Who’s a wounded healer? It’s any one of us who works in a caring profession and is bravely doing their own work, while helping others. My goal is to share the parallel journey we as healers walk along with our clients and how we attend to our own humanity while caring for others.
My podcast is about conversations and community building, what we can learn from each other, and how we can help heal each other. We’re cultivating a space where we celebrate vulnerability, authenticity and “showing up.”
It’s a place to meet people I think will inspire you, help you heal and grow – and who you can relate to at the same time.
I’m inspired by C.G. Jung’s “wounded healer” concept, where the healer’s own hurt that gives the measure of his own power to heal.
Another one of my heroes, Brene Brown, puts it best: “Mindfully practicing authenticity during our most soul-searching struggles is how we invite grace, joy and gratitude into our lives.”
Together, I hope this marriage of vulnerability and professionalism will inspire and entertain you...enjoy! -
The Successful Nurse Coaches is a space for Private Practice Nurse Coaches to learn the skills to generate income and create the successful private practice of their dreams.
Laura Minard and Shelby Kurz are both Board Certified Nurse Coaches who are revolutionizing the Nurse Coach Specialty with their innovate and state of the art certification Nurse Life Coach Academy.
With every episode, it is their mission to empower you, expand what you think is possible, and connect the greater nurse coach community so that we can expand and grow the field of Nurse Coaching making it a household name!
Join us for new Business related episodes every Monday!
Join us the first and third Thursday of the month with Nurse Life Coach Academy related Episodes! -
Baptist Management System (BMS) is an improvement system that focuses on creating a holistic management system built on purpose, people, and process. BMS exist within the overall operating system of Baptist Memorial Health Care. BMS promotes and is based on the following 11 Guiding Principles: Respect, Humility, Trust, Empathy, Perfection, Process Focus, Scientific Thinking, Quality at the Source, Flow and Pull, Constancy of Purpose, Systemic Thinking. As we embed the 11 Guiding Principles into our culture, demonstrated by our ideal principled-based behaviors, we will be passionate about continually improving the experience and outcomes for our customers.
The information discussed in the Connecting the Dots podcast are meant as a discussion about the subject of continuous improvement. It might showcase what our best, most motivated users have achieved. Expected outcomes and results may vary. All testimonials are real, may not reflect another user's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation is accredited by the Mississippi State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BMHCC designates this enduring material for a maximum of .50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
It is the policy of Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation (BMHCC) to promote balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all educational activities; to require disclosure of relevant financial relationships from individuals engaged in content development or planning of a CME activity; to identify and resolve conflicts of interest related to those relationships; and to make disclosure information available to the audience prior to the CME activity. Presenters are required to disclose discussions of unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or devices during their presentations. None of the hosts or guests have financial interests to disclose. -
Entspannt erfolgreich ist der Podcast für Selbstständige, die fokussierter und schneller ihre umsatzrelevanten To Do's's umzusetzen und ihre Selbstständigkeit erfolgreich voranbringen wollen, ohne auszubrennen!
Hi, ich bin Laura, Psychologin, Autorin und weder bin ich ein Fan von 24/7 Hustle, noch gehöre ich zu denen, die nur am Strand chillen wollen. Ich arbeite nämlich gerne 🤣. Mein Motto ist „Entspannt erfolgreich!“ - und der Schlüssel dazu ist die richtige Planung, kombiniert mit dem passenden Mindset.
Die richtige Planung hilft dir, dass du genau weißt wann was zu tun ist, dass du die richtigen Dinge tust, um dein Umsatzziel auch zu erreichen und dass du deine To Do’s erledigst und gleichzeitig noch ein Privatleben hast.
Dein Mindset ist entscheidend, damit du auch umsetzt, anstatt dich vor diesen Aufgaben zu drücken und stattdessen durch Instagram zu scrollen oder produktiv zu prorkastinieren, indem du irgendwas anderes, vermeintlich wichtiges, tust.
Kommt dir das bekannt vor? 😇
Genau solche Themen erwarten dich auch in meinem Podcast - mit Erfahrungswerte, Anleitungen & vieles mehr!
Ich freue mich mega mäßig, wenn du meinen Podcast mit vielen Sternen (höhö) bewertest und ihn mit deinen Business-Buddies teilst!
Da ich meine Pappenheimer ja kenne, und weiß, dass du vermutlich mehr zu tun als Zeit hast… sind die Podcastfolgen meistens nur 10-15 Minuten lang. Damit du dir trotz langer To Do Liste deine Dosis Impulse & Inspiration abholen kannst.
