Belgien – Nya podcasts

  • Leuteren over films is iets wat wij allebei graag doen. Daarom dachten we: "we doen eens zot" en voordat we het wisten hadden we er een podcast over gemaakt.

    Neem het niet al te serieus :)))

  • Just two gals who talk about movies...loudly. And we're sorry for the language.

  • Impala Films presents Second Take Cinema, a movie review podcast in which indie filmmakers give a second chance to films they've seen previously and try to see the good in the bad, the flaws in the good and see if some films can be improved with minor changes.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Whether you are a seasoned investor, a dedicated enthusiast in bitcoin mining, or a newcomer seeking deeper insights, Power Mining Analysis serves as the paramount resource for staying informed in the dynamic realm of Bitcoin Mining. Initiate your journey towards innovation and excellence with Power Mining Analysis, as we extend an invitation for you to embrace the future.

  • GM GM,

    Bienvenue sur le CLONECAST, je suis 0xmonsieur, investisseur et passionné du web 3 !
    Cette émission est dédiée aux acteurs de ce space afin de découvrir leur parcours et d'apprendre de leur expérience.

    Les sujets évoqués ne sont en aucun cas un conseil en investissement, faites toujours vos propres recherches dans cet environnement volatile.

    On se retrouve de l'autre côté pour un nouvel épisode...

  • Owl Explains is a proud project of the Ava Labs Legal team that is committed to helping policymakers break through hype and navigate the blockchain world. Owl Explains hosts podcasts with industry leaders seeking to build a better Internet. Check out our Twitter @OwlExplains, and visit our website, where you will find practical explainers, quizzes, and more fun resources on all things Web3.

  • Deze podcast gaat over maifesteren, breathwork, plantmedicijnen en mindset.

  • ๐Ÿ™Namasté et bienvenue dans le podcast d’Enthéos, la communauté pour vivre sa spiritualité en toute légèreté! โœจ โœจโœจ

    Je suis Ariane Riveros, votre facilitatrice de l’Essentiel, et vous écoutez ”Je ne suis pas fou, mais…”, le podcast qui explore la conscience infinie et part à la découverte de phénomènes dits “inexpliqués”... mais pas totalement “inexplicables” comme vous le verrez grâce à ces témoignages décomplexés. ๐ŸŽค

    Ici, pas de vérité absolue, que des pistes du champ des possibles. ๐ŸŒˆ Prenez ce qui résonne en vous ! ๐Ÿซถ

    Ensemble, explorons la Magie de l’Univers ๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ’ซ๐ŸŒŸ

  • Your safe space where we talk all things self-development, self-expansion & self-mastery on the path of remembering, embodying and sharing our lights. โœจ๐Ÿซง๐Ÿชฝ

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • See what a nine year age gap will get you talking about all things from a perspective of living while black in America. A brother and sister duo talking about life, love, politics, finance, travel, art and everything that is living while black in America and the world. Listen in and be part of the conversation.

