muslims to be more mindful of their actions and thoughts, leading to increased self-awareness and personal growth.
    1.3 The Spiritual Significance of Ramadan
    Ramadan is a time of heightened spirituality and devotion for Muslims. During this month, Muslims are encouraged to increase their acts of worship, such as prayer, recitation of the Quran, and charity. Many Muslims also choose to perform additional voluntary prayers, such as Tarawih, which are offered congregationally in mosques every night of Ramadan.
    The spiritual significance of Ramadan lies in its ability to bring Muslims closer to Allah and foster a sense of community and unity among believers. Through increased acts of worship and devotion, Muslims seek to strengthen their faith and deepen their connection with their Creator.
    Ramadan is also an opportunity for Muslims to seek forgiveness for their sins and to make amends with others. The Quran states, "And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous" (Quran 3:133). This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking forgiveness and striving for righteousness during Ramadan and beyond.
    Chapter 2: The Rituals and Practices of Ramadan
    2.1 Fasting: Rules and Exemptions
    The primary ritual associated with Ramadan is fasting. Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking, and sexual relations from dawn until sunset each day of the month. The fast begins with a pre-dawn meal called Suhoor and ends with a post-sunset meal called Iftar.
    However, there are certain exemptions from fasting. Children who have not reached puberty, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, travelers, and those who are ill or have chronic medical conditions are exempt from fasting. In some cases, individuals who are unable to fast due to temporary circumstances, such as menstruation or recovery from illness, are required to make up the missed fasts at a later date.
    Fasting during Ramadan is not merely a physical act; it also encompasses spiritual and moral dimensions. Muslims are encouraged to avoid engaging in sinful behavior, such as lying, gossiping, or engaging in arguments. Instead, they are encouraged to focus on acts of worship, kindness, and charity.
    2.2 Prayer and Tarawih
    In addition to fasting, prayer is another essential ritual during Ramadan. Muslims are required to perform five daily prayers throughout the year, but during Ramadan, many choose to perform additional voluntary prayers.
    One of the most significant voluntary prayers during Ramadan is Tarawih. Tarawih prayers are performed congregationally in mosques every night of the month, typically after the last obligatory prayer of the day, Isha. These prayers can last for several hours and involve the recitation of large portions of the Quran.
    The practice of Tarawih prayers originated during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet would perform lengthy prayers during the night in Ramadan, and his companions would join him. Today, Tarawih prayers serve as a means of spiritual reflection and connection with the divine, as well as a way for Muslims to come together as a community.
    2.3 Recitation of the Quran
    Ramadan is also a time when Muslims focus on the recitation and study of the Holy Quran. Many Muslims aim to read the entire Quran during the month, often by dividing it into 30 equal parts, one for each day of Ramadan.
    The recitation of the Quran during Ramadan is considered a highly meritorious act, and Muslims believe that the rewards for reciting the Quran are multiplied during this month. The Quran states, "Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend [in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, [can] expect a profit that will never perish" (Quran 35:29).
    In addition to personal recitation, many mosques hold daily Quran study circles, where Muslims gather to read and discuss the meaning and teachings of the Quran. These gatherings provide an opportunity for Muslims to deepen their understanding of their faith and to learn from one another.
    2.4 Charity and Zakat al-Fitr
    Charitable giving is another essential practice during Ramadan. Muslims are encouraged to be more generous and to give to those in need, as the rewards for charity are believed to be multiplied during this month. The Quran states, "Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned" (Quran 2:245).
    One specific form of charity that is obligatory during Ramadan is Zakat al-Fitr. This is a small donation that every Muslim is required to give before the end of Ramadan, typically in the form of food staples such as rice, wheat, or barley. The purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to ensure that all Muslims, regardless of their economic status, can participate in the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, the festival that marks the end of Ramadan.
    In addition to Zakat al-Fitr, many Muslims choose to give additional voluntary charity during Ramadan. This can take the form of monetary donations to charitable organizations, food donations to those in need, or acts of service to the community.
    Chapter 3: Social and Cultural Aspects of Ramadan
    3.1 Iftar and Community Gatherings
    One of the most significant social aspects of Ramadan is the daily breaking of the fast, known as Iftar. Muslims gather with family and friends to share a meal together after sunset, often in large community gatherings at mosques or other public spaces.
    Iftar is a time for socializing, sharing food, and celebrating the blessings of Ramadan. It is common for mosques and community organizations to host large Iftar meals, where hundreds or even thousands of people may come together to break their fast.
    These community gatherings serve several purposes. They provide an opportunity for Muslims to come together and strengthen their sense of unity and brotherhood. They also serve as a means of reaching out to non-Muslims and promoting interfaith understanding and dialogue.
    3.2 Ramadan Traditions Around the World
    While the basic rituals and practices of Ramadan are consistent across the Muslim world, there are also many unique cultural traditions associated with the month. These traditions vary widely from country to country, reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of the Muslim community.
    For example, in Egypt, it is traditional to hang colorful lanterns called Fanous Ramadan from buildings and streets during the month. In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, it is common for people to gather at mosques fo

  • Série d'entretiens menés par Louis Pernot, pasteur au temple protestant de l'Étoile à Paris 17e, avec des personnalités de la société civile.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • For years, Drisha has been offering Torah classes on the weekly parshiyot, from a variety of teachers and in a variety of formats. Pod Hashavua brings you all our parashah-based divrei torah and classes, from our earliest recordings through our contemporary shiurim.

  • An in depth learning of Nach 5 days a week with Dovid Stern

    The shiur is given as a Zchus
    לעילוי נשמת יחזקאל שרגא ע״ה בן יבלח״ט אברהם יהודה נ״י

  • שיעורים אקטואליים על פרשת השבוע מפי הרב יהושע ויצמן ראש ישיבת ההסדר מעלות

  • Have you ever wondered why a particular Mantra has to be chanted at a specific time of the day? Or why do we pray to a God or Goddess on a particular day of the week? Through Chants of India by Sriram, your host Sriram will help you in understanding the significance of selected chants from the Vedas. Discover how positive energies can be channeled in our every day life, through chanting of these Mantras.Subscribe to our Telegram Channel by visiting to learn more about our other podcasts including Baalgatha, Myths, Legends and Fairytales of India, and MyKitaab.