Folge mir auch unbedingt auf Instagram
Jetzt wünsche ich dir viel Spaß beim reinhören und inspirieren lassen! Deine Laura
Du willst lieber direkt in die Umsetzung kommen? Hier geht's zum Coaching 👉🏻 -
Healthcare Simplified is a podcast dedicated to helping executives, HR teams, and business owners navigate increased complexity in modern business healthcare solutions. Whether you’re trying to simplify your healthcare administrative solutions, explore the world of benefits, or use data analytics to predict the latest trends and opportunities, this show is dedicated to helping you create a frictionless healthcare experience for you and your employees.
Each episode features an interview with a thought leader or practitioner, discussing topics like: population health management, healthcare regulation and transparency, ACO solutions, healthcare pricing and reimbursement, concierge care, employee benefits, self insurance, and more. -
The Game-Changing Women of Healthcare is a podcast featuring exceptional women making an impact in healthcare today. We celebrate our guests’ accomplishments, setbacks, and the lessons they've learned throughout their careers. We dig into the many healthcare issues we face today and how these innovative leaders are working to solve them. Join host Meg Escobosa in conversation with some of the many brilliant, courageous women on the front lines of the future of health.
Честный разговор о том, как устроена бьюти-индустрия.
Бьюти — это не только про ноготочки и масочки. Это еще и про бизнес-процессы, ответственность, упорство, постоянное обучение, а главное — про людей.
Меня зовут Катя Пилипенко, я наставник бьюти-мастеров, владелица двух студий косметологии в Санкт-Петербурге и действующий врач-косметолог. Каждый четверг я разбираю одну тему, связанную с индустрией красоты и рассказываю, как все устроено внутри бьюти.
Instagram* Кати:
*Instagram принадлежит компании Meta Platforms Inc., деятельность которой признана экстримистской и запрещена на территории Российской Федерации -
The Awake With Jake Show was created to help you break through your mental barriers, gain clarity and awaken your power so you can live a free and fulfilling life.
Join Jake as he dives into the nuances of masculine and feminine dynamics of dating and relationships to help you find deeper connection and understanding. -
Haftalık yayınlanan bu Podcast’de Zeki Eser ve Emel Caba; sizleri hayatın stresinden biraz olsun uzaklaştırmak, bilgi dağarcığınızı genişletmek, eğlenmek ve eğlendirmek amacıyla hiçbir şeyi ve her şeyi irdeleyecekler. Biraz ondan, biraz da bundan olsun diyorsanız, Organik Beyinler tam size göre...
Jim Stengel, former CMO of the largest marketer in the world (Procter & Gamble), and now small company entrepreneur sits down for intimate conversations with the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This is not your typical marketing podcast, this is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO. Jim, who put purpose on the map gets in depth with each guest to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions Jim and his guests paint a picture of this demanding position that very few understand, yet affects the entire consumer experience.
The CMO Podcast is sponsored by Deloitte and StrawberryFrog.
The Art of Emergency Medicine podcast is an effort to help and inspire trainees of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) to put their best foot forward and progress through the program. We achieve this by covering various training issues and exam topics focussed on SAQ and OSCE questions. Abrar and Kishan – FACEM and Advanced Trainee respectively, form the core of our creative team, based in Melbourne, Australia. We hope you enjoy it!
Ussal Şahbaz teknoloji, toplum ve politikanın teknoloji, toplum, politika kesişiminde dünyada olup bitenlerin Türkiye’ye yansımalarını tartışıyor. Teknoloji, sanat ve siyaset dünyasında ilginç konuklar yatırılmayan konuları masaya yatırıyor. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de en büyük startup dolandırıcılıkları neler? Yapay zeka falınıza bakabilir mi? Medya işinden para kazanmak mümkün mü? Buna benzer soruların cevaplarını merak ediyorsanız, bu podcasti kaçırmayın!
The FPI podcast provides personal trainers, strength coaches and nutritionists with industry leading and evidence based certifications, continuing education programs and specialization trainings to help elevate these professions to the level that they deserve based on their profound ability to impact the health and well-being and overall life of their clients and patients.
Kids Healthcast is a pediatric podcast for parents. It is recorded by Indiana University Pediatric residents at Riley Hospital for Children. It covers health topics parents may be interested in a monthly half hour mp3-format podcast. Each month includes Health News, Medical Trivia, Parenting tips, and two segments on children's health ranging from constipation to normal newborn development and lots of information in between.