Utbildning – Argentina – Nya podcasts

  • Da un paso adelante hacia tu futuro laboral con "Expande tu Potencial", el podcast de MCampus Comunidad, la plataforma educativa libre y gratuita de Arcos Dorados. Aquí, obtendrás valiosos consejos y herramientas prácticas para enfrentar el mundo laboral actual. En cada episodio explora temas como inteligencia emocional, sostenibilidad empresarial y el impacto de la inteligencia artificial.
    Únete a nuestra comunidad y prepárate para alcanzar tu máximo potencial.
    Ingresa a https://recetadelfuturo.com/cursos-libres/⁠⁠ y conoce todos los cursos disponibles.

  • Vamos a explorar el vibrante mundo del español argentino en un nivel intermedio/avanzado. Desde el lunfardo hasta las costumbres culturales, vas a descubrir todo sobre Argentina con nuestro acento y jerga. Sumate para aprender mientras te sumergís en la rica diversidad de mi país. ¡Español argentino 100% real!

  • Pick your choice of executive research studies and you’ll find that most of the C-suite say that the gap between the employee talent they currently have and the skills that are needed is what keeps them up at night. Executives are being forced to boldly question long-held assumptions about how work should be done, who should do it, and the role of the physical office and technology solutions.

    That’s why Blended Workforces are one of the hottest talent strategies today.  For those who don’t know, blended workforces are when employers use a mix of traditional employees with external resources like independent contractors, consultants, vendors, and technology- all in the hopes of enhancing competitiveness, ensuring cost flexibility, and expediting business goals. This sounds like a no-brainer, right?  Well, it’s not as easy as it seems.

    Unfortunately, effectively leading and managing blended workforces is very dynamic and complex, and has been overlooked by MBA programs and in-house corporate training departments. But now the topic of blended workforces has its own home!

    Subscribe to the podcast and tune in each week as we navigate how to go about up-leveling and optimizing blended workforces to do their best work. We’ll focus on supporting both sides of the table:
    - First, by helping employers unpack best practices to implement and blind spots to avoid when infusing a blended workforce strategy that will enable their ability to quickly adapt to changing business demands, as needed.
    - And on the flipside, we aim to help the wild, wild west of contractors and suppliers out there, by providing insights on how to master the critical success factors that will improve their chances of finding and landing lucrative contract opportunities.

    So, no matter if you are the head of HR, a C-Suite leader, a business executive, in Finance or procurement, or a product or service provider, this podcast is for you.  Welcome to our family and bring a friend, because it's time for all of us to get smarter about Blended Workforces @Work!

    Blended Workforces at Work Website: http://BlendedWorkforcesAtWork.com

    SDL the go-to firm companies trust when needing to supplement their in-house HR teams with contract or interim HR, Learning and Culture experts to assist with business-critical People initiatives during peak periods of work. Visit https://shockinglydifferent.com to learn more.

  • Sponsored by ASTERRA and IMAGINE H2O, and Fluid Analytics The Water Entrepreneur podcast program features a series of interviews exploring the origin stories of startup founders, early adopters and innovation champions related to their personal, professional, technical, business, organizational and financial journeys. We will explore how the guests decided to get into the water business, who their mentors are, who inspired them to become entrepreneurs and how they selected a technology to develop from an idea to an invention and finally to a commercially viable innovation. You will hear how they raised funding for their company, selected markets to pursue, navigated organizational hierarchies and evolved as their company grew. They will describe their struggles and successes and explain why they are having the most fun of their lives.

  • Este manual contiene información importante sobre los beneficios del Programa de Seguro de Desempleo.

  • Ben Ozan Ulaş. Hayatın içerisinde yaşadığım anlarda yakaladığım anlamları anlamaya devam ederken hayat amacımı gerçekleştiriyorum. Adımın ne ifade ettiğini yıllar sonra keşfettim. Hiç gitmediğim yerlere ulaşacak ve anlatılacak bir hikaye yazıyorum. Şimdi, şu an ve burada bu yolculuğu dinliyorsunuz!

  • ¿Porqué nos aferramos al amor que duele, que lastima y pincha como aguja en el corazón?

  • Acá vas a encontrar historias de mi vida o cotidianas que suelo ver o vivir, trato de interpretarlas y buscar la mejor solución a todo. Siempre poniendo lo mejor de uno o al menos eso es lo que uno intenta. Te invito a escuchar y sacar tu conclusión a los hechos, tal vez hasta pensas como yo o no que es lo mas normal.

