
  • Boa terça, angulers! Abrimos o #253 debatendo a fumaça das queimadas que tomou o país. A qualidade do ar em boa parte do Brasil está péssima e ainda há pouquíssima ação de conscientização e redução de danos dos governos. Depois, comentamos o debate entre Kamala e Trump nos EUA e a cadeirada de Datena em Pablo Marçal, em São Paulo. Comparamos os modelos de debates e como as versões brasileiras seguem deixando a desejar. Por fim, novo tentativa de atentado contra Donald Trump e mais uma reunião do Copom com aumento da taxa de juros à vista. Sirva-se!

    Edição e mixagem: Tico Pro

  • I stumbled on a Zadie Smith line recently that stopped me in my tracks. She was writing in January 2017, and describing the political stakes of that period — Brexit in the U.K., Trump in the U.S. — and the way you could feel it changing people.

    “Millions of more or less amorphous selves will now necessarily find themselves solidifying into protesters, activists, marchers, voters, firebrands, impeachers, lobbyists, soldiers, champions, defenders, historians, experts, critics. You can’t fight fire with air. But equally you can’t fight for a freedom you’ve forgotten how to identify.”

    What Smith is describing felt so familiar — how politics can sometimes feel like it demands we put aside our internal conflict, our uncertainty, so we can take a strong position. I see it so often in myself and people around me, and yet I rarely hear it talked about. And Smith’s ability to give language to these kinds of quiet battles inside of ourselves is one reason she’s been one of my favorite writers for years.

    Smith is the author of novels, including “White Teeth,” “On Beauty” and “NW,” as well as many essays and short stories. Her latest novel, “The Fraud,” also deals with politics and identity. It’s about a case in 19th-century London, but it has eerie resonances with our current political moment. I wasn’t surprised to learn that Trump and populism were front of mind for her when she wrote it. In this conversation, we discuss what populism is really channeling, why Smith refuses the “bait” of wokeness, how people have been “modified” by smartphones and social media, and more.

    This episode contains strong language.


    Feel Free by Zadie Smith

    “Fascinated to Presume: In Defense of Fiction” by Zadie Smith

    Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

    “Generation Why?” by Zadie Smith

    Book Recommendations:

    The Director by Daniel Kehlmann

    The Rebel’s Clinic by Adam Shatz

    The Diaries of Virginia Woolf

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at [email protected].

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Aman Sahota and Efim Shapiro. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

  • Neste episódio, lançado no dia da Amazônia, Giovana Girardi, Marina Amaral e Ricardo Terto falam sobre as suspeitas da influência do crime organizado nos incêndios que tomam conta do país e a hipótese de participação do PCC nas queimadas em São Paulo. Além de debater se isso faz ou não sentido, a conversa aborda como organizações criminosas impactam no desmatamento e a ameaçam às comunidades tradicionais na Amazônia.

    Esse programa é apresentado por Giovana Girardi, Marina Amaral e Ricardo Terto. A direção fica por conta da Sofia Amaral. O roteiro é também da Sofia Amaral ao lado do Ricardo Terto. O texto da Trombeta do Fim do Mundo é de Ricardo Terto. A pesquisa e apresentação da Luz no Fim do Túnel é de Gabriel Gama.A direção da TV PUC é de Julio Wainer, a produção é da Stela Grossi com apoio de Rodolfo Dias e Julia Barbosa. A coordenação de operações é feita pelo Ricardo Matias.Crysthiano Nascimento faz a direção de corte e também a edição. Câmera e áudio por Alexandre Moreira, Diego Alves, Marcelo Corrêa e Wagner Rezende.A Beatriz Lago fez nossa identidade visual, e o Vitor Assan o motion design. A trilha sonora é do Epidemic Sound.Marina Dias, Ethieny Karen, Karina Tarasiuk, Leticia Gouveia, Raquel Okamura e Raphaela Ribeiro cuidam das nossas redes sociais, divulgação e publicação no site.
    Bom Dia, Fim do Mundo é uma parceria entre a TV PUC e a Agência Pública.

  • Welcome back to our Podcast Host audition series!

    This week, Savannah is joined by Patricia to discuss how Queens remain true to their values whilst dating.

    Join our newsletter: https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com

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  • Welcome back to our Podcast Host audition series!

    This week, Savannah is joined by Laura to discuss heritability and why your choice of partner matters genetically.

