Hälsa och motion – Danmark – Nya podcasts
A Postdoc’s Journal is a personal and reflective podcast offering a candid look at the emotional journey I went through navigating life as a postdoctoral research scientist. Hosted by me (Simit Patel, PhD - www.linkedin.com/in/simit-patel-063388ab), a former academic who spent years journalling through the highs and lows of my postdoc.
Each episode delves into real journal entries from that time in my life, followed by reflections on mental health, academia, and life beyond the lab.
Whether you’re a current postdoc, an aspiring academic, or someone recovering from the rigors of academic life, this podcast offers relatable stories, emotional support, and insights from someone who has been there. Join me for honest conversations about impostor syndrome, burnout, and the challenges that come with academic research, all aimed at reminding you that you are not alone in this journey. -
What if I told you we could reduce the cost of healthcare by a third of what we currently spend as a country – without lowering the quality of care? I know we can. I aim to start a movement toward better healthcare for everyone. But I can’t do it alone.
By implementing changes like establishing baseline best practices, expanding access to care through technology, and providing the right incentives to all parties, we can save more lives while spending less. This is no fantasy – I’ve implemented programs with results like these at the healthcare systems where I’ve worked throughout my decades-long career.
It starts with listening – to each other. We can begin this journey together by having an honest and civil conversation about what’s not working in healthcare and possible solutions for the problems we face. Then, we can align on fixing the system and truly unlock human potential to effect change. Improving quality in this way inevitably leads to reduced cost, better relationships, better health, and happier lives.
My podcast, The Groves Connection, is about the conversations that unearth our common bond to fix healthcare and a shared hope for the future.
Only through these dialogues can everyone get a full picture of the complexities of the system, as well as what’s required for sustainable change. By having a wide range of guests on my podcast series, I’m hoping we can learn where the middle ground is and discover a path for the needed change.
Join me in this movement, become a part of the change, inspire others, and maybe, just maybe, we can finally end the gridlock that has bedeviled our healthcare system for too long.
[link] Listen on Spotify
Disclaimer: This is the personal site of Robert Groves, MD, and the materials included on this site and in The Groves Connection remain separate from his employer. The Groves Connection is not liable for personal opinions shared by podcast guests. -
Welcome to Follow Your Nose - a podcast packed full of support, empathy and direction for those dealing with Rhinological health concerns.
Created by the Irish Rhinologic Society.
1 in 10 of all visits to GPs in Ireland are for nasal issues, and we believe these chronic conditions need much more recognition & for patients to feel empowered to find solutions.
In this show, we talk to health professionals and patients about everything from allergies to nasal surgery and chronic sinusitis, as well as specific support for those also living with asthma.
Listen to “Follow Your Nose” for the answers you’re looking for.
For more information, visit the Irish Rhinologic Society website.
Hosted by Sinead O'Moore
Produced by The Brand Story
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Velkommen til Klog på cøliaki – en podcast fra Dansk Cøliaki Forening, der dykker ned i cøliakiens mange aspekter. Vi udforsker alt fra symptomer og diagnoser til mental trivsel, ernæring og forskning. Med sundhedsfaglige eksperter og personer med egne erfaringer får du indblik i både de medicinske og menneskelige sider af livet med cøliaki.
Serien henvender sig til patienter, pårørende og andre interesserede, der ønsker viden og redskaber til et glutenfrit liv.
Støttet af Sygeforsikringen Danmarks Sundhedsdonationer.
Tilrettelægger og vært: Chipo Marisa Petersen. -
The Amyloidosis Podcast hopes to bring support and a better understanding to anyone affected by this rare condition.
Here is my story about my Dad's short battle with Amyloidosis, which, sadly, culminated with his passing, during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Please help me in raising awareness about Amyloidosis, so the future prognosis for this condition can improve.
Please note that all views are our own, and we are not all medical professionals in the field of Amyloidosis.
