Vetenskap – Belgien – Nya podcasts

  • Sei il Lupo racconta il ciclo di vita, le esperienze e le emozioni di un lupo dal punto di vista del lupo stesso. 
    La relazione con i suoi simili, con il territorio, con gli altri animali che lo abitano e quella millenaria con l’Essere Umano, sono al centro di una narrazione che vuole coinvolgere per stimolare all'approfondimento e, soprattutto, a una migliore convivenza. 
    L'interpretazione è affidata alla voce di Francesco Migliaccio, i contenuti di approfondimento sono di Laura Scillitani. 
    Il podcast è stato realizzato con il contributo finanziario del programma a LIFE, strumento finanziario dell'Unione Europea, tutti i dettagli al seguente link:โ€ฏ 
    Di seguito l'elenco completo di tutti i 20 partner: 
    Progetto LIFE WOLFALPS EU (Life 18 NAT/IT/000972 - Azione E5). LIFE WolfAlps EU è un progetto europeo finanziato nell’ambito del programma LIFE Natura e Biodiversità, che beneficia del supporto di sei co-finanziatori. L’obiettivo è migliorare la coesistenza fra il lupo e le persone che vivono e lavorano sulle Alpi e nel corridoio appenninico Ligure-Piemontese, costruendo e realizzando soluzioni condivise insieme ai portatori di interesse. Il progetto coinvolge un partenariato internazionale di 20 Enti ed è attivo dal 1 settembre 2019 al 30 settembre 2024. 

  • Een podcast over onderzoek in het dagelijkse leven. Bezoek mee een gevangenis, krijg tips om vechtscheidingen te voorkomen en luister hoe onderzoekers van de Associatie Universiteit-Hogescholen Limburg de wereld helpen verbeteren.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Plant People explores the ways our relationships with plants are tied to current environmental issues, and how art and culture reflect our connection to the ecosystems we rely on to thrive.

    Through lively stories and conversations with scientists, gardeners, artists, and experts, join the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) for deep dives into everything from food systems and horticulture to botanical breakthroughs in the lab and the field, and the many ways our daily lives are sustained by plants. Then stay for discussions on how we can return the favor, protecting what we haveโ€”and cultivating what we needโ€”to ensure plants and people continue to support each other for future generations.

    Host Jennifer Bernstein, NYBGโ€™s President & CEO, guides you through the role of humans in caring for our shared planet, whether youโ€™re in your backyard garden, tending a window sill full of houseplants, or finding your love of nature in a concrete jungle. Let NYBGโ€”rooted in NYCโ€™s cultural fabric for over 130 years and a beloved respite in the heart of the Bronx, the cityโ€™s greenest boroughโ€”be your anchor for understanding how plants make a difference in your life, and our world, every single dayโ€”in ways both big and small.

    Listen and subscribe to Plant People every two weeks starting May 20, 2024.

  • In ‘tussen pod en vijzel, de KAVA Podcast’ bevragen we gasten, vaak apothekers, op een vlotte manier over actuele thema’s en dit steeds vanuit originele invalshoeken en afgewisseld met een persoonlijke noot.
    Vragen, suggesties of opmerkingen? [email protected]

  • Over Psychiatrie wordt veel gezegd én gezwegen. Dr. Jules Tielens (1960) biedt een praktische kijk in de wereld van psychiatrie. Vergezeld door psychiatrisch verpleegkundigen Lieke & Pip, verkennen ze in iedere aflevering een specifieke pathologie. Praktische tips, herkenbare verhalen en pakkende casuistiek. Voor patienten, familieleden en zeker ook professionals. Professionals die betrokken zijn vanuit alle zorg-gerelateerde specialisten. Van politie-agenten, ambulant begeleiders, verpleegkundigen tot beginnende dokters. Wees welkom om te leren en neem contact met ons op als je vragen hebt.