    Article on male infertility: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-50180235

    Join our newsletter: https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com

    FDS War Room on the Queen Patreon Tier: https://www.patreon.com/TheFemaleDatingStrategy

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    Weekly Bonus Content/Merch/Discord on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheFemaleDatingStrategy

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  • Boa terça, angulers! No primeiro bloco do #252, comentando o escândalo de denúncias de assédio sexual contra o ex-Ministro de Direitos Humanos, Silvio Almeida. Nas reportagens, a ministra Anielle Franco também aparece como uma das vítimas. Comentamos toda a linha do tempo do caso, a demissão de Silvio e a repercussão e luto coletivo nas redes. No segundo bloco, a prisão de Deolane Bezerra e mais uma operação policial envolvendo sites de apostas. Analisamos a pesquisa “Epidemia das Bets” do Instituto Locomotiva que traça o perfil dos apostadores brasileiros e os efeitos da aposta esportiva na vida social, emocional e financeira. Por fim, os pop-ups da semana: índices de qualidade do ar alarmantes em boa parte do país; Debate entre Trump e Kamala nesta terça-feira; As primeiras hipóteses sobre a queda do avião da Voepass; González, opositor de Maduro, chega à Espanha para asilo político. Sirva-se!

    Edição e mixagem: Tico Pro

  • Boa terça, angulers! De volta ao nosso noticiário de toda semana! Abrimos o #251 com um longo bloco sobre a suspensão do X/Twitter a partir de decisão do ministro Alexandre de Moraes. Comentamos a falta de regulação para redes sociais, o território livre para violações que tinha se tornado o X e a queda de braço entre o ministro do STF e Elon Musk. No segundo bloco, as queimadas que esfumaçaram boa parte do país na última semana. Agosto foi recorde de focos de incêndios. Falamos também sobre a fumaça e os riscos à saúde e a importância de pensarmos na qualidade do ar que respiramos. Por fim, os pop-upe da semana: Paralimpíadas, Gabriel Galípolo no Banco Central e greve geral em Israel e protestos da população contra Netanyahu. Sirva-se!

    Edição e mixagem: Tico Pro

  • Paris Marx is joined by Molly White to discuss why the crypto industry is spending millions on this election cycle and Coinbase’s potential breach of election finance law.

    Molly White writes the Citation Needed newsletter. She is the creator of Web3 Is Going Just Great and Follow the Crypto.

    Tech Won’t Save Us offers a critical perspective on tech, its worldview, and wider society with the goal of inspiring people to demand better tech and a better world. Support the show on Patreon.

    The podcast is made in partnership with The Nation. Production is by Eric Wickham. Transcripts are by Brigitte Pawliw-Fry.

    Also mentioned in this episode:

    Molly wrote about the Coinbase campaign finance violation and Donald Trump’s Bitcoin conference speech in her newsletter.Paris wrote about some of the concerns about Kamala Harris’ stance on tech.Fairshake spent $10 million on attacks ads against Katie Porter in California. It spent millions more targeting Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush.The crypto industry hates SEC head Gary Gensler, who is leading the regulatory effort against cryptocurrency.

    Support the show

  • I feel that there’s something important missing in our debate over screen time and kids — and even screen time and adults. In the realm of kids and teenagers, there’s so much focus on what studies show or don’t show: How does screen time affect school grades and behavior? Does it carry an increased risk of anxiety or depression?

    And while the debate over those questions rages on, a feeling has kept nagging me. What if the problem with screen time isn’t something we can measure?

    In June, Jia Tolentino published a great piece in The New Yorker about the blockbuster children’s YouTube channel CoComelon, which seemed as if it was wrestling with the same question. So I invited her on the show, and our conversation ended up going places I never expected. Among other things, we talk about how the decision to have kids relates to doing psychedelics, what kinds of pleasure to seek if you want a good life and how much the debate over screen time and kids might just be adults projecting our own discomfort with our own screen time.

    We recorded this episode a few days before the Trump-Biden debate — and before Donald Trump chose JD Vance as his running mate. We then got so swept up in politics coverage we never got a chance to air it. But I am so excited to finally get this one out into the world.

    This episode contains strong language.


    “How CoComelon Captures Our Children’s Attention” by Jia Tolentino

    “Can Motherhood Be a Mode of Rebellion?” by Jia Tolentino

    How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

    Book Recommendations:

    Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

    In Ascension by Martin MacInnes

    When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamin Labatut

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at [email protected].

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Annie Galvin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Mixing by Isaac Jones, with Efim Shapiro and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Jeff Geld, Rollin Hu, Elias Isquith and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.

  • Au sommaire de cette émission : en France, le Nouveau front populaire arrivé en tête des législatives se concerte toujours en vue de proposer un Premier ministre issu de ses rangs et dénonce un "déni de démocratie" après la lettre d'Emmanuel Macron publiée cette semaine. Pendant ce temps, les 32 membres de l'OTAN réaffirment leur soutien à Kiev, à l'occasion du 75ème anniversaire de l'organisation. Enfin, Joe Biden suscite de plus en plus l'inquiétude sur sa capacité à être candidat pour la présidentielle de 2024, après de nouvelles bourdes.

