Nya podcasts
You’re fresh out of school, newly enrolled in a program or course, or simply at a crossroads with the overwhelming question, “WHAT’S NEXT?”
Someone in my pool of guests has been down your specific path and is willing to share the deets.
Grab a virtual cup of your favorite beverage and take a seat.
Rest assured, they have answers as no venture is completely new under the sun. -
Social media is always changing, but we make it easy! Social Media Tips & Tricks is your go-to show for simple, effective ways to grow your online presence. Whether you want more likes, followers, or engagement, we’ve got you covered. Learn the best tricks for Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, and more. No complicated talk—just clear, practical tips you can use right away. Stay updated, save time, and make your content stand out. Social media doesn’t have to be confusing—tune in and start growing today!
Crypto Unplugged founded in 2020 is a weekly podcast where Doc and Oz give their opinions on the crypto space. Having been involved in cryptocurrency for many years, the two have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with new and seasoned folks. This podcast is 'unplugged', being honest and revealing the personal highs and lows of their crypto journey. Doc and Oz interview a range of special guests including up-and-coming projects to experienced crypto personalities all with the aim to bring the most up-to-date and relevant information to all their listeners.
Detská psychologička Petra Arslan Šinková v podcaste Nadácie Markíza a Nadácie Volkswagen Slovakia radí rodičom, ako lepšie chápať detský svet, zmýšľanie a emócie. V podcaste odpovedá na otázky ohľadom rodičovstva, výchovy a najmä detského duševného zdravia. Rodičia síce nedostanú univerzálny návod na výchovu detí, no je dobré mať „po ruke“ odborníka, ktorý im poradí.
Rodičia, vaše otázky ohľadom detského sveta a výchovy posielajte na mailovú adresu [email protected] -
Birikim ve BES Sohbetleri
Finans Sohbetleri'yle Spotify'dayız! Finans Sohbetleri programımızda Ekonomik Araştırmalar Birimimiz piyasaları değerlendirip öngörülerde buluyor. Siz de en güncel piyasa analizleri için takipte kalın!
#GücüAdında #FinansSohbetleri -
Gimnasia General
Orientación por parte del Lic. Obed Paz sobre el Proceso Abreviado, Salidas Alternas y Suspensión Condicional del Proceso a alumnos de la Licenciatura en Derecho.
Ovidio Decroly
Gloria Espinosa - Mónica Henao- Tatiana Cadena
Aquí me escucharás hablar sobre la contaminación de aire y como podemos disminuir este problema
Utilizar de forma correcta las herramientas, tener buen tono de voz e interactuar con el cliente.
Mi primer podcast
"Andén Díaz Mori" busca informar a sus oyentes a través de sus 5 episodios enfocados al Porfiriato. Cada uno presenta distintos formatos que te harán llegar la información de una forma creativa y distinta a través de sus episodios diseñados como entrevista, mesa redonda, noticiero, documental e investigación.
Una manera de aprender la teologia moral juntos.
La importancia de una meta
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Visita: https://conversordeletra.com/ - Visa fler