    Interesse in lezingen of masterclasses van Jules Tielens? Vragen of reacties naar aanleiding van de podcast? Neem contact met ons op via

  • Via 'Goed Ziek' zoeken we naar een zorgsysteem dat écht werkt voor iedereen. Samen met boeiende gasten duiken Eline Van Hollebeke en Tim Peeters in patiëntenpaden en het gezondheidssysteem eromheen. Want laten we eerlijk zijn, soms is dat ‘goed ziek’. Gelukkig zijn er in elk traject ook lichtpuntjes. Luister en ontdek hoe jij als patiënt, naaste of professional kan meebouwen aan de zorg van de toekomst.

  • Welkom bij de Urban Connectors Podcast - dรฉ hub voor professionals en burgers die gepassioneerd zijn door stadsontwikkeling en duurzame transities.
    In elke aflevering gaat Karim, je host, in gesprek met een inspirerende gast. Ze verkennen hoe ze mensen, expertises en sectoren verbinden om bij te dragen aan duurzame veranderingen en om de bloei van onze steden en buurten te bevorderen.
    Of je nu een beleidsmaker, overheidsmedewerker, ondernemer, projectontwikkelaar, betrokken burger, onderzoeker, klimaatexpert of ontwerper bent, de Urban Connectors Podcast biedt je een platform waar ideeรซn worden gedeeld, inzichten worden vergroot en verbindingen worden gesmeed.

  • I am a biologist, mother and educator and Natural Scientist is my passion project. I’m on a mission to:
    ๐Ÿงฌ Cultivate curiosity.
    ๐ŸŒฟ Make sustainability and science simple.
    ๐ŸŒ Implement & teach permaculture.

    Ils, Elles... sont naturalistes, gardes-forestiers, artistes, thérapeutes, activistes, chercheurs, charpentiers… voire même politiques ! Chacune et chacun partage le même engagement : celui d’oeuvrer corps et âme à la vie de la forêt, avec et pour les arbres…

    Ce podcast donne la parole aux gardiens et aux défenseurs des forêts. Qu’ils soient porte-voix célèbres ou anonymes, boucliers humains, chamanes ambassadeurs, ces hommes et ces femmes nous inspirent une autre manière d’être… plus consciente, plus reliée. On dit souvent que l’on entend le bruit de l’arbre qui tombe, mais jamais celui des forêts qui poussent. Et pourtant elles sont là. Nous Sommes Forêt ? Ses graines d’avenir nous tracent un autre chemin.
    Bon voyage au coeur des arbres et de la sève qui poussent en nous.
    Ensemble, Nous Sommes Forêt !

  • Welcome to the Conservationists Assemble!

    The Conservationists Assemble was created to take the fight to wildlife’s biggest villain, X-Tinction.

    Join Captain Conservation each week as he unites with another of Earth’s mightiest heroes as they discuss super powers and abilities of the planet’s epic species.

    Prepare for battle as they encounter X-Tinction’s armies (threats to wildlife and habitats) that threaten global biodiversity.

    Rally with Captain Conservation as he searches far and wide for allies to team up with from zoos, governments and organisations on the front lines of conservation.

    Tune in and listen to our heroes’ origin storiesThe Conservationists Assemble was created to take the fight to wildlife’s biggest villain, X-Tinction.

    Join Captain Conservation each week as he unites with another of Earth’s mightiest heroes as they discuss super powers and abilities of the planet’s epic species.

    Prepare for battle as they encounter X-Tinction’s armies (threats to wildlife and habitats) that threaten global biodiversity.

    Rally with Captain Conservation as he searches far and wide for allies to team up with from zoos, governments and organisations on the front lines of conservation.

    Tune in and listen to our heroes’ origin stories and be inspired to create your own origin story to help save our planet’s species and habitats.

    Will you join the fight? Subscribe to the podcast and follow on social media to be a part of the Conservationists Assemble movement!

  • Sleepy Nature is a podcast that features the soothing sounds of nature, carefully curated to help you relax and fall asleep. Each episode takes you on a peaceful journey through various natural landscapes, such as forests, oceans, and mountains, as you listen to the gentle sounds of birds chirping, waves crashing, and leaves rustling in the wind.
    The podcast is designed to help you unwind and destress after a long day, and it provides the perfect background noise for a peaceful night's sleep. Whether you struggle with insomnia, anxiety, or just want to improve the quality of your sleep, Sleepy Nature can help you achieve a deeper, more restful slumber.
    So if you're looking for a calming and rejuvenating way to end your day, tune in to Sleepy Nature and let the sounds of nature transport you to a state of total relaxation.
    Your Sleepy Nature. Sweet Dreams!

