Sport – Ukraina – Nya podcasts

  • Personal Trainer, Sportwissenschaftler und passionierter aktiver Sportler. Coach Mischa oder einfach Mischa Bischoff.
    Nenne mir eine Sportart und ich sage dir mindestens 4 Gründe warum ich sie Liebe. Sport bestimmt eigentlich seitdem ich Laufen kann mein Leben. Nach meinem Sportstudium habe ich meine Personal Trainer Karriere gestartet und habe mich in den letzten Jahren sehr aktiv selbst weitergebildet.
    Ein Podcast von einem Fitness-Nerd, der es liebt sein Wissen weiterzugeben und bestrebt ist, den Menschen dabei zu helfen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen.

  • This is Inside Track: The Official World Athletics Podcast. Discover the world of athletics with the biggest names, most revealing stories and unparalleled coverage of the most exciting track and field events.Be it running, jumping & throwing; this is where you'll find the inside track on the world’s best athletes & competitions. Subscribe or follow so you don't miss any of the action.Watch the full video version of this show, and more, via

  • Tips not Slips

    The offical home of punting with fools. Follow a few punters go through the trials and tribulation of a weekend of punting.

  • ► Наш Ютуб: ⁠⁠⁠⁠.
    ► Телеграм канал «Корнеріто»: ⁠

  • Подкаст про ФК Баварія Мюнхен

  • "Gameweek 39" – подкаст про Фентезі Англійської Прем'єр-ліги українською мовою 🇺🇦. Трансфери, травми, новини, огляди прес-конференцій про все це в цьому подкасті.

  • Welcome to Cheap Seat Rounders

    Grab a folding chair, your favorite beverage and let your hosts “The Don” Donald, “Coach” Curry, Mark MD, and “El Guapo” Harvey welcome you into their podcast to talk anything from sports, sports betting, stocks and crypto, or just everyday suburban hot topics and trends. Find a quiet place, put the kids to bed, let's shoot the sh!t.

  • Jay Cat Morris talks independent Wrestling and much more with various guests

  • Podcast da TORCIDA UNIFORMIZADA PALMEIRAS ÁLCOOL E CHURRASCO - TUPAC. Aqui a resenha é franca, a corneta é livre, o papo é reto e o porco é prioridade. Cola com nóis!

  • Подкаст "Як тебе не любити, Арсенале мій?" – розмова двох палких вболівальників лондонського «Арсенала» Андрія та Дмитра, під час якої ми будемо обговорювати всі актуальні новини, що стосуються команди, акцентуватимемо увагу на важливих деталях перед кожним матчем, а також будемо говорити про англійську Прем'єр-лігу наприкінці.

  • Get It Again is taking a look back at WCW Thunder! Wrestling insiders Andrea Listenberger, Smackdown writer, Andrew Krukowski, former Lucha Underground writer, and Matt Mazany, former Raw and NXT writer, and host Stephen Loh partake in a journey to rewatch all 156 episodes of Thunder and discuss all the would'ves, could'ves, should'ves, and what-ifs of WCW's infamous B-show.

  • Валентин Мурко и Максим Матюшевский еженедельно подводят итоги главных событий в мировом и отечественном рестлинге. Честно, объективно, без купюр.

    Валентин Мурко -
    Максим Матюшевский -
    Телеграм-канал "Рестлинг Поле" -
    Группа "Рестлинг Москвы" -

  • Hosted by Ian Epstein & Luke Pergande, co-founders of PropSwap - the first marketplace to buy and sell sports bets. The goal of this podcast is to view the world of sports through the lense of betting and how to take full advantage of the PropSwap Marketplace.

  • Hi! Wir sind Dani und Olli, zwei Master-Studenten aus Stuttgart und uns verbindet vor allem eins: die Liebe zum Sport. Mit unserem Podcast “Beyond Sports” möchten wir Randsportarten und deren Athleten eine Bühne bieten. Hinter Randsportarten stehen meistens Menschen mit tollen Geschichten, die alles in den Sport stecken und mit unfassbar viel Leidenschaft dabei sind. Diese Menschen können unserer Meinung nach nicht genug Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Wir setzen uns daher in jeder Folge mit Athleten zusammen, sprechen über seine Karriere und die Faszination der Sportart. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!😊

  • Learn How To Sign A Pro Basketball Contract and Have THE BEST Job In The World — And Stop Letting Your Talent Go To Waste So You’ll Never Again Be Ignored or Overlooked Again….

    The Overseas Basketball Blueprint exists to shed a bright light on the world of Overseas Basketball so you know WHAT the game is about, WHY it works the way that it works, and HOW you can get your foot in the door and get paid to travel the world to play professional basketball — all so you can stop feeling like you’ve wasted your basketball talent, or feeling as if your basketball opportunity has passed you by.

    Understand the basics of Overseas Basketball so you can have a clear understanding of the path ahead of you which means you know what 99% of players NEVER know about the Overseas world

    Know how to make yourself stand out amongst so many other hungry players so you're able to push your name to the "top of the pile" for scouts and decision makers which means you can get a REAL opportunity to show what you can do -- quickly

    Learn what others have done to start their Overseas Basketball careers so you're able to understand the many different ways to "get on" so you have options for getting your foot in the door in Overseas Basketball and that means use a strategy that's made for TODAY -- not for ten years ago

    Know about Money: how it works Overseas, how much you can make, and WHY which enables you to have an understanding of what you should expect to make when playing Overseas which means you can know what your salary may be like, and how that fits into your overall life situation

    What to do if you're coming from a small school (or no school at all) and have never been "looked at" which lets you get your chance to play even if you're unknown and don't have film or connections so you can STILL play pro basketball -- even though you've been overlooked for so long

    Your host: Dre Baldwin, aka DreAllDay. A former NCAA D3 walk-on who didn’t even play his last year-plus of college ball, Dre managed to hustle his way into an Overseas Basketball career. Even then, Dre’s path wasn’t so smooth — which led him to entrepreneurship while still playing. Now a full-time business owner, Dre is author of 26 books.

  • Podcast with Drexel Smith and Guest! I will have Interviews with coaches, college/professional scouts, players/athlete, motivational speakers, athletic trainers, and so many more types of people to prepare you to become exceptional individuals both on and off the field! Join our community today! We welcome you and hope to inspire, educate and support you through your journeyI life!

  • Це подкаст "Сичарня". Четверо чоловіків люблять спорт і говорять про нього. Не блогери і не журналісти. Нуль експертизи, нуль відповідальності. Уяви посиденьки на кухні. Бери стілець і приєднуйся.