  • Un podcast dedicado a explorar los senderos del autoconocimiento y la transformación personal. En cada episodio, Caro Zabalza actúa como un puente que conecta a los oyentes con sus propios mundos internos, guiándolos a través de conversaciones profundas y reflexiones inspiradoras. Este podcast es una invitación a emprender un camino de introspección, ofreciendo herramientas y reflexiones para aquellos que buscan profundizar en su desarrollo personal y crecimiento espiritual.

  • "Enciende tu Negocio" es un viaje transformador para emprendedores y dueños de negocios que buscan alinear su propósito de vida con su éxito empresarial. Acompaña a Nicolás Gunilla en este podcast lleno de inspiración, donde exploramos las profundidades del emprendimiento y el crecimiento personal. Descubre estrategias, historias y reflexiones que te ayudarán a encender la llama del cambio, superar desafíos y alcanzar nuevas alturas en tu negocio. ¡Únete a nosotros y transforma tu miedo y oscuridad en el combustible de tu éxito!

  • Mi nombre es Jonas y os doy la bienvenida al Podcast Somos Equilibrio. En Somos Equilibrio nos dedicamos a proporcionar orientación, herramientas y recursos que ayuden al hombre, a la mujer, al ser humano a potenciar su bienestar físico, mental, emocional y espiritual, tanto para su beneficio personal como para el de su comunidad.

    Contacta con Jonas

    Si sientes la vocacion o el llamado de ayudar a los demás, podemos charlar y grabar un episodio juntos.

    ​Contactame al email: [email protected]

    Escribe como asunto del email: "Colaboración por el Bienestar"

    Instagram: @ser_pura_vida

    Website: www.ser-puravida.com

    Youtube: Somos Equilibrio

  • He intentado emprender de muchas formas y al final todas han fracasado, así que mejor decidí rendirme y dejar de pelear en contra del universo...

    Supongo que cuando no es para ti, ni aunque te pongas...

    Te invito a que me acompañes a ordenar mi mente mientras ordenamos juntas la vida ☺️✨🩷

  • Soy Sair del Toro, como mujer me siento comprometida para representar la dignidad de la mujer en el mundo actual de una forma inteligente. Muchas veces nos hacen ver a mujeres católicas de formas muy simples y yo creo que necesitamos mucho más que eso hoy en día. Necesitamos rescatar la visión de la mujer en la Nueva Evangelización. ¡Espero disfrutes junto conmigo!

    ¡Sígueme en mis redes sociales!

    Este podcast es parte de JuanDiegoNetwork.com

  • El arte en la vida, es un Podcast que trata temas del diario vivir, utilizando el arte como eje central.
    Hablaré de temas de la vida en general, partiendo desde mis experiencias y las de mis invitados (que siempre son de lujo). Si eres estudiante, profesional, joven, niño, niña o adulto, este es tu espacio. La vida es el espacio de tod@s. El arte de vivir, es de tod@s.

    Instagram: @ElArteEnLaVida

  • In the Everybody Leads podcast, Baker Donelson Chairman and CEO Tim Lupinacci talks to inspiring leaders from corporate C-Suites, to non-profit organizations changing the world, to individuals impacting their world without formal title, position, or authority. Listen for engaging, real-life stories of leadership growth with practical, actionable leadership principles honed over decades of leading in the trenches that can be put into practice by anyone. We encourage everyone to step up in their leadership potential regardless of their present situation or past failures because Everybody Leads.

  • Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation where you can’t let go of your negativity no matter how hard you try to conciliate your sanity? Each week, I will be discussing topics that will ease your minds by using educational psychology and philosophy tricks as life hacks. Let’s go on this journey together to possess a wiser perception in life and do not miss an episode if you’re willing to get your mental health in a good shape by consuming this DETOX.

  • Your voice can do more and Davin is here to help you find out exactly how. In each episode of the Free Your Voice, Free Your Life podcast, singer, voice coach and sound healing artist, Davin Youngs brings his inspirational message of healing and transformation through singing and the voice. Because he knows first hand the power of discovering your freest and most authentic voice, Davin has dedicated his life’s work to bringing folks like you into a more expansive understanding of their voice and subsequently their life.

    Episodes of the show feature Davin’s signature coaching method as well as heart-to-heart conversations with incredible singers, teachers, coaches and healers. Each listen will offer you new insights into moving beyond constriction in your voice while drawing connections to the ways in which you may be similarly inhibited in your life. You’ll feel challenged, inspired and ready to sing

    It’s time to remove your blocks and finally let your life sing.
    Davin can help you do just that.

    Learn more about Davin’s voice coaching work at http://davinyoungsvoice.com