  • Avec Urbain. 

    Présenté par Florent Bernard et Adrien Ménielle. 

    On en parle de choses dans cet épisode : du Flood Boyard, de folies culinaires, de la fête de la musique, de jeux de rugbymans, drogues, du Sperminator, d’acheter des trucs de seconde main, et même un peu de politique.

    Tu peux nous laisser des bonnes notes sur ta plateforme d'écoute et/ou en parler autour de toi, le bouche-à-oreille, c'est toujours chanmé ! 



    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Comme d’habitude, nous consacrerons la première partie de notre émission à l'actualité. Aujourd'hui, nous commencerons par évoquer une faille de sécurité dans la campagne présidentielle 2024 de l’ancien président Donald Trump. L’équipe de campagne a confirmé que sa communication interne a été piratée. Nous verrons ensuite comment le Royaume-Uni se remet des émeutes anti-immigration. Dans la discussion scientifique de la semaine, nous parlerons d'une étude qui révèle que les chats pleurent la perte de leurs congénères, même quand ce sont des chiens. Enfin, nous conclurons la première partie de l'émission par une conversation sur les Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024, qui ont révolutionné la restauration.

    Nous parlerons tout d’abord de l’affaire Péchier et de la décision de renvoyer cet ancien anesthésiste devant la cour d’assises pour 30 empoisonnements. Il risque la prison à perpétuité. Nous terminerons en parlant de la baisse de fréquentation observée dans les lieux de culture parisiens pendant les Jeux olympiques, qui espèrent cependant bénéficier d’un regain d'intérêt dans les prochaines années.

    - L’équipe de campagne de Donald Trump accuse l'Iran d'avoir piraté ses e-mails de campagne

    - Le Royaume-Uni peine à se remettre des émeutes anti-immigration

    - Une étude conclue que les chats pleurent la mort de leurs congénères, y compris quand il s’agit de chiens

    - Déjà respectueux de l'environnement, les Jeux olympiques de Paris sont aussi les plus végétaliens de tous les temps

    - L’ancien anesthésiste Frédéric Péchier est renvoyé devant la cour d’assises

    - Les lieux de culture désertés pendant les Jeux

  • Pour commencer, nous essaierons de déterminer qui est sorti gagnant de l'échange de prisonniers qui a eu lieu la semaine dernière entre la Russie et l'Occident. Ensuite, nous parlerons des signes inquiétants qui amènent des analystes du monde entier à se demander si les États-Unis se dirigent vers une récession économique. Dans la partie scientifique de l'émission, nous aborderons les résultats d'une étude qui indiquent que la planète Mercure pourrait avoir une couche de diamant de 18 kilomètres sous sa croûte. Enfin, nous conclurons la première partie de l'épisode d'aujourd'hui en commentant la controverse suscitée par le match de boxe entre les boxeuses algérienne et italienne aux Jeux olympiques de Paris.

    Nous parlerons de la décision qu'a prise l'Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (Arcom) de ne pas renouveler la fréquence de la chaîne de télévision C8 en raison des dérapages de son émission principale. Nous terminerons en parlant de la superstar Tom Cruise, qui vient d’être nommé Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres par la ministre de la Culture, au lendemain de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques.

    - Poutine considère le récent échange de prisonniers comme une victoire pour le Kremlin

    - Les marchés financiers mondiaux enregistrent en août une volatilité accrue

    - La planète Mercure pourrait avoir une couche de diamant de 18 kilomètres sous sa surface

    - Une controverse autour d’un match de boxe joue en faveur des conservateurs

    - Fin de la chaîne de télévision C8 en 2025

    - Tom Cruise nommé Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres

  • Comme toujours, nous commencerons notre émission par un tour d'horizon de l'actualité. Nous commenterons tout d’abord la proposition du président Biden de changements radicaux concernant la Cour suprême des États-Unis. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite au dernier rapport complet sur l'État de droit dans les pays membres de l'UE. Ensuite, nous discuterons d'une étude sur la tendance croissante des Américains à choisir de ne pas avoir d'enfants. Enfin, nous aborderons un sujet sensible pour les Européens : le problème du surtourisme, qui s’intensifie en Europe.

    Nous parlerons d'un incontournable de l'été. Il s'agit des cahiers de vacances qui rencontrent toujours un grand succès après 90 ans d'existence et qui ont même conquis un nouveau public : les adultes. Nous terminerons en discutant de l'ambiance festive et légère qui semble régner à Paris pendant les Jeux olympiques, qui étonne les touristes et les Parisiens eux-mêmes.

