Where does Hideo Kojima (creator of the globally acclaimed video game “Death Stranding” and “Metal Gear” franchise), get his ideas? In this podcast, we take a deep dive into his brain and shed light on his creative process. New subsequent episodes released weekly each Thursday at 9.00PM JST in both Japanese and English. Please send your message for this podcast. Message can be in either English or Japanese. ▶︎ https://forms.gle/Gg24j3DtCbMcUeVp8 世界的なゲームクリエイター小島秀夫が、世界のリスナーに向けてSpotifyでオリジナルポッドキャスト番組『Hideo Kojima presents Brain Structure』 日本語版と英語版の2言語 で毎週木曜21時頃配信中。