  • FOCUS un regard sur l'actualitรฉ culturelle et sociale

  • Barbara Rush: A Luminary of the Silver Screen
    Barbara Rush, an American actress whose career spanned over six decades, left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. Born on January 4, 1927, in Denver, Colorado, Rush grew up in Santa Barbara, California, where her love for acting blossomed. Her journey from a young, aspiring actress to a Hollywood luminary is a tale of talent, dedication, and resilience.
    Early Life and Education Barbara Rush was born to Roy and Muriel Rush. Her father worked as a lawyer, while her mother was a homemaker. Growing up, Rush was drawn to the performing arts and actively participated in school plays. Her passion for acting led her to study at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she majored in drama.
    During her college years, Rush honed her acting skills and caught the attention of talent scouts. Her striking beauty and undeniable talent opened doors for her in the entertainment industry. In 1948, she made her stage debut in the play "The Night of January 16th" at the Pasadena Playhouse, a renowned theater company known for launching the careers of many Hollywood stars.
    Rise to Stardom Rush's performance at the Pasadena Playhouse was a turning point in her career. She signed a contract with Paramount Pictures in 1950 and made her film debut in the western "The Goldbergs" (1950). Her breakthrough role came in 1951 when she starred opposite Paul Newman in the historical drama "The First Legion." Rush's portrayal of a young woman grappling with faith and love earned her critical acclaim and established her as a rising star.
    Throughout the 1950s, Rush appeared in numerous films, showcasing her versatility as an actress. She starred in the science fiction classic "When Worlds Collide" (1951), the film noir "Strangers on a Train" (1951), and the romantic comedy "The Magnificent Yankee" (1950). Her performances in these films demonstrated her ability to adapt to various genres and captivate audiences with her screen presence.
    One of Rush's most memorable roles was in the 1953 film "It Came from Outer Space," a groundbreaking science fiction movie directed by Jack Arnold. Rush played the lead role of Ellen Fields, a schoolteacher who encounters extraterrestrial life. The film was one of the first to feature aliens as sympathetic characters and showcased Rush's ability to convey a wide range of emotions, from fear to compassion.
    Television Success In addition to her film career, Rush made a significant impact on the television industry. She made her television debut in 1954 in an episode of the anthology series "The Ford Television Theatre." Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, she appeared in numerous television shows, including "The Twilight Zone," "Playhouse 90," and "The Outer Limits."
    Rush's most notable television role came in 1962 when she starred in the sitcom "Peyton Place." The show, based on the controversial novel by Grace Metalious, was groundbreaking for its time, addressing taboo subjects such as sexual promiscuity, incest, and abortion. Rush played the role of Grace Metalious, the author of the novel, and received critical acclaim for her performance. The show ran for five seasons and solidified Rush's status as a television icon.
    Personal Life and Philanthropy Beyond her acting career, Barbara Rush was known for her personal life and philanthropic endeavors. She was married three times, first to actor Jeffrey Hunter from 1950 to 1955, then to publicist Warren Cowan from 1959 to 1969, and finally to sculptor Jim Gruzalski from 1970 to 1973. Rush had two children, Christopher Hunter and Claudia Cowan, both of whom followed in their mother's footsteps and pursued careers in the entertainment industry.
    Rush was also deeply committed to various charitable causes. She was a strong advocate for animal rights and supported organizations such as the American Humane Association and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). Additionally, she was involved with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and worked to raise awareness about child welfare issues.
    Later Career and Legacy As Rush's career progressed, she continued to take on challenging roles in both film and television. In the 1970s, she starred in the horror film "The Stunt Man" (1980) opposite Peter O'Toole, and appeared in the television miniseries "The Seekers" (1979) and "Scruples" (1980). Her later film credits include "Hocus Pocus" (1993) and "Strangers with Candy" (2005), demonstrating her ability to captivate audiences across generations.
    Rush's contributions to the entertainment industry did not go unnoticed. She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1960, cementing her status as a true Hollywood icon. In 1954, she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for her performance in the film "Magnificent Obsession," a testament to her acting prowess.
    Beyond her accolades, Rush's legacy lies in her ability to inspire and pave the way for future generations of actresses. Her grace, talent, and dedication to her craft served as a model for aspiring performers. Rush's career demonstrated that with hard work and perseverance, one could achieve success in the competitive world of entertainment.
    Conclusion Barbara Rush's life and career were a testament to the power of passion, talent, and resilience. From her early days at the Pasadena Playhouse to her iconic roles in film and television, Rush left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Her ability to captivate audiences across various genres and mediums showcased her versatility and skill as an actress.
    Beyond her on-screen achievements, Rush's personal life and philanthropic endeavors revealed a woman committed to making a difference in the world. Her support for animal rights and child welfare issues demonstrated her compassion and desire to use her platform for good.
    As we reflect on Barbara Rush's extraordinary life and career, we are reminded of the impact that one person can have on an industry and the world at large. Her legacy continues to inspire generations of actresses and fans alike, serving as a reminder of the enduring power of storytelling and the magic of the silver screen.
    In a career spanning over six decades, Barbara Rush proved that with talent, dedication, and a passion for one's craft, anything is possible. Her contributions to film, television, and philanthropy will forever be remembered, and her legacy will continue to shine brightly in the annals of Hollywood history. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • DieKiest is een Podcast waarin vragen worden beantwoord en af en toe mensen worden geïnterviewd. Het is een nuttige en educatieve podcast. Wat je leeftijd ook is, je leert er altijd iets van. (Het word aanbevolen om DieKiest op Spotify te luisteren).