    - Joe Biden propose un amendement de la Constitution pour revenir sur l'immunité présidentielle

    - L’Italie, la Hongrie et la Slovaquie pointées du doigt dans le dernier rapport de l'UE sur l'État de droit

    - Le nombre d’Américains âgés de 18 à 50 ans sans enfant continue d'augmenter

    - La saison estivale fait ressortir le problème du surtourisme en Europe

    - Les cahiers de vacances remportent encore un franc succès cet été auprès des adultes

    - Paris est en fête

  • Boa terça, angulers! Um #249 de muita política nacional! Abrimos falando a troca de mensagens informais entre assessores do ministro Alexandre de Moraes e o TSE pedindo relatórios e informações para o inquérito das fake news. Ainda no primeiro bloco, comentamos a tensão entre Congresso e Judiciário com a decisão do ministro Flávio Dino de suspender o pagamento de emendas parlamentares. No segundo bloco, o ponta-pé da corrida eleitoral e um panorama geral do primeiro debate e primeiros dias de campanha. Por fim, a morte de Silvio Santos, aos 93 anos. Sirva-se!

    Edição e mixagem: Tico Pro

  • Paris Marx is joined by Hussein Kesvani to discuss the far-right attacks that happened after the Southport stabbing in the UK and how larger structural issues in media, politics, and tech laid the groundwork for violence against visible minorities.

    Hussein Kesvani is a co-host of Trashfuture and Ten Thousand Posts.

    Tech Won’t Save Us offers a critical perspective on tech, its worldview, and wider society with the goal of inspiring people to demand better tech and a better world. Support the show on Patreon.

    The podcast is made in partnership with The Nation. Production is by Eric Wickham. Transcripts are by Brigitte Pawliw-Fry.

    Also mentioned in this episode:

    The stabbing in Southport resulted in the deaths of three children and injuries to eight children and two adults.After days of far-right attacks, there were large anti-fascist and anti-racist demonstrations across the UK.Some fascists attacked hotels housing asylum seekers, but in places like Bristol, locals started defending the hotels.In 1968, Conservative MP Enoch Powell delivered the “rivers of blood” speech.Elon Musk has been sharing a series of incendiary posts and false information that have helped fuel these attacks.The billionaire’s changes to Twitter have helped fuel right-wing misinformation.

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  • Welcome back to our Podcast Host audition series!

    This week, Savannah is joined by Maddy to unveil the glamourous illusion that is being a stay-at-home girlfriend.

    Article on how embarking on a relationship with a man is one of the biggest financial risks to a woman: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/mar/19/divorce-women-risk-poverty-children-relationship

    Join our newsletter: https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com

    FDS War Room on the Queen Patreon Tier: https://www.patreon.com/TheFemaleDatingStrategy

    Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/femdatstrat

    Follow us!

    Weekly Bonus Content/Merch/Discord on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheFemaleDatingStrategy

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  • Paris Marx is joined by Chris Carlsson to discuss Processed World, a tech-critical, anti-capitalist magazine that satirized the absurdity of work in its publishing run between 1981 and 2005.

    Chris Carlsson is the author of many books, including most recently When Shells Crumble. He’s the director of Shaping SF and a cofounder of Critical Mass. He was also one of the people behind Processed World.

    Tech Won’t Save Us offers a critical perspective on tech, its worldview, and wider society with the goal of inspiring people to demand better tech and a better world. Support the show on Patreon.

    The podcast is made in partnership with The Nation. Production is by Eric Wickham. Transcripts are by Brigitte Pawliw-Fry.

    Also mentioned in this episode:

    You can find the full archive of Processed World on the Internet Archive.Chris wrote about his experience making Processed World in Notes from Below.Jacob Silverman wrote a great piece on the legacy of Processed World for The Baffler.

    Support the show

  • Boa terça, angulers! Abrimos o #248 lamentando o trágico acidente aéreo que vitimou 62 pessoas em São Paulo. É hora de não espalhar pânico e cuidar da população e parentes das vítimas. Depois, comentamos a última semana das Olimpíadas: o ouro de Rebeca no solo, as medalhas de Isaquias, Alisson dos Santos e da dupla Ana Patrícia e Duda, além do vôlei e futebol feminino. Também falamos sobre a isenção de impostos concedida pelo Governo Federal aos prêmios em dinheiro dos medalhistas olímpicos. Bola fora! Por fim, atualizações sobre a situação da Venezuela, ainda sem solução pós eleições, a relação entre o Japão e a alta do dólar da semana passada e comentários sobre o show da turnê Caetano e Bethânia. Sirva-se!

    Edição e mixagem: Tico Pro