  • Twee keer per jaar live op het podium van Ha Concerts en nu ook als podcast: de Denk Zorg-avonden van het UZ Gent.

    In deze reeks zetten zorgverleners, wetenschappers, filosofen en artiesten het mes in medisch-ethische thema’s. Ze reflecteren over leven en dood, ziekte en gezondheid, kwetsbaarheid en pijn. Waar woorden tekortschieten, neemt de muziek het over.

  • Welcome to 'Biomedical Frontiers: Stories with Innovators in Healthcare,' a podcast produced by the University of Virginia's Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research.

    Biomedical Frontiers is a forum for in-depth discussions at the intersection of healthcare technology and translational research. We feature leading voices from the University of Virginia community and the broader biomedical industry. Each episode explores pivotal research projects and disruptive innovations aimed at translating scientific advancements into tangible healthcare solutions. Rooted in the Coulter Center's mission, this podcast seeks to dissect the methodologies and implications of explicitly translational research, examining their potential to reshape medical practice and patient outcomes.

    Join us on this intellectual voyage, where we unravel the complexity of biomedical innovation, fostering a deeper understanding of its impact on healthcare and the broader scientific community. Notable guests of the podcast include Dr. Nathan Price, Chief Science Officer of Thorne Health and co-author of The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, Data Rich and in Your Hands, Dr. Natasha Sheybani, a pioneering researcher in Focused Ultrasound Immunotherapy and the winner of Forbes 30 under 30 in Science, and Dr. Jennifer West, University of Virginiaโ€™s Dean of the School of Engineering.


    Director & Host: Dasha Tyshlek, StratCraft, Inc.

    Executive Producer: David Chen, Managing Director & Instructor of Engineering Design, UVA Coulter Center

    Senior Producer: Hannah Moore, Associate Director, UVA Coulter Center

    Design Director: Carolyn Wagner, Inc. & Link:


    Produced by the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research at University of Virginia.

  • ‘Translating Proteomics’ explores the science of proteomics and its growing impact on biological research, biomarker discovery, drug development, food and energy security, and a range of other timely topics.โ€ฏHosts Parag Mallick Ph.D. and Andreas Huhmer Ph.D. of Nautilus Biotechnology aim to share their perspectives on important issues in proteomics, deepen your love of science, and prompt you to question assumptions about what may be possible.

  • Dans ce podcast, nous explorons comment la biologie influence notre santé et nos choix nutritionnels. Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions enrichissantes avec des experts, visant à comprendre et soulager vos inconforts chroniques grâce à une nutrition personnalisée.

  • Itโ€™s the podcast where neuroscientist and author, Dr Dean Burnett (The Idiot Brain, Psycho-logical) and his oldest friend in the world, Simon Feeley (some guff on BBC radios 4 and Wales, years ago) present each other with things, things they find confusing and perplexing, and have a little chat about them. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Par interprétation, c'est le podcast qui revient sur l'actualité des publications sociologiques du Centre Max Weber.

    À chaque épisode, des membres du laboratoire viendront vous présenter une de leur récente enquête. Les thèmes de recherches, comme les formats, seront variés avec une attention portée aux nouveaux modes d'écriture de la recherche en sciences sociales !

    Une émission animée par Amaury Castino, chargé de médiation scientifique au Centre Max Weber.

  • In de podcast “Societal Shifts” praten we met VUB-wetenschappers over de directe impact van hun (pioniers)werk op de samenleving. Hoe hebben hun ideeën de wetenschap gevormd? Waar drukken ze hun stempel? En waar gaat het heen?
    “Societal Shifts” daagt de luisteraar uit om zélf te gaan nadenken over complexe topics zoals AI, celtherapie of sustainability en biedt de luisteraar verschillende perspectieven.