Slovenien – Nya podcasts
Андеграунд кофепитие японских битников.
I'm an executive coach based in Tokyo. In this podcast, you will hear how celebrities and leaders try to overcome the struggles that we all face, but are usually too shy to talk about.
Hier kommen unsere Mitarbeitenden zu Wort. Foundever präsentiert echte Stories von echten Menschen.
Everyone is capable of living a Badass Life! It is when you are able to integrate who you really are with what you do. On this weekly show, Kareen Walsh will interview individuals who share their journey on how they got to where they are today, share what excites them now, and dialogue on methods they use to live a fulfilling life.
This is a podcast for PhD students who recognise that doing a PhD impacts every aspect of your day-to-day life, but it doesn't have to be what defines you as a person. I (Harriet) chat about everything from relationships to finances to mental health and more, as all of these are affected by your PhD. New episode every two weeks!
Follow the instagram @morethanaphd for behind the scenes chaos and snapshots from a very unpolished PhD lifestyle x
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Marketing With Cultura Podcast! Designed for Latinas(x) with little to no experience land marketing jobs through a simple, effective process, this podcast helps you find mentors, build community, and create a roadmap to launch your career or business. Hear inspiring stories from successful Latinx marketers and gain insider tips to land your dream job or grow your brand.
I'm your host, Vanessa Parra—a Latina marketer with over a decade of experience in sales, marketing, and working with influencers. As a former recruiter and hiring manager, I’ll share exactly what businesses look for in their next marketing hire.
Download my FREE Marketing Resume Template. to help you standout!
So if you need mentorship with your resume, LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or just a clear strategy on how to land that marketing job, feel free to schedule a FREE 15-minute coaching session or subscribe to my newsletter so you can be the first to know about any new programs and episodes.
If you enjoyed this podcast please leave me a review and take a screenshot of your favorite episode and tag me on IG @marketingwithculturapodcast
TikTok @marketingwithcultura_pod LinkedIn @vanessaparra
So more kickass marketers like you can know about this podcast.
Now, remember you are a strong and confident person ready to become the marketer you envision!
You got this!
Career Development guru's Golie and Andre`, detail the keys to success in resume writing, interviewing, career coaching, personal branding, and so much more. Ensuring you have the tools to achieve your goals and dreams in life!
Adam Anders is a television and music producer who has sold more than 100 million albums and in recent years has become one of the most in-demand Executive Producers for music-driven film and television. Anders is the CEO of Anders Media, and its record label Deep Well Records, a sub-label of Capitol Music Group. Host Gordon Cox (contributing theatre editor at VARIETY and host of VARIETY’s Stagecraft Podcast on The Broadway Podcast Network) helps drive this amazing collection of conversations with Adam including adapting The Prom from stage to screen for Netflix, creating the original sound of Glee for Ryan Murphy, and even why he decided to step away from an incredibly successful career writing songs for top pop artists around the world.
Hier geht es um Macht, Geld, Einfluss und MUT.
Dieser Podcast ist für ambitionierte Powerfrauen, die keine Lust mehr haben, sich zu verstecken, klein zu machen und mit einem langweiligen Leben zufrieden zu sein.
Für die Frauen (und Männer), die große Ideen und Visionen entwickeln und neue Möglichkeiten ergreifen wollen! Diejenigen, die die Fehler im System schon lange sehen und die notwendigen Veränderung endlich anstoßen wollen.
Für die Frauen, die bereits fühlen können wie machtvoll sie sind und lernen wollen diese Macht richtig einzusetzen. Die damit JETZT etwas bewegen wollen in dieser Welt, die dringend neue, regenerative Lösungen braucht!
Für die Anführerinnen, die wir jetzt brauchen!
Die sich nehmen was sie nötig ist: Ressourcen, Verbündete, Umsetzungsstärke - immer auch auf eine gute Art egoistisch, kompromisslos, selbstbewusst. Denn es ist an der Zeit Ansagen zu machen, statt lieb und nett zu fragen...
Radikal reich auf allen Ebenen!
Ich bin Annette und zeige dir, wie du deine Fähigkeiten & Talente nutzt, um die Anführerin zu werden, die in dir steckt – und damit unsere Gesellschaft aktiv mit zu gestalten.
Freu dich auf wöchentliche Folgen (immer donnerstags), die deinen Fokus schärfen, dich inspirieren und dir helfen, dein Leben auf deine Art zu gestalten und all die Ressourcen zu finden und zu bündeln die du für deinen Impact brauchst – mit einer Prise Magie & Glitzer! 💥
Weil du weißt, was du willst & weil du weißt, was du kannst.
Abonniere jetzt und mach dich bereit für dein radikal reiches Leben! -
From the YouTube phenomenon Geography by Geoff comes an all-new series diving even further into the geography, culture, and history of places worldwide. Every episode invites a new, special guest to discuss where they're from and the history and geography of different countries and states, providing unique insights, education, and travel tips.
V podcastu Science Mamas klepetamo z uspešnimi znanstvenicami, ki so tudi mame različno starih otrok, o znanosti, o usklajevanju družinskega življenja in raziskovalnega dela, o izzivih s katerimi se srečujejo znanstvenice, o življenju in sploh vsem…
A series of interviews with key leaders through the Content & Media industry. All brought to you by the Content & Media team at neuco a specialist global recruitment and executive search firm.
V ALOKRA podkastu št.1 je gostja moja žena Metka Krajnc.
Pogovarjava se energijah, dušah in kristalih.
Najdete jo na Instagramu: -
Vse za dobro počutje mamic, v vseh obdobjih materinstva.
A series of interviews on the foundational topics of emergency medicine and critical care for medical students preparing for their clerkships.
Welcome to the “Through Our Eyes” podcast by the Pediatric Retinal Research Foundation. We are a community of visually impaired young adults talking about what it’s like to navigate through high school, college, career, and beyond. We tap into our experiences and cover a wide range of topics providing you with actionable tips and strategies you can implement in your own life.
Moje ime je Tanja Burnik Papler, specialistka ginekologije in porodništva ter subspecialistka reproduktivne medicine. Ginekologijo opravljam od 2010, reproduktivno medicino pa od 2018. Delala sem na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani, od 2024 vodim Center za zdravljenje neplodnosti v Bolnišnici Postojna. Sem docentka na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani in raziskovalka neplodnosti. Svojo kariero posvečam ženskemu zdravju, diagnostiki in zdravljenju neplodnosti ter raziskavam na tem področju.
Unapologetically eclectic, unscripted and uncensored! For years people told us to do a podcast but we had too much going on. Besides, do people really want hear what we have to say? So we waited until the podcast market was saturated before we said, ok! Maybe we do have an interesting perspective to share. After all, we are coaches, authors, LGBTQ, married, one of us is a cancer survivor, together 21 years and we still have very real conversations several times a day. How many couples do you know who do that? Our topics of conversation are so varied, you never know what you’re going to get!
Podcast para quem busca mudar/ transformar a sua vida, e ser um Bon Vivant.
- Visa fler