  • To Be Honest (for a second) is a weekly entertainment podcast starring Maddie Wood and Harriet Gaye where they cover the hottest topics in pop culture. Want to listen to a podcast that feels like you’re gossiping with your best friends? Then tune in every Thursday!

  • Au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Marguerite est une jeune femme, modiste et résistante. Elle a 25 ans quand elle est arrêtée par la Gestapo. Trois cent soixante-sept jours plus tard, elle est libérée de la prison de Saint-Gilles, à Bruxelles. Une captivité qui ne se résume pas à la souffrance. Marguerite, courageuse et résiliente, ne se laisse pas abattre.

    Grâce aux extraits d’un entretien enregistré en 2002 par l’association "Les Compagnons de la Mémoire", Marguerite nous raconte son histoire et son incroyable destin, à travers 7 épisodes.

    Franche, directe, mais toujours polie, Marguerite, alors âgée de 85 ans, reste fidèle à elle-même. De sa boutique de chapeaux jusqu’à ses actes de Résistance aux côtés de son fiancé Joseph, Marguerite nous dévoile les coulisses de la lutte clandestine contre l'Occupation nazie en Belgique.

    À la réalisation de ce podcast, Constance, petite-fille de Marguerite, donne vie à cet héritage familiale et à ce précieux témoignage historique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Porté par la voix vibrante de Marguerite et enrichi par des lettres, attestations officielles et autres archives précieuses, ce podcast est bien plus qu'un simple témoignage. C'est aussi un hommage poignant à toutes les Femmes Résistantes qui ont œuvré dans l'ombre pour la liberté de leur pays.

    Une série au plus près de la vie quotidienne en Belgique occupée durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à travers le regard et la voix inoubliable de Marguerite Monin.

    Réalisation : Constance HAUTIER

    Réalisation sonore : Jonathan REMY et Marcellino COSTENARO

    Musique originale : Fred JANNIN

    Production : Zoé BOS

  • Twee keer per jaar live op het podium van Ha Concerts en nu ook als podcast: de Denk Zorg-avonden van het UZ Gent.

    In deze reeks zetten zorgverleners, wetenschappers, filosofen en artiesten het mes in medisch-ethische thema’s. Ze reflecteren over leven en dood, ziekte en gezondheid, kwetsbaarheid en pijn. Waar woorden tekortschieten, neemt de muziek het over.

  • Waar voel jij je thuis? Het is een vraag waarop het antwoord een plaats, een mens, een ding maar ook een geur of een uitzicht kan zijn. Zoveel mensen, zoveel verschillende antwoorden. En zijn die BV’s thuis dezelfde als wij ze kennen? Of scheelt er een introverte huismus in die luidruchtige entertainer die wij kennen? Een handige harry in die erudiete prof? Een grapjurk in die ernstige kunstenaar? Anja komt het allemaal te weten in 'Als de muren konden praten'.

  • Welke tijdeloze platen mogen gespeeld worden tijdens jouw begrafenis? Joris Hessels vraagt het aan bekende Vlamingen. Ze kijken terug op het leven via hun muzikaal afscheid. Hoe zullen we ons hen herinneren? En wat vertellen de verrassende keuzes die zij maken voor hun eigen Last Goodbye? Je krijgt een unieke inkijk in de harten en drijfveren van Joris' gasten.

  • Communicating Democracy: the EuroPCom podcast on public communication explores the dynamic relationships between media, communication and democracy. Journalist Evi Kiorri meets with communication experts from local, regional, national & European level and explores their insights & best pratices when it comes to successful communication strategies. #Public communication #Democracy Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

  • Loop je jezelf als ambitieuze vrouw een beetje voorbij? Twijfel je soms over jouw waarde als leidinggevende, als ondernemende vrouw, moeder, collega, vriendin, dromer,...? Dan is deze podcast iets voor jou. Ik ben Linske Brood, coach in de natuur, expert in leven op je eigen ritme en mateloos geรฏnteresseerd in jouw grenzen, jouw cyclus en jouw goud. Ik help ambitieuze vrouwen zien wat ze waard zijn en in deze podcast geef ik antwoord op de vragen die in mijn coachpraktijk het vaakst aan bod komen. Samen zetten we je twijfels en schuldgevoel opzij en ga je vol goesting en vertrouwen voor een droomleven op jouw ritme.