Over 1200 families are caring for a loved one with the rare disease ”SynGAP” resulting from a variant of the SYNGAP1 gene. This 10 minute weekly podcast is for them. A quick summary of the latest news in the space. The host is Mike Graglia, co-founder & managing director of the SynGAP Research Fund. SRF is a parent-led, all volunteer public charity in the US that strives to accelerate research into treatments for SYNGAP1 so that we can help our loved ones in a timeframe that matters. Learn more at
This podcast is regarding doing business in Poland. It is not only advices, tips etc. about doing business in Poland but also interviews with different entrepreneurs in Poland. It will be both with expats that are doing business in Poland and with Polish entrepreneurs.
Your host is me, Søren Christensen who is from Denmark but I have lived and done business in Poland since 2008! I have therefore a huge experince regarding the Polish market and a ditto network. I am the owner of it s a part of the firm Søren Christensen. You can read more about my consultant services etc.on my website
I hope you will enjoy the podcast. -
Avasta põnev erakorralise meditsiini ja intensiivravi maailm. Podcastis lähme kõik koos ühele põnevale ja väljakutsuvale kiirabikutsele ja räägime nii erinevate haiguste äratundmisest, nende tekkepõhjustest kui ka ravist. Minu nimi on Oliver ja olen anestesioloogia eriala arst-resident, töötan Tartu Kiirabis ning olen "Deltakutse" saatejuht.
Lisaks podcastile oleme Deltakutse tiimiga teinud veebilehe: - sinna paneme üles meie teemade kohta konspekte, seal saad küsida ekspertidelt küsimusi ja olla kursis “Deltakutse” kõikide osadega. -
Cornerman's Champion Insights with Dr. Jeff Spencer is a podcast dedicated to achieving maximum performance and highest potential in all aspects of life, including: maximizing potential; avoiding burnout; elite performance; entrepreneurship; leadership; management; goal achievement; mentoring; and influence related, we'll be talking about it.
Forward Thinking Founders is a founder podcast where we interview high potential founders from networks like Y Combinator, The Thiel Fellowship, Product Hunt, Twitter, etc. and brings to light what they're building for the world. Think of it like the opposite of How I Built This, where we interview founders before they are successful, then if they are, we have a moment in time we can look back on in the early days. Does the model work? Look at our early interviews and you'll have your answer.
Plantaator is for the people who have a plan. Plan for themselves and plan for our planet.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
WARNING - This is not for the faint-hearted.
Rebecca is an award-winning Master Mindset coach. She's featured on the BBC, Thrive global and more. Rebecca uses her experience to educate and empower other women who feel stuck to dance with fear, energetically, physically and emotionally.
find out more -
Decidere di mettersi in proprio, aprire una partita IVA e cominciare a vendere i propri servizi può fare paura. Per quanto possa essere ampia la nostra esperienza in un determinato settore, essere un freelance o un lavoratore autonomo richiede molte competenze che vanno al di fuori della nostra specializzazione. Bisogna imparare a trovare clienti e ad avere un rapporto proficuo con loro. Si deve imparare a scrivere preventivi e contratti prima di iniziare il lavoro e bisogna capire quanto farsi pagare perché la nostra attività non sia in perdita. Bisogna affidarsi al commercialista giusto per noi. Bisogna costruire relazioni con figure professionali affini al nostro settore, per poter offrire ai nostri clienti un ampio ventaglio di possibilità anche quando non siamo direttamente noi a poter svolgere un compito richiesto. Bisogna gestire i propri orari per non rischiare di lavorare troppo o troppo poco. I bisogna sono tantissimi.
Ma come si fa ad imparare tutto questo? Sono convinta che l'unico modo di imparare ad essere un freelance sia cominciare ad esserlo. Non potremo mai sapere come trovare clienti finché non ci mettiamo attivamente a cercarli. Non sapremo mai come fare una fattura corretta finché non ne emettiamo una e così per qualsiasi altro aspetto che riguarda la vita di un possessore di partita IVA.
Nel podcast Diventando Freelance parlo di ciò di cui si deve occupare un freelance, man mano che io stessa imparo ad esserlo. Cercando anche di dare alcuni consigli inerenti alla mia professione di graphic designer che possono essere utili ad altri professionisti e professioniste.
Per consigli o richieste riguardo ai temi che vorreste sentire trattati in questo podcast potete scrivermi o mandarmi un messaggio vocale su Telegram a
Io sono Francesca Gimelli e sono una graphic designer freelance. -
This podcast is brought to you by The British Laryngological Association (BLA). With an overall interest in the development of laryngology (the management of airway, voice, and swallowing disorders and health promotion) we will discuss and explore pressing topics and issues with leading experts from across the globe. Gaining valuable insights, knowledge, and guidance, cutting through the noise to provide a clear voice!
Welcome to the HR Coffee Time podcast; a fortnightly podcast full of tips and ideas to help you have a successful and fulfilling HR career (without working yourself into the ground).
It can feel hard to put yourself and your own career first when you're so busy looking after everyone around you. It can leave you at risk of burning out, finding that you're not where you want to be in your career, or feeling unsure about what you want from your career anymore.
This podcast is here to help. Join career coach and founder of Bright Sky Career Coaching, Fay Wallis as she and her expert guests share advice on how to get what you want from your career.
If you enjoy the podcast, learn more at: or connect with Fay on LinkedIn: -
Interviews with leading software architects and developers.
Listen to get deep insights on modern software architecture and development approaches while facing sociotechnical challenges.
If you are a technology executive, senior architect, or software engineer you will gain a fresh perspective on increasing success and innovation in software design and implementation.
More about Vaughn
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Eat Blog Talk is the one-stop podcast for food bloggers, delivering value and instilling confidence so you can level up in your business. The podcast features interviews with food bloggers and other experts who deliver valuable and relevant information and insights to the blogging space.
We cover all the hot food blogging topics such as SEO, social media strategies, keyword research, how to pitch yourself to brands and which keyword research tools to use. We also focus on improving your mindset, as this will help improve your job performance, creativity, productivity and add value to your business.
Eat Blog Talk publishes new episodes every Monday and Thursday. -
Health care is currently at a crossroad. It represents 18 percent of GDP in the United States, the largest economy in the world, and faces multiple challenges but with many opportunities for improvement. Health permeates the life of every individual in some form or fashion. The Health Crossroad explores this world. We invite you to listen and participate, both on our podcast and our accompanying website, where we will post summaries and key concepts from each interview as well as advice and facts related to the world of health. Get an unbelievable look at health, through the eyes of those who live it, 7 days a week during your daily commute, exercising, or just learning. Each show provides gaps and solutions that you will not want to miss!