Entspannt erfolgreich ist der Podcast für Selbstständige, die fokussierter und schneller ihre umsatzrelevanten To Do's's umzusetzen und ihre Selbstständigkeit erfolgreich voranbringen wollen, ohne auszubrennen!
Hi, ich bin Laura, Psychologin, Autorin und weder bin ich ein Fan von 24/7 Hustle, noch gehöre ich zu denen, die nur am Strand chillen wollen. Ich arbeite nämlich gerne 🤣. Mein Motto ist „Entspannt erfolgreich!“ - und der Schlüssel dazu ist die richtige Planung, kombiniert mit dem passenden Mindset.
Die richtige Planung hilft dir, dass du genau weißt wann was zu tun ist, dass du die richtigen Dinge tust, um dein Umsatzziel auch zu erreichen und dass du deine To Do’s erledigst und gleichzeitig noch ein Privatleben hast.
Dein Mindset ist entscheidend, damit du auch umsetzt, anstatt dich vor diesen Aufgaben zu drücken und stattdessen durch Instagram zu scrollen oder produktiv zu prorkastinieren, indem du irgendwas anderes, vermeintlich wichtiges, tust.
Kommt dir das bekannt vor? 😇
Genau solche Themen erwarten dich auch in meinem Podcast - mit Erfahrungswerte, Anleitungen & vieles mehr!
Ich freue mich mega mäßig, wenn du meinen Podcast mit vielen Sternen (höhö) bewertest und ihn mit deinen Business-Buddies teilst!
Da ich meine Pappenheimer ja kenne, und weiß, dass du vermutlich mehr zu tun als Zeit hast… sind die Podcastfolgen meistens nur 10-15 Minuten lang. Damit du dir trotz langer To Do Liste deine Dosis Impulse & Inspiration abholen kannst.
Folge mir auch unbedingt auf Instagram
Jetzt wünsche ich dir viel Spaß beim reinhören und inspirieren lassen! Deine Laura
Du willst lieber direkt in die Umsetzung kommen? Hier geht's zum Coaching 👉🏻 -
Clinical research and clinical trial management form the backbone of drug and device approvals worldwide. Learn from the leading industry experts to build and advance your clinical research career.
You'll hear from sponsors, clinical research organizations, and clinical trial sites around the globe. This show is for all current and aspiring clinical research professionals including clinical research associates (CRA), clinical operations managers, study managers, biostatisticians, medical doctors, safety monitors, clinical scientists and other healthcare professionals.
To learn more, visit -
Честный разговор о том, как устроена бьюти-индустрия.
Бьюти — это не только про ноготочки и масочки. Это еще и про бизнес-процессы, ответственность, упорство, постоянное обучение, а главное — про людей.
Меня зовут Катя Пилипенко, я наставник бьюти-мастеров, владелица двух студий косметологии в Санкт-Петербурге и действующий врач-косметолог. Каждый четверг я разбираю одну тему, связанную с индустрией красоты и рассказываю, как все устроено внутри бьюти.
Instagram* Кати:
*Instagram принадлежит компании Meta Platforms Inc., деятельность которой признана экстримистской и запрещена на территории Российской Федерации -
Sure, you've got a small business, but that doesn't mean you can't have big ambitions.Paradoxical is about the psychology behind doing big things in small business, so if you're looking to take your business to the next level, you've come to the right place. -
Merhaba herkese. Bu podcast serisinde psikiyatrinin dokunduklarına dair pek çok şeyi bulabilirsiniz.
''Bazıları duvarı görür, bazıları duvarın ardını...''
Bana ulaşmak isterseniz mail adresim: [email protected] -
The Awake With Jake Show was created to help you break through your mental barriers, gain clarity and awaken your power so you can live a free and fulfilling life.
Join Jake as he dives into the nuances of masculine and feminine dynamics of dating and relationships to help you find deeper connection and understanding. -
Haftalık yayınlanan bu Podcast’de Zeki Eser ve Emel Caba; sizleri hayatın stresinden biraz olsun uzaklaştırmak, bilgi dağarcığınızı genişletmek, eğlenmek ve eğlendirmek amacıyla hiçbir şeyi ve her şeyi irdeleyecekler. Biraz ondan, biraz da bundan olsun diyorsanız, Organik Beyinler tam size göre...
Neden podcast yapıyorum? Bunun bir kaç sebebi var. Bazı kişiler okumaktan ziyade dinlediklerinde daha iyi öğrenirler ya da bu şekilde öğrenmekten keyif alabilirler. Bir konuyu dinlemek izlemekten çok daha konforludur. İzlemek için ekranın başına oturmanız gerekir ama hareket halindeyken, iş yaparken, spor yaparken dinleme yapabilirsiniz.
İnsanın kendini anlaması, bir ormanın içinde yürümek gibi. Kendi adımlarımızla açacağımız patikalarla, kendi yolumuzu çizmemiz gerek.
Pınar Sabancı ile Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı Psikopatika'da bu yolları beraber keşfediyoruz. Kitaplar, filmler, filozoflar, bilim insanlarının ayak izleri bu yolda rehberimiz olacak. Bağcıklarını bağla, burası Psikopatika.
Yaşam zorlu bir süreç. Hepimiz bazen düşüyor bazen çıkıyoruz.
Düştüğümüz anlarda kalıcı hasarlar almamanın önemine inanıyoruz. Bu amaçla da kendi aramızda yıllardır konuştuğumuz konuları, bizi hayatta daha ileriye götüren, doğru bildiğimiz çizgiden sapmamamızı sağladığına inandığımız kitaplar, düşünce okulları ya da tarzları, belgeseller kısaca faydalı bulduğumuz tüm kaynakları beraber ele alıp konuşacağız.
Mücadele’ye hoş geldiniz. -
Jim Stengel, former CMO of the largest marketer in the world (Procter & Gamble), and now small company entrepreneur sits down for intimate conversations with the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This is not your typical marketing podcast, this is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO. Jim, who put purpose on the map gets in depth with each guest to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions Jim and his guests paint a picture of this demanding position that very few understand, yet affects the entire consumer experience.
The CMO Podcast is sponsored by Deloitte and StrawberryFrog.
The Purpose Girl Podcast is the modern woman’s home for finding purpose and living a fulfilling life.
With a masters degree in the science of happiness, a passion for the divine feminine, and a powerful resilience through horrific traumas, Carin Rockind powerfully encourages women to rise above life’s challenges and chaos to thrive. She gets real and raw to uplift others.
Carin’s core belief in life is that every single person on earth has a unique purpose. Because no two people have the same strengths, talents, passions and experiences, each of us has a unique contribution to make in this world. Each of us has a special gift to offer. That is our purpose. And when we’re living that purpose, when we’re giving our special gift to world, we’re happy.
Through listening to powerful interviews with purposeful women, learning practical tools to live your purpose now, and gaining an understanding of the science and spirit behind purpose, The PurposeGirl Podcast will help you discover your true self, overcome obstacles, and rise to becoming the bold beautiful woman you were born to be. -