Thanks for listening! -
The Other Side of Cancer is a series of conversations exploring life beyond acute treatment. Patients have candid conversations with thought leaders about mental health, fertility, survivorship, pain management and more. Brought to you by Patient Power.
Kan kvinder med diabetes blive gravide? Skal man til flere kontroller, når man er gravid? Får barnet også diabetes?
Få svar på de store og små spørgsmål om graviditet og diabetes i podcasten Gravid med diabetes.Mød overlæge og ekspert i diabetes Trine Tang Christensen, der i hver episode deler sin viden og gør op med myter, der florerer omkring det at blive gravid og føde, når man har diabetes.
Hver episode har et tema – før graviditet, under graviditet og efter fødsel.Kvinder med diabetes kan nemlig sagtens få et godt graviditetsforløb – med lidt forberedelse.
Vært i alle episoder er journalist Charlotte Ostertag.
Podcasten bygger på lægefaglige råd. Læs mere på gravidmeddiabetes.dk
Gravid med diabetes er udgivet af Steno Diabetes Center Nordjylland og produceret i samarbejde med Podcastbureauet og Ostertag – podcast og kommunikation. -
Welcome to Comfort Walk and Talk – the premier podcast destination for anyone looking to about enhancing their foot health and embracing the world of comfort footwear. Hosted by Jeff, Ben, and Ash, this podcast dives into the essential topics of foot care, innovative footwear design, and the transformative power of wearing the right comfort shoes. Whether you're dealing with heel pain, searching for the ultimate comfort footwear, or interested in the latest footwear innovations, Comfort Walk and Talk has you covered.
Join us as we explore the intersection of style, health, and comfort, offering expert insights into preventing and managing foot pain, the benefits of supportive footwear, and the behind the scenes of our footwear. From in-depth discussions with podiatrists and footwear designers to inspiring transformation stories from individuals who have found relief and mobility through the right shoes, our podcast is a treasure trove of information for anyone looking to improve their foot health and walk in comfort.
Follow Comfort Walk and Talk for your regular dose of expert advice on selecting the best footwear for your needs, tips on footcare maintenance, and reviews of the latest in comfort shoes. Step into a life of comfort and wellness with Jeff, Ben, and Ash, and transform your walk, one episode at a time. Let's make every step count towards a healthier, more comfortable future together! -
I Livet med NET møder du NET-patienter og pårørende, der deler deres personlige historier. Hvordan var forløbet, hvad har de lært, og hvad vil de give videre af råd eller erfaringer? Podcasten stiller skarpt på neuroendokrine tumorer (NET), og hvor forskelligt kræftsygdommen kan se ud. Podcasten er produceret af Netpa og støttet af Kræftens Bekæmpelse.
The Endurance Matters Podcast, Hosted by Justin “BigMetz” Metzler, professional triathlete, is the ultimate destination for endurance enthusiasts. Join us as we dive deep into the world of endurance sports, from 5Ks to Ironman triathlons to Ultra Races, and everything in between. Each episode we'll bring you inspiring stories featuring athletes, trailblazers, and members of the endurance community. From the highs to the lows, this podcast will help us explore the limits of human physical and mental performance.
Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your endurance journey, Endurance Matters is your go-to source for motivation, education, and entertainment. Tune in, lace up, and let's go the distance together! -
Welcome to "Outside The Box,"!
The podcast where we challenge the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary! Hosted by Olivia and Viveka (Liv & Viv), we're here to inspire you to think differently about everything from the little things in life to the big, bold decisions. Join us as we talk to incredible people who’ve taken the road less traveled—whether it’s changing careers, living off the grid, or sharing a lifetime of wisdom. If you’re ready to break free from the norm and explore new perspectives, you’re in the right place.
Stay tuned for stories that will spark your curiosity, expand your horizons and make you think Outside The Box!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
With Bethany, Owner of Historic Yoga— Ayurvedic Health Advisor and Practitioner, RYT500, RPYT Pre/Postnatal, Women’s Yoga, WholeHealth.
Discover the healer within. We will discuss women’s health, all things yoga, self-healing, healthy aging, how to remain in a state of well-being, facing pain without getting stuck in it, and also your deepest passions. What makes your heart beat? Any real topic of connection is on the table of discussion!
A heart centered, relatable, down to earth take on life ♥️ -
A podcast about knowing your body the way your body longs to be known. Co-hosts Joan Chan, MD, and Jamie Lee Finch, LMT, offer practical medicine for bodies in a disembodied time. Each week they’ll invite you to join them in discovering the beautiful, loving, honest person that is your body.
Bliv inspireret til din sunde Livsstil med tips til mad, træning, søvn, glæde og fokus.
Nogle er solo episoder af Miriam Sommer selv. Andre er interviews med fagfolk, der arbejder med fysisk og mental sundhed.
Hver episode har et klart et afgrænset emne med fokus på at dele viden med dig, så du kan dyrke din egen personlige Sundhed og leve en grøn Livsstil. Vinklen er altid positiv, løsningsorienteret og udforskende.
Cirka hver 10. episode er interviews med forskellige klimagavnlige organisationer, så du kan få indsigt i deres arbejde for en grønnere planet. -
Velkommen til en stund med ro og fordybelse, hvor vi sammen vil læse og meditere over korte bibeltekster. Gennem en langsom, eftertænksom oplæsning inviteres du til at lytte og reflektere over, hvad Gud vil sige til dig i dag.
Der vil være tid til stille meditation, hvor du kan lade teksten synke ind og give plads til Guds stemme i dit hjerte. Uanset om du mærker Guds nærvær tydeligt eller ej, er formålet at vende dit fokus mod Ham og lade Hans ord få plads i din dag.
Podcasten er produceret af Stille Stunder
Har du feedback, er du velkommen til at skrive til [email protected] -
Narcissisterne blandt os er en podcast, hvor Berith Siegumfeldt på en enkel måde forklarer, hvad en narcissist er, hvordan de manipulerer og hvordan du kan beskytte dig selv.
Med sin baggrund som sygeplejerske og sine personlige erfaringer fra en opvækst med narcissisme tæt på, deler Berith både egne historier og praktiske redskaber, som du kan bruge i din hverdag.
Hver episode er kort og lige til - typisk 10-20 minutter - og giver dig konkret viden, råd og værktøjer til at håndtere narcissistisk adfærd, uanset om det drejer sig om familien, på arbejdspladsen eller i venskaber.
Berith tager dig gennem emnerne på en måde, der er både let at forstå og lige til at bruge, én samtale ad gangen. -
Being born with a disability that puts me in constant excruciating pain every day of my life, I developed an obsession with fitness from a very young age.
In the process of developing myself, I inspired people along the way but there was something missing from the equation... EXPERTISE.
It is years after that and I am in pursuit to help as many people achieve their fitness goals but also maintain it.
In this podcast, I share my expertise, experience, and perspective on everything fitness. And my main focus is to help people like entrepreneurs get into great shape. -
Velkommen til CrossFit Heavens Community podcast hvor Mads, Michael og teknik-Morten snakker på livet løs om det der rører sig i og omkring CrossFit Heaven i Vejle.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/crossfit-heaven-podcast--6290904/support. -
Jens Malthe Næsby og Rune Born Schwartz løber og snakker om det. I et tempo hvor alle kan være med.
Selvværd... Måske det mest tabuiserede ord. Og samtidig det vigtigste ord af alle. Selv har jeg arbejdet så meget med selvværd, at jeg bruger ordet frit. For selvværd kan netop det: Give os frihed! Og muligheder. Det er nøglen til alt godt. Men også nøglen til alt ondt.
Lad mig høre, hvis du har noget på hjerte omkring selvværd. Hvem ved, det kan være, at vi skal lave en podcast sammen! Det vil jeg glæde mig til. - Visa fler